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Secrets Of The Dajjaal

Rami ⋮ ⋮ 9/6/2018

[When I wrote this chapter Rasul Allah (saws) reminded me of how some years
ago He (saws) said I would say this, (paraphrasing) and it will race ahead of everyone spiritually and show
the reality of the people of the Dajjal in the world, He (saws) also said people will not find another person
who will be able to complete these words (Description) against him. Understand, when we say Fitnatul Dajjal
this is what we are talking about].

September The 11th Was The Beginning Of The End For The Arabs

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife which
will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of
the sword. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife (fitnah) which will
render people deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right (this fitnah will shut up the people of morality and
stop them from speaking, this is not about politics). Those who contemplate it will be drawn by it, and giving
rein to the tongue during it will be like smiting with the sword (because all these things are doors that open
the way for sihr to influence you, the arguments against religion and morality are all laced with sihr, like a
wide net cast to catch whatever fish it can). (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash’ari: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Before the Last Hour there
will be fitna (al Duhaima, September the 11th) like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in
the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning. He who sits
during them will be better than he who gets up and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. So

break your bows, cut your bowstrings and strike your swords on stones. If people then come in to one of
you, let him be like the better of Adam’s two sons. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Bakrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: There will be a period of fitna in which
the one who lies down (doing nothing) will be better than the one who sits, and the one who sits is better
than the one who stands, and the one who stands is better than the one who walks, and the one who walks
is better than the one who runs (to it). He asked: What do you command me to do, Apostle of Allah? He
replied: He who has camels should remain with his camels, he who has sheep should remain with his sheep,
and he who has land should remain with his land. He asked: If anyone has more of these, (what should he
do)? He replied: He should take his sword, strike its edge on a stone, and then escape (the snares, traps
and sihr of this fitnah) if he can. (In the past people used to leave their homes and they faced nothing more
than other people, now sihr is driving everything and if you go out it will be done on you, you will come home
thinking nothing changed but it will attack you from the inside out over time).

This version adds: He (the Prophet) said: All their slain will go to Hell. I (Wabisah) asked: When will this
happen Ibn Mas’ud? He replied: This is the period of turmoil (harj) when a man will not be safe from his
associates (they are agents of the government or some other secret group). I asked: What do you command
me (to do) if I happen to live during that period? He replied: You should restrain your tongue and hand and
stay at home. When Uthman was slain, I recollected this tradition. I then rode (on a camel) and came to
Damascus. There I met Khuraym ibn Fatik and mentioned this tradition to him. He swore by Allah, there was
no god but He, he had heard it from the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), as Ibn Mas’ud transmitted it
to me. (Abu Dawud)

“Upon hearing all of these, the companions, may Allahu ta’ala be well pleased with them, asked Rasulullah,
peace be upon him, as to how the Muslims of that time should behave. In response he said, “Be like furniture
in your house!” In another narration he said, “At such times of instigation, do not depart from your homes!””
(Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi.)

Narrated AbuMusa: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: This people of mine is one to which mercy is
shown. It will have no punishment in the next world, but its punishment in this world will be trials,
earthquakes and being killed. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash’ari: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Before you there will be commotions
like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening. He
who sits during them will be better than he who gets up, and he who gets up during them is better than he
who walks, and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. They (the people) said: What do you
order us to do? He replied: Keep to your houses. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad: I swear by Allah, I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say:
The happy man is he who avoids fitna: happy is the man who avoids fitna; happy is the man who avoids
fitna: but how fine is the man who is afflicted and shows endurance. (Abu Dawud)

Secrets Of The Dajjal

To understand what this fitnah like patches of a dark night actually is and why it will end the Arabs, we have
to understand what the fitnah of the Dajjal is because we are living in the time when the Dajjal’s forerunners
are preparing the world and its people for him.

In a hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said when Isa (as) descends to earth He will go to the Muslims and say what
prevented from coming out against this Dajjal, the Muslims at the time will say He is a jinn, they will think He
is something like a Jinn.

In another Hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said Allah will bring the Dajjal on the day of judgment and He will kill
Him, meaning he will not enter jannah and he will not enter hell for His actions in life, he will cease to exist in
the akhira.

In another Hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said if the Dajjal came out in His (saws) time the children of Madinah
would have been enough to defeat Him.

