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Name of work Plan Proposal for

Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme
Gagret in Tehsil nbDistrict Una (H.P)
Estimated Cost: - Rs 722.67 Lakh Only.
Himachal Pradesh

JalShalkti Vibhag

Himachal Pradeslh DIVISION: - JSV, F.P. Div. Gagret

Gagret in
Name of work: Plan Proposal for Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme
Tehsil Ab District Una(HP)

FUNDS: - H.P. Govt.



The Plan Proposal for Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme Gagret in Tehsil Atb District
(HP) has been framed by Er. Pankaj Kumar, Executive Engineer, JSV, F.P. Division Gagret for
probable cost of Rs 722.67 Lakhs only.

Executive Summary
Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous state encompassing the transmission Zone from the Plains to
high terrains of Himalayas and standing up to the Tibetan piateau. The total geographical area of
iimachat Pradesh is 55673 Sq. Km. and. situated between latitude 30 22° 40* N t 33' 1240N
and Longitude 75° 45* 55" EtY79 04' 20" E. The state comprises of 12 Distriet with 6ltovwn
and there are 20752 villages. As per census 2011, the population of Himachal Pradesh is 68.64 lacs
persons. theiteracy rate is 82,80 %, the average density of population is 123 per sq. Km.
In consonance with the deciared objectives of Goverrnment of lndia to enhanced coverage through
prozected water supply system at habitation Ilevel unitas household continuously producing water
in sufficient quantity and of required mininum water quality standards on sustainable basis is of
utmost importance and need in rural secto.
Ihe national goal is to provide every rural person with adequate safe water tor drinking, cooking
andother domestic basic needs on a sustainable basis. Protected and sate drinking water supply is
eSsential tq improve the health & wellbeing of the nopulaion and enable socioeconomic
Una distict came into existence on 1 September l972 and is situated in the southwestern part of
the State of Himachal Pradesh. The district, with its hadquartcr at Una town, has a geographieat
area o1 1542 sq kn and covers 2.8 %area ofthe State. It lies between Noth latitude 31°1800" &
JISS O0* and East longitude 75°55° 00" & 76°28°00 ndis covered in survey of lndia eg

sheet No. 53A & 44M. TOwards north it is bounded Kangra district, towards north- & east by
Hamirpur & Bilaspur districts and towards south-west by State of

Administratively. the district has been divided into 5 sub-divisions (Una, Amb, Haroli, Bangana &
234 Nos. Gram
Gagret) and comprises of' Stehsils (Una, Amb, Bangana, Haroli, Ghanari). Total
Panchayats in the district. Una district is well developed in the industrial sector due to
industrjal centers.
proximity to Punjab state with Mehatpur, Gagret, Tahliwal & Amb as main


The WSS Gagret cOvered 7 Wards under NACGagret in Tehsil Amb in Distt. Una (HP). The source
of the schemes is Tubewells. Gagret is a beautiful town and a Nagar Panchayat in Una district in
the state of Himachal Pradeslh, India. Gagret falls under Hamirpur parliamentary Constituency and
is a constituency for Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly. Gagret is situated near Swan or
Sombhadra river, Swan is a seasonal river. Gagret forms a border place when one moves from
Punjab to HimachalPradesh Via Hoshiarpur. Nagar Panchayat Gagret is situated on South-west of
Himachal Pradesh. It has characteristics of hilly as well as the plain area and has the hinterland of
fertile irrigatedagriculture land.

This Nagar Panchayat Notified in 1979 but functioning start from 1982. Gagret is fastest developing
town in Himachal Pradesh, as many companies have established manufacturing units in Gagret,
Advance Valves Pvt. Ltd. Cast Well, Mittal Udyog to name a few. Gagret is also known for its
wholesale steel and timber market.

The Lift water supply scheme Gagret was originally designed to provide water to 7 wards under
Nagar Panchayat Gagret in Distt Una. The existing source of the scheme is l No. Tube well of
depth 125 mtrs. The previous A/A&EIS accorded vide F.C cum Sec. (l&PH) Govt. of H.P. vide
letter no. PBW (PH) 3-34/91, dated 30-06-99 for Rs. 1,42,94,000/-. with the passage of time the
discharge in the Tubewelldecreases. The ultimate population and water requirenment with respect
to existing Tubewell worked out as below:

