DLP Final

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Queenie, Acebron






Midterm / Finals

1ST SEMESTER – AY 2023-2024

Date: September 18, 2023

At the end of the discussion students are expected to:

A. Evaluate the Idea of Traditional Authoritarian Rule.

B. Differentiate Democratic rule and Traditional Authoritarian Rule.
C. Create a Venn Diagram that explains the comparison between democratic
government and non- democratic government.
A. Topic: Traditional Authoritarian Rule
B. Reference: Internet
C. Materials: Laptop, TV, and PPT
Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities
A. Preliminaries


-Alright, before anything else, let us first ask (One student went in front to pray)
for the guidance of our lord.

-Yes, Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student) will you Leaner 1: Classmates, let us bow our heads
please lead the prayer. and feel the presence of the lord. Dear
Almighty God, We're grateful for this day. As
we gather, we come humbly, seeking your
wisdom for our upcoming lesson. We
understand that all knowledge comes from
you. Please bless our teacher with clarity and
inspiration. Help them guide us patiently.
Open our minds to learn eagerly, grasp
concepts, and support each other. Give us
wisdom to apply what we learn and bless our
time together with productivity and unity. In
your name, we pray. Amen.

-Thank you, Mr./Ms. (Name of Student), for

your heart whelming opening prayer for us.

B. Greetings

-A pleasant morning BSE SS-3B

-A pleasant morning too, Ma’am Queenie
C. Cleanliness

-Class, before you take a seat. Can you please

take a look if there is any trash in your chair
and throw it in the right trashcan. Make sure
that your surroundings are clean and arrange
your chair properly without making a loud
noise. (The students follow what the teachers asked
them to do)

-Alright you may now take your seats.

D. Attendance

-Class secretary, Mr./Mrs. (Name of the

Student) How many are present and absent
today, and who are the absents?

Learner 2: Ma’am no one is absent today.

E. News Sharing

(The teacher asks the students if they have

watched some monarchies on television and
what their thoughts after watching it.)

(One student raising his/her hand)

-Yes? Mr./Ms. (Name of Student) stand up.

-Yes, ma'am, I have watched some monarchy
events in the United Kingdom, and the
wedding of King Charles and Princess
Dianna, I noticed that it's more on the
traditional way of ceremony, like you can see
it in the way they dress, which is why I can
say that is a way different from other
weddings that we know.

-Good observation Mr./Ms. thank you.

Anyone else?

(Another student was raising their hands)

-In the back, Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the

Student) stand up.

Leaner 3: Yes, ma'am, I have already

watched some royal family events on
television aside from their weddings. I also
watch some of the documentaries about the
royal family in Europe. and I discovered that
only relatives are elected, stand in positions in
the government, and run it.

-Well, that's another good observation.

Mr./Ms. (Student Name) take your sit.

(Students are raising their hands)

-okay, last one answer before we proceed in
our new lesson.

-Yes, Mr./Ms. (student name) Stand up.

Leaner 4: Good morning, Ma'am. Yes, I have
watched some monarchy events just like
Mr./Mrs. (student name) I do love to watch
documentaries regarding the royal family as
well as study their history. I learned that a
royal family typically consists of the
monarch, their spouse (if married), and their
immediate family members, such as children
and sometimes grandchildren. Extended
family members may also be considered part
of the royal family.
-Absolutely. It seems like you have truly
researched it. Well observation. Take a sit.

F. Review

-All of your observations are good examples

that connect to our new topic for today, but
before we proceed to a new lesson, let's
review the last lesson we tackled last week
about the tree Branches of government. What
are those again? and how it works together?
just raise your hand properly if you want to

(One student raising his/her hand)

Yes, Mr./Ms. (Name of Student) stand up.

Learner 5: The 3 branches of the government

are: the executive, legislative, and judicial.
Without the other branches, one branch
cannot function. The efficiency with which
these three branches interact affects us on a
daily basis. Overall, the three branches of
government work together to create,
implement, and interpret laws, ensuring that
the government operates within the
framework of the Constitution and serves the
interests of the people while preventing any
one branch from accumulating too much

-Precisely, you really reviewed the topic that

we tackled last meeting, and that's great
Mr./Ms. (Name of Student) take a seat.

G. Motivation


(The teacher calls the students attention and

tells them that they will have an interactive (The students pay close attention to the screen
activity in which the teacher will show in order to know the word.)
pictures then the students will be guesting it.)


(Students start to raise their hands)

-Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student) what is

your answer?
Learner 6: Traditional

-Correct Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student)


Leaner 7: Authoritarian

-You’re correct Mr./Ms. (Name of the



-Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student) what is

your answer?

