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Group 5 C. Assess the liquid because a 10.

During a postpartum
breast discharge is diagnostic of a assessment, the nurse performs a
mammary infection. Homan’s sign. Which of the
1. The nurse has provided teaching
D. Reassure the mother that this is following actions does the nurse
to a post-op cesarean client who is
normal in the third trimester. perform?
being discharged on Colace
A. Taps the patellae with a reflex
(docusate sodium) 100 mg po tid.
5. Which finding would the nurse hammer.
Which of the following would
view as normal when evaluating the B. Dorsiflexes the feet.
indicate that the teaching was
laboratory reports of a 34-week C. Palpates the calves and ankles.
gestation client? D. Monitor the color of the
A. The woman swallows the tablets
A. Anemia. extremities.
B. Thrombocytopenia.
B. The woman takes the pills
C. Polycythemia.
between meals.
D. Hyperbilirubinemia. 11. A mother has just experienced
C. The woman calls the doctor if
quickening. Which of the following
she develops a headache.
6. A third-trimester client is being developmental changes would the
D. The woman does not worry when
seen for routine prenatal care. nurse expect to occur at the same
her urine turns orange.
Which of the following assessments time in the woman’s pregnancy?
will the nurse perform during the A. Fetal heart begins to beat.
2. After analyzing an internal fetal
visit? Select all that apply. B. Lanugo covers the fetal body.
monitor tracing, the nurse concludes
A. Blood glucose. C. Kidneys secrete urine.
that there is moderate short-term
B. Blood pressure. D. Fingernails begin to form.
variability. Which of the following
C. Fetal heart rate.
interpretations should the nurse
D. Urine protein. 12. A woman is carrying dizygotic
make in relation to this finding?
E. Pelvic ultrasound. twins. She asks the nurse about the
A. The fetus is becoming hypoxic.
babies. Which of the following
B. The fetus is becoming alkalotic.
7. Which of the following skin explanations is accurate?
C. The fetus is in the middle of a
changes should the nurse highlight A. During a period of rapid growth,
sleep cycle.
for a pregnant woman’s health care the fertilized egg divided
D. The fetus has a healthy nervous
practitioner? completely.
A. Linea nigra. B. When the woman ovulated, she
B. Melasma. expelled two mature ova.
3. The nurse is assessing an internal
C. Petechiae. C. The babies share one placenta
fetal heart monitor tracing of an
D. Spider nevi. and a common chorion.
unmedicated, full-term gravida who
D. The babies will definitely be the
is in transition. Which of the
8. A client has been transferred to same sex and have the same blood
following heart rate patterns would
the post–anesthesia care unit from a type.
the nurse interpret as normal?
cesarean delivery. The client had
A. Variable baseline of 140 with V-
spinal anesthesia for the surgery. 13. During a vaginal examination,
shaped decelerations to 120
Which of the following the nurse palpates fetal buttocks that
unrelated to contractions.
interventions should the nurse are facing the left posterior and are
B. Variable baseline of 140 with
perform at this time? 1 cm above the ischial spines.
decelerations to 100 that mirror
A. Assess the level of the Which of the following is consistent
each of the contractions.
anesthesia. with this assessment?
C. Flat baseline of 140 with
B. Encourage the client to urinate in A. LOA 1 station.
decelerations to 120 that return to
a bedpan. B. LSP 1 station.
baseline after the end of the
C. Provide the client with the diet of C. LMP 1 station.
her choice. D. LSA 1 station.
D. Flat baseline of 140 with no
D. Check the incision for signs of
obvious decelerations or
infection. 14. On examination, it is noted that
a full-term primipara in active labor
9. Below are four important is right occiput anterior (ROA), 7
4. A 37-week gravid client states
landmarks of fetal development. cm dilated, and 3 station. Which of
that she noticed a “white liquid”
Place them in chronological order: the following should the nurse
leaking from her breasts during a
A. Four-chambered heart is formed. report to the physician?
recent shower. Which of the
B. Vernix caseosa is present. A. Descent is progressing well.
following nursing responses is
C. Blastocyst development is B. Fetal head is not yet engaged.
appropriate at this time?
complete. C. Vaginal delivery is imminent.
A. Advise the woman that she may
D. Testes have descended into the D. External rotation is complete.
have a galactocele.
scrotal sac.
B. Encourage the woman to pump
15. A client is in the second stage of
her breasts to stimulate an adequate
labor. She falls asleep immediately
milk supply.
after a contraction. Which of the 20. The fetus is most likely to be C. Delivery of twins or
following actions should the nurse structurally damaged by the hydramnios
perform as a result? pregnant woman’s ingestion of D. Uncomplicated
A. Awaken the woman and remind drugs during the: gestational hypertension
her to push. A. First trimester
B. Cover the woman’s perineum B. Second trimester 26. The nurse evaluates that the
with a sheet. C. Third trimester danger of seizure in a woman with
C. Assess the woman’s blood D. Entire trimester eclampsia ends:
pressure and pulse. A. After the labor begins
D. Administer oxygen to the woman 21. A 42-year old client has an B. After delivery occurs
via face mask. amniocentesis during the sixteenth C. 24 hours postpartum
week of gestation because of D. 48 hours postpartum
16. A nurse is teaching a class of concern about Down syndrome.
pregnant couples the most Examination of the amniotic fluid 27. When taking the health history
therapeutic breathing technique for will also provide information the nurse recognizes that a client
the latent phase of labor. Which of regarding: would be at risk for pregnancy-
the following techniques did the A. Fetal diabetes induced hypertension if it is
nurse teach? B. Fetal lung maturity determined that she:
A. Alternately panting and blowing. C. Cardiac anomalies A. Is 31 years old
B. Rapid, deep breathing. D. Presence of neural tube B. Is an obese primigravida
C. Grunting and pushing with defects C. Has had six previous
contractions. pregnancies
D. Slow chest breathing. 22. One of the most causes of D. Has been on oral
hypotonic uterine dystocia is: contraceptives within 3
17. Which of the following A. Twin gestation months of conception
exercises should be taught to a B. Maternal anemia
pregnant woman who complains of C. Pelvic contracture 28. During an emergency delivery ,
backaches? D. Pregnancy-induced the nurse notes the baby’s head
A. Kegeling. hypertension crowning on the perineum. The
B. Pelvic tilting. nurse priority action is to support
C. Leg lifting. 23. A client comes to the clinic for a the head by:
D. Crunching. sonography at 36 weeks gestation. A. Applying suprapubic
Before the test begins, the client pressure over it
18. The nurse should explain to a complains of severe abdominal B. Distributing the fingers
client who is experiencing pain. Heavy vaginal bleeding is evenly around it.
premature contractions in the thirty- noted and the client’s BP drops C. Placing the hand firmly
fifth week of gestation with the while her pulse rate increases. The against the perineum
cervix dilated 2 cm that coitus: nurse should suspect that the client D. Maintaining firm pressure
A. Need not be restricted in has a: against the anterior
any way A. Hydatidiform mole fontanel
B. Is prohibited, as it may B. Vena caval syndrome
stimulate labor C. Marginal placenta previa 29. When a client is admitted to the
C. Should be restricted to the D. Complete abruptio labor suite with a blood pressure of
side-lying position placentae 130/90 +2 proteinuria, and edema of
D. Is permitted as long as the hands and face, the nurse should
penile penetration is 24. A client experiences an episode ask the client about the presence of:
shallow of painless vaginal bleeding during A. Constipation, edema,
the last trimester. The nurse realizes visual problems, headache
19. In the fifth month of pregnancy, that this may be caused by: B. Leakage of fluid,
ultrasonography is performed on a A. Placenta previa bleeding, edema, pain in
