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fede roJ ,'6 m

TAtr oci uct-1'on ~7°

-> 9 ~as i - ~e.J ero!-,' o n
~ D~ l-ory DecenttuJ lc.a..h'o0
f-ed era \ i~ m - Not- a defin i te
cen cef+ ~ I od~~~
SI-a.hie me~n,~
Cff D T- I. k ~()amachit-1
:r()d,·a had un,'q u.~ rroht ems
rot fa.ced h)' other ~derol-t'on.5
JJ,- .t.L a}
Seo. r-ch h) f" fO h'c.7 1n
cGw t-.s Tod 1°'5 n e C!.d.5 •
c~are ~ve.
New ~odit-1co.h'ons t-e~era.J ,&m
in e6t-a.hl'•~d ide<=1 o-P-
Fe.d ero..h on . 'J) i J eren+- furn LJ~.C~~e~~~J
defini ken of r-eder-al i6m ·
CP.ejio0al- s
<'renerol. rv·tG be
independent ol- e0tch o+he.0 ,
<copera.tive Proctuce:; Stt-ong el('.:arr>p-1~ =j' Proclomal-i'ons
Fede roJ ,~m Cel')tt'al. ~ov. under ~s2.J '$/io
buJ !)-
!J.. dG~ not crecJ-e "\ e e ds far} ia rn en ta r-y
Apf r--ovol .
Weak prov,'n c1'al
government-cS . [ PeH'dd bet-ore 4'1 t+, AmerxJmeni- a0
e~cep ~-lonJ ~
A~m ini6tt-otivc coorero..Ho0
(!) - ; £ ven fr, c~:,e ot- uce
© - J) e pendenc.e of re31'onal ofi rowens under ..2..43j
g~v . on cenft"al 30v. Par $_5o Parltam entor-y

fay rnent-c5 . apf re vcJ- 1'.s ne ce c5'5a rf.

@ _ (and ,+-t'onal 3rants b7 Cer,tM..l,

[ 24 ;1 - sre-c,a.L ~1 e ~ .5_1 or
J<W- ta promo/-e development l)r. A rnbed kar - CI+ D - -rnr
,n reg,·ons . -[A-~sig~eJ t-c, Ind ian Co n6h)qf1'oo avo1de.s
.c£r~J '-ti;~ht- model crf- Federo.l i.&~
f x: cer+- +-or
'61"~ point the £ I I l<e Arnertcan Co r>6h f-uhoY))
de-A·n,tt'on a.prlh='1 fe, rncl i'q . [ .1ndi'an Cou Iq be both Un1'hi7 as
well as ~dercJ. acc~rcling f-o
- rn t-C!tu...ent use of ;()t-1-udl'nq rou.,er the req_u.,b-e rneo ts o.P. f t'm e <& no/
of Union 30 v .-ii-- i I\ to 5 ~ Jaif . C i't---l.L(m6~n ce.~
None- of th~e: rw-er.s
lt'es t'n the hands of-
~a::.·ecu11 V"~S
® ffo te.c.e~ent-.s of t=eoleroL NehN - 1$:56 - II- ,~ likel7 thcJ-
Po11'~ :+ Fre(! .rnol ,a may be (I
F<!cl erol r n al ,'a / t h o ~
t)- .S i-e:..e _3. ·o,ve"oi:J + J{) any e v en+- -there rn.u~
- '])e rnan de~
Stron a centr-;;I
/oco.1 r he r,oJ- dea.J aP Un}i·-ar,1
( GI)~] . C~ntfu/.
J "(}
- -tu pre vent-- dis in h=:Jro.ho,-, .
3\. Co mmuno lic,m g:::;
2.> 2n'tt6h Raj ~ . 1/ N a h'o n o1 f\--e oc c u pal-1'o t? tu·• th
Gov . of Tnd ia ,4 cl- IS19 ( o m rn-<,,e n al t'6 m .
o ,-. 1g$5 d td no+- t() real.. - Commun ity Rl3htsj & ~
pract-t·c e crea..h= Federol. 1..0a..s 5e("ond mo~ impark:tn t-
~overnmenf-s . fc5~~e at+-er i'ncl~pendence .
