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Biography of Jose David Lapuz

Jose David Lapuz

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Jos David Lpuz is one of the 45 member-commissioners of the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines (UNACOM), on the Committee of Social and Human Sciences[1] and is a member of the UNESCO Advisory Committee on Human Rights and Poverty based in Paris.[2] He also teachesinternational relations and political science at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.[3]

Career Lapuz finished his bachelors degree at the University of the Philippines and his post-graduate studies in International Politics and Foreign Policy at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He started teaching at University of Santo Tomas in 1970.[4] Jos David Lapuz attended and read papers before the Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom, theAmerican Political Science Association in Washington, D.C. and the International Studies Association of New York. He lectured in the following schools: Eastern Washington University, Harvard, East Carolina University, UCLA, and the University of London, L.S.E., Glasgow University and Oxford University. He has also lectured at the Leningrad State University, now St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; and the then USSR Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow. He also delivered formal lectures at the Humboldt Universitat Zu Berlin (University of Berlin) in Berlin, Germany. In 1999 Jos David Lapuz was first appointed as United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (Unesco) commissioner to the Committee on Social and Human Sciences and in 2002 he was re-appointed for a further three-year term[5] In May 2007, Los Angeles County gave him a Diploma of Commendation in recognition and appreciation of numerous lectures delivered in the USA since 1971 continuously through the 1970s, the 80s, the 90s, up to the present day. Similarly, in November 2007, Lapuz was given a Certificado de Honor y Reconocimiento por Todos Sus Triunfos en las Relaciones Internacionales y la Diplomacia. The award was given by

all the Councilors of the City and County of Honolulu and by the Mayor of the City of Honolulu, Mayor Hammani. In August 2007, Jos David Lapuz was presented an award by the 22nd Phil-American Exposition in Los Angeles, Calif., USA. The award reads: "For his intelligence, extraordinary knowledge in the field of political science, diplomacy and international relations, consistent determination to share his expertise with various people around the world, earning the respect of the intellectual community, making him a true ambassador of goodwill and a true-modern day Philippine hero." The main sponsors of the award to Jose David Lapuz were Radio Manilaand The California Examiner.

Appointment as Presidential Consultant in 2009 In March 2009, President Arroyo appointed Jos Lpuz as Presidential Consultant.[6] The professional specialization of Lapuz lies in international relations, global politics, comparative foreign policy, moral and humanitarian issues in international affairs, and the changing nature of world politics. As consultant of President Arroyo, Lpuz is expected to share his views, comments and observations, whenever asked by the President, on matters and issues affecting the government's international positions.

National Historical Institute appointment 2009 In November 2009, Jos David Lapuz was appointed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as commissioner / board member of the National Historical Institute. The National Historical Institute promotes Philippine history and cultural heritage through research, dissemination, conservation, sites management and heraldry works. It aims to inculcate awareness and appreciation of the noble deeds and ideals of heroes and other illustrious Filipinos, to instill pride in the Filipino race and to rekindle the Filipino spirit through the lessons of history.

2010 Appointments Jose David Lapuz was a participant in the 2010 Preparatory Committee of the NonProliferation Treaty Review Conference held in February 2010 at the New World Hotel in Makati, Manila. The Philippines was the country elected to be President of the N.P.T. Review Conference which took place in May 2010 in New York. The President-elect of the 2010 Review

Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (N.P.T.) of New York is Philippine Ambassador Libran Cabactulan. In March 2010, Lapuz was made a member of the Philippine delegation to the special NonAligned Movement (NAM) meeting on interfaith dialogue and cooperation for peace and development at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) which was attended by foreign ministers of 118 NAM Member-States. This SNAMMM Conference was the second biggest gathering in Manila of high-level government representatives, second only to the Ministerial Conference on Trade and Development in 1979. NAM represents the interests and priorities of developing countries in international affairs. It has its origin in the Asia-Africa Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia in 1955 (briefly known as the Bandung Conference). Lapuz argued that through the steady promotion of interfaith dialogue, and respect for diverse cultures, traditions and practices in Mindanao, in Southern Philippines, the government of the Philippines was able "to build roads that opened up remote areas into the mainstream of economic activities and to construct irrigation systems in farm-lands that used to be impenetrable to construction companies because of conflict." Lapuz maintained that in Philippine Foreign Policy, the Philippines and Pakistan, with the full support of non-aligned movement member countries, have vigorously pursued in the U.N. the promotion of interfaith, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation for peace since 2004. In a similar vein, The Society Of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), with headquarters in Steubenville, Ohio, USA, invited Jos David Lapuz to deliver a lecture-address on "The Eve of the Quadricentennial Anniversary of the Pontifical and Catholic University of Santo Tomas (1611-2011): The Millennial Challenge of Catholic Higher Education in the Philippines", which was held at Holy Cross College, South Bend, Indiana, East Central, USA in October 2010. Jos David Lapuz was appointed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as member of the board of trustees of the National Museum of the Philippines in March 2010. In May 2010, Jose David Lapuz joined some 300 representatives from international human rights organizations that converged in Geneva for the 44th Annual Session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The purpose of the conference was to strengthen and reinforce global cooperation in efforts to protect human rights and protect victims of violations of human rights and human dignity. Also, the conference discussed real concrete proposals on ways to reinforce cooperation between the human rights system and regional human rights

