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(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 01

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Good f everyone, my first name is minh, and my last lương. I’m 18 years old. I was born in Thuong Tin
District /ˈdɪs.trɪkt/, Hanoi. I live here from a child /tʃaɪld/ with my parents. At present /ˈprez.ənt/, I am currently
/ˈkʌr.ə a student at Hanoi Open University, Faculty /ˈfæk.əl.ti/ of electronic telecommunication and information
technology. I’m dating. I like to watch entertainment /en.təˈteɪn.mənt/ programs /ˈprəʊ.ɡræm/ like running man,
rap Viet. My hobbies are cooking and playing with children. I’m easy-going person, but occasionally /ə
ˈkeɪ.ʒən.əl.i/ I like staying alone. As for my close friends, I am hyperactive /ˌhaɪ.pərˈæk.tɪv/ and talkative /ˈtɔː.kə.tɪv/.
That’s my introduction /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ . Thanks for your listening

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you want your friend to lend you some money?
 Story, can you lend me some money?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. recycle/ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ b. plastic 'plæstik c. instead in'sted d. natural 'nætʃrəl
2. a. protect prəˈtekt b. package 'pækidʤ c. letter 'letə d. certain 'sə:tn
3. a. product /ˈprɒd.ʌkt b. envelope 'enviloup c. resource ri'sɔ:s d. bottle 'bɔtl
4. a. explain iks'plein b. tire 'taiə c. sandal 'sændl d. milkman 'milkmən
5. a. reduce ri'dju:s b. empty 'empti c. factory 'fæktəri d. glassware /ˈglɑːsweə

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about your leisure activities.

What do you usually do in your free time? To me, it is watching entertainment programs and playing
with children. My favorite /ˈfeɪ.vər.ət/ TV show is Rap Viet. Rap Viet is broadcast /ˈbrɔːd.kɑːst/ on channel
HTV2 every Saturday night. I really like the host of Rap Viet. That famous /ˈfeɪ.məs/ name is Tran
Thanh. He is very talented /ˈtæl.ən.tɪd/ and good at speaking. Surveyors /səˈveɪ.ər/ are also famous
singers. Rap Viet is a reality /riˈæl.ə.ti/ program. This is a competition /ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/ of the Rappers.
Candidates /ˈkæn.dɪ.dət/ have to go through 4 rounds of competitions in turn and compete /kəmˈpiːt/ with
many other candidates /ˈkæn.dɪ.dət/ to become the winner. In competitions ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/, the
experiments /ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/ have to compose the song based / -beɪst/ on the existing distribution /ˌdɪs.trɪ
ˈbjuː.ʃən/ and perform the song on stage. Show brought tears /teər/ and smiles to me. I really like Rap
Viet. At present, I’m showing part 2 Rap Viet. Through this TV program, I have learned more about a

kind of music. I will definitely /ˈdef.ɪ.nə continue to support the program.