- Go v ernor Gene~ th~ - r, .S toJ-e'.s
l at>~u m eel
H 3n t.f i[,t,(.(e., n ~ er- 7
. () 7 ~ Governor.::, could Contt--ai a ,'m pcrtonc.e a., , _l
1f'~,e,~,o> -e
rrovi r) c 1'cJ.. ad l'J\.4 n1 6~on . Lit- d,d ,' f") A,rnc::ri'c.~ ~ ~_!_~rro.J•~
\ c<'ef' el'e1,?o JJ.-
~~~(\ This Central j .so.h"o n o-,_ <J:' urt'11j IS 1.S ~ ) g 'b 5 A<~ the
v'~,v fGw et' doH'nJ fd r1'H8'1-,
-Poc..u.s wo.s c,n & rn rN,...(n\' A- t1'ah~
r ' I ,~ Q ~
C..e" .J . 9;"
&.° ~e pro~o...rnd Ix al+~c ~d
and f)ot-
- --------
on J)1<S+ti 9UA700 fJ
R,u.,e~ ~
--- - -
In ol Kl ~ -hi Jt..u-.e . --o m rnu noJ l<S m hacl rrobnd e/{~c t- '
~o'I( ~ 7 / Q() m o..J<f nq o.P- .:rnd 1an Co n~ti fuh..on
"' Y...e, ,/
\\ .,
[ cSrng!e Ci fl,\'z:,e l')~ if> ,:s ar, "'~e
of the 6anac] .

~~PN..\ Repar+ g,.

Cornm,' t+ee ,~. M. Pan I k kar - bV rvpor+-eJ Sh-e~
Reec, mt'her)Jed thcJ- r-es,d~Qry un ;on . ( (Jac51'c pH'ncipl~ of <
fOWer.s C /trl-. 2.~~) ~cJcl not- be .$-ho~d be unil-a one) Bu.¼ h e
,n th<! hands of- A-ovi'nces cJ6(3 sa ,cl thoJ-1 Provt nc\cJ 0gov.
, Thaut, the report Q~d to by devolu.+-100 &hou..ld ta,ie
Ana 1,)Y I-< eep U- 1() the h Q nds Q> P- _e,ve!_:S. ~ [B_e nei~e,.. t:!ech:d
f rov, n c.e~ - Its pe"" the: M4L>lirn v;~. +if.>H7 - kni'+- . fe~e~on . no" c 5 0 ~
CJ ni+a 'Y (' kt Hon m Md-- 6 e.r-,&e of!--
-Ji b~ l)d Reperl- 0~ Un,an R:H.oe~
( G

Ce mmith:<: -::? --- -,.erms . /

The c:So t.t nd ~ r .frome u.:crl:\ f G=oaJs of- S:lc,o.l Revo\l.ltlon
for OOt" constt't-ut1'on is te_dero.Han
w ith c5f-ro~ Centre c.rmprovinJ srondarcl ~ Hv 1'n~
,,H, incN::a6 1nq . fnc1us+t·l~ <;tnd)
- Com m ~ naJ tr'c n -z:..y 03Hcu.J /-tlrh.L producttv1 +y
- rtlrttHon
TrQn.sfe"" power
~emanfeJ 8tro"_3 (entro.L
fo-Athot1ty ,
Se tH e ref(..( es.s ff
fo~ Crfs is r welhlr-e of eeoel~ resFN>i~i__tity-
- R"'4nnin_j
Prob\emiS o ~ pH·nce\)' 6+-a.h:, c A(j) Y ,4~ ment- ,n
fu'vCIUr ot ,
- He }~ 1·n_g
to de~
p~v t\()C\~ rv- • .
th f Ub ic 6euu-·d r
- ---
Vi0c5t o+ the
U oto.l-es .
member-.s c5G..l' d rho}

) FooJ Crt'tis . th ,6 ~J.,ou.Jd by centrol. ov. ~~ibil;1

[ Co nc q:, !- of. HS{ h I- Pede ro. h'on dIcl
not- 30 (..) n ~ha71 encrdJ
Some memb e r-.s were" at- the
op r'n io,:i that"
tl,e re .d-,o~J ?e
adm l'n 16tr-af-iv e de cen~t ,z:o.hon.