These ahadith tells us a number of things, the first is how to defeat Him, the second his nature and the third,
even though his fitnah and what he will manage to do to the world will be great, he, himself is not, because
children can defeat him. A nuclear bomb does not indicate to you the strength of the person who used it.

The first hadith tells us He will have the same powers Jinn have, they also tell us he is possessed by them,
the second hadith tells us to what extent he lost his body to Jinn and most likely from what age he was

When a person reaches the age of puberty that is when he becomes legally responsible for his actions, in
the next life the Dajjals fitnah will not earn him hell which means he is not responsible for his actions, it is the
fault of what controls him Jinn, and he will not enter Jannah, his fitnah is so great the scales can’t be
balanced in his favour so he will die like a child that is never born and has no akhira or animals who will have
a similar fate, they just lived and never achieved anything spiritual so they will be turned to dust.

Because he has no will of his own and he is dominated by Jinn this tells us that everything we know today
which works against Jinn will work against Him.

It also tells us the fitnah of the dajjal is forced possession by Jinn and forced kufr, rejection of Iman, the
person will have no will of his own in his own body, they will live inside a body being controlled by Jinn
forcing them to do things they don’t believe in, it is a prison and hell.

The jinn will replace your character, qualities, personality with theirs, they will make you lose your human
nature and replace it with that of a Jinn until you can no longer see yourself, only them, that is why the
companions of Imam Mahdi (as) said to Isa (as) when He asked them why they did not go out from their
fortress to fight the Dajjal, “He is a Jinn”, no rather he is a man whose human nature has been replaced by
that of a Jinn so he now moves, acts and behaves as them.

The following Ahadith explain this further, the first is regarding Saf Ibn Sayyad a child in the time of the
prophet (saws) dominated by Jinn who were confusing him and controlling his will, they made him think he
was a prophet.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said, “‘Umar ibn al-Khattab went along with the Prophet and a group of people to Ibn
Sayyad, and found him playing with some children near the battlement of Banu Maghalah. At that time Ibn
Sayyad was on the threshold of adolescence; he did not realise that anybody was near until the Prophet
struck him on the back. The Prophet (S) said to him: ‘Do you bear witness than I am the Messenger of
Allah?’ Ibn Sayyad looked at him and said, ‘I bear witness that you are the Prophet of the unlettered.’ Then
Ibn Sayyad said to the Prophet, ‘Do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah?’ The Prophet
dismissed this and said, ‘I believe in Allah and His Messengers.’ Then the Prophet asked him, ‘What do you
see?’ Ibn Sayyad said, ‘Sometimes a truthful person (jinn or Angel) comes to me, and sometimes a liar
(Jinn).’ The Prophet said to him, ‘You are confused’, then he said, ‘I am hiding something from you.’ Ibn
Sayyad said, ‘It is Dukh.’ The Prophet said, ‘Silence! You will not be able to go beyond your rank.’ ‘Omar ibn
al-Khattab said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, shall I cut off his head?’ The Prophet said, ‘If he is (the Dajjal) you
will not be able to overpower him, and if he is not, then killing will not do you any good.'”

This is what happens when children see the spiritual world and its creatures, because their mental strength
has not matured they are susceptible to the intellectual manipulation of creatures whose voice is heard
inside their self, when that is your life you lose what self you have because you cannot listen to two voices at
once, this is what Ahl al Dajjal are doing to their children today.

The following Hadith is reported by Abu Bakara it tells us something immense about the Dajjal and proves
the entire case, He was born with no barzakh/veil between him and ghayb, the spiritual world: “His father will
be tall and thin and his nose will be pointed like a beak, while his mother will be fat with two long hands.
They will both remain thirty years without a child. After thirty years, a son with visual impairment in one eye,
biting teeth and of little benefit will be born to them whose heart will remain awake while his eyes sleep
(Meaning he witnesses ghayb 24 hours a day from birth).” (Tirmidhi)

Likewise Ibn sayyid could see ghayb all the time and it was dominating him, Imam Muslim recorded this
narration on the authority of Sayiduna Abu Sa’id (ra). Rasulullah (saws), Sayiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna
‘Umar (rah) once encountered Ibn Sayyad on a road in Madinah. After questioning him, Rasulullah (saws)
asked him, What can you see’? He said, I see a throne on water.’ Nabi (saws) said, ‘You are looking at the
throne of Iblis on the ocean…’

Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah said, “The Prophet said, ‘The Dajjal will appear at the end of time, when religion is taken
lightly. He will have 40 (spiritual) days (about 1.25 years in actuality, according to scholars) in which to travel
throughout the earth. (add these up) One of these days will be like a year, another will be like a month, a
third will be like a week, and the rest will be like normal days. He will be riding a donkey (Business jet); the
width between its ears (wings) will be 40 cubits. He will say to the people: “I am your lord.” He is one-eyed,
but your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead will be written the word Kafir, and every believer, literate or
illiterate, will be able to read it. He will go everywhere except Makkah and Madina, which Allah has forbidden
to him; angels stand at their gates. He will have a mountain of bread, and the people will face hardship,
except for those who follow him (sanctions and manipulation of rain and weather on earth). He will have two
rivers, and I know what is in them (how they work and what makes them work). He will call one Paradise and
one Hell. Whoever enters the one he calls Paradise will find that it is Hell (it will trap him in an instant), and
whoever enters the one he calls Hell will find that it is Paradise (the truth, he will leverage the spiritual force

behind this reality/duality to empower his sihr, if both were false things he would not have the power/force of
presence (Himma) in the world to do what he wants).

Allah will send with him devils who will speak to the people. He will bring a great tribulation; he will issue a
command to the sky and it will seem to the people as if it is raining (naturaly). Then he will appear to kill
someone and bring him back to life (he will use technology to claim he is in control of the universe). After
that he will no longer have this power. The people will say, “Can anybody do something like this except the
Lord?” The Muslims will flee to Jabal al-Dukhan in Syria, and the Dajjal will come and besiege them. The
siege will intensify and they will suffer great hardship. Then Isa (Jesus) son of Mary will descend, and will call
the people at dawn: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer,
“He is a Jinn.” (he is a person possessed by Jinn) Then they will go out, and find Isa (Jesus) son of Mary.
The time for prayer will come, and the Muslims will call on Isa (Jesus) to lead the prayer, but he will say, “Let
your Imam lead the prayer.” Their Imam (the Mahdi) will lead them in praying Salat al-Subh (Morning prayer),
then they will go out to fight the Dajjal. When the liar sees Isa (Jesus), he (his persona and the sihr behind it)
will dissolve like salt in water. Isa (Jesus) will go to him and kill him, and he will not let anyone who followed
him (all the sahireen) live’.” (Ahmad).”

This is His fitnah because what happened to him is what is in his heart and what he will spread to other
people, what is being spread around the world now.

It is reported that he will have a paradise and a hell with him, but his paradise will be his hell and his hell will
be his paradise, when people go to his paradise he will imprison them in their own self and force his
shayateen on them, they won’t be able to speak or show the least objection, he will do this with technology
that is being developed in our time and perfected by the time he appears.

Hudhaifah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than
he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (in your imagination), the first one
is white water; in the vision of the eye (spiritual perceptions created with technology), the second one is
burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let
him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water. And the Dajjaal has an
eye that is obliterated; over it is coarse skin (that covers the eye). Written between his eyes is ‘Kaafir,’ which
every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate.” (Muslim)

Septmeber the 11th was the beginning of the end for the Arabs because that is when this fitnah began to
spread among the wider population;

“Before the Last Hour there will be fitna like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the
morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning.”

In the wilderness patches of complete darkness occur when there is no moon light and you cannot see your
own hand. What September the 11th did to the world, its politics and wars, was evil, it was a dark fitnah, but
this fitnah is darker than the darkness that is covering the world, meaning among the darkness of the night
(September 11th), there will be something darker spreading around the world because of September the

