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Education and practical knowldege is the natural demand of the human mind
the first revelation sent to Muhammad (SAW) from ALLAH was the first 5 verses
of surah Alaq which said

Read (O Prophet), in the name of your Lord, Who created: created man from a
clot of congealed blood( leech/ something that clings). Read: and your Lord is Most
Generous, Who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know."

The first verses of the Quran Not only encourage us to read/gain knowledge
but also provide us with very profound scientific knowledge about our origins
and that all knowlegde was taught to us by Allah who created us.

That being said How and when we are taught certian things in our learning
journey are the most crucial points in ones educational journey. Get anyone
of these wrong and you could practically destroy the whole society by producing
a Cancer cell instead of a great leader.

For every machine there is a User manual (a guide) as to its demands and
how to use it. We all know what happens if we dont get our car tuned or oil
changed at proper time, the same thing is happening to all the humans around
the world due to our current or Prussian Model/ Factory Model Of education system
being followed all across the globe.


Centuries ago, European rulers often engaged in territorial conquests, but Prussia
modern Germany faced a unique dilemma. Its conscripted troops, mainly farmers,
would abandon their posts when under fire, rendering them ineffective. To remedy
this, Prussia introduced a school system that emphasized obedience to authority
figures. This transformed Prussia into a military powerhouse, but it also produced
obedient citizens who didn't think independently.

The system's appeal expanded, partly due to the Industrial Revolution's demand
for punctual and obedient factory workers. American reformer Horace Mann
introduced the Prussian model to the United States, and European powers
imposed it in their colonies.

Today, the Prussian system remains pervasive globally, where children are
taught to memorize answers from authority figures. The system also receives
support from the education industry, including administrators, teachers, and
publishers, which benefits from the status quo.
This enduring educational model, initially crafted to shape unwavering soldiers,
later tailored for industrial workforces, and eventually presented as a reassuring
choice for parents, continues to shape modern education. Its origins remain evident
in today's educational institutions.


Common Features include:

Children are required to attend.

It runs from kindergarten to grade 12.
Students are divided by age, not by what they need or want to learn, nor by what
they’ve already learned.
The teacher is the authority. The children provide empty heads which the teacher
is paid to fill.
There is little or no opportunity for students to explore a subject in depth, to develop
a passion, to hone a skill. There’s an hour for one subject, then an hour for another.
Teachers are considered qualified if, and only if, they have the required certificate.
Whether they can teach well is irrelevant. Whether they love or hate children is
Whether childhood is a happy time is irrelevant.
Curriculum is fixed, and taught at a fixed rate, even if that doesn’t work for some
students… even if it doesn’t work for anybody at all.
There is little or no recognition of superb teachers.
It centers around a standardized curriculumand lesson plans, not real-lifeexperiences.
Students and teachers alike believe that the main purpose of school is preparing
students to pass the exam.
They do not come remotely close to helping children develop their full potential.
Uniforms which drops IQ as enforces Herd Psychology.
Classrooms of more than 30 students 1 teacher and 8 periods of approximatly 30 min
or more
Grading system promoting selfishness and essentialy saying that except for 30%
students Allah every year makes 70% defected Pieces (Naozubillah)
Torturous education starts from the little age of 3-4 years and children are expected
to wake up at 7 which is against the natural requirment of a 3-5 year old leading
to destruction proper brain development.

The education system plays a pivotal role in perpetuating class inequalities while
simultaneously fostering and sustaining false consciousness among the working
class. This concept of false consciousness is critical in the context of maintaining
the capitalist system, as it effectively keeps the working class compliant and
prevents them from challenging or overthrowing the existing capitalist order.
Marxists argue that education serves multiple functions in this regard:

Firstly, the education system is inherently rooted in the dynamics of exploitation

and oppression. It systematically teaches the children of the proletariat that their
primary role in society is to be subservient and dominated, while simultaneously
instructing the children of the capitalist ruling class that they are destined to be the
dominators. This educational approach effectively subdues pupils, preventing them
from questioning or resisting the oppressive systems they are subjected to,
thereby perpetuating their false consciousness.

