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Classwork 19 (page 10)

Second quarter

I. Fill in the blanks with isn´t , aren´t or am not.

1. Lia _______________ 25 years old. She is 13 years old.

2. George is a student. He ________________ a teacher.

3. Brian ____________ at home. He is at school.

4. They are fire fighters. They __________ police officers.

5. I_____________ Brazilian. I am Panamanian.

6. We are worried. We ________ happy.

7. You favorite color is red. It ___________ green.

8. They are from Mexico. They ____________ from Cula.

9. It ____________ my dog. It is Kate´s dog.

10. Chris and Luisa _________ nurses. They _____________ writer.

11. Carlos ____________ my brother. Carlos is my cousin.

12. She____________ at school. She is at home.

13. You are an actress. You _________ a waitress.

14. He__________ a waiter. He ________ an electrician.

15. My cat is a Persian cat. It ___________ a Siberian cat.

16. I __________ a pilot. I am a architer.

17. Victoria is from Italy. She __________ Nicaragua.

18. Robert ________ 21 years old. He is 12 years old.

19. Rose and Nick are vets. They ___________ soccer players.

20. Kelly _________ good at basketball. She is good at volleyball.

II Re write these sentences into English.
1. Steven no está en la biblioteca

2. Anne no es una enfermera._________________________________________________

3. Peter no está en el baño.____________________________________________________

4. Nosotros no estamos tarde.__________________________________________________

5. Ellas no son primas.________________________________________________________

6. Lianeth no tiene 20 años.____________________________________________________

7. El no es un jugador famoso.__________________________________________________

8. Molly no es buena en pin – pon._______________________________________________

9. Tú no eres una estrella de fútbol.______________________________________________

10. Ella no es mi héroe.________________________________________________________

11. Mi sueño no es llegar a ser un restaurante.______________________________________

12. Nosotros no llegamos tarde.__________________________________________________

13. Yo no tengo hambre.________________________________________________________

14. Yo no tengo 18 años.________________________________________________________

15. Ustedes no están cansados.___________________________________________________

16. Clara y Denia no son peruanas.________________________________________________

17. Ernesto no es mi hermano.___________________________________________________

18. Messi no es mi futbolista preferido._____________________________________________

19. Nosotros no estamos en el equipo de voleibol de la


20. Tu equipo preferido no es el Machester City.


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