( 13~5 Act- - ~ave hc:Skof-
,.. • · 11 'i
y m en, 1oer-:s
~ o n 6 h h--t e n t- rr~l>e rnE:>
'-'Owe r ta the k)rov 1'r)e,1a-l f ead e ns. ~
I " I
w ere n af- re pre..s en t-a..H ve.s of-&mh.s , F /1--s f- report- o r- Un(~ Power-5 commriic..
bu.l ,"r•e.mb e ro o P- A:>mlly - 7A ey 1 fro v,'d ecJ llc r) vve~
J.-- 1 1
Centtu.L '-1--o v- . -
w e r~ to -FinJ {..Oa.y f-c, Iiv e j--oQeth~. Hea e.J CJ
1 cJ ~J N eht\.C •
¥ ~ rd Jun~ ('l'-f 1- =:p, fam't1on announce:.J *~ istt-1buHon_Qf Po wers .t-
..15+- r-ep0rl- cR Comm i +re~ f<3cS+- * Port-
...¼1 ir-
rel e va nc e . Prov ides ~ . . .
Uru'on Cenc5ti Comm i H-ee .2..n~ a> Le~•~ \o t, Ve d 'i' v lb ,on
~port- 7 a- f- po
u, e r--s

9' r-e de ry;J_ C0nsti tt.d·t'o n t.v ; t-h C-2.1-,5 - .2.55]

c:Stmnj Ce otr-e. bi Admin iotro-H ve d,vl61or,
2} 7h ree Ie3,:s la +-t've ltot- with of- ,=oc..uer-..s .
~ ;d~ory pal.Oe~ to Cent-re [25€ - 2..G~
r5)- Pri n ee\/ ~ al- far' with T},c,LXJh prov·1c51on,5 ,..n,der these
frc vt n ces .
des create fde ration/ fed~rcJ
4'J G-e. n ~ \ I )' - ex:ec u.H v e a.u,tho ~+y art-i
relations/ bu} ttierc are .sever-a \
of- the 0n,on ~ J be CP -
e~ +-en c5! v e th I ~ ·u b_H v e provic'.Sions ot- the (c,noh'f<.A Hon whk.h
au..thor, ~ . a a~ect- -the dio+H bt.d·1on ~ pawens .

Th et> e pr<?>v i6 ton.s c re~kd - fbr+ _ZIT - An- ~6.9 :S- 31- l
bo.ckbone of- fuJera.L 6 ~ Ctt-t ~ - Part- XVll f - Em~~ency provL~ions
un de r Tnd 1'an Concj h ru Han. - LJ rn i H-ccf po wer.s o.f. Upper HGltJoe
- .S i ngle. Sud t'c ,aJ 6y<Jt-em
0 n. v r l ~ •
/ .
t= Je c n o n
, ,
<....Omm 160IO{)
() a.hon ~ i de o. uJ-hcr-1 ty
- Arnend ''j po wet" ~ f r'Oc e ~.s .
Are ( rea h'' j ofro~ uru'on,
. - ·-·- ·--·- - - -
¥ ~ n:l Ju ne= (g"-t 1 "=? fo,tit10 n onno~ncsJ * <J) i.s tt-i buH o n Of Power-s ¼
~+- r-epcrl- & Comm i free las+-
re Ie v a n c e .
* Po$..xl *
Provid e.s ~ r
Urd on Cenc5 ti-f-c..c t1c0 Co mm i \t~e 2..nd a> Le3t~ \a t1 v e d 1v t'i ,'on
~ port- ~ O' f- pow e "'..s

9' r eeler-al. Censt-1 ~ r1'on <.v ith L.2A 5 - 2.. 5 5]

cS tron.3 centre. bi A-olm inicStro--H v e d,v101'on
2} 1h re.e Ie31:S la h'v e I to+- w iH1 of- p:, LO e r-.5 .
~ iduary poLOer.s to Ccn½Te [ 256 - 2-G ~
5)- PHn ce\)' 6t-a.tes <al-- f-0 I" t.J.:>ith Th0LXJh prov·, <S t'on0 0r,de"' Thes e
frcvt n ces .
