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1-76 to 1-106 1-106 6 ve ‘So, any communication that people do as part ofthe ‘communication and the English used for techaeal 1G te 196 ‘Enown as technical English 1196 wo 2G 1 can lao extend 1 the felds of science (biology, and mathematics’, finanee, medicine, law, etes ‘communicators usec rtain technieal or specialize | tn nterchange messages within their own L1G (Sem-2) Scanned with CamScanner proces ofreding on ain ides withing he remainder fmaterial: overall pictureof materi of extracting the useful information out of whole Beary reing number oftines is koown as churaing i Aer thovughunderstanding ofthe matter the reader ean visualize tho git information out ofthe whole text “Assimilation: {Assimilation is acomman phonological process by which one sound trcomes more like a neerbysaund. |i Thisean occur ether within a word or between words 4H occurs io normal speech, and it eames more cofuon in more ‘in spech ln rapid speech, for example “handbag” i often pronounced as haere. Ded Ea active order Tn dedotive over, we have a conchnion reached {fom general laws toa particular case. =) ‘Te toi entence rhe fist senence inthe paragraph stating — ine general atement. ‘Toe autor finaly tries t dedce bie eonelaion Soil ‘particular or specific subordinate statements, a Tristhe reversal the aga arrangement ofthe indectve mead. For example Maa s metal. Sine Ram and Moban are men aorta Chronological method or time order: For exampl ‘This isthe natural order of narration in which one event leds to nother “This method is sed to document time of an ation, event or the stops of aninstruction. ? Chronological order is also used to document (write) steps in an ‘The documentation of emengency medical services evan chronologically (in order eoie nomen edi een 1 2 a ‘At O:15 pm, we arrived atthe site and assessed the ‘condition taking ital (pulse, respiration te}. ‘At O11 p after stabilising the patient, ‘and relayed the vital ‘By 01-20 pm the patent was given artificial espa, |AL 01:35 pen ambulance arrived atthe hospital took over the pathents eae, Scanned with CamScanner x 4. Linear method : near means const oflines or one dimensional Algal saquen is followed ly the sentences of paragraph, espa an an omit of tom olny op BT on lting or being oa Foroxample: 1 TinBedeptocubprer thi cabetaerobe anette bly enforcement 2 The second, to make engineers accountable for the unpaid units 3 The third, to check the distribution points periodically ana expec ce Spatial method or space order: LL Thismethod helps the reader, ta vistalize what the writer ses and thersfore, ie btter to understand the physical qualities ofthe subect mater ‘The method further helps the reader, to envision the layout of tho land, the writer describes oF the placement of each component vita the machine iL So, spatial ordre logical division of sabe, onthe basis of ‘how they are arranged inorder of space o place For exampl 1 fatechnocratis writing o doxribe the parts machine ora plat ‘ofground he would keto organize is text spatially ein ordarat Space or pace 2 Thewrier will describe what he soos st appears in space le to right top tobttom, inset outside o clockwise Exposition method : {Exposition isan explanatory writing which can bean incidental Bart of description ora narration, or it ean be the heart ofan rte When we rod textbook, the news, magazine articles, or any ster types ofpubiations we are reading expository writing, When sre write answers for an esay tat, we uae the expiry form. fi. an expository paragraph, we give information. We explain @ subject ive directions, or show how something happens. It ‘Spon wing aking dike meal ee al svtcediahnlp ede the ies Interrupted: 4 Apscgrash breaks single line space or an indentation orth) Pepute the division between one paragraph and the next in ‘ody oftert.ILisalso known ass par ec 1-6G(Sem2) asics of Technical Engi Paragraph breaks conventionally serve to sgn the transition fam ‘ne idea to another in a stretch of tet, ad from one speaker (0 nother ina exchange dialogs writing. Taswer S.No] Technical writing General writing | 1 | The audience im teehaical| The audience in general writing |__| sertingis specie isgenera. 2 | The purpose of technical | The parpose of general wing is ring isto inform, toinstruct | to entertain. prove, captivate, Tad to permuade : ‘3 | Thestyle technical wnting| The style f general writing i ‘spain simple tothe point, | informs formal, standard, academic | attractive, seni proi, ami “| The tone of echnical writing | The tone of gneral writing is spective Isobjective. = 5. |The vocabulary used in| The voeabulary wed in gener technical writing writings general expresave, scaliond “| © | Theorpanization of technical writing is sequential and | Stematie 7. [echnical writing ix the outcome of dligene. 