Week 4

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By : Carlo M.

Weekly Journal: Week 5 (March 18-22)

Monday: March 18
Today, my cooperating teacher asked me about my Table of
Specifications (TOS) for the upcoming quarterly exam. It was a bit nerve-
wracking as it was my first time creating one. Analyzing and distributing
questions to their appropriate levels was challenging for me. However, I
received valuable assistance from my previous advisor, Ma'am Dovie, which
eased my worries. With her help, I managed to prepare the TOS, and my
cooperating teacher checked it. So far, everything seems to be in order.

Thursday: March 20
With the quarterly exam approaching in two days, my cooperating
teacher instructed me to conduct a thorough review of our lessons. We
dedicated two days to review sessions, and I have a good feeling about the
preparedness of our students. The effort and dedication put into the
review sessions seem promising.

Thursday: March 22 (Examination Day)

Today marked the day of the quarterly examination. My cooperating
teacher and I collaborated to distribute test papers to each advisor of
grades 8 and 10. We decided to utilize ZipGrade for test scoring due to its
efficiency and convenience. The examination commenced promptly at 8 am,
with each subject allotted a duration of one hour. I volunteered to proctor
the grade 10 class, which is the advisory class of my cooperating teacher.
My subject, mathematics, was scheduled from 1 pm to 2 pm. After the
examination, I began the task of grading the papers of my students. It was
a meticulous process, but one that is crucial for accurately assessing their
understanding and progress.

This week was intense yet rewarding. Preparing for and conducting the
quarterly exam provided me with valuable insights into the teaching-
learning process. Collaborating with my cooperating teacher and utilizing
tools like the Table of Specifications and ZipGrade enhanced my skills and
confidence as an educator. Moving forward, I aim to continue learning and
refining my teaching practices to better support my students' academic

Carlo M. Mutia

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