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I. Read the sentences in each item. Put a check mark (√) next to the best topic sentence.
1. ___Most of the girls in the class get higher grades in Spanish than the boys.
___Research has shown that girls are better at languages than boys.
___Many students like languages very much.

2. ___Yesterday I did not have lunch with my coworkers.

___Yesterday I went to work late.
___Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

3. ___Some people call Paul Cezanne the father of modern art.

___Paul Cezanne, the father of modern art, made important contributions to the history
of art.
___Paul Cezanne's art was not recognized until the end of his career, but he is often
called the father of modern art.

4. ___Many volunteer opportunities exist for New Yorkers who want to help their
___New Yorkers concerned about the environment should look into recycling programs.
___Tutors help students who need special assistance and encouragement.

5. ___The Starry Night is a good painting.

___In this painting there are some men in a boat.
___The Starry Night, by Vincent Van Gogh, depicts a romantic starry sky over a village.

II. Write correct sentences for these fragments

1. One of the most reasons that he refuse to meet her.
2. Although they cannot meet each other.
3. In order to forget something.
4. I love the picture because

5. The best vacations

III. Choose ONE of the following topics to write a paragraph about 150 words
TOPIC 1: Write a paragraph in which you define “true love”.
TOPIC 2: Write about the steps in creating a facebook account.
TOPIC 3: Should students wear students cards in HUFLIT?
TOPIC 4: Write about the moment when you were happiest.

sTOPIC _____



Good luck!


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