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THEWORKINGPAPER FirstPhaseofthe2011/12InternationalExchangeProgrammeInstitute Theme:StrengtheningWomensPotentialinLeadershipandPeaceBuilding Venue:Uganda,EastAfrica Dates:Monday14thtoWednesday30thNovember2011 The world of humanity is possessed of two wings.

ngs. So long as these 2 wings are not equivalentinstrength,thebirdwillnotfly.Untilwomankindreachesthesamedegree as man, until she enjoys the same arena of activity, extraordinary attainment for humanitywillnotberealized.Whenthetwowingsbecomeequivalentinstrength,in enjoying the same prerogative, the flight of man will be exceedingly lofty and extraordinary. Abdul-Baha


1.Introduction: IsisWICCE will run the 2011/12 International Exchange Programme Institute on the theme Strengthening Womens Potential in Leadership and Peace Building. The First PhaseoftheInstitute(residential)willtakeplaceinUganda,EastAfrica,fromMonday14 toWednesday30November2011. 2.Background: Countries like Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Liberia, Nepal, South Sudan and Uganda have experienced armed conflict for a period of 2040 years. Systematic sexual violence against women in these countries is reported to have impacted on over 60% of women and girls physical and psychological wellbeing (IsisWICCE 1997, 2007 & 2008). Armed conflict negatively impacts the livelihood and well being of the population, with women constituting the reported 85% of civilian victims. Sexual violence is rampant in such situations, and leaves physical and psychological effects on the survivors, their families, communities and development in general. These include the spread of HIV/AIDS, the displacement of people, trauma among survivors, reproductive health complications psychosocialproblems,andthedeprivationofsocialservices. The monitoring and evaluation feedback of IsisWICCE (2005, 2007/8, 2010 institute) demands for yet another level of capacity building, as the institute alumnae have had to come face to face with the shocking realities of the magnitude and gravity of the horrendous atrocities committed against women. This has led to emotional break down, burn out, and sometimes resignation. There is continued lack of response to the key problemsfacedbycommunitiesinarmedandpostconflictsettings.Moreskills,knowledge andinformationarestillrequiredtosupporttheeverincreasingdemandforactivismand

engagementtomakemeaningfulcontributionstowardswomensrights,peaceandhuman security. 3.The2011/12Institute IsisWICCEs International Exchange Programmme Institute (here after referred to as the Institute) is committed to promoting womens leadership in peace building and conflict transformationthroughpeaceeducation.TheInstitutedevelopshumancapitaltoaddress thedeficitofwomensleadershipinarmedandpostconflictsettings,buildsavanguardof women leaders who are able to manage the issues and dynamics of conflicts in their settings,andthattheycontinueworkingtowardseradicatingviolenceagainstwomen. The Institute is in response to key international frameworks including CEDAW; the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Platform of Action; and the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. The Institute training modules build up to participants understanding and application of the components of peace and ensure that their work continues to bring uniquevaluethroughtheirnewperspectivesandmodelstoleadership. The2011/12InstituteisonthethemeofStrengtheningWomens PotentialinLeadership and Peace Building. The objective of the institute is to provide knowledge and practical skills to improve competencies of women leaders and their sending organisations, to effectivelyengageandtakeleadinconflicttransformationandpeacebuilding. 4.ActivitiesoftheFirstPhase a) The Training Programme: Participants will receive training in three thematic areas. Theyare:FeministApproachestoConflict;SexualandReproductiveHealthandRights,as well as Research Methods and Documentation of Womens Realities. The training will provideanunderstandingofkeyconceptsandtheoriesthatunderpineachmoduleaswell as the gender analysis, to complement the indigenous knowledge. Furthermore, the training will deepen participants understanding of the modules and their applicability at personal level, as change short start at individual levels. The bilingual (English/French) trainingprogrammewilluseadultlearningmethodologies,todeepentheunderstandingof the various training modules. Brainstorming, plenary reflection, small group discussions, useofcodes,skits,theatrefordevelopment,tutorialsandjournalingwillbeused.Eachof thetrainingmoduleswilllastthreeworkingdays,andreadingmaterialswillbeprovided. b) CrossCultural Exchange Visit: Participants will travel to Kasese District in Western Uganda(closetotheboarderofD.R.Congo)toengageinthe2011PeaceExposition,aspart of their crosscultural exchange visits. The practical learning space will provide participants with a firsthand account and interaction with development realities of the postconflict community; empathize with vulnerable communities; and acquire coping mechanismsaswellasbestpracticesthatcanbereplicatedintheircommunities.Theywill be able to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park, trek up the hills in the villages and participateintheeventsofthePeaceExpo(opendialogueswithcommunitiesinsearchfor


solutions, medical camps, policy dialogues). The visits will provide crucial learning sites forwomenleaderstoknowthatanotherworldispossible,andtochangetheirattitudeand apathy on issues. The process will further enhance women leaders commitment to the developmentissuesandtotheworkthattheyundertakeintheircommunities. c) Planning for Practical Skills Application: The Institute offers an actionoriented trainingpackage,wherereplicationofskillsisembeddedaspartofthepracticallearning process. Duringthis period, participants willbe facilitated to transfer the knowledge and skillsacquiredintheInstituteintotheirowncommunitysettings.Plansofactionwillbe developedduringthisphase,andimplementedintheSecondPhase(fieldimplementation phase) of the training, which will run from January to June 2011. Technical support and seed funding will be provided to country groups to implement and learn from an agreed plan of action, by documenting an identified armed conflict and the specific violations committedagainstwomen.Thedataacquiredinthefieldwillbesubsequentlyusedinthe lastphaseofthetrainingtoenablewomenleadersengageinpracticalresponses,activism, advocacyandcreatingshiftsinpostconflictcommunities.Studyfindings/reportswillbe presented back in the most creative forms that are informed by the different disciplines thattheparticipantsbringtotheinstitute. 5.InstituteParticipation The 2011/12 Institute has 34 women leaders from Anglo and Franco phone countries in Africa and Asia, that are in armed and postconflict settings. The countries are: Cote Divoire,D.R.Congo,India,Nepal,Pakistan,RepubliqueCentrafricaine,Tunisia,Ugandaand Zimbabwe.Theparticipantshavebeenidentifiedfromseveraldisciplinesandtheirknow knowledgewillbenefitcommunitiesthroughtheworkoftheirsendingorganizationsand groups. The 2011/12 Institute is made possible with contributions from Anonymous, EED Germany, HIVOS, ICCOenKerkinactie, NORAD/Norwegian Council for Afrika, and Open SocietyInstitute. InstituteHost: IsisWomensInternationalCrossCulturalExchange(IsisWICCE), Plot23,BukotoStreet,Kamwokya P.OBox4934,Kampala,UGANDA. Tel:+256414543953Fax:+256414543954;,,


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