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The extraordinary trip to the fairy land

Today, something extremely strange happened to

me in art class. I had forgotten my crayons at home
and reached into the school’s supply cupboard for a
box of crayons. I came across a grubby box of pastel
colours and decided to draw an apple. Lo and
behold! An apple appeared out of nowhere on my
desk! I then decided to draw an imaginary land with
many intricate designs on the toadstone in the dense
forest. I also made a bed which will shrink on the
entrance of the jungle on which I will be lying in
amazement. It also had numerous towering trees. As
soon as, I started colouring with the bewitched
pastel colours. I started feeling the nature sounds
like the birds chirping etc. I also heard the tooth
fairy chattering just like us to my amusement. The
fairies were wearing a frock with many splashes of
colours. Their attire was indeed very gorgeous. I did
not forget to take along my sketch books and the
magical pastel colours. I saw three toad stones with
a tooth fairy arranging the teeth on the tiara on the
queen. The tooth in the centre was shining like a
pearl in the shell. Then, the tooth fairies and me
present the handmade and magnificent tiara in the
front of the queen. she also me whether I was having
a great time. I also visited a toadstone where the
fairies were collecting the money to keep under the
pillow. After 3-4 hours, I felt homesick. So, I sat
down on the moist ground in a carefree manner and
started drawing my home. Then, I started colouring
my home and I was at home in a fraction seconds.
Thus, I was on cloud nine.

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