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编纂学校 编纂人姓名 审核人姓名

天津学校 段钰琦 张珊
Version Topic
旧题 关于一位女士在书店求职对话
1-6 为填空题
1. address: Acacia Avenue
2. postcode: R A6 7BU
3. current course of the degree: photography

Where Position

First job 4. a flower shop Sale assistant

Second job Company 5. a nursery supervisor

Third job Hotel 6. waitress

7-10 为匹配题
7. weekend: A. Yes
8. after 7 pm: C. Definitely unavailable
9. holidays: A. Yes
10. lunchtime: B. Possibly
Version Topic

旧题 去澳洲绿岛旅游的介绍
11-16 为填空题
11. by boat
12. mild
13. UK
14. $50
15. ride bikes
16. rose garden

17-20 为匹配题
17. C luxury house
18. D the family house
19. E long-term rents
20. B backpacker
Part 3

Version Topic
新题 男女关于 placebo effect 的学术讨论
21-26 为选择题
21. B【给了一些关于治疗的 example】
22. C【没有足够的提问机会】
23. C【问其他同学的建议】
24. B【发放调查问卷】
25. A【让导师看看目前已经完成的内容】
26. C【一起工作 enjoyable---原文词汇 less tedious】

27-30 为多选题
Version Topic

旧题 铅笔书写的历史
31-40 为填空题
31. made of bones
32. feathers
33. use ink
34. and paper
35. to make it suitable for writing HB to mark how hard it is
36. part is fixed by strings or steel
37. producers marked a name on the pencil to
38. the pencil core is thought to be lead
39. made the mixture of graphite in the form of clay powder and wax
40. remove the unwanted base on the oil

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