mechanisms. The conference also tried to identify strategies to overcome obstacles to the promotion and protection of human rights not only at the national and regional levels but, also especially on international levels. Professor Lapuz participated as a Delegate and Representative of the Republic of the Philippines.


Member, Royal African Society (Patron -Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II). Member, Foreign Policy Association of New York, New York City, USA. International Leader Grantee, under the Cultural Visitors' Program of the U.S. State Department, 1971.

British Council Scholar of the United Kingdom to pursue postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom, 1969.

Member, Honor Society of Pi Gamma Mu, University of the Philippines Chapter. Member, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, University of the Philippines. Member, Rizal Center Honor Society, founded by Justice Jesus Barrera of the Philippine Supreme Court.

Member, Claro M. Recto Memorial Foundation. Knight Grand Cross Of Rizal, the highest and greatest rank of the Knights of Rizal.[7] British Council Travel Fellow of the United Kingdom. Named as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men[8] in political scientist[9] 1971. Best Educator Awardee given by the Auxiliary National Headquarters of the Philippine Veterans' Legion, 1978.

Named Lecturer of the Year by the Times Journal in 1979. Academic guest of USSR Academy OF Sciences and Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow and Leningrad, Soviet Union (now Russian Federation), October - November, 1987.

Published "Perspectives in Politics: Public and Foreign Affairs', U.S.T. Publishing House, 2005"

Fellow of the International Council of Leaders in Washington D.C., U.S.A, 1971. Academic Visitor, Socialist East Germany, 1989. Member, Francisco Balagtas Circle, founded by Senate President Blas F. Ople.

Lifetime Member Of The National Press Club, Magallanes, Intramuros, Manila. Member of the International Visitor Program - Philippine Alumni Foundation, Inc. (IVPPHILS)

CUM LAUDE GRADUATE of the University of the Philippines, Major in Political Science and History, 1964.

Reviews of Work Dr. Ofelia A. Dimalanta, Ph. D. and Director of the UST Center for Creative Writing has said that Jos David Lapuz's voice had resounded quite powerfully and arrestingly in the halls of the academe all these many years and one couldn't help not only hearing but listening. "Lapuz certainly has been one prodigous fountain spouting forth brilliant, fresh ideas and insights on sundry subjects particularly Rizal, foreign policy, international news and affairs, his formidable yield always rich, enriching, and boundless. This book of essays (Perspectives in Politics: Public and Foreign, UST Press, 2005) has long been overdue, but this result is certainly well worth the wait. Now we do not only have to listen to him pour away, whether we like it or not, willingly or willy-nilly, but we may sit down and read and ponder and contemplate and read over and over or pause to refresh before taking him up again, all in our own good time. We may then more fully savor his words, his rapier-sharp wit, his clever turns of phrase, his neatly couched sarcasm, his carefully contained vitriol, his intellectual vigor. In Lapuz's lectures and speeches, he would display the force and irrepressible energy of Juvenal (Roman satirist) one moment and the next, the urban savoir-faire of Horace (Roman writer). Certainly, all this is best captured by the readers when they finally have all the time to read him and absorb the quality of his mind, a mind vividly alive and alert to catch every flow and flux of the goings-on in the contemporary historico-political scene and beyond. Finally, the dynamic voice of Jos David Lapuz is impaled on print for the pleasure and intellectual enlightenment of readers and posterity." Professor Ofelia A. Dimalanta who wrote the above-cited review is a consistent Palanca winner in poetry and is a most highly esteemed professor of World Literature in the Pontifical and Catoholic University of Santo Tomas, Asia's most ancient university having been founded by the Dominican Friars (Fr. Miguel Benavidez) in 1611.