Sr.N Source Ultimate Population Designed Water Water available in

Requirement sources (LPS)
1 Nos. existing 6496 persons+|571 38,47 Ips + 10% 1S Tubewell = 30 Ips
Tubewell staffs+1217 for leakage+ Design discharge @
Std.+2285 FP+8 15% for 70% =21.00 Lps
Nos. Govt. Quarterst fireighting ctc. =
4 Rest. & Dhaba's 48.09 lps

the increasing demand of the habitants of

As thedischarge in the Tubewell is not sufficient to meet
of these wards under Nagar Panchayat
seven wards for their all-daily needs, as a result inhabitants providing additional
drinking water problems permanently by
Gagret are demanding to resolve their
new sources i.e., by drilling
wards of NAC Gagret area the schenme
So. keeping in view the justiticd demand of people of 7 nos.
scheme Gagret. Also, Existing Rising
has been proposed for Augnentation of the water supply
ultimate population and are Dismantled and
main and Pumping Machinery has been re-designed for
appended with the proposal.
pumping machinery has been upgraded. The design of same has been

1.2 Instant Proposal: -

Gagret, 7
In the instant proposal Augmentation of water supply scheme Gagret (Nagar Panchayat
Wards) has been considerecd as these 7 wards are facing the problems of water scarcity. The area
falls under Urban arca i.e., Nagar Panchayat Gagret. The source for the instant proposal has
proposed from 3Nos. Tubewells (2 Nos. new proposed+ 1No. Existing Tubewell).
The water requirement for urban area has been worked out (@ 135 LPCD per person & 45 LPCD
per student & Floating population and 45LPCD for employees, Residential Quarters @ 135 LPCD
and Restaurant &Dhaba's @180 LPCD. The growth rate @1.393% per annum for urban area has
been considered for calculating the population growth rate.
List of Wards Covered:
Sr.No. Gram Panchayat Population as Present Population No. of Household
per censes 2011 in year 2023 @ present in year
1.393o per year 2023
Ward No. 1 585 683 139
2 Ward No. 2 425 496 121
3 Ward No. 3 607 708 162
4 Ward Nc. 4 675 788 176
Ward No. 5 558 651 141
6 Ward No, 6 639 746 146
Ward No. 7 361 421 92
Total 3850 4493 977
The instant proposal has been designed for populatioHas mentioned below:
Sr.No. Source Ultinate Designed Water Present discharge in
Population Requirement @ existing/new SourcCS
8 1Hrs. pumping (LPS)
J Nos. existing 6496 persons+1571 38.47 lps + r0% 1 Tubewell = 30.0 lps +
Tubewel] + 2 No. staffs+1217 for leakage+ 15% 2ud /well =20.0 Ips + 3d
new Tubewells Std.t+2285 F.P+12 for firefighting etc. T/well 20.0 Ips
proposed persons Govt. 48.09 lps Total 70,00 LPS,
Quarters+ 6 Rest. & Design discharge (@ 70%
Dhaba's = 49,00 Lps
faces drought like conditions
The present water supply in habitations proposed under planning area
objective of instant proposal
in summer season when turther reduction in quantity is observed. The
is to provide potable and sate drinking water supply @ 135 LPCD through regular piped water
the habitations.
supplysystem, which is a vital necessity for the present size of
of scheme, hence
The present discharge in the existing source is not sufficient to meet the demand
on view of above-mentioned points the need for the Augmentation of scheme is justified.
Accordingly, This Plan Proposal amounting to Rs. 722.67 Lakhs only has been framed to cover
the probable cost for Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme Gagret in Tehsil Amb District Una

The area situated under NAC Gagret in Tehsil Amb of Dist Una in Himachal Pradesh, which is
approx. 35 Km from district HQ. Reference Survey of India Sheets No are 53A/2 and it is situated
in between 31°38°N to 31°40'N and 76°00 E to 76°05 E. The average elevation of the Command
area is +450.00 above MSL.
Gagret is located at Jalandhar- Mandi National Highway (NH 70) and is 26 Km from Hoshiarpur
District. Headquarter. Una Is 32 Km from Gagret. Gagret is directly connected by roads with all
near towns and villages. It's proximity to Punjab and preferred route from Punjab to Dharamshala,
Mandi, Kullu, Manali , Hamirpur, Kangra Districts. of Himachal Pradesh makes it well known

The area is well connected by all-weather motorable road networks to Gagret, Amb, Una, Hamirpur
and railway at Andoura (Amb)& Una. The prominent roads connecting the connmand area are SH
The whole area is well connected with road network comprising State highway, District Road &
village roads. The Average distances of intake site from various stations are listed below: -
1 Amb 10 Km
Una 35 Km
Harmirpur 75 Km