4j Gen ero. \ \ 't - ex: e c u..H v e cu.Lt-ho ~+y a rH c\ es c reate ro. tio 0 / fed eroJ
of- the Union ~ J be Co- relations_,,, buJ- th e r-c a re &e.vera \
e:~.i-en clJv e c..o ith I e~iu W1 v e provi c5 ions of- the Ce> n cSh'tt.4 Hor) L.Oh k.h
au..thon~ I a a ~ ec+- The d istH b'-'tion aP-- powe r .s .
The.6e prev i6 too.s cre~~ d - fbrt- 20Ct - Art- ~6.9 ~ 3-t- f
J bo..c k b o ne or- ~Jero.L c:S~ ck.\re - Part- XVII Z: - £ rn~r:3e ncy provi6ions
u nd e r Tnd t'an Co n6 h ru t-ion . - l.J m i ¼tee# r o wers ot- Upp e r HOL'><le
S i n3\e J"udic,aJ tSyut-em
- O n e Elect-ton Ccm m ioo ion u..,1rt>
n CLh'o n w i de a u.thc H t-y
- Amend , ~ powet' ~ r roce ~.s .
-.1.), I
Are c. reC< h'' j 6 fron_j u n 10n •
,;- ~ l vioion ot- Le~ t'6 \ct-Hv e Po LQ~ ~+
A.> r~ rrifoH'ol Jutt:sdJ'cti'ons

2.45 ( 1) $ ~ c3fo la..hre mak~ ~cu, ·

on \y fol' i l-.:5 h' fti}ol'y
srol-e le31s \G¼~re.s does r.ot; compe tence to m~
c1e:: trQ h?r1-i t-oH'a.L f~:S la.hov.s .
N ~
-= w h 1cn
. . L mect
_)-j-0 \I ( .. fl. ('.' - L.... - }
.-···:.-:...=. _;;. 7_.,,,,. _J_rnoo or ~ ,u..f o n.s
,.r~ 4
... ~ F<=-lfe"-:ln·of) ot- l r ~ ( c:Sr-uk- of- w.B.
P ~,..~ • - t1s &,,n~~; ;;.;.,-e rur fl.o~~f-'\,f D~cro.h\.
_,,- . ,.J J 1t .s '-lV 1-2, .] -I' ..2..0iO
.Art-. 2...A£ ~7
c o n Pet ted
2-4 6 Ci) ➔ 'l?)Cc lUcGl ve R:,u:>e r '
d n Parl ia me n t- w ith te, fe c.t ~ _U :s~
proh,'biJ-ecJ Po" 6~ .

2 Lt6 C'ci) '7' ',; :><:cl4cS• ve Pow ~r' w nb J

on .-s t-o.1-e to rna .ke ICUV6 an Lio /-~
e_mh ; bi ~d P:or rh~ Cen tre
2"-t G ( ')...) - A un ,' ~e. feqk.u-e ot- ~ ( o n Cuf'r'en+ li6t cif<Shibu.h'on
.J:nclian U:,noH kttion - Concurrent- 6omc whal- PleJC iMe . £ DlvercSi"o/ a.Jon}-
power tu Par/ iam enl- and ot-Cl.h= w i!-h unify Q pproach)
le3'.s to laUJs on enftl~ _ The in .2.4 ,s Ci) and ,
p h ~ ~eolo<w
from IIr i'n 1M 6dieduJe. (j) i:; ouch o~o} the le~r:slo.H,ve
Th <= ae neru) J.}
ldeq 1.s when ~
r - con fetred on Cent-~ -
, 0 o n/over the pawer canr-erreq on
S o bll e ct i 11 (CJr:> C(..(H"'enf- ( i.:st- Q~<.tmes
,;:haJ-e lea-i6lature
d "'4 ,,,, (
on er ~ ~ __ v _ V
f\\a honcJ
~rnpa""+ance the u o
fhrl iamen+ rnake1 fatD O n <the $lft)e
HII then ,·-f 6+-o.fe -Anob it nece.s&Jry
I Lib1r J
Un on a,46 D) 7 ff''"()"~~
7 'P ~ n

to leg.,~ la.ti:= it can .

