Week 3

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By : Carlo M.

During my third week as a student teacher, I found myself immersed in a continuous
cycle of learning and growth. As each hour, day, and week passed, I accumulated more
knowledge and experience. Concepts that once seemed insurmountable gradually
became clearer, and I found myself not only understanding them but also effectively
conveying them to my students. It was intriguing to realize that the subjects I
struggled with in the past were now within my grasp, and I could empathize with my
students' challenges while also appreciating their efforts to learn.
This week, I decided to assess my students' understanding by preparing a
comprehensive quiz based on our previous lessons. However, despite my efforts, I
encountered mixed results. While some students excelled, others faltered, perhaps
due to insufficient review of the material. Nonetheless, I witnessed progress overall,
with the majority of students demonstrating a satisfactory level of understanding.
One crucial aspect of my role as a student teacher that I delved into this week was
advisory responsibilities. I learned from my cooperating teacher about the importance
of managing the areas assigned to my students for cleaning each morning and
afternoon. Taking charge of this task, I guided my students in fulfilling their duties
diligently, whether it was tidying the classroom, watering plants, or cleaning pathways.
It was gratifying to observe their sense of responsibility and cooperation in
maintaining a clean environment.
On Thursday, the school organized its monthly first-day mass, a tradition that brought
together students, teachers, and staff in a moment of reflection and unity. Alongside
my fellow student teachers, I participated in this solemn occasion, fostering a sense of
community within the school.
As the week drew to a close, Friday offered a chance for relaxation and bonding with
my advisory class, the grade 10 section Aristotle. Every Friday, we engaged in
activities and games that I had prepared, providing a refreshing break from academic
pursuits. We also enjoyed watching movies together, strengthening our rapport and
creating memorable experiences outside the classroom.
Reflecting on this week, I am reminded of the dynamic nature of teaching
and the continuous learning journey it entails. Each experience, whether in
lesson planning, classroom management, or student interaction, contributes
to my growth as an educator. I look forward to the weeks ahead, embracing
challenges and opportunities for further development.
- Hannah Morales -

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