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 Tool that uses sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body

 How does cancer differ from carcinogen-Cancer is a disease while carcinogens are only
chemicals that causes cancer
 Similarities of lung cancer and breast cancer
 TRUE about Tumor- Tumors that are benign are not cancerous.
 expert in treating cancer- Oncologist
 TRUE about Cancer-Carcinoma originates in the skin or tissue within organs and glands that
protect the surface.
 Types of radiation that not cause cancer-Visible light
 is the tool used to diagnose cancer cells in the entire colon of a patient- colonoscopy
 classifications of carcinogens do tocino and longanisa
 chemical or physical agent that has the potential to cause cancer
 known as the inflammation of the appendix

 Evolution is often represented as a branching tree diagram similar to Figure 1below. The names shown
represent different groups of organisms alive today;the lines represent
their evolutionary histories.Which of the following statements best
explain the diagram?

 How does the anatomy of the forelimbs show an

evolutionary pattern
--- All three forelimbs have different structure which share a common ancestor.

 Feature that allows an organism to survive better in its environment--.adaptation

 Terms describe the remnant of an organ that had a function in an early ancestor---homologous structure
 Sientist that developed the classification system for organisms.---- Carolus Linnaeus
 This theory on the origin of life forms suggested that living organisms were seeded on the surface of Earth
by cosmic ancestors aboard comets and meteors.
 Linnaean system of classification, which taxa are more inclusive than class
 arm of human, the flipper of a whale, and the wing of bat have a similar bone structures. How would you
classify them
 In an experiment, a scientist filled two open flasks, as shown in Figure 3, with broth and boiled broth until it
became clear. He then left the flasks open for several days. .Which results showed that spontaneous
generation did NOT occur?

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