Similarly, in 2005, the Very Reverend Father Tamerlane R. Lana, OP, Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas (1611), Espaa, Manila, Philippines, wrote of Lapuz the following: "This collection of essays and comments on political issues (Perspectives in Politics: Public and Foreign, UST Publishing House, 2005) written by Comm. Lapuz over the past years is the result of his studies, reflections and life-experiences of political concerns which he shared with his students and various audiences here and abroad. Known to many of us as the "Professor of Political Science," Comm. Lapuz shares in this endeavor the commitment of the University of Santos Tomas to imbibe among her students the Catholic social doctrines and political thoughts that would permeate the way they will conduct their lives and thus hopefully effect a transformation in our society. Considering the current political events haunting our country and the characters that play a major role in our nation's political drama, I convey my gratitude to Comm. Lapuz for the many fruitful years he spent as a Thomasian educator and I gladly commend him for this lasting contribution to the growing discourses on the political realities affecting our present lives." Sr. Don Professor Guillermo Gomez Rivera, Member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language and Premio Zobel de Hispanidad in 1975 and Chairman for Spanish and Culture of Adamson University, located in Marquis de Comillas Street, Manila, said of Lapuz: "Jose David Lapuz is the many-sided diamond that cuts out new highways in the darkened glass of world-wide culture... He is the brilliant voice that sings of the Filipino feelings in 'his different tokens, in his doubts and in all that makes him sad.' It is voices, it is pens, it is sounds like that of Jose David Lapuz that must come forth and demand, or struggle if necessary, that the embodiment of what is Filipino be respected. This is the summary of the life, thoughts and works of Jose David Lapuz. This quest for the respect due the Filipino as attested by his own personal history. A review of all that he has written and said, point to the same direction that his beautiful life has taken. It is because of all these day-to-day struggle and labor of Jose David Lapuz that 'a plaque of honor and distinction' was given to him by Adamson University, then represented by Atty. Marcos Herras, Fr. Rolando de la Goza, CM, and Fr. Augusto Goecoechea, CM. This plaque of honor calls Jose David Lapuz "A genius of the race and the pride of his people because he possesses a vast erudition and an enviable culture."

Achievements or Attainment of Prof. Jose David Lapuz:

Advocate, International Visitor Program-Philippine alumni (IV-Phil) Inc. Radio Political commentator, with his program, Ang Propesor ng Bayan, Radio Veritas (846)khz.

Delivered 14 Interventions or Speeches on The Ethics of Science and Technology, Human Rights, Gender Quality, "The Flight Against Discrimination", Intolerance and the Fight Against Bigotry and the "Draft Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Genetic Data" during the 32nd International Conference of UNESCO held in September-October 2003, Place the Fotenoy, Paris, France.

Attended the 12th Annual Meeting Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. October 29-October 30, 2004. During the Lunch Sessions and Panels of this learned professional Society. Professor Jose David Lapuz delivered a talk on "Social Sciences, Human Rights and Extreme Poverty: A New Response".

Recipient of USA International Cultural Visitor Program to observe the November 2004 U.S. Presidential Election in San Francisco,USA. Professor Jose David Lapuz was assisted by Michael Cain of the US State Department and the "Diplomacy Council of San Francisco".

Prof. Lapuz attended academic meetings and seminars with professors and academicians and experts of the University of Colorado in Denver, Colorado, November 10-November 12, 2004.

Prof. Lapuz discussed with experts and savants on international affairs at the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, South Michigan Avenue,Chicago. He also conferred with the specialist of the International Association of the Chicago-Cuba Coalition on Wabash Avenue, Chicago, November 13-November 15, 2004.

Consulted with experts and specialists of the NEW YORK COUNCIL FOR FOREIGN RELATIONS on "US Foreign Policy, Historical Setting, the President, Congress, Foreign Affairs,the role of the "Public and the Economics of Foreign Policy Making",68th St. and Park Avenue, New York, USA, November 20, 2004.

Met and Consulted with some professors and experts of the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, November 22-November 24, 2004.