o ( 0nc..u rren 2-46L~/
1 c-. _1 j ~ er 11.00
ooo.? r<'\'°r,u
,t .Se cu r1' ~ un,'.f-orm•'ty in lct w U<5+- r ;n ce
~ To ~ ·ale 9 encoorq~ &u.fe + ~,th
effurts b 2,.46 l'lJ) ~
~ Pro v 1'd i ')q re med tes Po r- Li b r
m io~h, eP o H·6 i n3 l r, 6to.¼-e
s phere buJ- i-o e ttecb C.<l n
be ~ I+ beyon ol cS+ok: borders.
17 e.-~ . 7 ( ivil 3 Crfm;nol_ la.u,s.
2> e·s-~ labour codes
~je-~-:, Prev enh'on ~ Contra1 °f-
ercdern 1' C ct·oeaoe~ •
@\ Ru(e of-Pith and c:5u.bstonce@ co\ll ' ft"t.te no a nd cha ru cte ~ ,
[ ,h(: h.Je has been borrowed of ff-i e f1 is lo..Ho n u.,ou.JJ be eaeam1nd
from Canada] [ I (/. The Gueei] TP a ccor-d •'n.9 tc, i +.s tn-1 e ,noJ"<-1 re
r. -t- and character W the le~,~ la hon
L/tH- .~ . 0 ( anaola V. AH.Gen .a~ Bttl-iJ,
oub_ .s l-onciol l y rda.h:-s, ta -the tuf'~'c
C'olumb1 a] eh: . a6 s ,9 ned +-o th e !:w,
,s /cJ-u re wh '.c.h ,
hCA~ e nact-eel it e n i+- ,~ not- 1 nvo.Jkt
-=} The Par-! la~ent 3" St-a.h: 1,·6\~n:. [..Tncld enf-o.L e rx:l:' roachmet"\t- i<> not-
.5-ho_uJ ef k€ ep tu Ith fn the dorrx:u n
to 1 +-• and not- ~sross tn t-o t-h e
Q6Mr [ oaJ toge-ther fu r-b,clJe,i]
n k , _ L h I ..1
cfomoJn re6 erv-eel to ~~"' · A \ mad~ rre mc.hand ..Ta.i n y . f-\ · • en o.,v~
1 one _-.oh,'c h ~pa66e.5 / er,chroa,e.5 op wh;/e. do,·nq <50 ( ..4pp\y 1' nj ~t-,
on th~ -Ae14 0..&&13ned -to other to tnval~cJ . of ?,th 3 ~ -61--a nce t-he /+-C'r/ (e~
. , If The 6~e.c-+- Palls ~-acdu.s,ve\ y \al-ton ;.s toJ-< e h a s a \N~~e ~ r.of-
1 1n U6+- ::rr and not- in an)" other- \ ~+- IO PQ rhs' I &~chons
I then f-'?Lt.:>e\>"' t-o (~"s la_l-e h:x:.c(u~ vc:\/. ·
i ✓e6r.:s .'n t+,e 6 ~ ~ , 5 Ja.fure . B~ ,.,__ I)- l=nact-me nt- o.s a whole
U-a.l~o fu.1.u :n Li'c+- I Then power bel°'}- 21' ;vt O~ect- ~ \at.0
ta -the Centre . .S1'mHarl7 ,' ~ (t- .fulls
, w ith ;,, l.J'6+- .III:' cJ6C Then it- i.S de~ t-a
~> I
The: $ cape Q ettect- of- f hs
be ~~d c..c ded -from Lio+ JI . Th~ dam, n:l'lt- provis lons
pOb i+-l o 0 o.P. parl iQrn~o+ in Ll'6+- ...L ~ Tn r-eJ •'ents aP- Te6f- .
~ frw.s e&ta.b.t1sheal~. Toe vo\id ,ry ot- la \.C ,s not det-erm,nc..ql
Bu.¼- th is is de o'ded on the bas-ts ol- ls., y decr-ee c,-f- i' nVClb ion thov~ if-
~ e E' i~ aocl _.!5u.b.s h:l!¼f of'- the I~ W"l. ma.'/ be ~ Q rdeel 06 Ofl e ol- fti e
, () ~JH co . :J r <-mol.., to Jo .,So .
ed ~[fro. fllil.a l1ttmar V. Sank of
Comm erce
J <i)ocm ' o~ o.P p,thand Su 'o6tance
inft'od uces a dTe of fie~ib i 1;ry
t' n t-o f-he other<. .oioe ri8
id Mhem e
Betg~ Mone y lende ~ ;let-? o+- d ic:Sh-t bLttion o-r- powe ns .