5. Chandigarh
i62 Km
195 Krm
a)Project design period considered 30 years as the scheme is praposed for rural arca and sOurce Is
Keservoir having pumping machinery, rising mains and Gravity
b) The proposed lag period majns.
e) Phasing of Design Period has
02 years.
Base Year been taken as under: -

Initial Design Stage 2025 (Base Year + Lag Period)

2040(Base Year + Lag Period + 15)
Intermediate stage
Ultimate Design Stage 2055 (base Year + Lag Period +30)

as under: -
5. DESIGN & SCOPE: - As per body of the estimate is
worked out @135
WATER REQUIREMENT: - The water requirement for urban area has been
employees. The
LPCD per person & 10LPCD per student & Floating population and 45 LPCD for
growth rate (@1.393% per annumfor urban area has been considered for calculating the population
growth rate. The detail of water requirement is as below: -
(Population included: - Floating (FP)+ students (std.) + Employees (EMP)) + Add 10% for leakage
& 15% for fire hydrants

Designed Present discharge

Source Intermediate Designed Ultimate
Water in existing/new
Population Water Population
Requirement sources (LPS)
@ 8 Hrs. @ 8 Hrs.
pumping pumping
Nos. 5558 33.43 Ips 6496 38.47 Ips + 1st Tubewell =30.0
persons+1343 10% for persons+1571 10% for Ips + 2nd t/well =
staffs+1042 leakaget 15% staffs+1217 leakage+ 15% 20.0 Ips + 3rd
+ 2 No. Std.+2285 for firefighting Std.+2285 for firefighting T/well = 20.0 Ips
new FP.+10 Govt. etc. = 41.79 Ips F.P.+12 Govt. etc. =48.09 lps Total 70.00
Tubewells Quarterst Quarters+ LPS, Design
proposed Rest. & Rest. & discharge @ 70%
Dhaba's Dhaba's = 49.09 Lps

WATER A VAILABILITY & PROPOSAL: - The available lean period discharge certiticate
attached in this proposal. The 2 Nos. additional new T/yells are proposed for which
recommendations of Senior Hydrologist,GWo, Unahas been attached.
i. Land; -Provision for Site Development for various structures such as pump house water
treatment Plan & Tanks ete, is taken in the Plan Proposal.

ii. Providing &Laying Rising Mains: - It has been proposcd tg lift the water from Tubewells to
Collection Tanks & from Collection Tank_ t0 main storage Tank by providing and laying GMS
pipe as per JS/ISO 1239:2004 & GMSERW as per IS 3183:2012, pipes in rising main. The detail
of rising main is as below: -
Total Intermediate Total Head Pipe Description
Sr. Description in Mtrs
Length in Design
Mtrs. Discharge in
From T/wellNo. lto 60 26.18 26.35 200 mm dia pipe
collection Tank proposed
From T/wellNo., 2 to 150 3.98 78.03 65 mm dia pipe
collection Tank proposed
11.62 70.44 125 mm dia pipe
3. FromTwellNo. 3 to 60
collection Tank proposed
4. From Collection Tank 2360 26.18 86.30 200mm diapipe
at point "M" toMain
storage Tank C"
From Collection Tank 850 3.98 73.51 65 mm dia pipe
at point "M to Main
storage Tank L
6. From Collection Tank 1550 11.62 62.67 125 mm dia pipe
at point T° toMain proposed
storage Tank J"

installed in the
ii. S/E of Pumping Machinery: - Submersible pumping have been proposed to be
Tubewells and Centrifugal Pumps to lift water from Collection tanks to Main Storage Tank
been made in this plan Proposal. Provision for standby pumps taken in the Plan Proposal.