-Also correct Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student)

(The teacher was happy that the students got
the right answer.)

H. Discussion

(Okay, that's the end of our game. I hope all

of you are having fun. I’m glad that All of
your answers correct and that are related to
the topic that I will discuss today, which is the
"Traditional authoritarian rule”

 What is Traditional Authoritarian


-Traditional authoritarianism is distinct form

of non-democratic rule in which authority is
owed to the ruler himself rather than to a
more abstract entity such as a communist or
fascist party.

(The teacher starts to as a question)

-Anyone, do you have any idea what it does it

mean if we say non-democratic rule? (One student start to raise his/her hand)

-Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student)

Learner 8: I think ma’am when we say non-
democratic rule refers to a system of
governance in which political power is not
derived from the will of the people through
free and fair elections and is not characterized
by democratic principles. Instead, non-
democratic rule is often marked by the
concentration of power in the hands of a
single individual, a small group, or an
unelected authority.

-Excellent Mr./Ms. (student name) take a seat.

(The teacher explains more further it’s


-We have authoritarian states can be classified

into 3 general types:

1. Patrimony- where a head of family or a

clan rules the community without

2. Absolute Monarchy-rule by a heredity

dynasty or royal family.

3. Personal Dictatorship- charismatic leader

or a despot is in charge)
(The teacher starts to ask the class)

-If we have a non-democratic rule, we also

have a democratic rule. From the word
"democratic," what comes on your mind?

-Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student) stand up. (Students start to raise their hands)

-Exactly, Mr./Ms. (Name of Student.) Learner 9: When I heard the word

“Democratic” the one that comes in my mind
is “Democracy” Unlike the non-democratic
rule where in less privileges. on the other
hand, Democratic Rule is characterized by
regular elections, respect for human rights,
political pluralism, the rule of law, and
accountability of leaders to the electorate. It
allows citizens to participate in the decision-
making process and holds leaders responsible
for their actions.

(The teacher explains more further it’s


-That’s right Mr./Ms. (student name) You

have a good explanation about its meaning.
Take a sit.

(The teacher proceed to the next discussion)

-So, we have Forms of Authoritarian Rule:

 Authoritarian rule- any form of non-

democratic rule. Those non-democratic

regimes which unlike totalitarian states,

do not seek to transform society and the

help people in it.

-This is Limited political diversity, also

support by the public is often gained by lies,

fear and a promise of economic prosperity.

 Traditional authoritarian rule-

allegiance is owed to an individual ruler

who often claims a religious mandate

passed down through family succession.

The chief, monarch or president rules his

subjects as if he were the head of an

extended family.

-Follow the customs and tradition practices

and one the example of it is the Royal Family

like in the United Kingdom and also just like


 Communist states- Political systems in

which the communist party monopolized

power, leading to an all-encompassing

bureaucratic state. In theory the object

was to implement Marx’s vision of a

classes’ society; in practice, the party

sought to protect its position through

social control.

-The means of production should be under the

states. China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North

Korea (DPRK) are the only communist

countries still in existence in the world today.

Often, these communist republics do not

assert that socialism or communism have

been established in their nations, but rather

that they are constructing and working to do


 Fascism- An anti-liberal doctrine that

glorified the nation and advocated a

warrior state, led by an all-powerful

leader, to whom the masses would show

passionate commitment and submission.

Advocated by Mussolini in Italy and,

supplemented by Aryan racism, the basis

for national socialism in Nazi Germany.

-This means that the supremacy of the

military is the priority. And one of the

examples of this is Adolf Hitler of Germany,

he controls the forces of military and mark as

the most strategic events in the history during

World War II.

 Military Rule- government by military,

often ruling through a junta comprising

the leader from each branch of the leader

from each branch of forces. Half the

countries in Africa were under military

control in Africa were under military

control as late 1987.

-So here, fascist governments often prioritize

military strength and expansionism with a

focus on territorial conquest and Imperial


I. Values Integration


(The teacher starts to ask students for active

-Alright, class, we will have a question-and-
answer portion regarding our topic, but before
that, please remember to respect your
classmates’ opinions and don't take it
personally. Is it all clear? (Students follow the rules of the teacher.)

(The teacher starts to begin the question)

1. If you were given a chance to be a leader,

what would you prefer to follow? Democratic
leadership or traditional authoritarian
leadership and why?
(One student raising his/her hand)
-Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of the Student) stand up.

