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FORCE EXERTED BY A LIQUID ON A PLANE AREA ™ The force F exerted by aliquid on a plane area A is equal to the product of the specific weight y of the liquid, depth of the center of gravity of the area hea, and the area. = The equation is FayheA ( units being warns oo NaN emxm? fr m 1] Note that the product of specific weight and depth of the center of gravity of the area ‘yields the intensity of pressure at the area's center of gravity. The line of action of the force passes through the center of pressure, which can be located by applying the formula FORCE EXERTED BY A LIQUID ON A PLANE AREA @® where lec is the moment of inertia of the area about its center of gravity amis (see Figure). Distances y are measured along the plane from an axis located at the intersection of the plane and the liquid suriace, both extended if necessary. Centroid ore xd* Ig ED 1 YDROSTATIC FORCE ON PLANE SURFACE | = FORMULAS Where: F = hydrostatic Force = specific weight of fluid “h= distance of the centroid from the liquid surface A= Plane Surface Area 1, = moment of inertia of the plane surface ¥ = distance of the centroid from 0 along the y-oxis Ay = Static moment 6 = angle of the plane with the horizontal & FORCE EXERTED BY A LIQUID ON A CURVED | SURFACE = The horizontal component of the hydrostatic force on a curved surface Is equal to the normal force on the vertical projection of the surface. The component acts through the center of pressure for the vertical projection. ® The vertical component of the hydrostalic force on a curved surface is equal to the weight of the volume of liquid above the area, real or imaginary. The force passes through the center of ity of the volume. WD HOOP OR CIRCUMFERENTIAL TENSION ® Hoop tension or circumferential tension Is created in the walls of a cylinder subjected to internal pressure. For thin-walled cylinders (t < 0.1 d), = typical units being Ib/in? (psi) or Pa. pressure p x radius r intensity of stress 0 = ? thickness 1 NGITUDINAL STRESS IN THIN-WALLED CYLINDERS Longitudinal stress in thin-walled cylinders closed at the ends is equal to half the hoop tension. WD YDROSTATIC FORCES ON DAMS i ™ Large hydrostatic forces to which dams are subjected tend to cause a dam to = {1} side horizontally along its bose and = (2| overturn about ils downstream edge (which is known as the toe of the dam). ® Another factor that may affect dam stability is hydrostatic uplift along the bottom of the dam, by water seeping under the dam. Checks for dam stability are made by finding =/{1| the factor of safely against siding, (2) the tactor of satety agcinst cvertuming, and ® [3] the pressure intensity on the base of the dam. The factor of safety against sliding is determined by dividing sliding resistance by si The factor of safety against overtuming is computed by dividing the total righting (resisting) moment by the total overturning moment, all moments being taken about the toe of the dam. Pressure intensity on the base of the dam canbe calculated using the flexural formula NEED {YDROSTATIC FORCES ON DAMS | = Pressure intensity on the base of the dam can be calculated using the flexural formula p= F/A£Myx/I, +M,y/l; p = pressure intensity ‘@ F=lolal vertical load = A= area of base of dam Mx, My = tolal moment abou! the x and y axes, respectively kk l¥= moment of inerlia abou! the x ond y axes, respectively ® xy = distance from centroid fe the poin! al which pressure intensily is computed along the x and y axes, respectively ED FLuip statics = 1. Fluid Pressure (P) ® The average pressure intensily is defined as the force exerled on a unit area. where: P = pressure F = Force A=Area = 2. Pascal's Law @ Al any point in a fiuid al rest the pressure is the same in al directions. = =P =P, 3. Variation in Pressure ® The pressure at any point below the free surface of a liquid js equal the product of the unit weight of the quid and the depth of the