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 02

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say to your friend when you are thirsty and you want to drink something?
What do you say to your friend when you are thirsty and you want to drink something?
 It's hot today, shall we buy water?
 I’m thirsty, do you want some water?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. 'sevrəl b. 'haushould c. farmer 'fɑ:mə d.
2. a. animal 'æniməl b. 'wʌndəful c. kə'lekt d. /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/
3. a. bucket 'bʌkit b. deposit di'pɔzit c. wooden 'wudn d. mixture 'mikstʃə
several household information
4. a. 'sʌnlait b. scatter
wonderful 'skætə c. tea
/ˈtiː ˌliːf d.
delighted in'vaiərənmənt
5. a. pri'vent b. future 'fju:tʃə c. ˈkem.ɪ.kəl d. liquid 'likwid
sunlight leaf environment
4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points) chemical
Tell about your English class.
I was born and raised in Ha Nộ i city, so I have opportunity to study in a beautiful English class with
enough /ɪˈnʌf/ facilities /fəˈsɪl.ə.ti/ . My English teacher's name is Pham Van Chac. He is 26 old yeas, He is not
married. In addition, there are also teaching assistants əˈsɪs.tənt in charge of grading and checking
exercises, if necessary /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/; they will also re-explain the lesson when students do not understand
the lesson. Our class is not very big; it can accommodate /əˈkɒm.ə.deɪt/ more than 50 people. Class is
designed /dɪˈzaɪn/ with wood desk and chair, large /lɑːdʒ/ board, fan or air condition system, fresh
atmosphere /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/ , as well as modern projector and other needed equipment. The around the
classroom, there are a lot of vivid picture /ˈpɪk.tʃər/, which pick up a child’s curiosity /ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ə.ti/ and
imagination /ɪˌmædʒ.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/. The photos are about several topics in life: wild /waɪld/ animal /ˈæn.ɪ.məl/,
nature, universe… all of them are drawn /drɔːn/ by students who have qualified /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪd/ in the contest
organized /ˈɔː.ɡən.aɪzd/ by the teacher. Beside all the things I listed out, there is also a bookshelf
/ˈbʊk.ʃelf/ in the room with all genres /ˈʒɒn.rə/ from stories to science /ˈsaɪ.əns books. Every year, the
class has activities on special occasions /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ of the year: Tet Trung Thu, Christmas… English class
with the motto "Study is sure", modern learning methods /ˈmeθ.əd/ - unique /juːˈniːk/ approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ ,
simple - easy to understand – effective /ɪˈfek.tɪv/. All of those things in my classroom make me feel
comfortable when studying, and I am so lucky /ˈlʌk.i/ to study in such a good class.



(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 03

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you order a steak in a restaurant?
What do you say when you order a steak in a restaurant?
 Serve, does the restaurant have a steak, can I have a piece?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. towel 'tauəl b. inform in'fɔ:m c. /ˈprɒm.ɪs d. 'kɔnʃəs
2. a. awake ə'weik b. minute 'minit c. 'preʃə d. 'æmbjuləns
3. a. cover 'kʌvə b. in'dʤekʃn c. kən'diʃn d. 'stretʃə
promise conscious
4. a. 'peiʃənt b. /ˈwiːlʧeə/ c. prəˈtekt d. victim 'viktim
pressure ambulance
5. a. 'ɔfis b. surgery
injection 'sə:dʤəri c. moment
condition 'moumənt d. apply
stretcher ə'plai
patient wheelchair protect
Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)
Tell about your friends.
My best friend's name is Kim Tuyen. I usually call her by her nickname Kim. She's been with me since
middle school. But it wasn't until 7 classes that the two of them played together and became close. She has
short black hair, oval face and brown eyes. She has a good memory and learns things fast. She has been
wearing them since she was in high school. We’re both a dainty so when we go out to eat, we get along very
well. On the days when the school has an event, we always go together. We usually study together. We do our
own homework, but after that we will exchange our notebooks to check each other's result. I remember one
time I had an accident and couldn't go to school by myself. She took me to school the whole time. Although
she is not a prominent girl, most of the classmates still like her because of her kind and gentle personality. I am
proud to have a friend like her. Although time has passed long in any case, Kim and I are also trying to keep
this friendship.