Addressed the THOMASIAN-USA, an organization of U.S.T. Alumni on "The Ruby Anniversary of the UST Arts and Letters" held on Ocean Drive, San Francisco, California, November 21, 2004.

In KENYA, EAST AFRICA, Prof. Jose David Lapuz attended the series of discussions, meeting, hearing interviews and deliberations, of the INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND POVERTY OF UNESCO as regards the small grants that were awarded to East and West Africa, Latin America and some countries in Asia, May 7-11, 2004-2005.

Addressed a civic organization on "UNESCO Management of Social Transformation and the Issue of Human Migration", Athens, Greece, June 1, 2005.

Spoke on "Dr. Jose Rizal as the First Filipino International Overseas Contract Worker" before an assembly of Filipino overseas contract workers, Athens, Greece, June 2, 2005.

Visited and conferred with academic friends at the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,June 4, 2005.

Conferred with professors, experts' scientists and academics, as well as friends at HUMBOLT UNIVERSITAT ZU BERLIN (University of Berlin). Professor Lapuz, as Knight Grand Cross of Rizal, the highest rank, also delivered a talk on Dr. Jose Rizal at Rizal Garten or Rizal Garden, in Potsdam, Germany. The convocation on Rizal was organized by Manfred Hans Schnell, a devoted, ardent and caring German Rizalist, June 5, 2005.

Addressed, on invitation extended by Ambassador Romeo A. Arguelles, Filipino envoy to Amsterdam, the advanced celebration of the 107th Anniversary of Philippine Independence which was held on Embassy Grounds at Lann Copes Van Cattenburch 125, the Hague, Netherlands, Professor Lapuz spoke on "The Challenge of Poverty and Human Rights to the Filipinos and Our Collective Response After 107 years", June 8, 2005.

Honored and extolled as an Acclaimed Jubilarian by the International Honor Society of PI GAMMA Mu for Social Science (UP Alpha Chapter), Ang Bahay ng Alumni, U.P., Diliman,Quezon City, February 25, 2004.

Addressed and Actively Participated in a Conference with Dr. Stephen Hill, Director of UNESCO-Jakarta Office in Indonesia held at the Dulce Fontana Restaurant in Greenhills, San Juan, August 2004.

Delivered a formal address on "Philippine Foreign Policy Objectives: Towards a Framework of Dignity" to the Political Science Forum of the University of Santo Tomas, UST Espaa Campus, August 24, 2004.

Attended and actively participated in the 8th International Conference of the South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for education innovation and Technology that brought together leading educators, policy makers and other top educational stakeholders from all over the world in a 3 day interactive forum on the topic of "The Challenge to Educational Innovation and Technology" held at the Seameo-Innotech, Diliman, Quezon City. December 9-10, 2002.

Addressed as Guest of Honor and Speaker, The Diamond Jubilee Celebration THE INTERNATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY OF PHI KAPPA PHI on the topic "Sustaining a Culture of Excellence" at the Bulwagang Claro M. Recto, UP Deliman, Q.C, February 11, 2003.

Guest of Honor and Speaker of the makati Business Club (Not related to the businesss club of makati) to speak commemorating the 108th death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal held at the Max's Restaurant, Greenbelt, Makati City, December 30, 2004.

Active participant and discussant in the UNESCO National Conference on "Education for All and Conquering Poverty and Other Emerging Challenges for UNESCO" Mabini Hall, Department of Foreign Affairs, Roxas Blvd. Pasay City, February 2005.

Guest of Honor and Speaker of the Montessori College Faculty Assembly on the topic of Dr. Jose Rizal Thoughts on "Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria" held at the Montessori Center O.B. at Greenhills, San Juan on January 28, 2005.

Speaker at the Grand Alumni Homecoming of the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters marking the Ruby Anniversary of the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters, Manila Hotel, Rizal Park, November 30, 2004.

Official delegate and representative of the Philippines to the International General Conference of UNESCO, UNESCO headquarters, Paris, September 29, thru October 17, 2003. Prof. Jose David Lapuz represented both the NATURAL SCIENCE and SOCIAL SCIENCE at Place de Fontenoy and Miollis St., Paris France.

Delivered the keynote address at the 4th National Rizal Youth Leadership Institute Seminar of the Order of the Knights of Rizal, at the Teacher's Camp, Baguio City, December 10,

2003. Professor Lapuz talked on "Rizalism: Unity, Solidarity and Fellowship in the Ideas, Precepts and Teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal".