client. The results indicate that the B. Abruptio placentae the abdomen
fetus is small for gestational age and C. Frequent intercourse C. Visual disturbances,
there is evidence of a low-lying D. Excessive alcohol headaches, constipation,
placenta. The nurse would use this ingestion bleeding
information in the last trimester of D. Headache, visual
pregnancy by assessing the client 25. When assessing clients after disturbances, edema, pain
for signs of possible: delivery, the nurse should be aware in the abdomen
A. Placenta previa that postpartal hemorrhage rarely
B. Premature labor occurs as complication of: 30. At 38 weeks' gestation a client
C. Abruptio placentae A. Retained placenta begins active labor and is placed on
D. Precipitate delivery B. Overdistended bladder a fetal monitor. Late decelerations
in the FHR begin to appear when
she is 6 cm dilated, with q 4-minute D. The administration of
contractions lasting 45 seconds. oxytocin (Pitocin)
Late decelerations may signify: 38. A pregnant client is diagnosed
A. Imminent vaginal delivery 34. In the immediate postpartum with gestational diabetes at 29
B. Uteroplacental period, the most critical assessment weeks’ gestation during a prenatal
insufficiency of a client with pregnancy-induced visit. The nurse provides
C. A pattern of hypertension would be: information by teaching the client
nonprogressive labor A. Obtaining the client's about this condition. Which
D. A reassuring response to vital signs information would the nurse most
contractions B. Observing for signs of likely provide to this client about
31. Following delivery of the hemorrhage managing this condition?
placenta in a client who has six C. Evaluating the client's
living children, an infusion of emotional status A. a. The client should test
lactated Ringer's with 10 units of D. Monitoring for urine ketones each time
Pitocin is ordered. The nurse hypovolemic shock she uses the bathroom
understands that this is indicated for resulting from fluid shifts B. b. The client should avoid
this client because: exercising more than
A. Multigravidas are at twice a week to reduce
increased risk for uterine 35. The uterus has already risen out stress on the body
atony of the pelvis and is experiencing C. c. The client should check
B. Retained placental farther into the abdominal area at blood glucose regularly to
fragments must be about the keep fasting levels less
expelled than 90 mg/dL
C. This was an extramural A. a. 8th week of pregnancy D. d. The client should meet
delivery B. b. 10th week of pregnancy with a pharmacist for
D. She had a precipitate C. c. 12th week of pregnancy insulin dosing and take
delivery D. d. 18th week of pregnancy her oral insulin according
32. A pregnant client with diabetes to her glucose results
is referred to the clinic nutritionist
36. Nurse Geli explains to the client
for nutritional assessment and
who is 33 weeks pregnant and is 39. After reviewing an 11-week
counseling. The dietary program
experiencing vaginal bleeding that pregnant client’s history, a nurse
worked out for this client would be:
coitus: knows that which of the following
A. A diet high in protein of
puts the client at risk for gestational
good biologic value and
A. a. Need to be modified in hypertension?
decreased calories
B. A balanced diet to meet any way by either partner
increased dietary needs B. b. It is permitted if penile A. Age greater than 40
with insulin adjusted as penetration is not deep. B. Current blood pressure of
necessary C. c. Should be restricted 142/90
C. Adequate balance of because it may stimulate C. She is underweight
carbohydrate and fat to uterine activity. D. This is her third
meet energy demands and D. d. Is safe as long as she is pregnancy
prevent ketosis in a side-lying position.
D. A low-carbohydrate, low- 40. The nurse is working with a
calorie diet to stay within 37. Mrs. Precilla Abuel, a 32-year- client who requires hemodialysis
her present insulin old mulripara is admitted to labor and has become pregnant. The client
coverage and avoid and delivery. Her last 3 pregnancies asks the nurse, “Will I be able to
hyperglycemia were in short stage one of labor. The continue with dialysis even though I
33. The nurse notifies the physician nurses decide to observe her closely. am pregnant?” Which response
that a client has been admitted in The physician determines that Mrs. from the nurse is accurate?
her thirty-sixth week of pregnancy. Abuel’s cervix is dilated to 6 cm.
The client is bleeding, has severe Mrs. Abuel states that she is A. "You should be able to
abdominal pain, a hard fundus, and extremely uncomfortable. To lessen have peritoneal dialysis
is demonstrating signs of shock. In Mrs. Abuel’s discomfort, the nurse but not hemodialysis"
addition to notifying the physi- cian, can advise her to: B. "Most women terminate
the nurse also prepares for: their pregnancies if they
A. A high forceps delivery A. a. lie face down need hemodialysis"
B. The insertion of a fetal B. b. not drink fluids C. "You will not be able to
monitor C. c. practice holding breaths continue with
C. An immediate cesarean between contractions hemodialysis while you
delivery D. d. assume Sim’s position are pregnant; it is too
D. "Some women can have d. “My blood pressure should be 47. The nurse is developing a
hemodialysis while better immediately after having the teaching plan for a patient who is 8
pregnant, but it will be a baby” weeks pregnant. The nurse should
high-risk pregnancy" tell the patient that she can expect to
44. The nurse is caring for a feel the fetus move at which time?
41. A nurse is educating a client primigravida at about 2 months and
with Type 1 Diabetes about how to 1 week gestation. After explaining a. Between 10 and 12 weeks’
know if she can have a healthy self-care measures for common gestation
pregnancy. Which statement discomforts of pregnancy, the nurse
indicates the client understood the determines that the client b. Between 16 and 20 weeks’
teaching? understands the instructions when gestation
she says:
a. “As long as I take my oral c. Between 21 and 23 weeks’
antidiabetic medications as a. “Nausea and vomiting can be gestation
scheduled” decreased if I eat a few crackers
before arising” d. Between 24 and 26 weeks’
b. “If I find I don’t have to take as gestation
much insulin.” b. “If I start to leak colostrum, I
should cleanse my nipples with soap 48. A primigravida patient is
c. “If I find I’m taking a lot of and water” admitted to the labor delivery area.
insulin” Assessment reveals that she is in
c. “If I have a vaginal discharge, I early part of the first stage of labor.
d. “I need my hemoglobin A1C to should wear nylon underwear” Her pain is likely to be most
be less than 6” intense:
d. “Leg cramps can be alleviated if I
42. A pregnant client asks the nurse put an ice pack on the area” a. Around the pelvic girdle
if it’s okay to have the occasional
glass of red wine. What is the most b. Around the pelvic girdle and in
appropriate response by the nurse? the upper arms
45. Normal lochial findings in the
a. “There is no known safe amount first 24 hours post-delivery include: c. Around the pelvic girdle and at
to recommend in pregnancy” the perineum
a. Bright red blood
b. “As long as it is a wine you are d. At the perineum
safe to drink a glass a day” b. Large clots or tissue fragments
49. A nurse is counseling a pregnant
c. “Drinking one glass once a week c. A foul odor client who has been diagnosed with
with meals is safe” an incompetent cervix. Which of the
d. The complete absence of lochia following statements by the nurse
d. “One glass is ok as long as you would be included as part of
are in the second or third trimester” 46. Because cervical effacement and teaching?
dilation are not progressing in a
43. A nurse is educating a client patient in labor, Dr. Smith orders a. Call the doctor's office if you
who has very high blood pressure I.V. administration of oxytocin experience skin changes on your
during pregnancy. Which statement (Pitocin). Why must the nurse face or abdomen
by the client indicates the most monitor the patient’s fluid intake
understanding regarding gestational and output closely during oxytocin b. You should not lift anything over
hypertension? administration? 15 pounds