Furthermore, educational institutions serve as gatekeepers of knowledge, dictating

what is considered valid knowledge. Consequently, these institutions do not educate
students about their oppression and exploitation or the need for liberation. Instead,
they uphold the prevailing capitalist ideologies, reinforcing the false consciousness
among the students. As a result, pupils remain trapped in a state of false
consciousness, ignorant of their true class status and their relationship to the
means of production.

Formal education, as it stands, primarily prioritizes and reinforces the ideologies

of the capitalist ruling class. Capitalism, with its emphasis on individualism and
self-preservation, perpetuates a false ideology that compels individuals to prioritize
their self-interest above all else, contributing to a decline in global morality and
empathy. This focus on self-interest has resulted in increased crime rates, economic
disparities, and a general erosion of societal values, driven by the dopamine-driven
pursuit of personal gain.

The historical origins of this system can be traced back to the Prussian Education s
ystem, which played a pivotal role in promoting capitalism. The primary purpose
of this system was to produce a compliant workforce for factories and large business
owners (capitalists). It aimed to mold individuals who would not challenge the
authority or unethical practices of these capitalists but would instead obediently
follow orders. Small incentives were provided to encourage individuals to willingly
embrace their roles as efficient "slaves" within the capitalist framework. On an i
ndividual level, the objective of this education was and remains to secure
employment, effectively becoming a cog in the capitalist machinery and competing
with one's peers for resources.
This competitive nature further solidified capitalism
as the prevailing system, and as this educational model spread globally, its
consequences became increasingly evident, including heightened selfishness,
declining morality, rising crime rates—all driven by dopamine-fueled responses to
capitalist incentives.

Schools prepare pupils for the workforce by socializing them to become compliant
workers. They achieve this by what Bowles and Gintis call the correspondence principle.
Schools replicate the workplace; the norms and values pupils learn in school
(wearing uniforms, attendance and punctuality, the prefect system, rewards and
punishments) correspond to the norms and values that will make them valuable
members of the workforce. This aims to create compliant workers who accept the
status quo and do not challenge the dominant ideology.
According to an Authentic hadiths the First Person to go to Hell will be a Martyr, an

People dispersed from around Abu Huraira, and Natil, who was from the Syrians. said
to him: O Shaikh, relate (to us) a tradition you have heard from the Messenger of Allah
(‫)ﷺ‬. He said: Yes. I heard the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬say: The first of men (whose case)
will be decided on the Day of Judgment will be a man who died as a martyr. He shall be
brought (before the Judgment Seat). Allah will make him recount His blessings (i. e. the
blessings which He had bestowed upon him) and he will recount them (and admit
having enjoyed them in his life). (Then) will Allah say: What did you do (to requite
these blessings)? He will say: I fought for Thee until I died as a martyr. Allah will say:
You have told a lie. You fought that you might be called a" brave warrior". And you
were called so. (Then) orders will be passed against him and he will be dragged with
his face downward and cast into Hell. Then will be brought forward a man who
acquired knowledge and imparted it (to others) and recited the Qur'an. He will be
brought And Allah will make him recount His blessings and he will recount them
(and admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime). Then will Allah ask: What did you do
(to requite these blessings)? He will say: I acquired knowledge and disseminated it
and recited the Qur'an seeking Thy pleasure. Allah will say: You have told a lie. You
acquired knowledge so that you might be called" a scholar," and you recited the
Qur'an so that it might be said:" He is a Qari" and such has been said. Then orders
will be passed against him and he shall be dragged with his face downward and cast
into the Fire. Then will be brought a man whom Allah had made abundantly rich and
had granted every kind of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make him recount
His blessings and he will recount them and (admit having enjoyed them in his lifetime).
Allah will (then) ask: What have you done (to requite these blessings)? He will say: I
spent money in every cause in which Thou wished that it should be spent. Allah will
say: You are lying. You did (so) that it might be said about (You):" He is a generous
fellow" and so it was said. Then will Allah pass orders and he will be dragged with his
face downward and thrown into Hell. (Sahih Muslim 1905a)