Delivered the Necrological Address eulogizing Foreign Affairs Secretary Blas F. Ople during a necrological service by the Writers' and Artists' group held at the Mabini Hall, department of Foreign Affairs, Roxas Bldv., Pasay City on December 17, 2003.

Invited to deliver a lecture on "Sustainable Technological Development in a Globalizing World" held in May 2004 at the Budapest University of Technology, Budapest, Hungary. Because of pressing family problems, Professor Lapuz was unable to go.

Invited by the Center for Social concern and Action of De La Salle University in a partnership with la Salle's History Department to deliver two seminars-open forums on August 12 Friday 2005. The first seminar-open forum was on "Rizal's Concept of Globalization in Light of the current National Crisis" from 10:30am at the De La Salle Yuchenco Seminar Rooms. The second seminar-open forum is on "The Idea of good and transparent Government and Administration and our National Predicament" which was also held on Friday, August 12, 2005.

Invited as participant and interrogator in the seminar of the Asian Institute on "The Global Oil Situation: what is it to the Philippines?" Held at the 5-Star New World Renaissance Hotel Makati on August 10, 2005-2-5 o'clock p.m.

Named Kagawad or trustee of the Samahang Balagtas, an association of Filipinologists devoted to the propagation of Filipino as official language, August 14, 2002 at Club Filipino,San Juan, Greater Manila.

Active discussant in the forum of the Asian Institute of Management on "the United Nations and the war on Iraq" held at the SGV hall,3/F, AIM Conference Center, Paseo de Roxas, Makati City.

Lectured on the Life, Works and Commitments of Dr. Jose Rizal before the UST Center for Creative Writing and Studies, held at the CCWS and Conference Room, faculty of Arts and Letters, St. Raymund bldg. UST, December 7, 2002.

Addressed the faculty and students of Pamantasa ng Makati on "The Quest of the Filipino for Truth, Justice and Democracy and his Crusade for Good Governance," held at the AudioVisual room of bldg. 2, Pamantasan ng Makati, J.P.Rizal Extension, Makati on February 15, 2001.

Active participant and contributor in the "Interfaith Conference on Building Bridges Between Peoples" jointly sponsored by the Asian Institute of Management and the British Embassy that brought together various sectors and religions to increased and heightened understanding and dialogue among peoples of diverse faiths, held at the SGV hall, 3/F AIM Conference Center, October 28, 2002.

Delivered a formal address on "The United Nations: Prospect and Retrospect-War or Peace" before the faculty and students of Immaculate Conception Parish School, #1 St. Michael St., Cubao, Quezon City, October 17, 2002.

Delivered a speech-lecture on "The Basic Principles and Future of Modern Democracy" before the forum of UST political science students, Jose Rizal Auditorium, UST, April 2, 1999.

Invited to attend an exclusive closed-door seminar on "Iraq and the World" arranged and organized by the AIM POLICY CENTER held at the SGV Hall, 3/F, AIM Conference Center, Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, February 17, 2003.

Principal Speaker during the commemoration of Rizal's Death Anniversary held in front of Municipal Building of Taytay, Rizal, on December 30, 2001. The Rizalist Professor Jose David Lapuz talked on "The Relevance of Rizal on National and International Developments".

Meeting and discussion with Zimbabwean jounalist GEOFFREY NYAROTA, editor of ZIMBABWE's only independent newspaper, THE DAILY NEWS, May 2, 2002.

Invited by the United States Ambassador FRANCIS J. RICCIARDONE as Corporate Communications Director of the International Visitor Program-Philippines Alumni Foundation, Inc., August 16, 2002 at the US Embassy Ground Roxas Blvd. Manila.


Addressed the faculty and students of San Beda College on "Rizal-Nationalist and Internationalist" held at the Audio-Visual Room, San Beda College, Calle Chino Roces, Manila, on March 19, 2003.

Has been invited and professor Jose David Lapuz has accepted to attend the 13th ANNUAL CONVENTION AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the SOCIETY OF CATHOLIC SOCIAL SCIENTISTS OF AMERICA, held October 28-29, 2005, at STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, USA. Professor Lapuz attended the "Session on Catholic Reflections on International Politics" held at St. Joseph Center, Tortino Room, FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY OF STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, USA. He also participated in the "UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE GREAT PROBLEM OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING" to be presented by AMBASSADOR JOHN R. MILLER, US DEPARTMENT OF STATE, held at the Finnegan Field House, Ohio, USA, Thursday, October 27, 2005.