point in question. = dP=ydh b ED FLUID STATICS J 1 y= specific weight ® 4. Basic equation of fluid statics applied to liquids: = =—+yh = Whore: R= rhy Pee phe 5. Basic equation of fluid statics applied fo gases: = B=R-yh sea level = 6. Atmospheric or Barometric Pressure ® The atmospheric or barometric pressure 's the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on every surface with which it comes in contact and ismmeasured by barometer. ED FLuip statics | © Pat = 101.925 Kpa =147 psi = 1.032 kg/cm* =1.0atm 51.013 bar =70mmHa = 1,032 kg/cm? 7. Absolute Pressure = Absolute pressure is the pressure measured above absolute zero. © Pas = Pyage + Patm ® Note: Pane em @ Tero GAGE oF atmospheric pressure zero, b& ED FLuip statics = 8. Gage Pressure ® The cage pressure is the pressure measured by means of cages above or helow the alrosphetic level © Page = Pate ~ Pate ® Nole: Al sea level Phage = 9. Pressure in Manometers ple U- Tube Manometer Using the principle of that the pressure at the horizontal level in Confinuous uid is the same (Pascal's Law), the pressure at the lett and the right limbs of the manometer of the datum level ZZ can be calculated as follows : Pa = Yah = Yahs + Pram B. Differential Manometer FO Je Pa = yaa = yoho + ysha + Pa ay i te ED FLUID STATICS = 10. Buoyancy (Archimedes Principle) - ® A body submerged in a fluid is subjected by an unbalanced [orce called the buoyanl force ‘equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. fo = Wa Fu=yWs Fa = Winaie ~ Weater = Where: Fy = buoyant Force W = weight of the body = w. = weight of the displaced liquid y= specific weight of the substance (luid) Va = volume displaced of fiuid or the volume of the lbody submerged EE Buoyancy and Flotation = ARCHIMEDES’ PRINCIPLE ® Ihe basic principle of buoyancy and flotation was first discovered and stated by Archimedes over 2200 years ago. Archimedes’ principle may be slated as follows: ® A body floating or submerged In a vid Is buoyed (lifted) upward by a force equal fo the weight ot Ihe vid thal would be in the volume displaced by the fluid, This lorce is known as the buoyant force. II follows, then, thal a floating body displaces ifs own weigh! of Ihe fluid in which it floats. ® Slated onother way, a floating body displaces a sufficient volume of fiuid fo just balance ils own weight. The point through which the buoyant force acts is called the center of buoyancy, it is located at the center of gravily of the displaced fluid. By applying Archimedes’ principle, volumes of ieguiar soids can be found by determining the apparent loss of weight when a body is wholly Immersed in ai liquid! of known specific gravity. Specific grovities of liquids can be determined by ‘observing the depth of flotation of a hycrometer. Further applications include problems of general flotation anc of naval architectural desian. = HOMOGENOUS SOLID BODIES FLOATING IN HOMOGEMOUS FLUID AT REST | SG.vo SG.v0. ty a= SE usey in Hy = 2obewr | mv,= S.Goiquia S.G.tiquia S.Giquia = Whete: V, = Aubmerged volume (equal to the displaced volume| A= submerged area is = submerged height (sometimes called drat) BED HYDROSTATIC FORCE ON PLANE SURFACE cr] submerged vertically \ SD FLUID FLOW IN THE PIPES = A. Continuity Equation ® For incompressible fluids the volume flow rate at steady state is constant in any section of the pipe, while for compressible fluids the mass flow rate is constant. Q (for compressible fluids) ED FLUID FLOW IN THE PIPES i ® 8B, Energy Equation ® The eneray of the flowing fluid por unit fime passing any upstream section is the same as the ‘energy per unit time passing any downstream se the loss of head between two sections. = BERNOULLI'S EQUATION z 2 Naz +47, =e 422 ms 2g Y iZ=elevalion = velocily head ressure head z SD FLUID FLOW IN THE PIPES | = Cu Types of Steady Flow in Pipes | © 1. Laminar Flow (R, $2000) = 2, Turbulent Flow [R. > 4000) © Note: Above 2000 and below oF equal fo 4000 is the