All of the 3 Persons mentioned in the above Hadiths have one thing in common.
All of them did huge acts of worship (Martyrdom, Preacher/ teacher, Spender in
Allah’s way). The reason for their admission to Hell fire despite doing such great acts
was that their intention was not pure Not based on Oxctocyen (doing things for Allah)
but rather based on (Dopamine and Seritonin) doing things for others so that they
get recognition and praise and climb up the so called modesty heirachy ladder in
peoples eyes (selfish Intentions).

As we know from another Hadiths

"The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the
reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits
or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for." (Bukhari 1)
Deeds Depends on Intentions, Intentions depends upon your Subconcious Thinking
Patterns, Subconcious thinking patterns depends upon your enviornment and
enviornment depends upon your parents (Sahil Adeem).

Now How does School System and Grading System Contribute to all of this?

From the very begining the Definition of success that was giving by parents was that
the weathlier and the more Powerful you are the more successful you are and
the Schooling system only Approves these established Ideals in the child’s Brain.

For Example the Grading System, In the grading system all you do is for yourself
(Dopamine Energic) because if you dont climb the top of the hieracrchy ladder you
wont survive and will be miserable for the rest of your life was the definition given
in the factory Model Schooling.

So for the rest of His/ her life the student will do stuff that only benefits him and
strokes his ego even doing selfless acts such as dying in the path of Allah will
be for his own praise.

Furthermore Because of this students shift their focus from learning to just achieving
grades. It inhibits their capacity to think critically or out of the box as a fixed course
is followed and students graded just according to how well they memorized the stuff
in the course. Due to pressure of the grading system (Cortisol Stress hormone
triggered by the sympathetic Nervous System is always high) and cortisol
supresses brain Growth and Kills Creativity and critically thinking capabilities.
Thus This model of schooling is the perfect machine to produce dumb kids
by decreasing their iq.

Due to this it also makes a person so focused on himself that he forgets the bigger
purpose and his impact to the globe. Grading system promoting selfishness and
essentialy saying that except for 30% students Allah every year makes 70% defected
Pieces (Naozubillah).

What researches say about grading system:

When students are focused on grades rather than on actual learning
experience.....It leaves them at risk for shortcut solutions. (Tim Klein in Edsurge).
Grades do not advance student's learning. Ellis Page's research states:
"Grades can have beneficial eff ects on students learning, but only when
accompanied by specific or individualized comments from the teacher." (Gusky ,
Grading is a way to communicate information with great effi ciency.....but the
information is by nature incomplete. (Scheider & Hutt's article, Making the
Since the factory owners and elites needed quick slave worker force, so they divided
them into batches of year so that they would know when a certian batch lets say
batch of 2002 will be ready to work in slave factories. This is such an inhumane
thing it is against the very Science on how the Human brain works. How did
children began to be classified the way you classify a produce of farm (this is the
wheat or poultery produce of year 2002 winters). Another benefit this provided them
was that it triggered the Harmony Principle and Herd psychology. To further enhace
these 2 principles they then introduced uniforms disguised under the banner of
promoting Discipline and Equality. Since they wanted obedient workers they needed
to enforce theses 2 principles in order to supress critical thinking and iq as critical
thinkng challanges the status quo and they couldnot allow for that. This education
system is the perfect tool to make your kids dumb and blind followers from a
very young age so that their Brain Chemistery Patterns gets fixed for the rest of
their lives.