8 | emphasizes the Aispansionate facta Scanned with CamScanner 2 a cs “Write short sentences. Focusonveriing noresimple sentences and les compoundleomplex sentences. “Write one thought / description per sentence, and preferably eny one to “ro thoughtsdiecosion er paraeraph. ‘Usesimplo words ‘Don'ts fa technieal writing: 2 2 4 “Avoid ending sentence with an aver’. ‘Avoid too many adjectives. ‘Avo using passive voice (excep in some rare cass), ‘Dont use“don, aida, and “wasn”. Scanned with CamScanner ig and interpreting the spoken word. physical hearing ofthe message and taking note involves choosing the ofthe Listening process. a. Proper time (When to communicate) 6. Webear sours and concentrate on them inorder to recive the message. bh Proper place Where to communicate) Differences between listening and hearing: ‘e_ Proper way (How to communicate) S.No Listening Bearing] S Channels of transmission can be internet, fax, telephone, courier | aR eee service, television, ete. 4 Decoding: Decoding isthe process of converting a message into thoughts. 5 Feedback /Response: Response i the last stage inthe communication process. i Itisthe action or reaction ofthe receiver to the message, Scanned with CamScanner canbe ued to show thatthe listener spying aS mies a aid ey of Tino ng he messages being received. raha of he hed, sls canbe powerful Cant egearebingitned oan certo, ‘tention sanarma and usualy encouraging the istene ook. © thesaker -b_yecntact can however be intimidating especialy formore © shypenkers sik, Posture: "A Posture can tell a Tot about the sender and receiver in Jeerperenalinterctions. | Thestenveltenee tendo loan sight forwardorsdevayy seh ig |e. Mirroring: ‘a Aretlecinhnrroring of an facial expressions used by the fpeskerean bea sign ofatentive listening. ‘Those refleive expression can help show empty in ore ‘rotionalsitvatons. ‘Non-stracton The active listener wil not be distracted aa ‘therefore wil refrain rom looking ta lock or watch, doodling, plying with hr hair ping thc ingen. ‘b_Iesends message to the speaker thatthe interest in what the speaker has ben Repeating a summary of what has ssraker is technique need by the ‘ben sid in their own words Scanned with CamScanner ERocmss Ten of ti devices and try to cuits ia 4 and text messagescan wait. ‘a Passive Listening requires litle to zero verbal rplics from the listener, catechins elas i ‘a Enhance our ability to practice effective passive listening by ‘refraining from indulging in a personal internal dialog. ‘Leaning nis an essential tool ofthe passive listener. and enables ca cpr nner bre ers opt 1h A successful passive listeners boy slightly leaning forward tells ‘the speaker that wear truly engaged wth thesubjectcven fey are ot responding verbally. Scanned with CamScanner aged staph anne into its parts. Pea ation or judgment ig Mdrts determine the authentic. accuracy worth,» Haprecise, objective analysis, critical thinking involv Vevauatiea, reflection, and rconstrict : ‘Various opposing categories of thinking are 1. Conerete thinking wx Abstract thinking L Comerete thinking: Concrete thinking refer othe hiking Coomer the eral mening. [understand theories sn posses te goer creative ideas by exloring enany in. flor to nd woe that wor aod data together from various sours ed knowlege to mv prions or make Scanned with CamScanner breaking information down at it nd their elatonship. step-by-step manner in ode Sdke decinons, and/or tne ja abt fxs va loc Metve peobems, ofers to coneiving new and innovative eas ting Tne though, theories, role, and ar ant eskng tings dow or taking them par, bt & Mcaingiap nein nen amt ar a a ike ay ok a ico dternie Fern A rte tery kt ae enitatat omnes one er orsteay noe =e stp tepprogreion where the rt step neds to sation secing the higpictare an recgnizsthe farina components that form larger systems. Scanned with CamScanner ao some se ato : Taswer Bssentials of effective speaking are: 1. The audience isnot the enemy ji. Theroazon why many poop avoid publi speaking ‘hae fear oft, whichis partally fear ofan aie audience Dooet ty tpi efor fear fares anc ‘onpanion which ep tying wd ou a ‘The audience wil forgive an aso ‘eel routing frst sceed rom the tae ober understand the ets of te aiene Determine what we want the audience to think fo message that can be betir understood by our & Wit oor cece ta hs iL Thin shouldbesnple enough to appt den the message ofthe pec on he back ‘To, it simple enough o got across in alloted fe caso, ent audience message, or at least nat allot. Wirite speech word for word: 4. The purpose is NOT so that we ean Scanned with CamScanner bik they ca eo gh cae hey Scanned with CamScanner ee Se we aa Sse ey ast cm tse eo |L Thismethodpresentation is very dificult for most people ‘cet or cards and then with he lp Probably, only a handfal of we ean actually memorize an entire ‘akes hie presentation, THs proce ‘gece : ‘Usually we memorize only the main parts and ar in the habit af __ writing key words on cards to help us out through the actual presentation. