Assignment 5 - Kinematics of Flow

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Assignment 5 – Kinematics of Flow
(1) Classify the different Types of fluid flow and describe in a brief.
(2) Define the following terms.
• Path line
• Stream line
• Stream tube
• Velocity potential function
• Stream function
• Source, Sink, Doublet
(3) Define the equation of continuity. Obtain an expression for continuity equation for three
dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate flows.
(4) What do you mean by equipotential line, constant stream function and flow net?


(1) Water flow through pipe AB 1.2m dia. at 3m/s and then passes through a pipe BC 1.5m dia. At C,
Pipe divided in two branches. Branch CD is 0.8m in diameter and carries one third of the flow of the
pipe AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5m/s. Find the volume rate of flow in AB, The velocity in
BC, The velocity in CD and the diameter in CE.
(2) A fluid flow field is given by V=x2y i + y2z j – (2xyz+yz2) k. Prove that it is the case of possible steady
Incompressible fluid flow calculate the velocity and acceleration at the point (2,1,3).
(3) If for a two dimensional flow potential flow. The velocity potential is given by
ɸ= x(2y – 1)
Determine the velocity at a point for @ where (x,y) = (4,5) determine also the value of stream
function (ψ) at a point P (4,5).
(4) The velocity components in two dimensional flow field for a incompressible fluid are as follow,
u= y3/3 + 2x – x2y & v= xy2 – 2y – x3/3. Obtain the expression of stream function (ψ).
(5) The velocity component in a two dimensional flow are u= y3/3 + 2x – x2y & v= xy2 – 2y – x3/3. Show
that this component represents a possible case of an irrotational flow.

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