Description Submersible P/Machinery (HP) Centrifugal P/Machinery (HP)

New Upgraded/ Existing New/ repiace with

Pumping Pumping replace with Pumping existing Pumpiag
sets (HP) sets (HP) existing Sets (HP) Sets (HP)
Pumping Sets
17.50 40.0 4 x 30.0 (2 nos. act
Existing 17.50 17.50
Tubewell no. 1 working & 2 act as
stand by
2 x 10 (l nos, act
New proposed 2 x 10(U
T/well No. 2 nos. act working & l act as

working & stand by

|act as

stand by
New proposed 2 x 20 (| 2x 20(| nos. act
T/vell No. 3 nos. act working & lact as
working & stand by
| act aS

stand by

iv. Civil works: -

a) Drilling, lowering and Development of Tiwells: - 2 No's new Tubewells of depth 140 mtrs as
per Sr. hydrogeologist report, Ground water Organisation, Jal shakti Vibhag, Una is proposed in
the plan proposal.

b) C/O Collection Tank: - 1Nos. UIG collection tanks of 75,000 Itrscapacity is proposed at T/well
no. 1& 1 Nos. U/G collection tank of 55000 ltrs capacity at T/well no. 3. The capacity of main
storage tanks is designed for 4 Hrs. the collection tanks collect the water from T/wells and further
lifted to the main storage tanks.

c) C/O Pump house cum attendant room at H/works: - A provision for c/o Pump house cum
attendant room at T/well no. 2 & 3 is taken in the plan proposal. The size of Pump house is 9.46 x
5.46 x 3.30 m. with toilet room.

a) Cio RCC Main Storage tank: "Total 3 Nos. Main Storage Tank are proposed in the plan
proposal. The capacity of main storage tanks is designed for 16 Hrs. The details of tanks are as

Sr. No. Deseription Capacity in Ltrs.

1. U/G Main Storage tank at point "C" 280000
2 0.H. Main Storage Tank at Point "L" l5 mtes stagging height 75000
3, O.H. Main Storage Tank at Point "J," 15 mtrs stagging height 210000

e) C/O RCC OH Sector Storage Tanks: - 4 Nos, Overhead storage tank of capacity 50,000 ItrS
to 1,15,000 Itrs each is Proposed at point F, G, H, and at point K. The capacity of sector storage
tank is designed for 12 Hrs.

1) C/O Thrust Block for Rising Main: - Provision for C/O Thrust blocks are taken in Kisng
main-1 & in Rising main-2 i.e., from Collection Tank to main storage tanks.
w)PLGravity Main and Distribution Pipe linc: - Gravity mains are proposed from main storage
tanks to sector storage tanksand some distribution network linesare proposed in the plan proposal.
The details of Gravity main and distribution lines are as
i) 65 mm Dia(Light class) = 640Rmt.
ii) 80 mm Dia (Light class)=1170 Rmt.
iii) 100mm Dia (Light class) = 1800 Rmt.
iv) 125 mm Dia (Mediumclass) = 3230 Rmt.
Total Length = 6840Rmt.

V.Supply ofPower (SOP): - Lump sum Provision of 45.0 Lakhs has been taken for supply of
power in the estimate.
vi. C/O Barbed wire fencing around main & sector tanks: - Barbed wire fencing is proposed
around the main and sector storage tanks.

vi. C/O Boundary Wall around Pump house: - Boundary wall around the new proposed pump
house is propoaed at Tubewell No. 2& at T/well no. 3, near Police station / Veterinary hospital.

vi. Provision for Automation (SCADA): - Lump sum provision for Automation (SCADA) of
Purnping machinery and at Collection Tanks &Main Storage Tank is taken in the plan proposal.

vii. Gaseous Chlorination Plant: - Lump sum provision for gaseous Chlorination plant is kept in
the instant plan proposal.

vi.Provision for Fire Fighting Hydrants: - The project area under falls under NAC Gagret
(Urban), Hence Lump sum provision for fire hydrants is kept in the plan proposa!.
ix. Restoration charges: - Lump sum provision for Restoration charges for pipe crossing through
roads is kept in the instant plan proposal.

7. SPECIFICATIONS: -1The work will be done as per PWD/JSV

8. RATES: -The enhanced labour rates as per Govt. notification and
most competitive prevailing
market rates have been considered to work ojt the analyzed rates on the basis of
he best possible shortest route and economical mode oftransportation has been
out the cost of carriage. considered to work

8. ECONOMICS: -The total estimated cost of project'shall be Rs, 722.67 Lakhs and the proje
IS proposed to be completed in Two Years. The direct bene fit of the
sub-proicct is to provide water

supply tor Ultimate population of 6496 persons & the benefit ratio of the project works out to be
1.61: 1.

at the time of its

9. METHOD: -Departmentally or through contractor basis as the case may be
execution after completing all the codal formalities.