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Vocabulary is Tit of al the ‘eron or group, contained ina language ara whole, [Ris the single most important area of language competence, ‘eho sh hip or ar [Rblation nt of washing: pl washing the face an hands: washing [Mlaation: a cacaive ater, abject worn Be: Baccalaureate: degree of Hachlor. baccalaurean,<. pertaining toaBacheor Tatstrade ri pry totes opel fermi a totalony terrace, ee Benevolence = chaste former len demande oe Cachet: prestige: dtinctive mark or quality sal, CCastigate punish, eprove, criticize severe. Scanned with CamScanner Compounding ce Ree combining process of words is TS paundlng, which very common in z whale ale from doh to db; entire i Foresample, hokeace, ngerprnt, sunburn, oan orga rom its normal position the body For example, the term gasoline losin Clipped form) ic sed mre freqoeatly Scanned with CamScanner moat comin word formation process ana i Hepmmang ofa arg orber ofall sof e Egy not usally gvenseparate listings in dictnarie, {hose words For example, ment "nda in lasing in studying ete, in your own statements: i Agi ik Adduce an frm words o part of words 4, Cando the rach of linguistics wed for staying the smallest truest language Heir diferent forms, and internal Galt tho pete nd ules by which words are formed Aiity:(Ableto think quiely andi For example He ha the ait Scanned with CamScanner = I arin in in a ae ea ert dio ‘Describe root and root words. Give examples of root ‘word fom: foreign languages with their meaning. LAlasiewordto which fixes (refines and sues) are added calla ‘rot word because storms the basis ofa bew word “The root word als word ints own right. For example, the word lovely consist the word love and te sux y. Amt isthe bss efanew word bt it doesnot ypc frmastandalene| ‘rar on itsonn Far example, the word eet i mae p ofthe prefix ‘e-and the Latin rv ject, whichis nota standalone word, Scanned with CamScanner aw era Greek) | GerontoTonst | Productivity or creativeness : Productivity isthe degree to whi ces native speakers use a particular grammatical process, especially inword ical processes that are in frequent use tend towards lexcalization, Senile Sociologist Que2s. | Explain the features of a language, of a language are = ; Jing human relations | various sound symbols and their graphological employed to denote some objects, eecurrences Scanned with CamScanner tings only the graphical presentation ofthe sounds ofthe "othe ingists say tht speech primary NN es ct carina rete, gests anes tinction oho re Piatt nguge vn chee vith i erect nc mee ee cieheect ir aoredty rman beng, | ‘Neds era angage in Beritge be acquires bese an Seeity EERE arte ne major component of angungs ower] rer ange a ait ate “Major components of language are: hve sme fr of satan oe 1k Phonemes: For cuanpl te Ela sentences“ ny ———-£ phoneme isthe basic unit of phonology, eee 4 Wisi matot iota tht may nse change meaning —_ithinalanguage, but that doesnot have meaning bys. Poo i For example, inthe words "bake" and “brake,” ony one phoneme aoa Peatamtemresins Uhcgrtincair tes oe ee ome eee ve Scanned with CamScanner ‘Pragmatics isthe study hw ofthe ontentofa ‘pth mein rnp ae ferent meaning hey aren chargeeta ‘does ifthey are siting ina crowded reg eis isthe vty of indviual speech sours while phony ‘of phonemes, which are the speech sound of al 9 hevily overlapping subfields that cover all the sounds norphemes wichare make, aswell as which sounds make up diferent to words and which change the meaning ot ‘anol, neatndvelopmenteinelarg, ais answer the question, “Why do BAT and TAB Jfeven though they are made ofthe sae BandT Scanned with CamScanner 2156 Sem, proteins agit —— nine word fixes re lasted, aie aire seo 1 rebound marperes that ae added 1 seo cues frets Pr een un-in tied ina ere ered iy yan Siemans rn nfs nies are ices inthe English language, btn) ‘Eber Tear 8 ne Plc Ianguags och fe morpbemes preci and followed,» ae tn wegen te 1 intl Soin eae oie ee ae, oem es ar soir ames ora Sse 