This coming October 28-29, 2011, Profesor Jose David Lapuz will address the 2011 meeting-conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists of America on the topic of "The Quadricentennial Anniversary of the Catholic and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas: Interfaith Dialogue and Intercultural Conversation and the Transnational Role of UST in the International Interchange of Knowledge". UST is the oldest Catholic University in the whole of Asia, having been established in 1611, in the 17th Century.

During "Proceedings of the International Seminars and Public Lectures" Organized by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, October 18-19, 2004, Fontenoy building, 125 Avenue De Suffren, Paris, France, Professor Jose David Lapuz, Professor of International Relations, Politics of Development and Comparative Foreign Policy of the University of Santo Tomas, Chaired the panel on "REQUIREMENTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY" participated in by several United Nations agencies; such as, the UNDP, ILO, UN-HABITAT, the WORLD BANK, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), LABORATOIRE D' ANTROPOLOGIE JURUDIQUE DE PARIS (LAJP), France; Centre for Development and the environment, Norway (Studies of South Asia and Latin America); and finally, the several UNESCO's assistant Directors-General for education, FOR SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES, FOR NATURAL SCIENCES, FOR COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION, AND FOR CULTURE.




OCCASION, development



DAVID poverty,

LAPUZ political



independence attains its true meaning. My well-considered opinion is that the question of poverty and impoverishment is only a new paradigm in the reduction of human poverty. Impoverishment and poverty will always be on the agenda of human liberties and freedoms. If only we realize that half of humankind is suffering from poverty, and this fact bothers our conscience. What should we do? What is do be done? I think we should all be inspired and motivated by a sense of global unity and cooperation which would make us refuse to accept this tragic fact. We ought to affirm to ourselves that the poverty of others is the responsibility of each and every member of humanity. The poor need not always be with us, and God will bless the merciful." By the way, this oneminute address was received with a round of applause by the gathering that met at the Fontenoy Office Building of UNESCO in Paris. In a way, Paris sizzled with this speech.

Rev. Father Paul Egli of the Fraternita San Pio X in the Vatican, Roma, commended Professor Jose David Lapuz, Herrn Professor Und Kommissar Von UNESCO, concerning the work on human rights and poverty in the following words: " Your(Professor Lapuz) Your work in the Committee on Human Rights and Poverty is most praiseworthy, commendable and admirable as it redounds to the good of humanity, and of your country in particular. You represent, in my opinion, the finest qualities of your people and of diplomacy. You are an effective ambassador of your country."(Paul Egli,Fraternita San Pio X, Via Trilussa 45, I-00041 albano laziale, Roma.)

The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas in awarding the Distinguished Mentor Award thru the Faculty of Arts and Letters cited Professor Lapuz in the following words: "It is in grateful appreciation for faithfuly serving the Faculty of Arts and Letters as Distinguished Mentor inspiring your colleagues with your commitment to excellence, nurturing your students with your dedication to liberal education, and enriching your community with your adherence to Thomasian values." The plaqueta de honor y reconocimiento was signed by Prof. Armando de

Jesus, Ph. D., Dean of the College and by Rev. Fr. Rodel E. Aligan, Regent of the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

Journalist Jose Mari Mercader, Executive Editor of the Filipino Times and Asian Review that circulates in the Greater New York Area including New Jersey, said of Prof. Jose David Lapuz, after Lapuz addressed the "Kapihan sa New York" held at the Lourdes Restaurant at the corner of 37th avenue and 54th St., Woodside, Queens, NYC, the following words: "Like Don Claro Mayor Recto whom Lapuz idelizes immensely, he (Lapuz) is also an intellectual aristocrat with an enviable reputation. With the eloquence of a Churchill and the brilliance of a Demosthenes, he waxed erudition of his topic. His luminous wisdom left no doubt we were listening to an authority, may, an intellectual giant. We readily felt that today no Filipino speaker commands greater respect by sheer force of logic and mastery of the classics than our guest last Saturday at the Kapihan sa New York, Professor Jose David Lapuz." In said speech, Prof. Lapuz argued for a foreign policy consistent with the dignity and stature of an independent Philippines. Specifically, some of Lapuz's main points were: 1) that the US, Japan, China and the Middle East will influence our foreign policy; 2) That our foreign affairs formulations would be in the setting of ASEAN; 3) That we will see more the decisive importance of multillateral and regional organizations; and 4) that the over 9 million overseas Filipino workers will play a critical role in the country's foreign and economic policies. This talk, attended by at least 400 Kapihan Members and Guests, was entitled "The Angels' Game: My Outlook of Philippine Foreign Policy" and here in this address, Prof. Lapuz presented his perspectives and insights on international affairs and international politics.