11th, which will force people to become kufar in a single day, just like the fitnah of the Dajjal will force people
into hell and servitude in a single moment.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said about this fitnah: “The fourth Fitna (ad Duhaima, September the 11th
fitnah) is 18 years (2019), then it clears (but the fitnah of the Dajjal will persist until he emerges). Once it
clears, the Euphrates (river) will (eventually) recede revealing a mountain of gold that the Umma (Muslim
nation) will fight for it. Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed (Understand if before you
could not see this occurring, Saudi Arabia has already marched to war in Yemen, so the Arabs will fight each
other, Yemen is the first signs of this coming war).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strifes,
trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the
Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping
of wealth and the fleeing” (Iraq invasion of Kuwait, that will invite the Kufar into Arab lands). Then (after it),
will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets. The fitnah of spying on entire populations of a country so you
can find out everyone’s secrets so they can use sihr against people with their personal information. This is
how the fitnah of the Dajjal spread around the world and how they trapped people): its smoke is under the
feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my
Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah (Saddam Husain). Then people will gather and agree upon a
man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as
a hip bone does not belong on the rib, if man bends his body to such a position he cannot stay there for long
before needing to do other things in life, so this position is temporary. This was Osama Bin Laden until
September the 11th occurred). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial. It will
afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return (September the
11th and tis wars); during it (a worse fitnah will spread around the world), a man will be a believer in the
morning and a disbeliever (by) the night. (This darker fitnah will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats
(groups) — the Fustaat of Emaan (Group of with faith or religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the
Fustaat of hypocrisy (Kufar still pretending they are Muslim or people of religion, they pretend because they
are secretly possessed and forced into a life they don’t want), in which there is no Eemaan (faith or religion).
And when that will come to you (when the sorting of the world will finally end), wait for the Dajjaal on that day
or on the morrow (this will last for decades until he comes out).” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3.
Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

September the 11th started a number of wars in Arab and Islamic lands, from Iraq to Afghanistan to Yemen
to Lebanon and Syria, it began the “Arab spring” and brought the end of the era of Dictators, it also marked
the end of the Arabs being in control of their own lands as the fitnah of the Dajjal spread to its people.

These secret Kufar are living in Madinah now and they will bring ruin to its society by changing it even while
Imam Mahdi (ra) is ruling from Jerusalem:

It was narrated by Mu’adh ibn Jabal that the Prophet – Peace be upon him – said: The flourishing state of
Jerusalem (under Imam Mahdi) will be when Yathrib (Madinah) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib
(Madinah) will be when the great war (the battle of Armageddon) comes (this is before the Dajjal, they will

live there for a long time and accomplish its ruin during the time of Imam Mahdi), the outbreak of the great
war will be at the conquest of Constantinople (by Imam Mahdi, meaning turkey won’t follow Him) and the
conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth (it occurs seven months before Him). He
(the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as
you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh ibn Jabal). (Sunan Abu Dawud – Book of Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim))

The Prophet (saws) said, “There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina,
and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows
guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earthquakes will take
place) and Allah will expel all the non-believers and the hypocrites from it.” (Bukhari)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ‘When any one of
you says Tashahhud, let him seek refuge with Allah from four things, and say: “Allahumma inni a’oodhi bika
min ‘adhaab jahannam wa min ‘adhaab al-qabri wa min fitnat il-mahyaa wa’l-mamaat wa min sharri fitnat al-
maseeh al-dajjal (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave,
from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the fitnah of the Dajjal).”’” [Narrated by Muslim, no. 924]

For 1400 years Muslims have been seeking protection from the fitnah of the Dajjal, from the fitnah of being
possessed by Jinn, from the fitnah of being spiritually dominated by them, the prophet (saws) clearly showed
us His fitnah will emerge long before him and affect the world from the time of the prophet (saws), it is the
fitnah of rulers secretly governing from behind this fitnah with the occult worshipping Jinn like Pharaoh
governed Egypt.

Today some occultists think they can solve everything by using Jinn, Jinn will not have a chance against the
Jinn of the Dajjall, He will have the entire occult world spiritually under him and that is His empire. That is
why you have to concentrate on the man himself and not his persona which only Isa (as) can kill, when Isa
(as) comes back his persona and spiritual power will dissolve like salt in water.

Insha Allah I will teach you something against him, write the Dajjals name with the following verse (12:35) in
a simple taweez like a circle, then do the same for Al Jassassa ‫ اْلَج َّس اَس ُة‬which is his spy when he was trapped
on the island, and pay attention to what you see spiritually:

‫ُثَّم َبَدا َلُهم ِّم ن َبْعِد َم ا َر َأُو ا اآْل َياِت َلَيْس ُج ُنَّنُه َح َّت ِح يٍن‬

How It Will End

The Dajjal will try to destroy religion on earth and its people but He will fail, Isa (as) will kill him, but this end
Allah has fated for man after the death of Isa (as). Before the hour Allah will lift the Quran from the face of
the earth and take the life of every Muslim, then as Imam Ahmad narrated that Abd-Allah ibn Mas’ud (may
Allah be pleased with him) said: “Among the most evil of mankind will be those on whom the Hour comes
when they are still alive, and those who take graves as places of worship.”