2 ae neers grammatical function such asreferrngto sd ing Sxrermemetanng anit: Sete ae acini Sean eeoeoo ns TE ve mms xe fwtics and pri Components A Techs Wring “Table 212.1: examples of valine fever ot [lain aap ann a, so eins, opposed to] Greck | antic, aniline, ‘round on all aed Latin | cireumaavignts, ith peter [late | combat sation, Scanned with CamScanner Write a short note on syonyens List the various = BI cee OE at “a. Wont tht ae synonyms ar sai tobe symanyroous andthe tate of ® ingaeyany celled stony 4 “4 Symp can beany port to speech uch s nouns, verb, astivs 1 rei preostions a longa both members ofthe pairarthe Rina pare tape rons are defined with rxpet to certain senses of words, For ienane poasthe petra he eso thee isnt sono itt ‘Risanscspte ft that synonyms have exactly the same meaning fo everal reasons such as clymology, orthography, panic ambiguus meanings and usage, some situates, the synoayns Senta in meaning ean Scanned with CamScanner a 2 = “ G 2 wo Scanned with CamScanner Professional English seven and before ning, jake up at eight O'clock tomorrow mo ring, Bi i. Deceased, Diseased ¥ Gate, Gait nethingis bare, it means th, not decorated Tom likes to walk around his ovse in bare fet He sya bear (noun): large mammal ars. The ence re" indicates the place the opposite of there” ny meme 30U are sfering fom shlera Dut diferent mi nan tol hie the way to gnte For example =o 1. Atmosphere : Scanned with CamScanner ‘Person working wood on a lathe = turner 10, Medication : ! Denoting the aplication of mediation through skin : transcutaneoys, eae [Geen] tate varius euienofsnences? Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner =a sn 7Cs of pringiple of business writing, eon What are the principles used in business writing. which shouldbe fellowed during business writing ae gg Consideration (You attitude): PNET cse scares robles enon, sna sat Vee ris ht we unierand ther by unngcur worse s.reare wring sets, hin iv the Hist voulbe enti fr the, By irate lew conseration, we generate good 2 Courtesy (Be courteous): 1 Worboule courteous and ol ring busine : eeeentiey: ‘e Forexample, instead of writing, “we did not send t “The cheque was not enclosed” @ Bren ifwe are writing a complaint letter, our tone must be and courteous atall times. Clarity (Be clear): ‘& Weshould be clear and specific in the letter. The words be unambiguous and clear. 1b Avoid giving abst e (summary) information 1 Garett of teth expression and fnloredwhilwrtngabusness ter The writer must entre corel information hat he ro 5-46 (Sem-2) ‘¢The facts mentioned must be true and correct, 4 Grammatical structures ab spllinigéWhdld be correct. 6 Conciseness necessary details and short sentences, , Be direct and avoid long redundant (lengthy and van Bodice Gleogty and uaneesay) 1. Completeness: a Provide complet infomation ntheleter, 3. Whatever information has ben asad and whatever wrewan to gethind fedeasy mental ns naman Ques | Discuss the structure of business: Structure of business leter includes the following: nis printed at hetop entre vem on the righthand side of printed letterhead, we shoal itsspeciod place, the date on which they are written }bTheletter usally mentions the year andthe previouslette number ds ofthe organization. mn both "You Reference! and ‘Our Scanned with CamScanner $-6G (Sem-2) rai After signing, we should write our full name. : ee oe cases, the designation of the signatory in also written Meee nae of ersons, rs before 0 the practice of many organizations, y fororganization Rang tapered tt eran he Pron agro ‘Incase we attach anydocament or testimonials to ourleter, then we should list them under this head b. Ifthere aremany documents of diferent nature, we should number them, QueSA, | What are the different types of business letter? Explain, ten to promote sale of goods and services by id service providers. reader curious about the product and a Scanned with CamScanner loyee is leaving the organization but still ‘is written ina courteous language thanking the is learning and experience in the organization. ‘Guesiy| What are credit letters ? How are they written? stenby the buyer fr buying ce provider. reece ¥ Gredit letters : Refer Q 94, Page 3-60, Unit-3 Order for supply of VIP suitcases a shibave informed ws that VIP suitzazes designed. This information lt. Our estimated quarterly Size Quantity sper details given above ‘information, we would .ze and vision, New Delhi. Enclose your Scanned with CamScanner 3 Koowleg of CorelDraw nd Pnecop, New Delhi- 1, India Professional Experience: payee 1 Carn woking wat nem dagy [ABC Pt. Lid, Karol Bagh, Dati pees Production