a. “My baby will have high blood a. Oxytocin causes water c. Try to drink less fluids and
pressure when she is born” intoxication instead eat more foods with protein

b. “My baby may be too small when b. Oxytocin causes excessive thirst d. You will need to abstain from
she is born” sexual intercourse until the provider
c. Oxytocin is toxic to the kidneys gives permission
c. “My baby can grow very large
because of this” d. Oxytocin has a diuretic effect

50. A nurse is caring for a client

who is 15-weeks pregnant. The
ultrasound shows a shortening of D. Serum transferrin causes of death in infants. At what
her cervix on ultrasound. Which of age is the diagnosis of SIDS most
the following diagnoses would the 54. A female child, age 2, is brought likely?
nurse anticipate? to the emergency department after
ingesting an unknown number of A. At 1 to 2 years of age
a. Incompetent cervix aspirin tablets about 30 minutes
earlier. On entering the examination B. At I week to 1 year of age,
b. A threatened miscarriage room, the child is crying and peaking at 2 to 4 months
clinging to the mother. Which data
c. Normal finding in pregnancy should the nurse obtain first? C. At 6 months to 1 year of age,
A. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and peaking at 10 months
d. Inevitable miscarriage blood pressure
D. At 6 to 8 weeks of age
B. Recent exposure to
51. A nurse is evaluating a group of
communicable diseases 59. Which of the following would
pregnant clients with cervical
be inappropriate when
shortening on ultrasound. Which of
C. Number of immunizations administering chemotherapy to a
the following clients is likely to
received child?
receive a cervical cerclage?
A. Monitoring the child for both
D. Height and weight general and specific adverse effects
a. A 22-week pregnant client with a
history of multiple preterm losses 55. To decrease the likelihood of B. Observing the child for 10
bradyarrhythmias in children during minutes to note for signs of
b. A 28-week pregnant client who is endotracheal intubation, anaphylaxis
having mild irregular contractions succinylcholine (Anectine) is used
with which of the following agents? C. Administering medication
c. A 32-week pregnant client with A. epinephrine (Adrenalin) through a free-flowing intravenous
ruptured membranes line
B. isoproterenol (Isuprel)
d. A 29-week pregnant client with a D. Assessing for signs of infusion
thinning cervix that is 3 cm dilated C. atropine sulfate (Atropine) infiltration and irritation

D. Lidocaine hydrochloride 60. Which of the following is most

52.. When assessing a child’s (Xylocaine) likely associated with a
cultural background, the nurse in cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
charge should keep in mind that: 56. Dr. Jones prescribes resulting from congenital heart
A. Cultural background usually has corticosteroids for a child with disease?
little bearing on a family’s health nephritic syndrome. What is the A. Polycythemia
practices primary purpose of administering
corticosteroids to this child? B. Cardiomyopathy
B. Physical characteristics mark the A. To increase blood pressure C. Endocarditis
child as part of a particular culture D. Low blood pressure
B. To reduce inflammation
C. Heritage dictates a group’s 61. Clay is an 8-year-old boy
shared values C. To decrease proteinuria diagnosed with heart failure. Which
of the following shows that he is
D. Behavioral patterns are passed D. To prevent infection strictly following the directed
from one generation to the next therapeutic regimen?
57. What should be the initial bolus
53. A child with a poor nutritional of crystalloid fluid replacement for
A. Daily use of an antibiotic
status and weight loss is at risk for a a pediatric patient in shock? B. Pulse rate less than 50
negative nitrogen balance. To help A. 20 ml/kg beats/minute
diagnose this problem, the nurse in
charge anticipates that the doctor B. 10 ml/kg C. Normal weight for age
will order which laboratory test?
A. Total iron-binding capacity C. 30 ml/kg D. Elevation in red blood cell
(RBC) count
B. Hemoglobin D. 15 ml/kg
62. Bryce is a child diagnosed with
C. Total protein 58. Sudden infant death syndrome coarctation of aorta. While
(SIDS) is one of the most common assessing him, Nurse Zach would
expect to find which of the B. A sibling of Baby Angie who C. Feeling guilty about
following? died of SIDS surviving the event
A. Squatting posture D. Development of above-
C. Baby Gabriel with prenatal drug average intelligence
B. Absent or diminished femoral exposure
D. Baby Gabby who sleeps on his 71. Anorexia nervosa is most
C. Severe cyanosis at birth back commonly diagnosed in which age
D. Cyanotic ("tet") episodes 67. Archie who weighs 44 lb has
been given an order for amoxicillin
A. Early childhood (ages 5-
63. Appropriate intervention is vital 500 mg b.i.d. The drug text notes
for many children with heart disease that the daily dose of amoxicillin is
in order to go on to live active, full 50 mg/kg/day in two divided doses. B. Puberty or adolescence
lives. Which of the following What dose in milligrams is safest (ages 13-20)
outlines an effective nursing for this child? C. Late adulthood (ages
intervention to decrease cardiac A. 1000 mg 65+)
demands and minimize cardiac
workload? D. Infancy (ages 0-2)
B. 750 mg
A. Feeding the infant over long
periods C. 500 mg 72. What is the virus that causes
B. Allowing the infant to have her warts?
way to avoid conflict D. 250 mg
A. Influenza virus
C. Scheduling care to provide for 68. Immunization of children with
uninterrupted rest periods Haemophilus influenzae type B B. Papillomavirus
(Hib) vaccine decreases the C. Rhinovirus
D. Developing and implementing a incidence of which of the following
conditions? D. Herpesvirus
consistent care plan
A. Bronchiolitis
64. The procedure that has to be 73. Besides limiting food intake,
performed in order to shift the high B. Laryngotracheobronchitis
(LTB) which other behaviors are listed as
pressure from the right ventricle to ways children with eating disorders
the left ventricle in Transposition of C. Epiglottitis might control their weight?
the Great Arteries (TGA) is: D. Pneumonia
A. Rashkind Procedure
A. Skipping baths and
69. What is a characteristic showering less frequently
B. Rastelli Procedure symptom of Oppositional Defiant
Disorder (ODD) in children? B. Excessive exercise and
C. Pulmonary Artery Banding purging behaviors
C. Wearing loose-fitting
D. Jatene Procedure A. Difficulty making friends
B. Above average
65. Veronica’s parents were told D. Spending more time
that their daughter needs ribavirin socializing
C. Frequent temper
(Virazole). This drug is used to treat
outbursts directed at
which of the following? 74. What is a potential medical
authority figures
A. Cystic fibrosis consequence of eating disorders
B. Otitis media D. Preference for solitary activities
A. Increased risk of cavities
C. Respiratory syncytial virus 70. Which of the following is NOT
(RSV) B. Delayed psychosexual
a symptom of Post-traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) in children?
D. Bronchitis C. Development of psychic
66. Which of the following infants A. Recurring nightmares
is least probable to develop sudden about the traumatic event D. Improved athletic
infant death syndrome (SIDS)? performance
B. Intense anxiety when
A. Baby Angela who was reminded of the event
75. What are the primary physical 79. It is mentions that prolonged D. Diaper area
injuries associated with shaken baby apnea is a possible factor in SIDS.
syndrome (SBS)? What does "apnea" refer to in this
83. What is the name of the tooth
decay problem caused by putting an
A. Broken bones infant to sleep with a bottle
B. Whiplash injury to the A. Shallow breathing containing sugary liquids, according
neck to the passage?