Any School that markets itself on Critical thinking is a flat out liar like all the rest
of the system. A place where asking questions triggers the ego of the teacher
since he never studied out of course ( he is also a produce of the same system)
and then the student is beaten up or treated like he has done some crime is not
a place where you promote critical thinking but rather a place where you supress it.
Teachers in this system are selected based on the criteria that how good
of a slave they are to their system i.e How well they have memorized just what
was taught and how well they have suppressed their critical thinking and
on their ability to do the same to the next generation effectively. It doesnt matter
if they know child and human psychology, Brain requirements, Brain Chemistery
and Emotional Intelliegnce. All that matters is how effectively they can make
other slaves like themsleves.

These are the main resaons why noone looks upto majority of teachers and why
students feel relieved when the teacher is absent and pray that he remains absent.

These teachers and this system is producing uncontrollable money and power
hungry freaks who will do all sorts of crimes to Satisfy their desire
for more as was the definition of success/ Alpha instilled within them from their
parents and approved and perfect by the education system.
The system teaches such a rigid and fixed curriculum that it allows for no way
to escape being a slave. Only selected topics are covered and no background
about who created what on what basis and what were the theories before that
and what was the poltical and intellectual landscape of the world at that time
that nobody else came up with it and why has nobody challanged that theory
is it From God if not then why donot we challange it who knows it could be wrong.
All of these questions are from critical thinking which this system cant allow
as then they will not cover their slave curriculum in time and the worker force
will not be ready in time.

Thus empty incomplete knowledege without any practical application

is given not for purposes of producing something new or application
but for memorizing

The Hidden Curriculum

The correspondence principle operates through the hidden curriculum. The hidden
curriculum refers to things education teaches us that are not part of the formal
curriculum. By rewarding punctuality and punishing lateness, schools teach
obedience and teach pupils to accept hierarchies.
Schools also teach pupils individualism and competition by encouraging them
to be motivated by extrinsic rewards such as reward trips, grades, and certificates,
as well as pitting them against their peers
Horace Mann, credited with creating the foundation of our modern public
education system, saw that the industrializing world demanded different skills
than its agricultural predecessor. This was especially true in the United States,
where we (at least try to) democratize economic opportunity and political
The logic went something like this: If you could compete, you would be hired for a
job. If you were hired, your virtuous habits would eventually lead to your promotion.
As promotions accumulate, your pay increases and eventually you reach financial
comfort. Or perhaps even significant wealth!

The current Education System is just a money Making bussiness. They have streched
books that should be covered in 2 years for 10 years just to get more
money and if someone tells them to teach the same book for 20 years
they will hug him that now we will be getting double capital
I mentioned in the beginning that education and practical knowledge are the
requirements of the Human Brain, so the Brain will tell what I need to study. Let me give
you an example of this. Why do we treat a 1 month old Baby and a 1 year old differently?
The answer is because his requirements have changed due to his different stage of
Brain Development/Growth.

So now the question arrises that what are these important brain stages and what
do they tell us about the type of education a child needs at a particular age?

Neuroscientist and Psychologists have done extensive research on this subject and
now we know that:

Years Education
4-7 Languages
7 Mathematics (STEM)
7/8 Physics,Biology,Chemistery (STEM)
12 onwards Psychology,Political Science, Neurochemistery and
Psychology and other big subjects.

All teaching should be done in a story telling and interactive way as we human learn
best in that way (not in the way things are curently taught).

Classroom can Have a maximum of 10 students(and that even is pushing it ideal no

is 5). Inorder to Have a Kinasthetic Model of learning as we humans learn best when
the person teaching us makes personal connections with us Not possible in class of
30 plus students.

Each Subject should be taught for at least 2 hours and it shouldnt be an 8 hour long
School routine Subjects should be divided in portions of days defined by taking
an induvisuals time pattern of learning.

Teachers should Know Basic Neurochemistery and Psychology (Emotional Intelligence)

so that they can make Ideal growing enviornment by Triggering Oxctocyin Instead
of Cortisol.

The goal of education is not to produce slaves that do jobs but to produces benefical
intellectuals that will solve the upcoming problems of the universe and this idea
needs to be instilled from the beginning just as in the current system the idea of
being a slave (getting a job) is enstilled from the very beginning.

