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1. If God exists, can you show me God?

2. If God created everything, who created God?
3. Can the universe and its design have come by chance?
4. If there is so much scientific evidence to prove the existence of God, why don’t most scientists believe in Him?
5. If God exists and He is good, why does He allow so much suffering in this world?
6. How does the existence of God matter to us?

1. If soul exists, why can’t we see it?
2. If there is so much scientific evidence to prove the existence of soul, why don’t most scientists believe in Him?
3. How does the existence of soul matter to us?
4. Does consciousness not emerge from the brain?
5. If life comes from the soul and not the bodily balance, why does bodily damage cause death?
6. If everybody undergoes rebirth, why do only few people remember their past lives?
7. Why is the population increasing?
8. What are ghosts? Can they haunt us?

1. Why do we have to suffer for our past-life karma in this life? Why not instant justice?
2. Why does God give us suffering without telling us why we are suffering?
3. Thousands of innocent people die in natural and man-caused calamities. How is this just?
4. Why do bad things happen to good people?
5. Why are only humans, not animals, subject to karma?
6. Different religions consider different activities as right and wrong. How does this agree with a universal law of karma?
7. Why are materialistic sinful countries like America prospering and religious countries like India poverty-stricken?
8. Does destiny exist? Is everything in our life destined?

Science and Spirituality

1. Seeing is believing. Why should we put faith in anything other than the facts shown by science?
2. If science is defective, then how does technology work so flawlessly?
3. In the age of science and technology, why do we need spirituality?
4. Does India not need scientific progress more than spiritual progress?
5. Can future scientific progress not discover spiritual truths? Why not wait? Why put faith now?

1. The Vedas contain many mythological stories with fantastic sizes and numbers. Are they believable?
2. What is the proof that the Vedas are the word of God?
3. Every religion claims that their scripture is the word of God. Why should we believe only in the Vedas?
4. How do we know that the Vedas have not changed over time?
5. Is the parampara the only way to acquire spiritual knowledge? Are all the great saints outside parampara wrong?
6. The Vedic cosmology is totally different from science. How can it be accepted?

1. Is God not an impersonal light?
2. If God exists in the murti, how were so many murtis and temples destroyed by invaders?
3. Is spiritual life not escapism?
4. Is social service not superior to chanting?


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