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 04

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)
What do you say when you want to try on a shirt in a clothes shop?
 I’m looking for a shirt; can you get it for me to try?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1.a. 'blæɳkit b. 'eliveit c. ə'reindʤ d. 'ælkəhɔl
2.a. fə'get b. tissue 'tisju: c. 'pɔsəbl d. water 'wɔ:tə
blanket ə'fekt elevate 'dresiɳ 'tɑ:tən flower
3.a. b. c. tartan d. flower
arrange alcohol
4.a. final 'fainl b. ‘kɔntækt c. format 'fɔ:mæt d. ə'keiʤn
forget possible
5.a. ri'vaiv b. 'ʃedju: c. notice 'noutis d. /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/
affect dressing
contact occasion
Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)
revive schedule classmate
Tell about your future plan.
Individual /ˌɪn.dɪˈvɪdʒ.u.əl/ has their own dream; therefore we always set plan for what we are going to. I
am now freshman studying Faculty /ˈfæk.əl.ti/ of electronic telecommunication and information technology at a
university in Ha Noi. I will study here for 5 years. During /ˈdʒʊə.rɪŋ/ the student time, I will actively learn
about real projects and apply for more experience. At the same time I will study English and take the IELTS
exam. First year, I will learn hard skills first, then reading skills and then soft skills. Second year, I will
definitely /ˈdef.ɪ.nə choose /tʃuːz/ and major, study the necessary /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/ certificates /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/. In the
third year, I will learn more about my specialty, which can be combined /kəmˈbaɪnd/ with an internship. In the
fourth year, continuing to practice can still be the old company or a new company The internship will not get
me any money, but I have a little saving since when I had a part time job, so I think those three months without
salary will not challenge me. If the internship requires me to have further /ˈfɜː.ðər/ knowledge and skills, I will
also sign /saɪn/ up to some more necessary ˈnes.ə.ser.i/ classes. The reality /riˈæl.ə.ti/ after I finish /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ my
student life might be very harsh and challenging /ˈtʃæl.ɪn.dʒɪŋ/, and I have to admit that I am a little afraid of it.
However, with my determination /dɪˌtɜː.mɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ and effort, I believe that I can have a bright future.




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 05

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you want to invite your friend to the cinema?
What do you say when you want to invite your friend to the cinema?
 Are you free tomorrow, can we go to the movies?
 I'm going to see this movie, it's pretty good, and do you want to come with me?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1 a. /ˈfoʊkˌteɪl/ b. 'græn,mʌðə c modern 'mɔdən d. ilek'trisiti

2. folktale
a. 'pauəful grandmother
b. substance 'sʌbstəns .
c baisemen 'beismənt electrici
d. 'selibretid
3. a. 'æbsəns b. applicant 'æplikənt .
c t
applianc ə'plaiəns celebrate
d. 'æplikəbl
4. absence
a. cruel 'kruili b. decide di'said .
c e
village 'vilidʤ applicabl
d. summer 'sʌmə

5. a. 'mædʤik b. festival 'festivəl c tʃaild d. summer 'sʌmə
magical . children

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about the place where you are living.

Hanoi is a dreamy city has been infatuated /ɪnˈfætʃ.u.eɪ.tɪd/ human heart. It is one of the major economic,
cultural /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ and political /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ centers of Vietnam. When you come here, you will be surprised
by the youthful /ˈjuːθ.fəl/ and dynamic pace. The infrastructure /ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃər/ is very modern and magnificent
/mæɡˈnɪf.ɪ.sənt/. Along the avenues /ˈæv.ə.njuː/, there are many buildings, shopping malls, administrative
offices. Hanoi is also home to many prestigious /presˈtiːʒ/ and well-known universities in the country such as
Foreign /ˈfɒr.ən/ Trade University, Hanoi University of science /ˈsaɪ.əns/ and technology; National Economics
university, etc. During the day, roads are full with vehicles /ˈvɪə.kəl/ and traffic congestion /kənˈdʒes.tʃən/,
especially is at rush hours. However, at night, Hanoi is more bustling than ever. All the way, the roofs are in
brightly colorful light, restaurants /ˈres.trɒnt/ are on display. Different from urban /ˈɜː.bən/ life, rural in Hanoi is
very simple and honest /ˈɒn.ɪst/. In my neighborhood /ˈneɪ.bɚ.hʊd/, people live by many different jobs: making
rice, farming or pottery … In addition to such main jobs, in order to make ends meet, they often grow more
vegetables /ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl/ or cattle and poultry breeding. Living here, you don’t need to worry too much about food
and living expenses. Because, in the countryside of Hanoi, the cost of living is quite low. The people here are
very kind and friendly; they are always ready to help each other in times of difficulty. If you are looking for a
peaceful /ˈpiːs.fəl/ place that is not crowded, you can set up a career /kəˈrɪər/ in Hanoi. Hanoi with diverse /daɪ
ˈvɜːs/ colors /ˈkʌl·ərz/ and I was born in the peace of the countryside. It's the Thuong Tin district, Ha Noi city.