transition zone wher nor turbulent = D, Reynolds Number (R, ) the flow is neither laminar Note: for Non-circular cross section VD wv: R. Hk Ha Res AVR vb. fov? c= R, = — S. y mice 8 = Where: hydraulic radius V- mean velocity p= density REAP A= cross-sectional area = i specific we > D= diomeier of the pipe y= specific weight, Wao a= dynamic: viscosity g = acceleralion D=diameter ( D = 4R,) = Kinematic viscosity MD FLUID FLOW IN THE PIPES . Major Head Losses in Pipes } = 1, Lominar Flow (Hagen ~ Poiseuille Equation) 32gLV yr = hp= = 2. lurbulent Flow (Darcy — Weisbach Equation) 3, Turbulent Flow (Manny —Chezy Equation} wm hp = S2N'LW! 5, 10an'Lg pee Mt= pies E, Minor Head Losses in Pipes ehaKe h= minor head loss V= mean velocity = coefficien! of minor loss = Where: > where: Q= discharge rate (m°/s} coefficient of roughness {= coefficient of friction V=mean velocity (m/s) diameter (rm) dynamic viscosity y~ specific weight = pipe length & e = Hazen-Williamn’s acceleration due fo gravily ED FLUID FLOW IN THE PIPES | = F-Pipesin Series ™ QU == 05 = Hy = bys + bye + hrs + bra. ® G. Pipes in Parallel PM Q=Uta+Q: Hy = hua = hy = hrs & = Where: 9 = discharge H, = head losses ED Orifices and Weirs | = A. Ofifice is a small opening from which the liquid flows. = |. Criice(Steady Flow) ® The Actual Velocity Through an Orilices is: V=Cy/2gh ® The Actual Discharge fough an Oriice is: Q= Cy Ao y2ah Note: for theoretical velocity, ¢y = 1.0 for theoretical discharge, Cy = 1.0 = Where: C, = coefficient of Velocity A, = area of the orifice ‘4 = Coefficient of discharge h = total head loss ED Orifices and Weirs | © 2. Otifice(Unsteady Flow) = Case I:when Q;=0 tj She Cato l2ah © Case 2: when Q; Qo (@time t= 0) ai av Ths Q.—CaAoy2ah Oi Where: av = Adh A ={(h) = area ot elevation “h” 5 ED Orifices and Weirs | = B. Welrs any obstruction of stream flow over which water flows. = 1. Weirs (Variable Row) ‘Sharp-Crested and Free-Fiowing, hy dV raj 2 Qw where: ave aan Qe = Call? (rectanguiar weir) Qw = Ca? (irlangular wer) oretical Flow: == /2gh (H+ a1 2. Actual Flow Ca= r= 5/25 L= lenath of the crest W, = widih of the channel H = head over the crest = Cy LH?/2 when: “=o P = height of the weir a 25 by Y= Velocity approach = 3. Francis Formula ((-= 0.622) d= depth upstroam Qy= 1.84 LH? vy" yy visors => Hydrodynamics ® A. Force on Fixed Objects | ® 1. Horizontal Component of Force F, = 22 2 Fy =F (Von - Vaud © 2. Vertical Component on Force: FyA (ov - Vie) 3. Resullant = (Rr +R* Where: Q=ay, A= area ot the jet > Hydrodynamics ® B. Force on Moving Objects © 1. Horizontal Component of Force are 3 = (ono) = 2.Verlical Component on Force A= area of the jel v= velocity of the moving object elocily of the jet —_ Hydrodynamics | = C.Drag Force ® Drag Force is the resistance Caused by friction in the direction opposite to that of the motion of the center of gravily of o moving body in a fluid. a Fa= Cav Ap 2, Where: < drag coetticient jean velocity A, = projected area of the moving object Fy= drag force _ Solved Problems | | ® A fiuid that has velocity of 18 m/s will have an equivalent head of: ® Solution: —_ Solved Problems = Acylindrical pipe with water flowing downward at 0.02 m’/s having top diameter of 0.08, bttom diameter of 0.04 m ana height of 1.5 m. Find the pressure between the pipe. = Solution: Using Bernoulli's Equation +Z,= fing for V, and Vp and (Zz =Z4): Then; 02 Py-P _ (289F-(a98)? | A= rags = 398 Is ae = GEO + (1.5) 02 thus: Y= wage = 159L mis =P, = 104.016 kPa By B= 1.5 ’ ED Solve Problems = Determine the resultant force F due to water acting on the 3m by 6 mrectangular area AB shown in Figure. o o, ED Solve Problems = Solution: F = yhegA = (9.19) x (443) x (6 x 3) = 1234 KN This resultant force acts at the center of pressure which is at a distonce Yeo from oxis O1 and // te _ B68) 2 Yep = Yee Jog = Max 6) +7=7.43 m from O; ED Solve Problems = 2.Determine the resultant force due to water acting on the 4m by 6 m