ocr (May 2013 Apeil2016) ape 4 on production fer (Janay 2010 March 203) ; bl 20 January, 19865 Married Hind and English 182-A, KK Nagar, Nawada, Deli. gh, Delhi BRA 2003-2007 | First ‘vision 12 1, | 2002-2003 | 73% 108 Gagan Bharti School, | 2000-2001 | 80% New Delhi Scanned with CamScanner cofintent that statesintention ofa rear cterst Bara ety or partate Purchase eters cold al signify peed Saha rane a tabpte ora purchase letter: x2 General Manager Dabur India Limited Sahibabad, Ghaziabad UP, Pin 201008 Mele 0120-26XXXX4 21 February, 2019 x7, Sales Manager Land Craft Developers aj Nagar Extension Ghaziabad UP. Sincerely Sa. XYZ ‘GHERRT] What is sales letter ? What are the components of sales ke 41. Introductory paragraph: There are several ways to start a paragraph a. Makea striking statement, 3.12.6 (Sem-2) State asigniicant fact, ce. Relateastory. Make special offers, e. Aska question 2 Thebody: ; 1a. _Itexplains the qualities ofthe product tobe sol its special features letter convinces the reader thatthe seller's GueSAb]] Write a sales letter inventing the necessary details. Kew] a xr Heights. We promise to provide lay heavy upon your purse. fom the enclosed pamphlet, thereare three for you to choose opular, Deluxe and Royal for approximately Rs, 10,000,00, Rs, 15,000.00, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Use activ verbs wherever posible: Make sore the verb tense is consistent avoid contractions suchas canis, Prsiecctcli Chen ers in rn, lina os ae hack ar eosin rans ai ism nne woh orf eine St anaes pntioonet Faas es. ee Raa pea reen pert. Be ifatnaucimnoren onto et ad them difficult Ease fn tien diet 1 we oto ‘tc Keeney ering by bndod cn cain sy ined EGemurra ees ce er rele acim eed ‘Do te hs lig Conca Coote cao pe rte vi in eco. “Weamsdetrben vera the dra m Scanned with CamScanner 3 e & 8 8 QB € S ° s = 3 ® 2 € s S a Profesional Boll Brae ofan rine lei: point ‘Abed Toed GhrisbodUP) February, 2019 = 4B ‘Park, Mohan Nagat Distt, Ghaziabad UP.) Thope you ‘set Bven then ifyou face any problem, the wt Yourstruly “se xz Manager GaeFe] What do you mean by claim letter Ambedkar Rosd S176 (Sem.2) ite a claim or Ghaziabad ( ‘Regarding malfunctioning of the new mobile sat rchased a smart phone on 23 December, 201, fr your showroom Tre ial tn loemey tt ae ont ao lear most ofthe times, clear wher eta inte XYZ, Ene: Bill Receipt PART-4| : Notices, Agenda, Minutes of Meeting. (Questions-Answers ‘Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Quest QueSAT, | Write a short note on notice. Scanned with CamScanner ivities inthe order in which they, ts the ell ta order and end ES om A Peay nti thy wll anaret he secs tbe dace aan DOME pent fre acting aecdng eum _Agendasrn ake diferent forms depen onthe specif pepe tegroupaad ty inlde ay aumber of the ions “Ban dnutasofmeetin. aceon] SMe etn arn fe calorcg ofthe proved “pein athe eco ake 2 Minutes of meetings describe the events ofthe meeting aid may inelude AUR ofan ett te tres corey te aren Besar dor rinse y “Towle thetve esting nimstes we hold ine © Thenames ofthe participants 2 Agenditens 5G Calenderor due dates & Atimsertrs Ae Themals pnts | Dessay te participants fi Record what isthe most important points Scanned with CamScanner - Foe example: Fe cts ic oe Se Peer ona =] nt : way to achieve coherence in writing ? GRRE otn pres nae in sentences, Za 1 Coton fr tothe clean ogi hing Coherence refers to the verbal aspects of o FSP peers hance mer btw al ‘Sep lies 41 Paves aro floing tre tes sae 1 Adjective phrase A group of words that does the work fan (Coerene is achieved win sentanes retell atv prase, Tow ogee smoothiy Forexample: q Varlous ways to achieve coherent 4 The mopistrte was aknd(Adectve) man 1. Userepettion to tink ideas ‘he magieate was a man with a kinly nature (Aden shrae) sa The chflvedina tne Adee house. Tie chinflivetna house ui of stone Adjective phrase Adverb phrase: Piast Sagar: Arup rst este workot ana Scanned with CamScanner 328 6, ‘Use pronouns to link sentences : Pronouns are used connet gentences by referring to preceding nouns and prone! the relationships and eonnections be {GaeRDRT] what do you mean by unity? What are the various yy toachieve unity in writing ? 