Islam should be taught as a Purpose not a subject. Maths should be taught from the
lense of Islam Physics should be taught from the lense of Islam and Should be
taught from Quran and Seerah so that muslims redefine the thought of the world
and solve the big problems.
Teaching should be done only by triggering Fascination before 12 years
as Creativity is directly proptional to Imaginative quoteint and inversely
proptional to fear and cognitive fatigue.

4-7 Years vocabulary of more than 1500 words and ask numerous question. That is
the starting age to teach the child by answering his questions in a story telling form
using only fascination no fear or cognitive fatigue.
By 7 years child starts to develop algorithmic sense and so his natural requirement
is mathematics.

After that to show him the practicality and application of mathematics, Naturally
his demand is Physics and other STEM subjects.

By 12 years His Prefrontal Cortex Starts developing (the reasoning and logic part
of the brain). So his natural requirement are big subjects such as psychology
Poltical science etc

First Arabic, Then Seerah Than Quran and through theology Natural Sciences should
be taught and then through theology they should be transitioned into Social Sciences.
Now the question in your head right now is ok I understand the system is flawed
but are there any alternatives as I donot want My child or any child to attend such
a torturous system.

The Alternative for now is homeschooling!


There are many misconceptions about homeschoolers. The falsehoods are often
myths based on partial truths or experiences with a limited number of homeschooling
families. They are so prevalent that even homeschooling parents start to believe the

Homeschoolers lack social skills:

One of the chief criticisms of home education is that homeschooled children won't
receive proper socialization. Most individuals who raise the issue of homeschooling
and socializationnare simply concerned that homeschoolers won't learn good social
skills and develop relationships with their peers.

Proper socialization involves the use of good manners, respect for others and their
property, the ability to make friends and resolve conflict, and familiarity with cultural

The salaf us salih (pious predecessors) did not send their children to learn manners
from other children rather they sent their children to the ulama to learn manners
which are from the social skills.

There is a large body of research focused on whether or not children who are
homeschooled are well-socialized. Most of this research finds that being
homeschooled does not harm children’s development of social skills, as measured in
these studies. In fact, some research finds that homeschooled children score more
highly than children who attend school on the scale of socialization.

Francis (1999) matched homeschool children to public school children, and asked
their parents to complete the Parent form of the Social Skills Rating System
(Gresham & Elliott, 1990). This version of the test measures cooperation, assertiveness,
responsibility, self-control, problem behaviors, and also yields a total social skills score.
Although homeschooled children received higher scores on all the social skills
Galloway (Galloway, 1998; Galloway & Sutton, 1997) used objective records to compare
college students who had been homeschooled in high school to those who had
attended public or private high schools. She evaluated the students on more than
60 indicators of college performance grouped into five categories: academic,
cognitive, social, spiritual, and psychomotor. For example, academic indicators
included measures such as grade point average and class rank. Homeschooled
students led the others by a large margin in every category except psychomotor skills.
Since many of these indicators involved positions of leadership, Galloway concluded
that homeschooled students were readily recognized for their leadership abilities.
In fact, her results were so one-sided that she felt justified in making a rather
provocative statement: “I don’t ever want to hear again that
homeschooled children are socially inept” (Galloway, 1998).

Many homeschoolers have opportunities to socialize with other children and adults
through various activities and groups. According to some research, homeschoolers are
well-socialized and well-adjusted. However, socialization is not something that happens
automatically. Homeschooling parents need to be proactive and intentional about
finding and creating socializing opportunities for their children. Some possible ways
to do this are:

Students alongwith parents can interact with different people in local mosque that
teaches the concept of collectivism most effectively
Students can join sports clubs
Students can learn skill from institutes
Students along with parents can create & join homeschooling groups
Students can join social welfares to volunteer
Homeschooling parents can jointly arrange different activities at homes one by one.
Trips can be arranged as an educational and social gatherings

Homeschoolers lack discipline:

If a child is homeschooled or not , it's his parents' duty to make him a disciplined child.
This is a big misconception that school makes a child disciplined. Parents can set
flexible schedules in homeschooling and prioritize manners and work ethics.