triangular area CD shown in Figure. The apex of the triangle is at C. o oy ED Solve Problems | ™ Solution: 2 Fep = (9.79) p + (3 x sin 45° x. °)| G x4x ) = 685 kN This force acts at a distance yep from axis O2 and is measured along the plane of the area co / _ (4) (6°) /36 5.83 © 6.83/sin 45%) (J x 4x6) ~ sin45° Yep = 8.49 m from axis 02 MD Solve Problems | = 3. Water tises to level Ein the pipe attached to tank ABCD in Figure. Neglecting the weight of the tank and riser pipe, (a) determine and locate the resultant force acting on area AB, Which is S& 8 ft wide; (bb) compute the total force on the bottom of the tank; and (¢] compare the total weight of the water with the result in (b) and explain the difference. MD Solve Problems | = Solution: ® (a) The depth of the center of gravily of area AB is 15 ft below the free suriace of the water al E. Then F = yhA = (62.4)(12 + 3)(6 x 8) = 44,900 Ib (8) (6°) /12 Yep = Tex * 15 = 15.20 ft from O acting at distance = (b) The pressure on the bollom BC is uniforn; hence Ihe force F=pAz=(yh)Az= (62.4)(18)(20 x 8) = 179,700 Ib MD Solve Problems [ ® Solution: = (c) The lolal weight of the waler is W = (62.4)[(20 x 6 x 8) + (12x 1)] = 60,700 Ib. * A {rae body ofthe lower pat! of the lank (cu! by a horizontal plane jus! above level BC} wl incicale @ inward farce on area BC of 179,700 |b, vertical tension in the walls of the tank, and the reaction of supporting plane, The reaction must equal the total weight of water or 80,700 Il, The tension in the {walls of the tank is caused by the upward force on the top AD of the tank, which is = FAD = (yhJA = (62.4)(12)(160- 1) = 119,000 Ib = upward An apparent paradox is thus clarified since, for the free body considered, the sum of the vertical forces is zero, Le, 179,700 - 60,700 - 119,000 = 0 a ® and hence the condition for equilibrium Is satisfied ED Solve Problems = 4. Gate AB in Fig. is 4 ft wide and is hinged at A. Gage G reads —2.17 psi, and oil of specific gravity 0.750 is in the right-hand tank. What horizontal force must be applied at 8 for equilibrium of gate AB? t athe te 3370 Ib pp 15,0001 4 Bip ED Solve Problems ® Solution: ® The forces acting on the gale due to the liquids must be evaluated and located. For Ihe right-hand side, Foit = VhtcgA = (0.750 x 62.4)(3)(6 x 4) = 3370 Ib to the left Acting _ 4) (6°) /12 Y= BDaxg too ebm A ED Solve Problems ® Solution: ® || should be noted thal the pressure intensity acling on the right-hand side of reclangle AB varies linearly from ze10 gage lo 6 value due lo 6 tI of cil (p = rivis o near equation). Loading diagram ABC indicates this fac! For a rectangular area only, the cenler of gravily of this loading diagram coincides with the center of pressure. = The center of aravity is located (213) (6) = 4 from A, as above, For the lefl-hand side, it is necessary lo convert Ihe negative pressure due fo the air to ils equivalent in feet of the liquid, water. Pp 2.17 x 144 lb/ft? h 21 y 62.4 lb/ft? ® This negative pressure head |s equivalent to having 5.01 ff less of water above level A. (Hs convenient ‘and useful to employ an imaginary water surface (IWS| 5.01 ft below the real surface and solve the problem by direct use of basic equations. Ihus, -5.01 ft ED Solve Problems [ i ® Solution: rotor = (62.4) (6.99 + 3}(6 x 4) = 15,000 Ib acting fo the righ! ct the center of pressure = Tor th e submeraed rectanaviar area, yer“ 2249.99 = 10.29 tt from O , or the center o f pressure is (10,29 - 6.99) = 3.50 i rom A. Fig. the free-body diagram of gate AB shows the forces ecling, The sum of the moments about A {rust equal zero. Taking clockwise as plus, +3370 x 4 + 6F - 15,000 x 3.30 = 0 and F = 6000 lb to the left ED Solve Problems = 5. The 2-m-diameter gate AB in Fig. swings about a horizontal pivot C located 40 mm below the center of oravity. To what depth h can the water rise without causing an unbalanced clockwise moment about pivot C ED Solve Problems ® Solution: ® If lhe center of pressure and axis C should coincide, there would be no unbelanced moment acting on Ihe gate. Evaluating the center of pressure distance, He ag a RO Jog AO Seg Geatjay 8 2/640 iveny G+ r22/ ~ To0o ™ BP Yep = Then Yep — Yeg = from which h = 5.25 m above A. HD Solve Problems | | I | ® Solution: ® If the center of pressure and axis C should coincide, here would be no unbalanced moment acling on the gate. Evalualing the center of pressure distance, Teg md! /64 — + yg = —— + Jeg" Yeg(ed?