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Carbon Nanotube FETs:

Single walled carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1993, and only a few years later carbon nanotube
field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) and circuits were realized. The science and technology of CNTFETs
is still at an early stage, but they do show promise. They also provide an opportunity to apply the theory
of ballistic transistors to an interesting new materials system. Before we discuss CNTFETs, it is important
to realize that there are two different ways to make a transistor. As shown in Fig. a, the first type is a
MOSFET-like device for which any charge demanded by the gate is supplied from the contacts. We refer
to such a device as a charge modulation transistor. The second type of transistor is shown in Fig. b. In this
case, there is a barrier at the contact, and the transistor operates by modulating the width of the tunnel
barrier and, therefore, the current that flows in from the contact. We refer to this type of device as a
transmission modulation transistor. One can, therefore, conceive of two types of CNTFETs - charge
modulation (MOSFET-like) CNTFETs and transmission-modulation (Schottky barrier) CNTFETs.

Schottky Barrier Carbon Nanotube FETs:

Most present-day CNTFETs operate as Schottky barrier transistors. Li modeling such devices, a simple, analytical
treatment is not possible, so numerical simulations are essential. For a mid-gap Schottky barrier (i.e. one for which
the barriers to the conduction and valence bands are equal), the typically observed log(Id) vs. VGS characteristic is
sketched in Fig below. This is an n-channel device, but note that a negative gate voltage does not turn the device off.
The device displays so-called ambipolar conduction. The minimum current occurs at a gate voltage of one-half of
the drain voltage. We seek a qualitative understanding of why ambipolar conduction occurs and why the minimum
current occurs at VG = VDD/2.

To understand the origin of the ambipolar conduction, consider first the case where VDS = 0, so ID = 0. Figure
a(below) shows the band diagram for VG = VD = 0. For VG > 0, Fig. b(below) shows that the conduction band is
pushed down and electrons tunnel into the conduction band from both contacts. (The net current is zero in this case
because there the tunneling is equal and opposite in both directions. For VG < 0, the bands are pulled up, and holes
can tunnel in from each contact. The point is that when VGS > 0, the conduction band barrier is thinned, and the
tunneling current increases. When VGS < 0, the valence band barrier is thinned, and the hole tunneling current

Illustration of how both electrons and holes can be injected into an

intrinsic nanotube channel depending on whether VG > 0 or VG <
0. VDS
= 0 in each case, (a) VG = 0, (b) VG > 0, (c) VG < 0.

Sketch of a mid-gap Schottky barrier CNFET with VG = VDD/2

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