8 paragraph ress wiven to a lar mportance ‘word or words when speaking to Scanned with CamScanner 8250 ( 2 je wet ‘Adding emphasi Pei Said ta wet ctrois iy phasic bea ofthe sontence. Seeteg or by changing i Wordssurh sit same words or sentences in writing ‘Accentuating the positives = very individual has a unique mixture of postive and ngpay, traits. Nooneis perfect 4 {is very important to balance the postive and ney iv. sentences or words are motivating to read and among the people and become more focused on th +. Replace the words such as no, never, impossible o efforts and attempt. Prioritizing for effective i, Writermust foeus on or this, the writer has inderstand the purpose o! the target audience, and then: toeff Avoiding i. Plagiarism is copying pretending t fi Itiseansidered anin ac. iil, ‘Technical writer has tobe aware and acknowledge all the soure document 00 Common Grammatical Errors and Technical Style CONTENTS Part-1 + Subject-Verb Agreement, Correct Usage: Noun, Pronoun Part2 + Agreement, Modifiers, nium 460v040 | ‘ricles, Prepositions, : Glichés, Redundaneies Parts : Parts : ‘and Conclusion avi 4:16 (Sem-2) Scanned with CamScanner Describe subject-verb agreement (Concord) with its rayy a1 ‘Thesbjct should agro withthe ver) in number and person, A Fetes speie sige nro a singular very Ondheat ‘and esentonce ha has pial haven pluravest With every and each (normally used with a si Forexample: ‘Bvery room in this guest house has an attached kitchen ‘Bach ofthe boys plays well. “© With everyone, everybody, and everything, (every one istwo words when the meaning is each one). For example: Byeryone in the audience is considered for inclusion in the ‘workshop. 2 Use the plural verb in the following case ‘numberof, we uso a singular verb For example: ‘The numberof tigers in the country is decreasing, Annumber ofreports have been ed Alot ofleetures are planned. Plenty of showrooms now aecept credit cards, a we ierthe singlaror the para ve in the following cases: rant peach of either of, neither of, and none of, usually vorbis weather of neither of and none of, usual 1nd development involves myriad An inflation of 10 percent annum makes economy. Quea What do you mean by noun? Scanned with CamScanner professional Baglish ei ———— ____ For exam! a button needs tobe fixed. ’s books were very popular. ytrter bn pean rund noun Aconyeund 0Un 3° Compe chat in vogster to make & Uncountable noun : Uncountable nouns (mass noun) are the nouns A party of friends. Aheap of rubbish 8 Conerete noun : Conerete nouns ‘exist physicallyand an be touched, For example: ‘Tesch Police officer 10, Possessive noun : Possessive nouns demon: something else. The best way to spot them is Scanned with CamScanner rosie i a wordfprosilause which modifies other word, erieciheronadetvoran adver. ccna the nouns andthe adverbs diye ea © eesti er a Forexample: ougitachorlte cake yesterday rete wet cad nla 1 career ee eae See ‘a Premaiersarethe modifiers which modify the wordsthat fill hem inthe sentence, Ailes determiners demonstrates, proper actives, dst ‘ajc compound ajcives, pariciples, et. are the adc ‘thick om bir the nouns and modify them. So most of te aljetivesarepre odes Conjunctve adverbs, sentence adverbs, and some other adverts ‘an workbeig placed before the verblajetivesther advert Scanned with CamScanner particular person(s) ot t-roper nouns generally do nt take 3 patcarin anon count noun Ye is eied bg example: exert rte canis ering ‘ Thee mandatory before thing which sony ne oi "A postion links nous, pron Using te with geograpbical nouns general deen parr sd playthings hose none lr ‘To word or phrase thatthe : " Ate preposition -Aprepostonl phrase is made pal ‘state dete ora rules forindfinite article: and an ‘Uses of preposition : common noun inthe singular number abyss 1 A elit: But plural common aout doesnt rea 3 ake (Refers to a random snake) 2: The choice between the two indefinite articles sd by sound Words beginning wth cosonant ound begining with vowel sounds precede'sn Scanned with CamScanner 7? common Grammatical rors & Techie yy professional English 4-106 (Sem?) | a | fell-known clichés include food for though oe . | somew tr z eae the doer of en action sor pot not the least, fishing in troubled: i exam] midnight oil. nate ae ,__An indiceriminate use of clichés makes! i ‘The dow Wet fore the name ofa tool stale potre the nase oo. ) 5 Withis or example: ‘The jude av the decision withthe pounding ofhis gave “The report discusses threadbare India, : Revised: Te repotdscusss the problem ofair pollution inde. For example 2 engineers lft no stones unturned to 1 continued over the sion has bottomed and QuedB | Write a short note on : ‘Revised : The strong reversal of unemployment trends indicates: a. Clichés: . 