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 06

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

You are having a headache, what do you say to the chemist at the drugstore?
You are having a headache, what do you say to the chemist at the drugstore?
 I’m having a headache. Does the pharmacy have any medicine to treat this?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. farmer 'fɑ:mə b. daughter 'dɔ:tə c. again ə'gen d. fortunate 'fɔ:tʃnit
2. a. upset up'set b. harvest 'hɑ:vist c. buffalo 'bʌfəlou d. wisdom 'wizd m
3. a. escape is'keip b. tiger 'taigə c. servant 'sə:vənt d. subject 'sʌbdʤikt
4. a. appear ə'piə b. January 'dʤænjuəri c. neighbor /ˈneɪbə/ d. housework 'hauswə:k
5. a. moral 'mɔrəl b. everyone 'evribɔdi c. suitable 'sju:təbl d. immediate i'mi:djət

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about your summer holiday.

in the summer when I was 16 years old, I went to the beach for the first time. It's Hai Tien beach – Thanh Hoa.
As soon as I arrived, I can feel scents /sent/ and sounds that have never been felt. It was sunny that day, so my
family and I decided to rest. Lunch we are served wholeheartedly /ˌhəʊlˈhɑː.tɪ by the restaurant /ˈres.trɒnt/ of
the hotel where we are resting. The food was very fresh and deliciously /dɪˈlɪʃ.ə cooked. After eating, I play
with my grandkids and then sleep. We went to the sea. I was immersed in the cool water and the waves weiv. It
was great /ɡreɪt/! I also get to meet foreigners /ˈfɒr.ə.nər/. I'm a girl myself, so I also like to take pictures. My
nephew /ˈnef.juː/ and I took pictures together, when we were bored, we built bild a castle. In the evening we
sat down to eat near the beach. The delicious /dɪˈlɪʃ.əs/ food and the sea breeze made everything great, the
feeling is hard to describe /dɪˈskraɪb. We go for a walk at the beach, went to the market to buy some toys. On the
morning of the third day of the trip, my cousin and I got up early to buy seafood that was just caught /kɔːt/ by
the fishermen. When I got back home I was very happy and a little bit regretful because I couldn’t stay longer.
This was the best summer vacation I’ve ever had.



(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 07

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you want to know the number of your friend’s family members?
What do you say when you want to know the number of your friend’s family members?
 How many people are there in your family?
 Don't know how many people in your family?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. movie 'mu:vi b. answer 'ɑ:nsə c. mobile 'moubail d. machine mə'ʃi:n
2. a. minute 'minit b. address ə'dres c. upstairs ' up'ste z d. downstairs 'daun'steəz
3. a. theatre 'θiətə b. outside 'aut'said c. transmit trænz'mit d. cousin 'kʌzn
4. a. decide di'said b. success sək'ses c. concert kən'sə:t d. practice 'præktis
5. a. junior 'dʤu:njə b. distance 'distəns c. travel 'træveil d. agree ə'gri:

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about your relatives.
Today I will tell you about my aunt /ɑːnt/. Her name is Mai. This year she is about over 50 years old. She
has a small body, but solid limbs. Her face is round, with gray hair, always in a high bun, looking so kind.
Aunt is very harmonious /hɑːˈməʊ.ni.əs/, takes care of everyone, especially for my family. In the past, she did all
kinds of jobs to raise two children. Present, aunt is a good housewife /ˈhaʊs.waɪf/. In the evening, my aunt
often comes to my house to play with her nieces /niːs/. My aunt has something delicious /dɪˈlɪʃ.əs/; she also
brought it to me. Every day, she roams all over the neighborhood /ˈneɪ.bɚ.hʊd/ with nieces. Her family is not
rich, but with relatives, my aunt is really close and lives honestly. Sometimes when I get tired /taɪəd, she will
visit and buy gifts for me. My aunt also nourishes /ˈnʌr.ɪʃ/ me with my favorite /ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/ foods. She often
advised me: “Try to study well. But working as you do very hard! ". I feel very loving and precious /ˈpreʃ.əs/.
Aunt like my mother




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 08

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)
What do you say when you want to know the color your friend likes best?