P06sed t-o ScaJe doc.on the del,b The d0emne 31ves add1hoool
o LOed b y -the a~H''db . dimen h'on.s ro the powen s oP. Centre
on d f;t-a_k _
cha1l ,ed on the rounds
If ever
1 l ei i.s la-hon wer-e :° be
Mal- i+- encltro cfies dec Io r-e.ui in v a It d,, , how60e . v e "/ 6 I >%'1+ o t"
a ffe c J--.ed Pro m i No re., 6.5:£1 1nc1'den t-o.L ihc enc~d1 me11t- by ;t, then
[ Cerrtt-ol- ~'eel- entry t/6] the <f>Gu:>er- of- each \e<lic5\ Q~re LOI\\ be
[ Mone;i - I end i ~ ➔ ,5/-o.J--i= .fo~cc l-J dro.5\-i c.a\\y c 1'r-c.um6 c H' t-o deo.L e ~
entry oo 001fu .S'-'~ ect-..s er,+t-u 6~ +t, it- fo" \~)o..f l..
Be th pa r\ ia m ent- Cl n~ Sta +-e I e~ 16 \oJ.q r<:
The a.ct- was he\d vo..l id - The s t-~
lU()u.ld na-t- be 1n pao it-1'on ro control iet- the benet1't:s o-1- the dac+Hne -,, 13~
rnone y I et)cl i Y1j ;.P. i +- (an nGt li'mit- Sh:J·?!'s a-r-e bt!ne ffrreJ mor-e ff>an pat-4 ;a~
the ti a.lo,\i o/
o t bo rro u:>~ t" l n re.s Ft!!Cj- be ca ooeoh- he broad u.:>o rd t nj and 6 ,o ~
of- prom', 6cSo r'7 no+t=.s ~ v en by h ,m . of- part ia ment-s I e31'~ la ti v~ powe"'.
!hoo~ i } oftect-i:=d centro. L Se-t~ec.t .
#>- 6t-o..h: en ~ r-cJ'n3 proh't 6,-Ron o~
C P~"d,a .l!>e. ooe.,, pGsses s1or) ttonspa rl-
3- ~ o.l~ 0¥' I • ~o r-- ➔ entt-{
~ ~ \•&t·
rs va.l•ol - becat.:>.sc= i't- on1 1 1'nc1'dentoJly
en~ ro a ch e5 u p o n Ce n ~ pa u.:> e r- -to
i'mrort- . - e.nt-t:y '4.a ~ '.st-~
® noc .tt-i oe of @ lo uro. b le (ef6 \at1 o~
!he doc trin e cf- co\ \~is\a.hon
,~ bo.t>ed on the ma~im 'thoJ-- wha f
Con no+- b~ done d,rect47 can not- be
don e ind'i ~c.H
1 .
Tht4'! doc tr ine
ret- ers tn cornpet-(!nc
~f- the 1~1.sla tu~ ~ ena ct Q \at0 . 1
Th c deer,-:, ne. cbe 6 n~t dea l with
mo \-1 v e of. t ~ , ~\a Ho() . I~ the \e~il Jo}-
- u re 't.!>Corn~e. t-en r the( ) mot ive cf-
\~i 1s \~ t1 C>n \ s trt'e \ev oot- .
On the oth er hanc l if- -the \~to b ~re
lock s com pe+ -enc e the n -the ~~o tlon
or mot ive d o ot- a H·s~; be cao. s~ th~
loLO c.o i\l be lnva lid . e ven i-f- ~ra ct-d
u., ith b~ 4- rno Hv~ .
-+ [ So vv hc:. ther a Stu ·h..d-e ,5
con:-,ht''"" _
t1'on a.L o r no+- t.s Q ~~ tio n o~
pow e~

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