Narrated by Muslim (2940) from ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The Dajjal will appear among my

ummah and he will stay for forty. Then Allah will send ‘Eesa ibn Maryam, who looks like ‘Urwah ibn Mas’ood,
and he will pursue him and kill him. (The hadith skips ahead in time here to the end of the life of Isa (as)
some 40 years later) Then the people will remain for seven years (after His death) with no enmity between
any two people. Then Allah will send a cool wind from the direction of Syria and there will be no one left on
the face of the earth in whose heart there is an atom’s weight of goodness or faith but it will cause him to die.
Even if one of you were to enter the heart of a mountain, it would enter upon him and cause him to die.” He
said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said: “There
will be left the most evil of people who will be as careless as birds and be as cruel as wild animals. They will
not acknowledge any good or denounce any evil. Then the Shaytan will appear to them and will say: Will you
not listen to me? They will say: What do you command us to do? He will command them to worship idols, but
despite that they will have ample provision and a good life (they will not acknowledge him). Then the
Trumpet will be blown.”

Some insights on this hadith, when Allah says He did something it means it is His qadr no matter who enacts
it on earth, He said this about the Arab spring and that was most likely western manipulation of the Islamic

In this hadith Allah talks about lifting the era of dictators from the Islamic world, He did this with the Arab
spring: The Prophet (saws) said: The Prophet hood will remain amongst you for as long as Allah wills it to
be. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it (meaning the Prophet will die). Then there will be the
Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. And it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will
raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be biting kingship, and it will remain for as long as Allah wills
it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship
(an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then He will raise it when He
wills to raise it. Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. Then he (the Prophet) was
silent. (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273)

In the following two Ahadith Allah talks about the Arab sporing directly:

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (September
the 11th, “you are either with us or against us”) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal.
Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst
them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (the Arab spring) that will disperse their
groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious. Then Allah will send a man (to the
people of syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger, praise and peace be upon him,
amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners and their password is ‘Die, die!’ And they will be
fought by the people of 7 banners under each is a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). They will be killed,
defeated, then the Hashimite (leader of the black flags) will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to
the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

At-Tabarani in al-Awsat, Nu’aym and Ibn ‘Asakir narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] that the
Messenger of Allah [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] said:“There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out
men as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their evil ones, for

among them are al-Abdal. A flood is about to be released upon the people of ash-Sham that will split their
unity, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will
come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say: They are fifteen thousand. And the one
who estimates lower will say: They are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “ Amit, amit [kill,kill].” They will
meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners shall be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah
will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones.”

The Hadith about Iblis probably means the evil people left earth will scheme and design a virus that will kill
everyone except their kind who are inoculated to it, they will unleash it after Jesus dies, it will come from the
direction of Syria and Europe. All the Christians and Jews will believe in Isa (as) before His death but some
people among them worship Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him), we see him speaking to them at the end of the
hadith like he gave them everything they wanted and they are his people, but they will ignore him because
that is the nature of man when he has everything he wants in life.

This was the fate of Russia and Asia before this when they wanted to conquer the world, most likely by the
same kinds of people:

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (S) said…”Gog and Magog (China and Asia) will fire their arrows
(Rockets) into the sky, and they will fall back to earth with something like blood on them (be destroyed). Gog
and Magog will say, ‘We have defeated the people of earth, and overcome the people of heaven (Space,
people living in stations and bases on the Moon and possibly Mars).’ Then Allah will send a kind of worm
(Virus produced from worms most likely, for example “Flublok is produced by extracting cells from the fall
armyworm, a type of caterpillar, and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of hemagglutinin”) in
the napes of their necks, and they will be killed by it (in a single day)…’By Him in Whose hand is the soul of
Muhammad, the beasts of the earth will become fat (of their flesh).'” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

[If you would like to see the fitnah of the Dajjal through History, which is the fitnah of ruling through the occult
and jinn who dominate these people, read our work “The Wisdom Underpinning Punishment and Hell”.]


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