Learner 10: For me I would prefer to follow

the Democratic leadership. Why? Because of
the fact, democracy allow us to participate in
political processes and not exclude certain
groups of people from the political sphere on
the basis on race, gender, class or sexual
orientation. Yes, we can’t deny the fact that
Some argue that democracy alone is
insufficient in the pursuit of equality because
the majority faction will still overpower
minority factions. While this may be true, the
importance of democracy should be viewed
through a lens of the possible alternatives;
other systems of government, such as
autocracies, and monarchies are
comparatively worse for achieving equality
because they exclusively allow one person or
group of people to make decisions for an
entire population. Only democracy allows all
groups, regardless of race, gender identity,
class or sexual orientation, to participate in

-That's a great answer from Mr./Ms. (student

name) you have a good point thank you.
(The student takes his/her seat with a smile)

-Anyone else class?

(No more students raising their hands)

-Okay Class, Is it all clear?

-Yes Ma’am

G. Application
“WHAT’S MORE”-Activity

(The teacher explains how to create the Venn

Diagram that explains the comparison
between democratic government and non-
democratic government They have only 3
minutes to answer and need to pass.

 Criteria of judging

Originality- 10%
Content- 20%

Total of= 50%

H. Generalization

(One student raising his/her hand)
(Before to end the lesson, the teacher asks for
what the students have learned today.)

-Yes, Mr./Ms. (student name) what have you Learner 11: At the end, I have learned that
learned today? leadership plays a big role in helping the
group work together as one. Just like being
the ruler of a country, as a ruler, you are not
just in your position; more than that, you
should be the one to inspire your people and
capable of doing your work properly. That is
why I have realized that the function of the
government is important to society. Yes,
leaders have different styles when it comes to
governing, but regardless of that, a true leader
should have a heart to help and inspire its
people, not to be the reason why we are afraid
to voice our rights but the one who’s motivate
us to work, collaborate, and be wellbeing
citizen of our country.

-That’s a heart-warming moment for us

Mr./Ms. (student name) thank you.

-None, Ma’am.
-Alright, do you have any question?

IV. Evaluation
I. Multiple Choice (Select the best answer in the given choices)
1. Who typically holds the most power in a traditional authoritarian government?
a) The elected representatives
b) The monarch or dictator
c) The military
d) The judiciary

2. Which of the following is a common characteristic of traditional authoritarian rule?

a) Free and fair elections
b) Separation of powers
c) Suppression of dissent
d) Decentralized government

3. In traditional authoritarian regimes, political opposition is often:

a) Encouraged and supported
b) Tolerated with some restrictions
c) Persecuted and suppressed
d) Given equal representation in government

4. Which of the following is an example of a traditional authoritarian country?

a) Sweden
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Canada
d) Germany

5. Why traditional authoritarian rulers often maintain control through:

a) Open and transparent governance
b) Strict adherence to the rule of law
c) Censorship and propaganda
d) Regular democratic elections

6. In Traditional authoritarian governments, the media is typically:

a) Independent and critical
b) Controlled or heavily censored by the state
c) Owned by foreign corporations
d) Non-existent

7. Traditional authoritarian rule tends to prioritize:

a) Individual freedoms and civil liberties
b) Economic equality and socialism
c) National security and stability
d) Minority rights and inclusivity

8. Which of the following is NOT a common feature of traditional authoritarian rule?

a) Limited political pluralism
b) A strong central authority
c) A vibrant and diverse civil society
d) State-controlled propaganda

9.How is political opposition usually treated in traditional authoritarian governments?

a) They are given equal representation in government
b) They are encouraged and supported
c) They are persecuted and suppressed
d) They are appointed to advisory roles

10. How do traditional authoritarian governments typically concentrate power?

a) Through open and fair elections
b) Through military coups
c) Through diplomatic negotiations
d) Through religious leaders

11. Which of the following regions has a history of traditional authoritarian rule?
a) Western Europe
b) Scandinavia
c) The Middle East
d) North America
12. In Traditional authoritarian rulers typically have what level of accountability to the public?
a) High accountability through regular elections
b) Moderate accountability through checks and balances
c) Low accountability, often ruling for life
d) No accountability to the public

13. Which of the following is a common method of censorship in traditional authoritarian

a) Encouraging open debate and discussion
b) Internet freedom and access
c) State control of media content
d) Promoting independent journalism

14. How is political opposition usually treated in traditional authoritarian governments?

a) They are given equal representation in government
b) They are encouraged and supported
c) They are persecuted and suppressed
d) They are appointed to advisory roles

15. In traditional authoritarian rule, what role does the military typically play?
a) Strictly apolitical and non-interfering
b) Serving as the ultimate authority and power base
c) Supporting civilian government institutions
d) Advocating for democratic reforms

V. Agreement:
Read the History of the Philippines during the Presidency of former Ferdinand Marcos in
preparation for our next topic.
VI. Data

VII. Comments




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