1 7 b._Redundaney = a Clichés A. Clichés are overused we Scanned with CamScanner 4126 (Bena) Gonon Grama Ero Teh 8, Me a —s polio Features, Choice of Words, Sentences, Degs,, Feclobe eats oe Expository.” Periptgg iv, Emphasize positive words ¥. Avoid overused words vie Avoid obsolete words QuEAAT] Explain various types of sentences, al Various types of sentences QueA9, | Explain various characteristics of technical wrg ting (Bee ogate, or sk questions, are direct questions, and they ae punctuated with question roga tive sentences start with question words, Exelamatory senten: 1 Bxdam Scanned with CamScanner Cumson Grammatical ror ty Stic yy “Exelamatory sentences are often used in casual eo ~ Inrwrtten dialogue t show emotion, but they are seh agg ocexpostors wrth eS Foresample: etreet etriaroenteed teal Howell ge! THeaIE] wnat arthe regis ego sentence writings ould variety in the sentences be introduced? Describe by . sentence contruction wy oy ene conssts of many requisites bt out othe, thre whi, es 4. Useless repetition bs Redundancy 5 ‘QueAAS] What are the descriptive and Scanned with CamScanner Maragaphcnsitfto fo ght sentences ‘orerpraranhemny ied oes Pty poragapsare sly sed in professionnel writing adie i, cicentrateson a partiaride, “hod paragraph makes clear the meaing of this dea or tpg, ibrar ins nannesiteely Importance of opie rentence na paragraph: 1 Atoplescatnceietnt rtf theparaerarh which tate ts mainidg hry deol. 2 Theanbefbund ot the ging oral the end of paragraph, “Inthe former ac teins he tem developed in theres of the ~ fertrphwein the itn i onludesthe disoneeupying he erorphithantnerenc anal sheratn 4. Sotines tsp enenecan be fou samere st he mie © the paragraph ton & Ince argraph, hn topic sentence remains implicit, the mia lon ecoe pa he seseocer, without bei rl stated in one teste -agraph ragraph construction are 1. Unity :Aparagraphisusually but around atopic sentence, asentence ‘hich states tho main thee of the pareraph 3 Emphasis me "Emphasis means fre or pro Ie means making inportantp ‘eisessential because when Scanned with CamScanner introduc Gg are the steps to write aD i {introduction paragraph pe Ftrales bo fer most es of reasonable goal FBR re oes tne tations pertormed by intrusion oceeill Scanned with CamScanner 5-16 Sem-2) Scanned with CamScanner Words are divided int What isthe role of body language in presenta Describe its various factors briefly. aa Scanned with CamScanner fromthe speaker IL Atsece of gertares ny vee siftadvotneag 1. Alley and interotiv meshing mle capturer ate rain eee ae 16. Wiile speaking, perzon should ty to keep tall, ean ‘use who eniagon ataleareteeea et What be Kineses ? What are featoree o Kincses presentation ? inses the stops movomen of th bdy parts near ‘hi anda te tly mont ob aking re ‘te, mcoumansston Feature of kinesies are a follows: 1. Porsonal appearance: ‘It isthe physi appearance which makes Stimson ve the audience, Th Winches he felling fetare 4. Phsical appearance ib Phys He Attractiveness 18 Personal iene _Allthe above rita make a personality and personality create sn Simpresion un ths people we speak wth 2 Facial expression: ‘a. Facial expression playsan important ue nora emit Includes the following tats i Smile Frown HL Ralsing of eyebrows jy. Tightening jaw ales Gesture: me Theos are those physical m nconselousl: a ‘by ‘The following are some gestures: Body shape : ‘ also known as physical Scanned with CamScanner peak alotabout he personality fama, thf and tal ic upposed ob a leader and GBR Few oe you caine the rote of parlingustc faature Fr Pistnesyreertation? Write a note on nuances of ‘il, Word stress and sentence stress also play: lation, at distinguish one voice from another. a unique voice and its quality depends on its ‘ii The quality ofone's voice maybe rich and reson ‘hin and nasal, hoarse and husky, or harsh an‘ Scanned with CamScanner Whenaer tive Tae Aevelop in yourself the ang sak distinctly; produce ge ‘Bonaire s roe tn vrticcc neu Bett et tangs wih ety reno aa Sao Accent is a manner of pronunciation peculiar to a eee rnc ort enianae peat eter Enno int gan ecard language. 2 Pitch (Loudness): a a5 /that allows the ordering of sounds ona fr ee fon Bresette ihe od ove. racer vere costa Petpet andor ne ean - Rhythm (Sound pattern achieved by using stress in words): Is en patre fends Pat ts pecs ate te yeh oc a Riythmis produced y sre and stress wind sn asentese conversion i two o more leis spontaneous, unplanaed. eis coe ofthe base types of human Conversation may be nats Classification of conversation: 1. Banter: ‘tween individual Bester uses clever Scanned with CamScanner Profesional Baglth 2 Dncnion i Soca cree dcr, <_ mlatetatertbot rac tae HL Inpelt sovety the subect changes berg path My paeeiae ‘ny, 2 sujet ms 1 Mycenaean tag, to their major subject content "ile t Seetheoehten 80 to exten and awareness 4 de, Objective facts, which may serve ee view, ‘ © Ober people (Utuly absent) which may pg gM fompetitiveor supportive * ther Oneself, which sometim, 18 indie behaviour orean provide relevant topartiipantsin the conversatig 4 Functions i. Mostconversations may be classified ii Functional conversation is designed to formating by thee g 2 their gal tohelpacieresaindiidua cera? Mornay i Soak iatpeseoneran ner eto thas he social purpose of achieving bending a ig managing personal cstance "ee GHEE] Write short note on dialogue Gane 1 Adina aa iro may oneratin tween pope ty effective listening as well as speaking. 