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Grade 12 Health Education

Topic/s: Understanding the political, cultural, social, and religious factors that
influence attitudes toward sexuality.
2nd Semester: Mid Term Duration: 3 sessions (3 Fridays)
Developer: STEM Group

Session 1: Date: _______________

Exploring Political Dynamics in the Philippines

• To analyze how political factors in the Philippines influence attitudes toward
Lesson Flow:
1. Introduction (5 minutes):
• Welcome students and provide a brief overview of the session's
• Discuss the importance of understanding political dynamics in shaping
societal attitudes toward sexuality in the Filipino context.
2. Reading Analysis (15 minutes):
• Engage students in a guided reading of assigned materials on political
influences on sexuality in the Philippines.
• Facilitate a brief group discussion to explore key concepts and insights
from the readings.
3. Video Presentation (10 minutes):
• Screen a short video presentation exploring historical and contemporary
political interventions and advocacy efforts related to sexuality in the
• Encourage students to take brief notes on key points for further
4. Discussion Forum (10 minutes):
• Divide students into small groups for a quick online discussion forum.
• Prompt students to share their reflections on the readings and video,
discussing how political dynamics shape societal attitudes toward
sexuality in the Filipino context.
5. Concepts
Political factors in the Philippines play a significant role in shaping attitudes
toward sexuality. The country's political landscape, including government policies,
legislation, and leadership, can directly and indirectly impact societal perceptions and
behaviors related to sexuality.
• Legislation and Policies: Government laws and policies regarding sexuality,
reproductive rights, and family planning greatly influence societal attitudes.

For example, policies on contraception, abortion, and sex education can
shape public opinion and cultural norms surrounding sexuality.
• Religious Influence: The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, and religious
beliefs often intersect with political decision-making. Political leaders may
align with religious institutions and advocate for policies that reflect religious
values, influencing societal attitudes toward sexuality based on moral and
ethical frameworks.
• Public Discourse: Political discourse, including debates, speeches, and
campaigns, can shape public perceptions of sexuality. Political leaders and
influencers may use rhetoric and messaging to promote certain values or
stances on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, and sexual
• Healthcare Access: Government funding and policies related to healthcare,
including access to reproductive health services and HIV/AIDS prevention,
can impact individuals' ability to access information and resources related to
sexuality. Political decisions regarding healthcare infrastructure and funding
allocation can influence attitudes toward sexual health and wellness.
• Human Rights Advocacy: Political movements and advocacy efforts for
human rights, gender equality, and social justice often intersect with issues of
sexuality. Political leaders and activists may work to address systemic
inequalities and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity,
and expression, contributing to shifts in societal attitudes and acceptance.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
• Summarize key takeaways from the session.
• Preview upcoming sessions and encourage students to continue exploring
the intersection of politics and sexuality in the Philippines.
Learners Activity:
• After the reading analysis, students will work in pairs to create a list of political
policies or actions that have impacted attitudes toward sexuality in the
Philippines. They will then share their findings in the brief discussion forum.

Session 2: Date: ______________
Cultural Perspectives on Sexuality in the Philippines

• To understand the cultural norms and values influencing attitudes toward
sexuality in Filipino society.
Lesson Flow:
1. Introduction (5 minutes):
• Review the objectives of the session and its focus on cultural influences
on sexuality in the Philippines.
• Discuss the importance of cultural context in shaping individual and
societal attitudes toward sexuality.
2. Artifact Analysis (15 minutes):
• Present selected cultural artifacts depicting diverse perspectives on
sexuality in Filipino literature, art, music, or film.
• Guide students in a brief analysis of the artifacts, identifying themes,
symbols, and messages related to sexuality.
3. Concepts
Cultural norms and values exert a significant influence on attitudes toward sexuality
in Filipino society. These norms and values are deeply rooted in the country's rich
cultural heritage and traditions, shaping perceptions, behaviors, and societal
expectations regarding sexuality. Some key cultural factors influencing attitudes toward
sexuality in Filipino society include:
• Family-Centric Values: The Filipino culture places a strong emphasis on family
ties and filial piety. Respect for elders and adherence to traditional family
structures influence attitudes toward sexuality, with an emphasis on maintaining
family honor and reputation.
• Conservative Views on Sexuality: Filipino culture tends to uphold conservative
views on sexuality, often rooted in religious beliefs and moral values. Premarital
sex and extramarital affairs are generally frowned upon, with virginity before
marriage often idealized.
• Gender Roles and Expectations: Traditional gender roles shape attitudes
toward sexuality, with expectations for men and women often defined by societal
norms. Men may be expected to exhibit masculinity and assertiveness, while
women are often valued for their modesty and chastity.
• Influence of Catholicism: Catholicism, the predominant religion in the
Philippines, plays a significant role in shaping attitudes toward sexuality. Catholic
teachings on topics such as contraception, abortion, and premarital sex
contribute to conservative views and moral guidelines regarding sexual behavior.
• Taboos and Stigma: Discussions about sexuality are often considered taboo in
Filipino culture, leading to a reluctance to openly address sexual topics. Stigma
surrounding issues such as contraception, reproductive health, and LGBTQ+
rights can contribute to misinformation and barriers to accessing sexual
education and healthcare services.
• Influence of Media and Westernization: The influence of Western media and
globalization has led to shifts in attitudes toward sexuality among younger
generations in urban areas. Exposure to Western values through media,