C. Internal organ damage B. Difficulty swallowing

A. Rampant caries
D. Skin abrasions
C. Complete cessation of breathing
for a short period B. Baby bottle tooth decay
76. Which of the following is NOT
a characteristic of ritual abuse?
D. Rapid and labored breathing C. Early childhood caries
A. It is motivated by
religious or spiritual 80. How often should diapers be D. Enamel erosion
beliefs. changed to promote good diaper-
area hygiene?
B. It involves physical or 84. What is a potential sign of
sexual abuse. hidden abdominal bleeding after
C. It is typically a one-time A. Every hour trauma?
D. It may involve multiple B. Every 2-4 hours A. Fever
perpetrators and victims.
C. Only when the diaper is visibly B. Increased appetite
77. A diving reflex that can help soiled
very young children survive in cold C. Hypotension (low blood
water. What triggers this reflex? D. Whenever the baby wakes up pressure)

A. Holding their breath for a long 81. When using baby powder on an D. Diarrhea
time infant, what is the recommend to
85. What describes two terms
B. Shivering to generate heat related to drowning incidents. What
A. Using a scented powder is the difference between
C. Submerging their face first in "drowning" and "near drowning"?
cold water (below 70°F) B. Applying the powder directly to
the baby's skin A. Drowning refers to saltwater
D. Wearing a life jacket submersion, near drowning refers to
freshwater submersion.
C. Leaving the powder container
78. How do parents typically react within the baby's reach
to a SIDS death B. Drowning is always fatal, near
drowning refers to survival after
D. All of the above
submersion with medical
A. They become angry and blame intervention.
medical professionals. 82. What is a common location for
miliaria (prickly heat rash) to appear
C. Drowning is caused by
B. They readily accept death and first on an infant?
hyperventilation, near drowning is
move on quickly. caused by lack of oxygen.
A. Arms and legs
C. They may use both past and D. Drowning is more common in
present tense when discussing the B. Face and cheeks summer, near drowning is more
child. common in winter.
C. Neck
D. They often experience symptoms
of physical illness due to grief.
86.) During pregnancy, which A) Increased deep sleep (slow-wave 94.) After the first four months of
physiological change is expected in sleep) pregnancy, the chief source of
the cardiovascular system? estrogen and progesterone is the:
B) Decreased total sleep duration
A) Decreased cardiac output A. Placenta
C) Reduced incidence of sleep
B) Decreased blood volume disturbances B. Adrenal cortex

C) Increased heart rate D) Increased sleep efficiency C. Corpus luteum

D) Decreased blood pressure 91.) Which endocrine change occurs D. Anterior hypophysis
during pregnancy?
87.) What is a common skin change 95.) Which of the following terms
that occurs during pregnancy? A) Decreased insulin sensitivity applies to the tiny, blanched,
slightly raised end arterioles found
on the face, neck, arms, and chest
A) Decreased pigmentation B) Decreased thyroid hormone
during pregnancy?
B) Increased oil production
A. Epulis
C) Increased cortisol secretion
C) Formation of stretch marks
B. Linea nigra
(striae gravidarum) D) Increased prolactin levels

C. Striae gravidarum
D) Reduced perspiration 92.) In a lecture on sexual
functioning, the nurse plans to
include the fact that ovulation D. Telangiectasias
88.) What is a common
occurs when the:
hematological change in pregnancy?
96.) Which of the following answers
A. Oxytocin is too high. best describes the stage of
A) Decreased white blood cell count
pregnancy in which maternal and
fetal blood are exchanged?
B. Blood level of LH is too high.
B) Decreased platelet count
A. Conception
C. Progesterone level is high.
C) Increased risk of anemia
B. 9 weeks’ gestation, when the
D. Endometrial wall is sloughed off.
D) Increased blood viscosity fetal heart is well developed.

93.) The main function of

89.) Which breast change is C. 32-34 weeks gestation
progesterone is the:
expected during pregnancy?
D. Maternal and fetal blood are
A. Development of the female
A) Decreased breast size never exchanged.
reproductive system.