Commended by the County of Los Angeles, California, in a Formal Plaque in "Recognition of dedicated service to the affairs of the community and for the civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the citizens of Los Angeles County and in recognition of numerous visits to Los Angeles, California, USA to deliver lectures and address forums in various universities, in different years, since the '70s, '80s, '90s and onwards to the 21st Century comprising the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. The well-travelled PROF. JOSE DAVID LAPUZ has been journeying to the USA, GREAT BRITAIN, WESTERN EUROPE, and the former USSR

since 1969. a period of 37 years. PROF. JOSE DAVID LAPUZ es realmente un ciudadeno verdaderamente cosmopolita or "a true citizen of the world." The Commendation of the County of Los Angeles was signed by MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH, Supervisor, Fifth District of the County of Los Angeles, California, May 30, 2007.

Professor Lapuz was awarded a Plagueta de Honor y Reconocimiento for "being a nationalist and internationalist educator, giving the great number of Fil-Americans in the US rare and brilliant discernment of the life and works of Rizal, thereby enabling the FilAmericans to re-discover their own roots and history in the context of the world's struggle for freedom.", Given by the Western Greater Area chapter of the Knights of Rizal during its conference-forum held on May 30, 2007 at the Fil-Am Center on Temple St., Los Angeles, California, USA.

From November 15 to November 20, 2004, Prof. Lapuz was in New York City to meeth with some experts of the New York Council for Foreign Relations to pursue materials on "US Foreign Policy", Historical Setting, the President, Congress and Foreign Affairs, the Role of the Public and the Economics of Foreign Policy Making." He was ably helped by Ms. Aysha Ghadiali of the Fellowship Program at 68th St. and Park Ave, New York, New York.

From Paris, France, Prof. Lapuz flew to Ann Arbor,Michigan, USA on October 29, 2004, to attend the 12th Annual Meeting Conference of the SOCIETY OF CATHOLIC SOCIAL SCIENTISTS. During the lunch sessions and panels on October 30, 2004, Prof. Lapuz was invited to talk on "Social Sciences Human Rights and Extreme Poverty: A New Response."

On November 7, 2007, Prof. Lapuz was the guest of honmor and speaker in a Felicidades-Tertulla tendred in his honor by the Ars Nobilis Foundation at the Philippine Consulate and Center at 556 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City.

In June 2007, Prof. Lapuz discussed "Human Rights and Dignity as the Basic Foundation of Justice, Democracy and Peace in the World", sponsored by the "Kapihan sa New York" at Angeline's restaurant at the corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 59th St., Queens, New York City. After this forum address of Prof. Lapuz, Jose Mari-Mercader, executive vice-president and executive editor of Filipino Times and Asian Review, wrote in his

column: "Professor Jose David Lapuz rules the minds of Filipinos through eloquence. The kapihan speech of Lapuz shows the inex of his mind. His speech from his golden tongue sparked the atmosphere at the "Kapihan sa New York" for one thing, Lapuz triggered the audience to participate actively. The forum was transformed into a discourse among great minds. It was evident from the large crowd that Kapihan would require a bigger place to accommodate everybody."

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the 14th President of the Republic of the Philippines, appointed Professor Jose David Lapuz as Member of the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines (UNACOM). In Her Excellency's appointment, the President wrote: "Pursuant to the provision of existing laws, you are hereby appointed ACTING MEMBER, COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES, REPRESENTING THE NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION [NGO], UNESCO NATIONAL COMMISSION OF THE PHILIPPINES

[UNACOM] DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. / By virtue hereof, you may qualify and enter upon the performance of the duties of the office, furnishing this Office and the Civil Service Commission with copies of your oath of office." Signed GLORIA ARROYO, the Appointment coursed thru the Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs, DFA Building, Roxas Boulevard Pasay City.

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