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Q 1. Define newton (the S.I. unit of force).

Ans. S.I unit of force is newton (N). One Newton is that force which when acting on a
body of mass 1kg, produces an acceleration of 1 m s-2 in it.

Q 2. State the condition when a force produces (a) translational motion, (b)
rotational motion, in a body
Ans. (a) When the body is free to move it produces translational motion.
(b) When the body is pivoted at a point, it produces rotational motion.

Q 3. When does a body rotate? State one way to change the direction of rotation of
a body. Give a suitable example to explain your answer.
Ans. When the body is pivoted at a point, the force applied on the body at a suitable
point rotates the body about the axis passing through the pivoted point. The direction of
rotation can be changed by changing the point of application of force. The given figure
shows the anticlockwise and clockwise moments produced in a disc pivoted at its center
by changing the point of application of force F from A to B.

Q 4. What do you understand by the clockwise and anticlockwise moment of force?

When is it positive?
Ans. If the turning effect on the body is anticlockwise, moment of force is called
anticlockwise moment and it is taken as positive while if the turning effect on the body
is clockwise, moment of force is called clockwise moment and is taken negative.

Q 5. What do you understand by the clockwise and anticlockwise moment of force?

When is it positive?
Ans. If the turning effect on the body is anticlockwise, moment of force is called
anticlockwise moment and it is taken as positive while if the turning effect on the body
is clockwise, moment of force is called clockwise moment and is taken negative.

Q 6. Why is it easier to open a door by applying the force at the free end of it?
Ans. IIt is easier to open a door by applying the force at the free end of it because larger
the perpendicular distance, less is the force needed to turn the body.

Q 7. What do you understand by the term couple? State its effect. Give two
examples of couple action in our daily life.
Ans. Two equal and opposite parallel forces not acting along the same line, form a
couple. A couple is always needed to produce the rotation. For example, turning a key in
a lock and turning a steering wheel.

Q 8. What do you mean by equilibrium of a body?

Ans. When a number of forces acting on a body produce no change in its state of rest or
of motion, the body is said to be in equilibrium.

Q 9. State the principle of moments. Give one device as an application for it.
Ans. According to the principle of moments, if the algebraic sum of moments of all the
forces acting on the body about the axis of rotation is zero, the body is in equilibrium. A
physical balance (or beam balance) works on the principle of moments.

Q 10. State the condition when a body is in (i) static (ii) dynamic, equilibrium. Give
one example each of static and dynamic equilibrium.
Ans. (i) When a body remains in the state of rest under the influence of the applied
forces, the body is in static equilibrium. For example a book lying on a table is in
static equilibrium.
(ii) When a body remains in the same state of motion (translational or rotational),
under the influence of the applied forces, the body is said to be in dynamic
equilibrium. For example, a raindrop reaches the earth with a constant velocity in
dynamic equilibrium.

Q 11. State two conditions for a body acted upon by several forces to be in
Ans. For a body to be in equilibrium:
(i) The resultant of all the forces acting on the body should be equal to zero.
(ii) The resultant moment of all the forces acting on the body about the point of
rotation should be zero.

Q 12. Define contact forces.
Ans. The forces which are applied on a body through a connector, are called contact
forces. Forces like Frictional force, Mechanical force etc., are the forces of contact.

Q 13. Give any two effects of a force on a non-rigid body.

Ans. Two effects of a force on a non-rigid body are:
(i) Force can change the state of rest or motion of the body
(ii) Force can change the size or shape of the body

Q 14. Where does the position of centre of gravity lie for (i) a circular lamina (ii) a
triangular lamina
Ans. (i) Circular lamina – Centre of the lamina
(ii) Triangular lamina – Point of intersection of medians.
Q 15. Define one newton. Write the relation between S. I. unit and C.G.S. unit of
Ans. If a body of mass 1 kg moves with an acceleration of 1 m/s2 then force acting on
the body is said to be one Newton. 1N = 10^5 Dyne. Relation between S. I. and CGS unit of
force is 1 Newton = 1 kg × 1 ms-2.

Q 16. A car of mass 500g travels with a uniform velocity of 25m/s for 5s.The brakes
are then applied and the car is uniformly retarded and comes to the rest in further
The retardation
The distance which the car travels after the brakes are applied
The force exerted by the brakes.
Ans. (a) 2.5m/s^2
(b) 125m
(c) 1.25N

Q 17. A body weighs 360N on the earth than what would be its approximate weight
on the moon. Give reason for your answer
Ans. 60N since gmoon = gearth /6

Q 18. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 100m high and at the same time
another ball is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of
25m/s. Find the height where the two balls will meet?
Ans. H = 21.6 (from the ground)

Q 19. State one way of

(a) reducing moment of force
(b) Increasing moment of force for a given force acting on a body capable of
turning around a fixed point.
Ans. (a) Moment of force can be reduced by reducing the distance between force and
the turning point.
(b) Moment of force can be increased by increasing the distance between force and
the turning point.

Q 20. State the law of moments.

Ans. Law of moments : In equilibrium sum of anticlockwise moments is equal to sum of
clock-wise moments.
Sum of anticlock wise moments = sum of clockwise moments.


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