What do you say when you want to know the color your friend likes best?
 I really like purple, how about you?
 Do you have a particular color you like?
Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)
1. a. tonight tə'nait b. emigrate ei'mə:t c. later /ˈleɪtə/ d. experiment iks'periment
2. a. finally 'fainəli b. message 'mesidʤ c. invention in'venʃn d. introduce ,intrə'dju:s
3. a. patient 'peiʃənt b. birthday 'bə:θdei c. assistant ə'sistənt d. demonstrate 'demənstreit
4. a. station 'steiʃn b. order 'ɔ:də c. customer 'kʌstəmə d. commercial kə'mə:ʃl
5. a. midday 'middei b. racket 'rækit c. action 'ækʃn d. complete kəm'pli:t

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about the food you like to eat.
Vietnam is a country with a rich cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/. I who was born and raised in the North /nɔːθ/ love this land
very much, but I like to eat Southern food. It is Banh Xeo. The ingredients /ɪnˈɡriː.di.ənt/ for baking are very
simple, including: flour, coconut ˈkəʊ.kə.nʌt milk, turmeric /ˈtɜː.mər.ɪk/ powder, salt /sɒlt/ and onions /ˈʌn.jən/,
mixed with water. The batter is then added /æd/ into a frying pan brushed with vegetable oil and forms a thin
pancake /ˈpæn.keɪk/. After about two minutes /ˈmɪn·əts/, the cooker will scatter some pork, shrimps /ʃrɪmp and
sprouts on half of the cake then fold it in half to cover the filling and cook for thirty seconds. The dish is often
served with traditional sauce /sɔːs/ made from fish sauce mixed with lemon 'lemən, garlic 'gɑ:lik and chili. The
cake will be cut into three to four pieces /piːs/, and then rolled with rice balls and lettuce /ˈlet.ɪs/. Finally, we
add in the prepared /prɪˈpeəd/ dipping sauce, creating a perfect combination of flavors /ˈfleɪ.vər/. Just take a bite,
you will feel its crunchiness /ˈkrʌn.tʃi/, a little sweetness, fat mixed with the cool taste of vegetables and herbs.
If you have never tried this cake before, give it a try! It will be a pleasant experience. I believe that if anyone
has tasted Banh Xeo, it is impossible not to like this cake.




(5 - 7 minutes for each student)

Test: No 09

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you want to know if there is a post office nearby?
What do you say when you want to know if there is a post office nearby?
 Is there a post office nearby? I have a letter in need of someone

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. printer 'printə b. alreadyɔ:l'redi c. properly ˈprɑː.pɚ.l d. socket 'sɔkit
2. a. manual 'mænjuəl b. however hau'evə c. company 'kʌmpəni d. library'laibrəri
3. a. recently'ri:sntli b. computer kəm'pju:tə c. normally 'nɔ:məli d. message 'mesidʤ
4. a. require ri'kwaiə b. freshman'freʃmən c. telephone 'telifoun d. college 'kɔlidʤ

5. a. restrict ris'trikt b. million 'miljən c. difference 'difrəns d. access 'ækses

Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Describe your house.
I live in a small house with my family in the countryside. It looks quite old but I like it. In the past, there
was a row of old bamboo in front of my house, but over time it was cut down to turn into a red-roofed house.
The house is surrounded by pale /peɪl/ yellow paint. The design /dɪˈzaɪn/ of the house is quite simple with 2
upstairs and attic. There is a television and a sideboard, the fridge is right next to the door /dɔːr/ in the living
room. After dinner, my mother will turn on the television, choose a great movie and we watch it happily. Next
to the living room is the kitchen where is used /juːst/ for cooking and all the necessary stuff /stʌf/ for cooking
is arranged /əˈreɪndʒ/ carefully in the right corner of the room. In the left of the kitchen is a clean toilet. Beside
the toilet is the bathroom which is equipped a shower and a bathtub /ˈbɑːθ.tʌb/. My mom's room is on the first
upstairs and I'm on the 2nd upstairs. I arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ everything in the room neatly. A single bed is placed
next to the window. In the opposite /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/ of the bed are my desk and my bookshelf that contains many kinds
of book. I will clean my room every month. I like plants, so there are some cacti in my room that were given
'givn to me by my friend. Although my house is not too big but to me that is the most beautiful house in the

Test: No 10

Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points)

Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)

What do you say when you want to suggest your friends go swimming?
What do you say when you want to suggest your friends go swimming?
 It’s hot today, Would you like to go swimming?

Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points)

1. a. bulletin 'bulitin b. location lou'keiʃn c. discuss dis'kʌs d. topic 'tɔpik
2. a. degree di'gri: b. method 'meθəd c. impact 'impækt d. skeptical 'skeptikəl
3. a. campus 'kæmpəs b. positively 'pɔzətivli c. concern kən'sə:n d. power 'pauə
4. a. icon b. second 'sekənd c. minute 'minit d. connect kə'nekt
5. a. button 'bʌtn b. internet /ˈɪntəˌnɛt c. equipment i'kwipmən d. output 'autput
Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)

Tell about a special occasion in your country.

The Mid-Autumn 'ɔ:təm Festival ˈfestəvəl is one of the most important traditional holidays in Vietnam.
Children in Vietnam always dream about an amazing Tet trung thu with a brightly lit lantern /ˈlæn.tən/ and a
belly full of moon cakes. Tết Trung Thu or Mid-autumn Festival, is also known in Vietnam as the “Children’s
Festival”. Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated /ˈsel.ə.breɪ.tɪd/ not only in Vietnam but also in some other parts of
Asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/ as well, such as China 'tʃainə, Japan dʤə'pæn or Korea /kəˈriː.ə/. And it is often celebrated
/ˈsel.ə.breɪ.tɪd/ on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar /ˈluː.nər/ calendar /ˈkæl.ən.dər/ with a full moon at
night. In the past, on this day the moon was brightest and roundest which represented the family reunion /ˌriː
ˈjuː.njən/ or gatherings. Children use /juːz/ the beautiful lanterns /ˈlæn.tən/, wear funny masks, perform fantastic
lion /ˈlaɪ.ən/ dances, and sing folklore /ˈfəʊk.lɔːr/ songs in the house’s grounds or in the streets when the moon is
rising. It is really an exciting show. Mooncakes are specific /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ cakes and are only for this festival.

Moon cakes, which are made from flavor /ˈfleɪ.vər/, meat, egg, dried fruit, pumpkin's /ˈpʌmp.kɪn/ seed, peanut,
are so sweet and good tasting. Mooncakes symbolize /ˈsɪm.bəl.aɪz/ Luck, Happiness, Health and Wealth on the
Mid-Autumn 'ɔ:təm day. The round shape of the moon cake signifies /ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ/ completeness and reunion /ˌriː
ˈjuː.njən/ of families. The other most visible tradition related to Mid-Autumn festival is the lion dance. On the
nights leading up to the holiday, groups of children parade /pəˈreɪd/ through the streets – some of the children
maintain a martial beat on drums, while others control an extravagantly /ɪkˈstræv.ə.ɡə decorated
/ˈdek.ə.reɪt/ 'lion' crafted /krɑːft/ from molds and paper. I like the Mid-Autumn festival because it is a chance for
me to remember my childhood and feel young again.

Test: No 01.............................................................................1
Part 1: Interview (asking about personal information) (2 minutes – 2,5 points).................................1
Part 2: Situation test of everyday English (1 minute – 2,5 points)..........................................1
Part 3: Pronunciation (1 minute – 2,5 points).......................................................1
Part 4: Topic (3 minutes – 2,5 points)............................................................1
Test: No 02.............................................................................2
Test: No 03.............................................................................3
Test: No 04.............................................................................3
Test: No 05.............................................................................4
Test: No 06.............................................................................5
Test: No 07.............................................................................7
Test: No 08.............................................................................7
Test: No 09.............................................................................8
Test: No 10.............................................................................9
Tell about a special occasion in your country........................................................9


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