Take the example of the sittings of Imam Ahmad- 5000 attendees, 500 of which wrote
hadith while the rest used to learn manners.

Parents can fuse Islamic education to worldly academics

Some examples;
Taking the culture of memorisation (from Islam)
Finding ways to develop a strong Islamic identity while learning math, history etc.
Choosing to focus more on Islamic sciences

If a child is playful and doesn't follow schedule then parents need to adjust their ways
of tarbiyyah.They should emphasize on manners and allow mistakes like the hadith
of Anas
Anas ibn Malik reported: When Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬came to Medina; he did not have
any servant. Abu Talha (Anas' step-father) took me to Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬and said,
"O Allah's Messenger (‫ !)ﷺ‬Anas is a wise boy, so let him serve you." So, I served him
at home and on journeys. If I did anything, he never asked me why I did it, and if I
refrained from doing anything, he never asked me why I refrained from doing it.
[Source: Sahih-al-Bukhārī 2768, ]

Stimulate homeschool as something specific For example, encourage the etiquettes of

learning by asking them to wear Islamic clothes or nice clothes, bringing out the tables,
putting the toys away Just because you homeschool now, doesn’t mean they won’t
attend school.Allow them to attend classes, workshops, study circles, tahfidz (classes for
the memorization of the Qur’an) Al-Qadi ‘Iyad reported: Malik, may Allah have mercy on
him, said, “My mother would dress me
up and say to me: Go to Shaykh Rabi’ah and learn from his manners before his
[Source: Tartīb al-Madārik 1/13]

Following are some suggestions to make homeschoolers disciplined;

Set rules
Make time table
Make schedule
State clear goals
Set targets
Give rewards
Give them attention
Make checklists for task completion

The most effective positive discipline strategies are redirection, positive reinforcement,
"time-in" (carving out quality moments with your child), single-word reminders, and
selective ignoring of objectionable behavior.

Islam provides a discipline (in the academic sense of “set of ordering principles” or
“methodology”) that could be seen as the meta-discipline that embraces and informs
all of the lesser disciplines of knowledge and practice.

The Discipline Policy is based on the principles of Islam derived from the Quran and the
teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). As Muslims, we are expected to behave with
self-discipline and noble conduct in every situation. Discipline differentiates humans
from beasts. It is a sign of Allah’s care when a person tries to change himself and
develop. Discipline behavior had been shown by every Muslim’s role model in life.

Allah says:
"And seek help through patience and the prayer; and indeed, it (is) surely difficult except
on the humble ones,” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:45)
Every human desires success in life, but success depends on strictly following the path of
discipline. To be disciplined means to follow the teachings of a guide, whether that
guide is a person, an ethic, a community, a historical tradition or a set of ideas and to
organize one’s
behaviour and attitude according to those teachings.

Allah says;
“O you who believe[d]! Consciously revere Allah (as is His) right (that) He (should) be
revered and (do) not die except [while you] (as) those-who-submit/Muslims.”
(Surah Al-Imran 3:102)

Discipline means we set certain rules and limits for ourselves to be followed and not
to be stepped on. The spirit and reality of the disciplines of Islam dictate that every
individual must take the rules, regulations, and conventions of laws. Not only discipline
is a secret of the success of great men, but our universe also stands on the same
foundation. Allah says:
“O you who believe[d]! Be steadfast and [be] patient and [be] constant and
consciously revere Allah so that you may (be) successful.” (Surah Al-Imran 3:200)
Discipline is one of the most important requirements if a nation is to progress. It leads
man to the path of success, be it in any field or institution. Without adhering to a
strict sense of discipline, achieving success becomes very difficult. Acknowledging your
shortcomings is one of the first steps in disciplining yourself.
Balance is the key
Balance is the key to discipline. Parents should teach their children to balance between
their learning and playing activities. It will make them disciplined throughout their lives.