B) Reduced nipple sensitivity 97.) A client states that she had a

B. Stimulation of the follicles for
spontaneous abortion 12 months
ovulation to occur.
ago. The client asks if her hormones
C) Darkening of the areolas may have contributed to the loss of
C. Preparation of the uterus to the pregnancy. The nurse’s response
D) Decreased blood flow to the receive a fertilized egg. is based upon her knowledge of
breasts which of the following facts?
D. Establishment of secondary male
90.) Which sleep-related change sex characteristics. A. Implantation occurs when
may occur during pregnancy? progesterone levels are low.
B. hCG reaches a maximum level at D. Monitor fetal heart rate (FHR) B. Forceps delivery
4 weeks gestation. and uterine contractions (UCs).
C. Schultz delivery
C. Progesterone decreases the 100.) A nurse is conducting a
contractility of the uterus. prenatal class on the female
D. Weak bearing down efforts
reproductive system. When a client
in the class asks why the fertilized
D. Progesterone is only produced by
ovum stays in the Fallopian tube for 103. The parents of a 9-month old
the corpus luteum during
3 days, the nurse responds that the bring the infant to the clinic for a
reason for this is that it: regular check up. The infant has
received no immunizations. Which
98.) After being rehydrated in the vaccine order would the nurse
A. Promotes the fertilized ovum’s
emergency department, a 24-year- question?
chances of survival.
old primipara in her 18th week of
pregnancy is at home and is to rest
A. Diphtheria, tetanus, and
at home for the next two days and B. Promotes the fertilized ovum’s
acellular pertussis
take in small but frequent fluids and exposure to estrogen &
food as possible. Discharge teaching progesterone.
at the hospital by the nurse has been B. Haemophilus influenzae
effective if the patient makes which type B (Hib).
C. Promotes the fertilized ovum’s
statement? C. Measles, mumps, and
normal implantation in the top
portion of the uterus. rubella (MMR).
A. “I’m going to eat five to six D. Hepatitis B (Hep B).
small servings per day, which
D. Promotes the fertilized ovum’s
contain such foods and fluids as tea,
exposure to LH and FSH. 104. To assess the development of
crackers, or a few bites of baked
chicken.” a 1-month-old, the nurse asks the
101.) A nurse is monitoring a client parent if the infant is able to:
in active labor and notes that the
B. “A strip of bacon and a fried egg
client is having contractions every 3 A. Smile and laugh out loud
will taste good as long as I eat them
minutes that last 45 seconds. The
slowly.” B. Roll from the back to side.
nurse notes that the fetal heart rate
between contractions is 100 BPM. C. Hold a rattle briefly.
C. “As long as I eat small amounts Which of the following nursing D. Hepatitis B (Hep B)
and allow enough time for actions is most appropriate?
digestion, I can eat almost anything,
like barbequed chicken or 105. The nurse should refer the
A. Encourage the client’s coach to parents of an 8-month old child to a
continue to encourage breathing health care provider if the child is
exercises. unable to:
D. “I’m going to stay only on clear
fluids for the next 24 hours and then
B. Encourage the client to continue A. stand momentarily
add dairy products like eggs and
pushing with each contraction. without holding onto
C. Continue monitoring the fetal B. stand alone well for long
99.) A pregnant patient has a
heart rate. periods of time.
systolic blood pressure that exceeds
160 mm Hg. Which action should C. stoop to recover an object.
the nurse take for this patient? D. Notify the physician or nurse- D. sit without support for
midwife. long periods of time.
A. Administer magnesium sulfate
intravenously. 102.)A nurse in a labor room is 106. Which infant most needs a
assisting with the vaginal delivery developmental referral for a gross
of a newborn infant. The nurse motor delay?
B. Obtain a prescription for
would monitor the client closely for
antihypertensive medications.
the risk of uterine rupture if which
of the following occurred? A. The 2-month-old who
C. Restrict intravenous and oral does not roll over
fluids to 125 mL/hr.
A. Hypotonic contractions
B. The 4-month-old who C. praise the child’s attempts C. Ignoring the child.
does sit without support to dress herself. D. Putting the child to bed.
C. The 6-month-old who D. tell the child when the E. Spanking the child.
does not creep combination of clothes is
not appropriate. F. Trying to reason with the
D. The 9-month-old who child.
does not stand holding on.
111. when assessing the pain in a
toddler, which of the following 114. After teaching a group of
107. Which intervention should the parents of preschoolers attending a
nurse employ to reduce trauma method should be the most
appropriate? well-child clinic about oral hygiene
caused by vaccine administration to and tooth brushing, the nurse
an infant ? determines that the teaching has
A. ask the child about the been successful when the parents
A. Use a 5/8inch (1.6cm) pain state that children can begin to
needle B. observe the child for brush their teeth without help at
restlessness which of the following ages?
B. simultaneously administer
vaccines at separate sites C. use a numeric pain scale
C. aspirate to verify needle D. assess for changes in vital A. 3 years.
placement signs B. 5 years.
D. breast-feed right before C. 7 years.
administering the vaccines 112. The nurse is teaching the D. 9 years.
parents of an 8-month-old about
108. A 2-year-old child brought to what the child should eat. The nurse
should include which of the follow 115. After having a blood sample
the clinic by her parents is drawn, a 5-year-old child insists that
uncooperative when the nurse tries points in the teaching plan?
the site be covered with a bandage.
to look in her ears. Which of the When the parent tries to remove the
following should nurse try first? A. items from all food bandage before leaving the office,
groups should be the child screams that all the blood
A. ask another nurse to assist introduced to the infant by will come out. The nurse
the time the child is 10 encourages the parent to leave the
B. allow a parent to assist months old. bandage in place and tells the parent
C. wait until the child calms B. solid foods should not be that the child:
down introduced until the infant
D. restrain the child’s arm is 10 months old. A. Fears another procedure.
C. Iron deficiency rarely B. Does not understand body
109. The mother asks the nurse for develops before 12 integrity.
advice about discipline for her 18- months of age, so iron
fortified cereals should C. Is expressing pain.
month-old. Which of the following
should nurse suggest that the mother not be introduced until the D. Is attempting to regain
use? infant is 12 months old. control.
D. the infants diet can be
changed from formula to 116. The family of a 5-year-old,
A. structured
whole milk when the only child has just moved to a rural
infant is 12 months old. setting. At the well-child visit, the
B. spanking
father expresses concern that his
C. reasoning 113. The parents of a preschooler child seems prone to minor
D. time-out ask the nurse how to handle their accidents such as skinning his
child's temper tantrums. Which of elbow and knees or falling off his
the following should the nurse scooter. The nurse tells the father:
110. To encourage autonomy in a 4- include in the teaching plan? Select
year old, the nurse should instruct all that apply.
the mother to: A. “Only children use
accidents as a way to seek
A. Putting the child in “time- parental attention.”
A. Discourage the child’s out.” B. “Children who live in the
choice of clothing.
B. Telling the child to go to suburbs typically have
B. button the child’s coat and his bedroom. more accidents.”
C. “Children frequently b. G5 T2 P2 A1 L4
have more accidents when a. Oxytocin is too high. c. G5 T2 P1 A1 L4
families experience b. Blood level of LH is too d. G4 T3 P1 A1 L4
change.” high.
c. Progesterone level is high. 126, An expected cardiopulmonary
D. “We see a relationship d. Endometrial wall is adaptation experienced by most
between accidents and sloughed off. pregnant women is:
parental education.” a. Tachycardia
121, The chief function of b. Dyspnea at rest
117. When developing the teaching progesterone is the: c. Progression of dependent
plan about illness for the mother of a. Development of the edema
a preschooler, which of the female reproductive d. Shortness of breath on
following should the nurse include system. exertion
about how a preschooler perceives b. Stimulation of the
illness? follicles for ovulation to 127, Nutritional planning for a
occur. newly pregnant woman of average
c. Preparation of the uterus height and weighing 145 pounds
A. A necessary part of life. to receive a fertilized egg. should include:
B. A test of self-worth. d. D. Establishment of a. A decrease of 200 calories
secondary male sex a day.
C. A punishment for
characteristics. b. An increase of 300
calories a day.
D. The will of God. 122, The developing cells are called c. An increase of 500
a fetus from the: calories a day.
118. When planning a 15-month-old a. Time the fetal heart is d. A maintenance of her
toddler's daily diet with the parents, heart present caloric intake per
which of the following amounts of b. Eighth week to the time of day.
milk should the nurse include? birth.
c. Implantation of the
fertilized ovum. 128, When involved in prenatal
A. ½ to 1 cup (125 to 250 d. End of the send week to teaching, the nurse should advise
mL). the onset of labor. the clients that an increase in
B. 2 to 3 cups (500 to 750 vaginal secretions during pregnancy
mL). 123, After the first four months of is called leukorrhea and is caused by
pregnancy, the chief source of increased:
C. 3 to 4 cups (750 to 1,000 estrogen and progesterone is the: a. Metabolic rates.
mL). a. Placenta b. Production of estrogen.
D. 4 to 5 cups (1,000 to b. Adrenal cortex c. Functioning of the
1,250 mL). c. Corpus luteum Bartholin glands.
d. Anterior hypophysis d. Supply of sodium chloride
to the cells of the vagina.
119. When observing the parent 124, The nurse recognizes that an
instilling prescribed ear drops expected change in the hematologic 129, The nurse teaches a pregnant
prescribed twice a day for a toddler, system that occurs during the 2nd woman to avoid lying on her back.
the nurse decides that the teaching trimester of pregnancy is: The nurse has based this statement
