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Assignment 1 - Properties of Fluids

(1) Define the following terms,

Mass density
Weight density
Specific gravity
Specific volume
(2) Distinguish between liquid and gases, Real fluid and ideal fluid.
(3) State the Newton’s law of viscosity and give example of application.
(4) Define the following terms,
Ideal fluid Newtonian fluid Ideal plastic fluid
(5) Define surface tension and derive relationship between excess pressure inside a droplet and soap
(6) Explain the phenomena of capillarity. Derive an expression for capillarity rise and fall of a liquid.

(1) Calculate the specific weight, density and specific gravity of one liter of a liquid which weighs 8 N.
(2) If the velocity distribution over a plate is given by u = 2y/3 - y2 in which u is the velocity in meter per
second at a distance y meter above the plate, determine the shear stress at y = 0 and y = 0.15 m.
Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.63 poises.
(3) Calculate the dynamic viscosity of oil, which is used for lubrication between a square plate of size
0.8 m * 0.8 m and an inclined plane with angle of inclination 30 degree as shown in Figure. The
weight of the square plate is 300 N and it slides down the inclined plane with a uniform velocity of
0.3 m/s. The thickness of oil film is 1.5 mm.
(4) Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity of a liquid, if the pressure of the liquid is increased from
70 N/cm2 to 130 N/cm2. The volume of the liquid decreases by 0.15 per cent.
(5) The surface tension of water in contact with air at 20 degree Celsius is 0.0725 N/m. The pressure
inside a droplet of water is to be 0.02 N/cm2 greater than the outside pressure. Calculate the
diameter of the droplet of water.
(6) Calculate the capillary effect in millimeters in a glass tube of 4 mm diameter, when immersed in
(i) water, and (ii) mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 20 degree Celsius and the values of the
surface tension of water and mercury at 20 degree Celsius in contact with air are 0.073575 N/m and
0.51 N/m respectively. The angle of contact for water is zero and that for mercury is 130 degree.
Take density of water at 20 degree Celsius as equal to 998 kg/m3.

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