4 2 Tisined at udortnding andrei thet rena 4 Dialoguesmay involve opposing yin oi A For our inlogues tobe eetve, we must eberve how pap ay eachother what they seo provident rope ed 6 The cia 38 should be writen in such a way thatthe releraa observe andthe state of mind Dialogue should be ux Aiterenty ‘What docs dialogue do: i Dilore brings pope tgebar who {optber anda tye Basic requirements for a disomy {Toth aries muse wling ogg be uo oth have rusia the logue preneas Both partes mast gree on i Sto uidelins forthe proce, = ee ___ Sm mutons ce on Communication takes place at various levels, labora, Anewar Various levels of communication are: 1. Extra-personal communication *tra-porsonal communication is a communication between woman beige and nonhuman Being Scanned with CamScanner sm Sree anneal noprmanns oad ny, quuosioda “var ede spine 90 pees vee ea Bay = wryayumamoy ssa 30 sxytonse Lee. eqang jeuosioduaquy 0 poo yyy soxe9 oy Esa, sonra {2 ooo yon adedsou pus wo 9604 AR oom jp aos an ogee jos 30 cE use fanaa ess ot pn “soma sonnet poy se rae esos wey ange nessa fone eH pen ueeaianboss ono Speen ay souozpne on so) yaa au see oY snot uno 0 yin oon Seated pes uaz PL *sousotore> (oygrxoyuy snoyodey oa Seateo Gum jo sounuoyns na sop emo soUSEAOST Scanned with CamScanner Presence of = gatekeeper : Mass communication y, persons, institutions or organizations to convey (yeaa, aera eaves ional peopl arses een a, Heat THREAT] vorine interpersonal barriers. Explain he stil: | interpersonal barriers of communication. reason top Accommon obstacle 0 communi bance | / Interpersonal barriers occur due to the inappropriate tran, ; / between two or more people. east oF wong, E ! Common reasons for interpersonal barriers are ; 1. Limited vocabulary : i. Inadequate vocabulary can bea major hindrance in com i, _In our communication, the meanin absolutely clear tothe receive: iit During our speech if ‘communication wi ‘impression on the 2 Incongruity (mismatch) of verbal and non-verby, | i. Inappropriateness between verbal and non-ve, ‘causes barrier in communic Que57 | Explain organization» Anawer 185 OF Our Words « arriers in co mmniestion, th respect tow ion should be scape them | i The difference between the verbal and non. communication makes t i A communicator because of fear in his nnd aK, iil, Thesender encodes Scanned with CamScanner communication get area * agement levels in the organization, F**k ‘ae lel, the communication ete delayed agg _ change before reaching the intended rccines 3°42 gy Explain communteation flows or channg lation at workplace. Informal channel of communication is also c: Horizontal or lateral or peer aa range gaey bebe ‘working at the same lend “ae mt inc : oe & Building up organizational solidarity and harmony. = . ere Dogar ne Pe Te estan. | re ee eee cee. inno pee ont Oot cence wanna cee Tin main se Scanned with CamScanner peti ein rear shouldus simple andunderstandate catzon. It should be easy and simple, ety Scanned with CamScanner woes tha pnis method is used to docunsn ofan nstroction and ase = + a ZI 4 6. 6. 1 8 8 0. Ee an be an incidental sition is an explanatory writ 7am Dol esrpion or in be the heart stay part ofa description or a narra ari ‘are bound morphemes that ‘Prefixes are represented by Scanned with CamScanner 24 What doyourean by suis? “ANE Suiice age bound morpberes which are attached to the ong fhe word Sufies are represented by the morphemes preceded y oa a 2 it em saan es aes = ae |something is capable| veatable,, audible, =. = SS 210, Define derivatives: RE en HeeB eobeo chee & Expand the following abbreviations ew og. (exempli gratia ororample ‘st do yan cope eae cougar tert lke ea Quan ear and ele coh Give the meaning of folowing para them in your own sentencess Advise, Advice Birth, Berth § Advise, Advice + ‘Advise’ (to tak you pan) Scanned with CamScanner . ng of following pair of homony mn rentencea to make thelr mene yuok, Deal Deal. rn ‘ia Scanned with CamScanner rye era SESS sted ae some mea et Scanned with CamScanner

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