about positioning of the pinna for a. A decrease in WBC’s on the knowledge that the supine
instillation of the drops is effective b. Increase in hematocrit. position can:
when the parent pulls the toddler's c. An increase in blood a. Unduly prolonged labor.
pinna in which of the following volume. b. Cause decreased placental
directions? d. A decrease in perfusion.
sedimentation rate. c. Lead to transient episodes
A. Up and forward. of hypotension.
125, A pregnant client is making her d. Interfere with free
B. Up and backward.
first antepartum visit. She has a 2- movement of the coccyx
C. Down and forward. year-old son born at 40 weeks, a 5-
D. Down and backward. year-old daughter born at 38 weeks, 130, Which of the following
and 7-year-old twin daughters born symptoms occurs with a
at 35 weeks. She had a spontaneous hydatidiform mole?
120, In a lecture on sexual abortion 3 years ago at 10 weeks. a. Heavy, bright red
functioning, the nurse plans to Using the GTPAL format, the nurse bleeding every 21 days.
include the fact that ovulation should identify that the client is: b. Fetal cardiac motion after
occurs when the: a. G4 T3 P2 A1 L4 6 weeks gestation.
c. Benign tumors found in contraception until I stop d. Recognizes but is fearful
the smooth muscle of the breastfeeding” of strangers
d. “Snowstorm” pattern on
ultrasound with no fetus 134, The client visits the clinic for 137.All postpartum patients are at
or gestational sac. prenatal check-up. While waiting risk for uterine hemorrhage.What
for the physician, the nurse decided assessment data should the nurse
131, Which of the following terms to conduct health teaching to the first collect when appraising B.C.’s
applies to the tiny, blanched, client. The nurse informed the client risk for hemorrhage?
slightly raised end arterioles found that primigravida mother should go
on the face, neck, arms, and chest to the hospital when which patter is a. Ask her to describe her
during pregnancy? evident? perennial care.
a. Epulis a. Contractions are 2-3 b. Assess the skin
b. Linea nigra minutes apart, lasting 90 integrity of her
c. C. Striae gravidarum seconds, and membranes abdomen.
d. Telangiectasias have ruptured c. Assess her oxygen
b. Contractions are 5-10 saturation level.
132, A nurse is assessing a newborn minutes apart, lasting 30 d. Assess her uterus for
infant following circumcision and seconds, and are felt as height and tone.
notes that the circumcised area is strong menstrual cramps
red with a small amount of bloody c. Contractions are 3-5
138.Supposed Angela has a retained
drainage. Which of the following minutes apart,
placental fragment that is causing
nursing actions would be most accompanied by rectal
extensive postpartum bleeding.
appropriate? pressure and bloody show
Which test prescribed by her
a. Document the findings d. Contractions are 5
primary care provider would best
b. Contact the physician minutes apart, lasting 60
reveal a retained fragment is
c. Circle the amount of seconds, and increasing in
bloody drainage on the intensity
dressing and reassess in
30 minutes 135, The community nurse is a. Placental and cord
d. Reinforce the dressing conducting a health teaching in the blood estrogen.
group of married women. When b. Progesterone.
133, A nurse is planning a home teaching a woman about fertility c. Pelvic ultrasound.
visit program to a new mother who awareness, the nurse should d. Oxytocin.
is 2 weeks postpartum and emphasize that the basal body
breastfeeding, the nurse includes in temperature: 139. Aurora develops
her health teaching about the a. Should be recorded each endometritis.When planning nursing
resumption of fertility, morning before any care, which activity would be best
contraception and sexual activity. activity to advise for Aurora?
Which of the following statement b. Is the average temperature
indicates that the mother has taken each morning a. Walking around her room
understood the teaching? c. Can be done with a listening to music.
a. “Because breastfeeding mercury thermometer but b. Lying supine with a cold cloth on
speeds the healing process not a digital one her forehead.
after birth, I can have sex d. Has a lower degree of c. Reading while resting in a slight
right away and not worry accuracy in predicting Trendelenburg position.
about infection” ovulation than the cervical d. Alternating between prone and
b. “Because I am mucus test supine positions.
breastfeeding and my
hormones are decreased, I 136, An 8-month-old infant is 140.Anna has a risk for deep vein
may need to use a vaginal admitted to the hospital due to thrombosis postpartum
lubricant when I have diarrhea. The nurse caring for the period.What would be the best
sex” client tells the mother to stay beside suggestion the nurse could make to
c. “After birth, you have to the infant while making assessment. help prevent this?
have a period before you Which of the following
can get pregnant again’ developmental milestones the infant a. Rest in bed as much as possible
d. “Breastfeeding protects has reached? for the first several days.
me from pregnancy a. Has a three-word b. Assume a knee-chest position for
because it keeps my vocabulary 15 minutes every day.
hormones down, so I b. Interacts with other c. Increase fluid intake to reduce
don’t need any infants blood viscosity.
c. Stands alone
d. Ambulate early and consistently 143. 2 A 32-year-old woman is 34 liver enzymes have remained
to improve circulation. weeks’ pregnant with her second unchanged. Her INR has increased
pregnancy. She presents with to 2.8. US of liver is normal. The
141.The nurse is making an effort to preeclampsia with hypertension best course of action would be:
address Andrea’s psychological (HTN), proteinuria, and edema,
health in addition to her physiologic which is treated with a. Correct INR with vitamin K and
well-being. Which of Andreas' antihypertensives. Two weeks later monitor on the wards
statements would be most she returns with increasing nausea, b. Send blood cultures, hepatitis E
suggestive of possible postpartum malaise, and epigastric pain. and Herpes simplex serology, and
psychosis? Physical examination reveals serum ceruloplasmin levels to cover
peripheral edema, blood pressure all conditions that can cause acute
a. ‘’I wish my baby had longer (BP) of 140/90, palmer erythema, hepatitis
hair.’’ mild icterus, spider angioma on the c. Give fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
b. ‘’I have felt exhausted ever since trunk, uterus consistent with to correct INR. Then consider liver
birth.’’ gestation, but otherwise normal biopsy to establish diagnosis. Wait 3
c. ‘’I am happy not to have any abdominal examination. Initial weeks until she is at 36 weeks’
children.’’ laboratory data show Hb 8.5, WBC gestation and then deliver
d.‘’Breastfeeding is way harder than 12000, Plt 90000, TBR 4.2, direct d. Transfer to intensive care unit
I thought.’’ bilirubin (BR) 1.2mg/dL, AST 450, (ICU), observe closely and, if INR
ALT 300, ALP 200, GGT 130. The increases further and somnolence
appropriate next step would be: worsens, proceed with immediate
142. A 24-year-old woman, who is
30 weeks’ pregnant, presents with delivery
malaise, tiredness, and mild nausea. a. Admit the patient to hospital,
Her physical examination is observe closely, and consider 145. The following is diagnostic of
unremarkable. On laboratory tests, delivery at 36–37 weeks’ gestation acute fatty liver of pregnancy
her hemoglobin (Hb) is 11g/dL, b. Check hepatitis serology (A, B, (AFLP):
white blood cell (WBC) C, Herpes simplex) and ask her to
11000mm3, count Plt 110000mm3, return in 1 week. If any of these a. US showing fatty change in the
total bilirubin (TBR) 1.8mg/dL, tests are positive, treat accordingly. liver in a patient in the third
aspartate aminotransferase (AST) If negative, investigate further trimester with abnormal liver blood
152IU/L, alanine aminotranferase tests
(ALT) 155IU/L, alkaline c. Liver biopsy to establish a quick b. MRI of abdomen showing fatty
phosphatase (ALP) 230IU/L, diagnosis and then treat liver and areas of liver infarction
gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) accordinglyabdomen showing fatty c. Liver biopsy showing large
70IU/L. Ultrasound (US) of the liver and areas of liver infarction globules of fat in hepatocytes, with
abdomen shows a gravid uterus, lymphocytic infiltration in the
distended gallbladder but no stones. d. Immediate admission and centrilobular region
The following would be the most delivery d. Liver biopsy showing
appropriate workup: hepatocytes with microvesicular fat
144. A Caucasian woman who is 33 and minimal inflammatory cell
a. Some elevation of liver enzymes weeks’ pregnant presents with infiltration
is expected with pregnancy. She epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting,
should be observed with repeat liver and malaise of 2 weeks’ duration, 146. Suicide is the leading cause of
function tests in 2–3 weeks which has got worse. Two days ago, maternal (antenatal and postpartum)
she also noticed dark urine. On mortality.
examination, her BP is 150/95,
temperature 99.2°F, pulse 90 beats
b. The clinical and laboratory a. True
per minute (b.p.m.). She has mild
picture is consistent with HELLP b. False.
icterus. Abdominal examination
syndrome, and she should be
reveals a gravid uterus and liver
managed conservatively 147. The recommended dose of
edge palpable 2 cm below the costal
margin. Admission laboratory folate for women taking
c. Distended gallbladder and anticonvulsant mood stabilizers
results show Hb 11, WBC 14500,
abnormal liver tests including TBR (valproic acid and carbamazepine)
Plt 110000, TBR 3.2, AST 150,
and ALP indicate cholecystitis, and is 4 mg per day.
ALT 175, ALP 300, GGT 230,
a surgical consultation should be
international normalized ratio (INR)
sought a. True
1.5. She is admitted and tests are
sent for hepatitis serology (A, B, C), b. False
d. Check hepatitis A, B, and C
antinuclear antibody (ANA),
serology. If negative, look for other
antimitochondrial antibody (AMA), 148. Women with bipolar disorder
causes of acute hepatitis
and alpha 1-antitrypsin. Two days (manic depressive disorder) have a
later, she is more somnolent. Her 40% chance of postpartum
psychosis, mania, or depression if c. If 2 and 4 are correct interventions would be appropriate
they do not take their mood d. If only 4 is correct to promote optimal nutrition for the
stabilizers after delivery. e. If all are correct infant?