technology, and education has contributed to more liberal views on sexuality,
challenging traditional norms and values.

4. Group Discussion (10 minutes):

• Facilitate small group discussions where students explore how cultural
norms and values influence attitudes toward sexuality in Filipino families,
communities, and media.
• Encourage students to share personal insights and reflections based on
their cultural backgrounds and experiences.
5. Personal Reflection (5 minutes):
• Provide time for individual reflection, where students consider how Filipino
cultural norms shape their own attitudes and beliefs about sexuality.
• Encourage students to jot down brief reflections and insights from the
6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
• Recap key concepts and discussions from the session.
• Emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding in
navigating discussions about sexuality in the Filipino context.
Learners Activity:
• During the artifact analysis, students will work in pairs to briefly analyze a
selected cultural artifact and identify its portrayal of sexuality. They will then share
their insights in the brief group discussion.

Session 3: Date: _________
Social and Religious Influences on Filipino Sexuality

• To examine the role of social norms and religious beliefs in shaping attitudes
toward sexuality in the Philippines.
Lesson Flow:
1. Introduction (5 minutes):
• Introduce the session's focus on social and religious influences on Filipino
• Discuss the significance of understanding how social norms and religious
beliefs intersect with individual identities and behaviors.
2. Research Review (15 minutes):
• Assign students to conduct quick research on the influence of social
norms and religious beliefs on sexuality in the Philippines.
• Provide guidance on selecting topics and accessing relevant resources for
their research.
3. Role-Playing Activity (10 minutes):
• Organize a brief role-playing exercise where students simulate brief
conversations between individuals with differing social and religious
perspectives on sexuality.
• Encourage students to briefly empathize with different viewpoints and
explore strategies for promoting understanding and acceptance.
4. Community Engagement Project (5 minutes):
• Introduce the concept of developing proposals for community-based
initiatives aimed at promoting inclusive and sex-positive attitudes toward
sexuality in Filipino society.
• Encourage students to consider potential project ideas briefly.
5. Concepts
Social norms and religious beliefs play significant roles in shaping attitudes toward
sexuality in the Philippines, influencing individual behaviors, societal expectations, and
cultural values. Here's how each contributes to the formation of attitudes:
A. Social Norms:
• Family and Community Values: Filipino society places a strong
emphasis on family cohesion and community ties. Social norms often
dictate behaviors related to sexuality, with expectations for individuals to
uphold family honor and reputation.
• Modesty and Chastity: Traditional social norms promote modesty and
chastity, particularly for women. Premarital sex and extramarital affairs are
generally frowned upon, and individuals may face social stigma or
judgment for deviating from these expectations.
• Gender Roles: Social norms regarding gender roles influence attitudes
toward sexuality. Men are often expected to exhibit masculinity and sexual
assertiveness, while women are expected to embody modesty and purity.

B. Religious Beliefs:
• Catholic Influence: The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, and
Catholic teachings strongly influence attitudes toward sexuality. Church
doctrines often emphasize the sanctity of marriage, the importance of
abstinence before marriage, and prohibitions against contraception and
• Moral Guidelines: Religious beliefs provide moral guidelines regarding
sexual behavior, with concepts such as sin, guilt, and redemption shaping
individuals' perceptions of right and wrong. Religious leaders and
institutions play a significant role in reinforcing these beliefs and promoting
adherence to moral codes.
• Stigma and Discrimination: Religious beliefs may contribute to stigma
and discrimination against certain sexual orientations and behaviors
deemed contrary to religious teachings. LGBTQ+ individuals, in particular,
may face social ostracism and discrimination due to religious-based
attitudes toward sexuality.
6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
• Wrap up the session with a brief discussion on the potential impact of
community engagement initiatives on societal attitudes toward sexuality.
• Encourage students to reflect briefly on their learning journey and consider
ways to apply their knowledge and insights in real-world contexts.
Learners Activity:
• During the research project, students will conduct quick research on a provided
topic related to social norms and religious beliefs influencing sexuality in the
Philippines. They will then briefly share their findings with the class.


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