Islam teaches us to apply and use the values of the discipline in our daily life. It is
important to build a better quality of life, then create a better society to live within.

Muslims are instructed to pray five times a day, at specific times

Perform the pilgrimage, which requires time, physical effortBoth
men and women are instructed to lower their gaze
Pay a part of their wealth every year to the poor
Fast for thirty days with very specific rules
Be polite and respectful in all interactions
Be clean and organized in all affairs
Be in constant remembrance of God
Remain in a state of ritual purity as much as possible
Think before speaking and avoid insults and disrespect
Muslims are instructed to avoid anger, which is considered the root of evil
Homeschoolers get isolated:
Homeschooling does not necessarily mean isolation.Homeschooling doesn't
automatically lead to isolation. It depends on how parents structure their social
interactions. Joining homeschooling groups, participating in community activities, and
maintaining friendships can help prevent isolation.
“Kids are born scientists. They’re born probing the natural world that surrounds them.
They’ll lift up a rock. They’ll pick up a bug. They’ll pull petals off of a flower. They’ll ask you
why the grass is green and the sky is blue, and they’ll experiment with breakable things
indoors. "I think the best thing a parent can do, when raising a child, is simply get out of
their way.”

Homeschooled kids are not isolated in a single age and ability group, so interaction with
the entire spectrum of people in their community is not intimidating for them.
Homeschooled kids aren’t likely to have access to drugs, and don’t spend their down
time in a shared environment with emotionally-abusive cliques of kids. Homeschooling
parents are more likely, also, to have a DIY and everybody-pull-together attitude toward
life, which builds household management skills in a way that many hurried,
two-breadwinner families don’t. Ivan Dominic Lillich, an Austrian Roman philosopher
and social critic says;
"School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need society as it is."

School is not real world

School is a part of the real world, but it is not the same as the real world. School is a place
where students can learn academic knowledge and skills that may help them in their
future endeavors, but it is not the only place where learning happens. Learning also
happens outside of school, in various contexts and situations that may not be covered
by the school curriculum. School does not prepare students for the real world, because
it does not teach them the essential life skills and competencies that they need to
succeed in the 21st century. For example, some of the skills that are often cited as
important for the real world are creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving,
communication, collaboration, self-management, and social awareness. These skills are
not always taught or assessed in school, or they are taught in a way that does not reflect
how they are used in the real world. In contrast, homeschoolers can have enough
opportunities to interact with different people like their house maids, parents' friends,
sports club teachers and peers.
It’s important to note that physical distancing does not mean social isolation. Social
isolation is the lack of social contact and reliable relationships due to being kept
physically or emotionally distant. So if a child is having a good relationship with reliable
people, he will never be isolated.
Homeschoolers lag behind their peers:
According to a Psychology Today article, homeschooled students tend to score higher
on tests of academic skills when compared to children in public schools across most
studies. Interestingly, children in a “structured” homeschool program that is, a
homeschool program with organized lesson plans , tend to score higher on academic
tests than children from conventional schools, while children in “unstructured”
homeschool environments without organized lesson plans tend to score lower than
children in conventional schools.

In 2015, a study was conducted in the US to analyze its students' performance in PISA
exams.The performance of American students was declining. 6% scored in the
highest proficiency range in the 2015 PISA test for math. And 29% didn't even meet
the test's baseline.Compare these statistics to findings that on average, by 8th grade,
homeschoolers are performing at four grade levels above the national average, and
by the last years of high school are scoring in the 92nd, 85th, and 66th percentiles on
tests of reading, language, and math, respectively. The numbers are even higher for
students who have been homeschooled their entire lives, with no significant variation
for whether the parents themselves have degrees in education (a common criticism
leveled against homeschooling). According to National home education research
institute US(NHERI)

