Interview Schedule

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Candidate Name Experience Current company

Jyoti Gogia 2 RIC Energy

Dimpy Khurana 9 Rezo

Shaurya Sharma 7 FCx Performance
Nikita Garg 3 Novatr

Tushar Arora 10 Ind App IT Pvt Ltd

Bineet Kaur 7 Edge metaversity

Current Salary Expected Salary Notice Locations Remarks

10.8 lpa same immediate delhi Role mismatch, non technical

18+4 25lpa immediate delhi not happy with role or organisation

17lpa negoatiable immediate Gurgaon Looking for opportunity
14.5lpa negoatiable immediate Gurgaon
mother's health reason, looking for opportunity

11lpa negoatiable 15days Gurgaon

Will check the details about the company and confirm

Not interested in joining at the same

level, resigned from previous job and
17lpa fixed 1lakh variable currently freelancing. Good profile
Interview Scheduled

face to face to be
scheduled, she will
confirm the day, she had to travel urgently to bangalore,
comfortable on will be back next week and confirm the
Saturday date for face to face

6:30pm 06/04 19/04 5pm face to face confirmed

7:00pm 06/04 Shortlisted
12/04 6pm Nishant to meet today 18/04

18/04 disconnected the call but messaged,

mpany and confirm he will confirm availability,

19/04 6:00pm Google meet interview 19/04

AAKASH PANDEY 13 Labcorp 30 lpa 0.4 immediateBhopal

Gaurav Tandon 23 Total IT Gl 26+7 lpa negoatiablimmediatedelhi

JASKANWARJEET SINGH BAKSHI 7 WizIQ 50lpa negoatiablimmediateGurgaon

MALVIKA SHARMA 13 Bakson 8lpa 9lpa 1month Gurgaon

SAURABH VERMA 13 Greenpanel23lpa negoatiabl1month Gurgaon


Jyoti Mandal Anuschka

15 Leather 15lpa negoatiable 1 month Faridabad

Shilpy Mishra 22
Tech Care For All
Restructuring in the
organisation, Salary too

Very good candidate but

salary too high,
management issues due
to multiple reporting

Good candidate,
founder and ceo of his
company, too high on
salary, open for
discussion, very positive

Looking for opportunity,

no bd experience and
been into garment,
good resource

shifting to bangalore
and he doesn’t want
move. High on salary,
will not be suitable
Not relevent good of a
, could be
tried for
uringfor comm and personality,
better oppportunity rejected
roles only
No and not
no response response BD

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