a. True 153. A woman with a previous A. Replacing regular nipples with

incidence of prolonged pregnancy is easy-to-suck ones
b. False less likely to experience another
prolonged pregnancy B. Allowing the infant to feed for at
149. 5 The first-line agent for use least 1 hour
in bipolar disorder in pregnancy is: a. True
b. False C. Providing large feedings evenly
a. Valproic acid (Depakote) spaced every 4 hours
b. Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 154. The Foley Family is caring for
c. Lithium (Lithobid) their youngest child, Justin, who is D. Offering formula that is high in
d. Lamotrigine (Lamictal) suffering from tetralogy of Fallot. sodium and calories
Which of the following are defects
150.Which antidepressants are associated with this congenital heart 157. Which of these statements
recommended for use in pregnancy condition? regarding the conduction system of
(based upon prospective exposure the heart is NOT correct? Select all
data)? A. Aorta exits from the right that apply.
ventricle, pulmonary artery exits
1. Sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine from the left ventricle, and two A. The sinoatrial (SA) node of the
(Prozac) and citalopram (Celexa) noncommunicating circulations heart acts as the pacemaker.

2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors B. Ventricular septal defect, B. The SA node is located on the
(Nardil) overriding aorta, pulmonic stenosis upper wall of the left atrium.
(PS), and right ventricular
.3 Nortriptyline (Pamelor) and C. The AV node conducts action
desipramine (Norpramine) potentials rapidly through it.
C. Coarctation of aorta, aortic valve
stenosis, mitral valve stenosis, and
151. Escitalopram (Lexapro) D. Action potentials are carried
patent ductus arteriosus
slowly through the atrioventricular
a. If 1, 2, and 3 are correct bundle.
D. Tricuspid valve atresia, atrial
b. If 1 and 3 are correct
septal defect, ventricular septal
c. If 2 and 4 are correct 158. The ductus arteriosus is
defect, and hypoplastic right
d. If only 4 is correct another fetal structure that is
e. If all are correct important in the intrauterine life. It
functions to:
155. Which of the following
152.Guidelines for administering
instructions would Nurse Courtney
antidepressants in pregnancy A. Shunts the combined cardiac
include in a teaching plan that
include: output from the pulmonary artery to
focuses on initial prevention for
the aorta going to the lungs
Sheri who is diagnosed with
1. Beginning at a lower dose for rheumatic fever?
women with high anxiety B. Shunts the combined cardiac
output from the pulmonary artery to
A. Treating streptococcal throat
2. Using the same medication the systemic circulation
infections with an antibiotic
during pregnancy and lactation
C. Shunts the combined cardiac
B. Giving penicillin to patients with
3. Ruling out previous manic output from the aorta to the
rheumatic fever
episodes before the initiation of an pulmonary artery and later to the
antidepressant pulmonary veins
C. Using corticosteroid to reduce
4. The addition of a second D. Shunts the combined cardiac
antidepressant if the first one is not output from the aorta to the
D. Providing an antibiotic before pulmonary artery to the right
dental work ventricle
a. If 1, 2, and 3 are correct
156. Mr. and Mrs. Baker’s only 159. Beta-adrenergic agonists such
daughter is diagnosed with heart as albuterol are given to Reggie, a
b. If 1 and 3 are correct failure. Which of the following child with asthma. Such drugs are
administered primarily to do which nurse should mention the C. Symmetrical gluteal folds
of the following? significance of which anatomical
feature? D. Trendelenburg's signs
A. Dilate the bronchioles
A. Nasopharynx 167. ncomplete development of
B. Reduce secondary infections teeth, bones, and ligaments is the
B. Eustachian tubes result of:
C. Decrease postnasal drip
C. External ear canal A. Congenital hip dysplasia
D. Reduce airway inflammation
D. Tympanic membrane B. Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
160. Fred is a 12-year-old boy
diagnosed with pneumococcal 164. Veronica is a 14-year-old girl C. Osteogenesis imperfecta
pneumonia. Which of the following who wears a brace for structural
would Nurse Nica expect to assess? scoliosis; which of the following D. Osteomyelitis
statements indicate effective use of
A. Mild cough the brace? 168. Neurovascular assessment for a
fracture patient includes: Select all
B. Slight fever A. "I sure am glad that I only have that apply.
to wear this awful thing at night."
C. Chest pain A. Prosthesis
B. "I'm really glad that I can take
D. Bulging fontanel this thing off whenever I get tired." B. Polyps