/4) °° 2/6440 re — Ne = Ty ar22yay ~ 1000 from which h = 5.25 m above A. Yep = Then m (given) MD Solve Problems | = 6.A1.2-m-diameter steel pipe, 6 mm thick, carries oil of sp ar 0.822 under a head of 120 m of | oll. Compute (a) the stress in the steel and |b) the thickness of steel required to carry a pressure of 1.72 MPa with an allowable stress of 124 Mpa ® Solution: __ p (pressure in kPa) x r (radius in m) (a) o (stress in kPa) = T (hickness in my 0.822 x 9.79 x 120)(1.2/2) 671000 = 96,600 kPa, or 96.6 MPa (+) o=pr/t, 124=1.72x06/1, = 0.0083 m=8.3 mm ED Solve Problems | ® 7. The half-conical buttress ABE shown in Fig. 3-15 is used to support a half-cylindrical tower | ABCD. Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the force due to water acting on buttress ABE. ® Solution: Fy = force on vertical projection of half-cone = (9.79)(3 +2) (3 x 6 x 4) = 587 KN to the right Fy = weight of volume of water above curved surface (imaginary) = (9.79) (volume of half-cone + volume of half-cylinder) = (9.79) [($ x 6727/3) + ($2? x 3)] = 308 KN upward \ ED Solve Problems | = 7. The half-conical buttress ABE shown in Fig. 3-15 is used to support a half-cylincrical tower ABCD. Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the force due to water acting o buttress ABE. ® Solution: Fy = force on vertical projection of half-cone = (9.79)(3 +2) (4 <6 x 4) = 587 KN to the right Fy = weight of volume of water above curved surface (imaginary) = (9.79) (volume of half-cone + volume of half-cylinder) = (9.79) [(§ x 642? /3) + (422? x 3)] = 308 KN upward \ HD Solve Problems = 8. Aconcrete dam retaining 6 m of water is shown in Fig. The unit weight of the concrete is 23.5 kN/m3 . The foundation soil is impermeable. Determine (a) the factor of safety against sliding, (bb) the foctor of safety against overtuming, and (¢) the pressure intensity on the base of the dam, The coefficient of friction between the base of the dam and the foundation soil is 0.48. HD Solve Problems i | | = Solution: Fi = yhtcgA = (9.79)(3)(6 x 1) = 176.2 KN Fy =0 weight of part | of dam = (1) [(2)(7)/2}(23.5) = 164.5 kN weight of part 2 of dam = (1)(2)(7)(23.5) = 329.0 KN Total weight of dam = 164.5 + 329.0 = 493.5 kN. AN HED Solve Problems | | | ® Solution: sliding resistance () FSsisios = king Torce _ (0.48)(493.5) = Tea = 14 total righting moment total overturning moment __ (164.5)1.333) + (329.0)(3.000) - (176.2)(2) (®)— FSovertuming = = 3.42 ED Solve Problems ® Solution: (©) Resultant (R) on base = ¥/(i64.5 + 329.0) + 176.2 point where 2 intersects the base of the dam. ~ — EMa _ ((164.5)(1.333) + (329.0)(3.000)] — [176.2)(2)] a Ry 235 524 KN. Let ¥ be the distance from A to the = 1.730 m eccentricity = ; — 1.730 = 0.270 m < 4 = 0.667 m Therefore, the resultant lies within the middle third of the base. p= F/AkMyx/ly & May/le = 4935.5 (493.5)(0.270)12) ~ @d) (yay /12 Pa =123.4450.0=173.4kPa pp = 123.4 50.0 = 73.4 kPa ED Solve Problems | = 9. In Fig., the 6-ft-diameter cylinder weighs 500 Ib and rests on the bottom of a tank that is 3 ft | long. Water and oil are poured into the left- and right-hand portions of the tank to depths of 2 and 4 ft, respectively. Find the magnitudes of the horizontal and vertical components of the force that will keep the cylinder touching the tank at B. ED Solve Problems ® Solution: net Fy = component on AB to left — component on CB to right = [0.750 x 62.4 x 2(4 x 3)] — [62.4 x 1(2 x 3)} = 749 Ib to left net Fy = component upward on AB + component upward on CB = weight of quadrant of oil + weight of (sector — triangle) of water = (0.750 x 62.4 x 3 x 424?) + {62.4 x 3 [ fd? — ($ x 2/12)]} = 2680 Ib upward The components to hold the cylinder in place are 749 Ib to the right and 2180 Ib downward. \ ED Solve Problems = 10. The 6-ftdiameter cylinder in Fig. 2-11 weighs 5000 Ib and is 5 ft long. Determine the | reactions at A and B, neglecting friction. ED Solve Problems ® Solution: ™® (a) The reaction at A is due to the horizontal component of the liquid force acting on the cylinder or FH = (0.800 x 62.4) (3) (6 x 5) = 4490 Ib to the right. Hence the reaction at A must be 4490 Ib to the left. ® (bJ The reaction at Bis the algebraic sum of the weight of the cylinder and the jet vertical component of the force due to the liquid. The curved surface CDB acted upon by the liquid consists of a concave downward part CD and a concave- upward part DB. The net vertical component Is the algebraic sum of the downward force and the upward force upward FV = weight of the liquid (real or imaginary) above curve DB = (0.800)(62.4)(5) (area of sector DOB + area of square DOCE) = downward Fy = (0.800}(62.4](5) (hatched area DEC) ED Solve Problems | ® Solution: ®Noting that square DOCE upward less area DEC downward equals quadrant of circle DOC, the net vertical component is net Fv = (0.800) (62.4) (5) (sectors DOB + DOC) upward = (0.800) (62.4}(5} (A32 ] = 3530 Ib upward Finally, EY= 0, 5000-3530-5 = 0, and B = 1470 Ib upward In this particular problem, the upward component (buoyant force) equals the weight of the displaced liquid to the left of the vertical plane COB. _ Solved Problems | | ® Aballoon having a mass of 400 kg remains suspended motionless in the cir. If the air density is 1.29 kg/m’, what is the volume of the balloon in cubic meters? ™ Solution: Whattoon = #8 Vair Where: ( Voattoon = Vair! Viatioon = 310 m* > Solved Problems / | ® Wateris flowing in « pipe of varying cross-sectional area, and at all points the water completely fils the pipe. The cross-sectional @ point I is 0.080 m?, and the velocity is 3.5 m/s. Compute the fiuid's velocity at point 2 where the cross-sectional area is 0.060 m*. ™ Solution: f= FVa = (3.5 m/3) (5) Thus; V, = 4.67 m/s BED solved Problems | = 470.874 L/s (150 t%/min.) of water is flowing in a round pipe such that the flow remains laminar. Consider that the critical Reynolds number to be 2000, what is the diameter of | the pipe necessary to ensure laminar flow. (Note: kinematic viscosity of water is 4.75 x 107° f?/s). = Solution: <4 ie FD) afrsoZ jee) > E75 K 10-*}(2000)0 De 450) (oye y(4.75 K 10-7200) thus D=33.50f ED solved Problems |= Abarrel contains a 0.150 layer of oil loating on water that is 0.90 mm deep. If the density of the oll is 600 kg/m?, what is the pressure (gage] at the oil-water interface? ™ Solution: P=pgh jf) (9.815) (0.300 m3) nd Solved Problems ™ Asubmarine is 100 m long. The shape of its hull is roughly cylindrical with a diameter of 15m. when it is submerged, it cruises at o speed of about 40 knots or approximately 20 m/s. Compute the Reynolds number, if the viscosity is 1.0.x 10-3 Pa.s | ® Solution: wo ove R (c2000ke/m: xi = 300000000 R=3x 108 —_ Solved Problems = Ahydraulc lift is 1o be used fo lift a truck weighing 5000 lo. what is the pressure (gage) must be applied to the oll if the diameter of the large piston is 12in. ® Solution: S000 Tb af Solved Problems | = How high does mercury barometer stands on a day when atmospheric pressure is 98.6 kPa considering that the specific gravity of mercury is 13.6 ® Solution: P=pgh=SG.p,gh 98.6 1N/m? TS6OBDEN nt .739 m h=739m 4 Solved Problems { ® How high does mercury barometer stands on a day when atmospheric pressure is 98.6 kPa considering that the specific gravity of mercury is 13.6 ® Solution: P=pgh=SG.pygh fe P 98.6.kN/m™ TeGspen jm = 0,739 m thus h=739m

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