10. ESTIMATED COST: - Rs. 722.67 Lakhs only.

11, Wards Benefitted: -7 Nos. Wards under NACGagret

4493 persons)
12. Cost per Capita: - Rs. 16084/- (On present population i.e.,
and materials.
13. TIME: -2 years subject to availability of funds

Executive Engineer
Assistant Engineer, JSV, F.P. Div. Gagret
Jal Shakti S/Division, Gagret

Una (HP)
Proposal for Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme Gagret in TehsilA t District
Name of Work :-Plan

Isr. JSV, F.P. Division Gagret
1NO. Executive Agency:
Sub Divison :
2 Jal Shakti
3 Constituency
Gagret (Urban) Total Wards - 7 Nos.
Nagar Panchayat
5 MLAPriority
Rs. 7,22,66,682|/- only
Estimated Cost : 16084|/- only
Present Population :
Cost Per Capita on 11125||- only
Ultimate Population :
Cost Per Capita on 30Years
Design Period (Ground Water)
7 Project planning and 2 Years
Execution Period
8 Project 2023
Period (Base Year)
9 Phasing of Design 4493|Person

10 Present Population in 2023 @ 1.393%

year construction period in 2055
11 ultimate Population after 30 year ilc 2
increase per year (Urban) 876960LPD
Requirement @135 LPCD 230985|LPD
12 Ultimate water +Restaurant &
Employees +Residential Quarters
13 School &visitors/Floating +
38.47 LPS
hrs pumping
14 Ultimate Water requirement for 8 3.85LPS
15 |Add 10% for Leakage 5.77| LPS
16 Add 15% for Fire Hydrants 48.09LPS

17 Total Ultimate Water Reguirement 70.00LPS

Tubewelis for 3 Nos. 49.00|LPS
18 Average Discharge in
19 Discharge taken @ 70% 7 Nos.
20 Number of Wards covered Tubewells
21 Nature of Source Lift
22 Nature of Scheme 20.00Lps
23 Average Discharge in Tubewells 2no. New Proposed+ Nos.
140 mtrs deep
assemblv & Development of TWell, 1No. Exisitng =3
24 Drilling, lowering of
ROom & Pump Room
5 C/O Pump House cum Attendant 2Nos.
Tank of 55000 Ltrs. & 75000 Ltrs.
40 IO RCCCircular Collection 1Nos.
280000 Ltrs. Capacity
21 CIO RCC Circular U/G Main Storage Tank of 2Nos.
Ltrs capacity"
Storage Tank of 75000 Ltrs & 210000
KCC Circular Oyerhead Main
eaçh 4NOs.
Tank of 50000 Ltrs, $0000 Ltrs, 70009 LtrS &
* GIO RCC Circular Overhead storage
115000 Ltrs capacity each
30 Providing and Laying Gravity Mains 65 mm dia (L)|
80 mm dia ([) 1800|Rmt.
100 mm dia (L)
3230 Rmt.
125 mm dia (M)

34 Pipe IS 1239:2004 &GMSERWPipe

3183 : 2012 : 60 Rmt.
ngand Laying Rising Main GMS 200 mm dial
Booster Stage, at TubeWell No. 1 65 mm dia
Booster Stage, at TubeWell No. 2 60|Rmt.
125 mm dia
at Tubewell No.3 2360|Rmt.
200 mm dia 850|Rnt
Ist Stage,At Tube well No. 1 65 mm dia 1550|Rmt
at Tubewell No. 2
125 mm dia
at Tubewell No.3
Machinery :
2Supply and Errection of Pumping
TubeWell No, 1
Booster Stage (Submersible Pumps) at 1x 17.50 HP| 2| Sets (one
lat Tubewell No. 2
1x 10.0 HP 2| Sets (one
1x20.0 HP 2Sets (one
Jat Tubewell No. 3
Ist Stage :- (Centrifugal Pumps) 2 x 30.0 HP 4Sets (Two
at TubewellNo. 2 1 x 10.0 HP 2Sets (one
at Tubewell No, 3
1x 20.0 HP 2Sets (one
33 Provision for Automation (SCADA) 1|Job

34 Provision for Gaseous Chlorination palnt 1|Job

35SOP (Extension of HT & LT Line and providing and Installation ofl 1|Job
Ithe Transformer)
36 Clo Barbed wire fencing around main & sector tanks 7 Nos.

37 Clo Boundary wall around Pump Houses 1| Nos.

38 Fire Fighthing Hydrants 1Job
39 Restoration Charges 1Job
40 Benefit Cost Ratio 1.61 :1

41 ERR of the Project 26.09|%

Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer,

Jal ShaktiSub Division, Gagret JSV, F.P Division, Gagret

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