161. The Andrews family has been C. "I wonder if I can take the brace C. Pain
taking good care of their youngest, off when I go to the homecoming
Archie, who was diagnosed with dance."
D. Pallor
asthma. Which of the following
statements indicate a need for D. "I'll look forward to taking this
E. Pulselessness
further home care teaching? thing off to take my bath every
F. Paresthesia
A. "He should increase his fluid
intake regularly to thin secretions." 165. Nurse Cheryl is assessing Fred,
a 14-year-old boy who had G. Paralysis
B. "We'll make sure that he avoids scoliosis; besides checking
neurologic status directly after H. Poikilothermia
exercise to prevent attacks."
Harrington rod instrumentation and
spinal fusion, she should be 169 Which of the following is
C. "He is to use his bronchodilator
regarded with which of the TRUE about sickle cell disease
inhaler before the steroid inhaler."
following factors? (SCD)? Select all that apply.
D. "We need to identify what
A. Comfort level A. Sickle cell anemia (SCD) is an
things trigger his attacks."
inherited disorder of the hemoglobin
B. Dietary tolerance in blood.
162.Which of the following
respiratory conditions is always
C. Physical therapy needs B. Sickle cell anemia requires the
considered a medical emergency?
inheritance of two sickle cell genes.
A. Asthma D. Understanding of the procedure
C. Sickle cell trait, which is the
166. Nurse Kevin is assessing a inheritance of one sickle gene,
B. Cystic fibrosis (CF) almost never causes problems.
newborn for developmental
dysplasia of the hip (DDH); he
C. Epiglottitis D. Virtually all of the major
would expect to assess which of the
following? symptoms of sickle cell anemia are
D. Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB) the direct result of the abnormally-
A. Characteristic limp shaped sickled red blood cells
163. Nurse Veronica is teaching a obstructing the flow of blood.
group of parents about otitis media.
B. Ortolani's sign
When discussing why children are E. The contemporary treatment of
predisposed to this disorder, the sickle cell anemia is focused
primarily toward managing the B. "Do the parents put the child on 176. A 6-month-old child received
individual features of the illness as his stomach during supervised the following play things as a gift
they occur. play?" from a relative. The nurse should
advise the parents that which of the
170. Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s child has C. "Is the child turning his head to items is potentially dangerous for
hemophilia; which of the following follow an object?" the child to play with?
actions would you instruct them to
avoid? D. "Do the parents elicit a smile A. Stuffed animal
from the child when they speak to B. Balloon
A. Immobilizing the joint him?" C. Toy cell phone
D. Shape sorter
B. Lowering the injured area 174. A mother visits her child’s
primary health-care provider for the 177. A mother of an 8-month-old
C. Applying cold to the area child’s 12-month visit. The child boy states that the family is
weighed 2,800 grams at birth. vacationing in a beach house for the
Which of the following weights is next 2 weeks. Which of the
D. Applying pressure
most consistent with the expected following information should the
weight for this child? nurse educate the mother about in
171. A nurse is educating a parent relation to sun exposure? Select all
regarding the immunizations that a that apply.
child is to receive during the first A. 7,500 grams
year of life. Which of the following B. 8,000 grams
C. 8,500 grams A. Reapply sun lotions to all
immunizations did the nurse
D. 9,000 grams exposed skin every 4 to 6
175. The nurse assesses a 2-month- B. Use sun lotions that
A. Measles protect against both UVA
B. Mumps old girl. The baby weighed 3,400
grams at birth, 3,800 grams at 1 and UVB rays.
C. Rubella C. Have the baby wear child-
D. Polio month, and 4,000 grams at 2 months
of age. The nurse plots the sized sunglasses whenever
information on the scale below. he is in the sun.
172. A nurse is educating a parent D. Avoid exposing the child
Which of the following conclusions
regarding the psychosocial stage of to the sun between the
and actions would be appropriate
development of the infancy period. hours of 12 and 2 p.m.
for the nurse to make?
Which of the following information E. Dress the child in
did the nurse include in the lightweight clothing that
discussion? A. Conclusion: the child’s
covers the majority of his
growth is normal. Action
—no change: the baby is
A. Infants should have their
growing appropriately,
needs met in a timely 178. The mother of an 11-month-old
therefore no feeding
fashion. states, “My child has 8 teeth. I brush
changes are needed.
B. Mothers should let their them every morning with bubble
B. Conclusion: the child’s
babies cry themselves to gum-flavored toothpaste. My child
growth is excessive.
sleep each night. loves it.” Which of the following
Action—change: the baby
C. Infants should be scolded responses by the nurse is
is overweight, and the
for bad behavior appropriate?
information should be
whenever they break
objects. A. “That is great. Even
C. Conclusion: the child’s
D. Mothers should sneak out though they are baby
growth is inconsistent.
of the room when they teeth, it is very important
Action—no change: the
must leave their babies. to brush them with
baby’s weight was larger
than normal at birth, but toothpaste.”
173. The mother of a 2-month-old the current weight is B. “I am so glad to hear that
who is being seen in the appropriate. your child loves
pediatrician’s office states, “I am D. Conclusion: the child’s toothpaste. So many
really worried because my child’s growth is below expected. babies get cavities
head is not shaped right.” The nurse Action—change: the because they refuse to use
should ask a question to obtain baby’s weight is markedly toothpaste.”
which of the following information? lower than normal, and C. “I am very happy to know
the information should be that you are cleaning your
A. "Is the child yet able to roll over reported. baby’s teeth, but I am
by himself?"
afraid that the bubble gum C. Inform the child that the B. “I made a goal during our
flavor will spoil him.” vaccine was ordered by soccer game yesterday.”
D. “It is wonderful that you the primary health-care C. “I strike out every time I
are brushing your child’s provider. bat when we play soft ball
teeth, but it is D. Comfort the child and in gym class.”
recommended for you not give the child a sticker as D. “My teacher let me read
to use toothpaste. a present out loud last week and
again this week.”
179. A mother questions the nurse 182. A mother tells the nurse that it
regarding car seat safety for her is difficult to get her 4-year-old 185. A child’s 3rd grade teacher
infant. Which of the following child to bed at night. Which of the informs the parents, “Your child’s
information should the nurse following should the nurse suggest handwriting is quite poor. It is
include in the discussion? that the mother do? important that your child practice
skills that might improve the
A. Place the infant car seat A. Give the child a small handwriting.” Which of the
rear facing in the back present if he goes to bed following activities could the
seat of the car. when he is asked to. parents encourage the child to
B. Move the car seat to the B. Play a running game with perform? Select all that apply.
forward-facing position the child right before
when the child reaches 1 bedtime. A. Throw a ball back and
year of age. C. Develop a bedtime routine forth
C. Keep the child in a bucket that is followed every B. Begin to play a musical
seat until the child is at night. instrument
least 12 months of age. D. Let the child stay up late C. Build a model of a
D. Tighten the straps of the on weekends if he goes to favorite structure
seat so that only an adult bed on time on D. Learn a new and popular
fist fits under the straps. weeknights. dance
E. Draw or paint a colorful
180. A 4-year-old child, who is 183. A parent asks the nurse the picture
hospitalized with pneumonia, tells following question: “My son plays
the nurse, “I got sick because I was with his penis all the time. What 186. The nurse working in a local
bad. I yelled at my little sister should I do?” Which of the school district is developing the
yesterday.” The nurse determines following responses is appropriate curriculum for a new sex education
that which of the following is an for the nurse to give the parent? program for the 2nd grade students.
accurate explanation for the child’s “Advise your child that: Which of the following content
comment? The child is: would be appropriate to include in
A. he should touch his penis the class?
A. Trying to get sympathy only when he is
from the nurse. urinating.” A. External genitalia of
B. Exhibiting an example of B. the behavior is males and females
magical thinking. appropriate when he is B. List of names of the
C. Making up stories to alone in a private place.” registered sex offenders
entertain the nurse. C. only boys who are old living in the school
D. Expressing remorse for enough to have sex should district
having yelled at her sister. touch their penises.” C. Difference between
D. bad men may try to hurt heterosexual contact and
181. The nurse is giving a 5-year- him if they see him homosexual contact
old child a vaccine injection. The playing with his penis.” D. Etiology of human
child cries loudly during the immunodeficiency virus
procedure. Which of the following 184. A nurse is interviewing a group
interventions would be appropriate of 4th grade children. It would be 187. A student informs the school
for the nurse to perform after the appropriate for the nurse to nurse that she is planning to get a
injection? diagnose the child who made which tattoo. Which of the following
of the following statements as “Risk information should the nurse teach
A. Advise the child that big for Altered Coping related to poor the student about tattoos?
children are quiet during psychosocial development”?
injections. A. Tattoos are easily
B. Explain to the child why A. “My teacher put the removed with lasers and
vaccinations are picture I drew up on the bleach.
administered. board.”
B. The student should D. Lidocaine hydrochloride D. Assessing for signs of
request that only blue and (Xylocaine) infusion infiltration and
red dye be used. irritation
C. Infections are rare 191. Dr. Jones prescribes
because tattoo needles and corticosteroids for a child with 195. Which of the
inks are kept hot. nephritic syndrome. What is the following is most likely
D. Skin lesions may develop primary purpose of administering associated with a
where tattoos are placed corticosteroids to this child? cerebrovascular accident
(CVA) resulting from
188.A child with a poor nutritional congenital heart disease?
status and weight loss is at risk for a
negative nitrogen balance. To help A. To increase blood pressure
diagnose this problem, the nurse in B. To reduce inflammation
charge anticipates that the doctor A. Polycythemia
C. To decrease proteinuria
will order which laboratory test? B. Cardiomyopathy
D. To prevent infection
C. Endocarditis
A. Total iron-binding 192. What should be the initial D. Low blood pressure
capacity bolus of crystalloid fluid
replacement for a pediatric patient 196. Clay is an 8-year-old
B. Hemoglobin in shock? boy diagnosed with heart
failure. Which of the
C. Total protein following shows that he is
strictly following the
D. Serum transferrin A. 20 ml/kg directed therapeutic
B. 10 ml/kg regimen?
C. 30 ml/kg
189. A female child, age 2, is D. 15 ml/kg
brought to the emergency A. Daily use of an antibiotic
department after ingesting an 193. Sudden infant death syndrome B. Pulse rate less than 50
unknown number of aspirin tablets (SIDS) is one of the most common beats/minute
about 30 minutes earlier. On causes of death in infants. At what
entering the examination room, the age is the diagnosis of SIDS most C. Normal weight for age
child is crying and clinging to the likely? D. Elevation in red blood cell
mother. Which data should the (RBC) count
nurse obtain first?
197. Bryce is a child
A. At 1 to 2 years of age diagnosed with
B. At I week to 1 year of age, coarctation of aorta.
A. Heart rate, respiratory While assessing him,
peaking at 2 to 4 months
rate, and blood pressure Nurse Zach would expect
C. At 6 months to 1 year of to find which of the
B. Recent exposure to age, peaking at 10 months following?
communicable diseases D. At 6 to 8 weeks of age

C. Number of 194. Which of the following would

immunizations received be inappropriate when A. Squatting posture
administering chemotherapy to a B. Absent or diminished
D. Height and weight child? femoral pulses
190. To decrease the likelihood of C. Severe cyanosis at birth
bradyarrhythmias in children during D. Cyanotic ("tet") episodes
endotracheal intubation, A. Monitoring the child for
succinylcholine (Anectine) is used both general and specific 198. Appropriate
with which of the following agents? adverse effects intervention is vital for
B. Observing the child for 10 many children with heart
minutes to note for signs disease in order to go on
of anaphylaxis to live active, full lives.
A. epinephrine (Adrenalin) Which of the following
C. Administering medication outlines an effective
B. isoproterenol (Isuprel)
through a free-flowing nursing intervention to
C. atropine sulfate (Atropine) intravenous line decrease cardiac demands
and minimize cardiac

A. Feeding the infant over

long periods
B. Allowing the infant to have
her way to avoid conflict
C. Scheduling care to provide
for uninterrupted rest
D. Developing and
implementing a consistent
care plan

199. Veronica’s parents

were told that their
daughter needs ribavirin
(Virazole). This drug is
used to treat which of the

A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Otitis media
C. Respiratory syncytial virus
D. Bronchitis

200. Which of the

following infants is least
probable to develop
sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS)?

A. Baby Angela who was

B. A sibling of Baby Angie
who died of SIDS
C. Baby Gabriel with prenatal
drug exposure
D. Baby Gabby who sleeps on
his back

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