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Nama : Zahratul Aliyah

NIM : STI202303786

Class. : C1.2

My name is Zahratul Aliyah, usually called Zahra, sometimes some people call me Liyah. I
was born in Purbalingga on May 6 2003.

The first education I took was Pertiwi Kindergarten, Cipaku Village, then continued to SDN 1
Cipaku, then continued again to SMPN 3 Mrebet and continued to vocational school, namely at
SMK N 2 Purbalingga, and currently I am studying at STMIK WIDYA UTAMA in Purwokerto.

My hobbies are watching movies and playing volleyball. Whenever I have free time I will
watch films like when I'm off work and have finished doing my homework because my days off at
work are always uncertain depending on the shift schedule that has been determined by the
shop head and my boss.

Currently I work at PT Indomarco Prismatama or familiarly known as Indomart located in Babakan

Village, Kalimanah District, Purbalingga. There I served as a shop cashier. When I was a cashier, I
learned a lot of experience, such as how to understand consumers well, provide offers to
consumers according to the SOP, sometimes we also have to be a little firm in dealing with
consumers who are impolite or sometimes often reprimand or catching consumers who don't
want to pay and then running away but in the end they can be caught and finally compensated by
the person's family, control their emotions if there are co-workers who work as they please
because at my workplace the work is a team, and I have also experienced bad things when I was
placed in a shop where I had previously been hypnotized by a customer who at that time was
going to top up his Shopee Pay balance transaction where the person topped up one million five
hundred but when the person left the money which was initially correct was one million five
hundred when calculated. back to just one million rupiah and in the end I had to replace that
nominal amount. That's all from my daily life story

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