The home-educated typically score 15 to 25 percentile points above public-school

students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is
roughly the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.)
87% of peer-reviewed studies on social, emotional, and psychological development
show homeschool students perform statistically significantly better than those in
conventional schools (Ray, 2017).
69% of peer-reviewed studies on success into adulthood (including college) show
adults who were home educated succeed and perform statistically significantly better
than those who attended institutional schools (Ray, 2017).they participate in local
community service more frequently than does the general population ,these adults
vote and attend public meetings more frequently than the general population ,they
go to and succeed at college at an equal or higher rate than the general populationby
adulthood, they internalize the values and beliefs of their parents at a high rate
Homeschooled students outperform their peers because their critical thinking skills
are better developed. This is because they often have more opportunities to explore
topics that interest them and develop solutions to problems they encounter in their
everyday lives. In addition, homeschooled students may work with a variety of adults
who can provide valuable guidance and feedback on the projects they are working
on. Additionally, their parents may also play a role in helping them process conflicting
information and data, as well as teaching them how to draw their own conclusions
from this material. Another reason why homeschooled children outperform
traditional schools is that they have more time and flexibility for extracurricular
In many cases, homeschooling allows students to pursue their educational goals
while also participating in various community-based projects or sports teams. This
can help them develop a variety of skills and interests and stay motivated to succeed
academically homeschooled students tend to perform better academically because
they are not influenced by negative peer pressure. In traditional schools, students
may feel pressured to conform to a particular group or “clique,” which can lead them
to engage in behaviors that undermine their academic performance, such as cheating
on tests or skipping classes. Another reason homeschooled students tend to
outperform their peers in traditional schools is that they develop self-discipline at an
early age. This is because, in many cases, parents are able to tailor their child’s
educational experience to meet their specific needs and learning styles.
According to a University of St. Thomas study, the graduation of homeschooled
students could be up to 10% higher than that of public schools.

Parents are less trained then teachers;

Most believe that parents educate their children better than teachers, but many also
think that teachers have higher training qualifications. Parents, in my opinion, are the
best teachers in the world because they instill in their children a strong sense of
morality from an early age.

When a child comes into the world, it's only his or her parents who are known to him
or her. When they begin to grow, they try to replicate the attitudes and behaviours of
their parents.

According to most scientists, by the age of five, a child's personality is largely

developed. At this age, their only source of information will be their parents. Due to
these reasons, children often wish to follow in their parents’ footsteps. Parents are
the most important people in everyone’s life. When children are six years old, they
already know their social background’s knowledge as the pillar of the community. For
example, a baby's brain is like an empty canvas and parents draw skills like eating,
walking, and speaking on it. And also, In a book by Sadhguru, it’s mentioned that
“family is the university and parents are the teachers”.

Teachers are gonna teach students the learning programs. Their only target is to
cover the syllabus.Learning programmes such as mathematics, physics, geography,
and science allow students to gain knowledge and skills. In contrast to family and
parents, teachers do not teach us how to have a purposeful life. As a result, parents
know their child's positives and weaknesses so they help them overcome such
shortcomings to live with prosperity. Teachers cannot teach child about the 9It's only
out parents that teach us problem solving.

Richard Riley says;

"Parents & families are the first & most important teachers." Parents are the most
important source when it comes to learn ideology, purpose of life, identity.
While teachers in the school come from different backgrounds,ideologies and school
of thought.
And whether it is a math teacher or science teacher , he/she will propagate her own
ideology intentionally or unintentionally.

In 2020, the British Council conducted a survey that showed that children absorb
most of their knowledge from their parents. Parents can teach a lesson repetitively,
which becomes the part of child's subconscious. Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW)also repetitively gave his message. But teachers have time
constraints and teachers can only teach once or twice.
It is only the parents who can make their child courageous. Parents can make their
child decicide better between right and wrong.It is because of parents' training that
make them a good decision maker.

Recent research has shown that children's confidence comes with the kind of
relationship they have with their families, and with confidence, they can acquire new
qualities. So I agree that parents are the first and best teachers because they provide
us with the most valuable early lessons that we cannot get in school or in books.
One of the main reasons why parents and family are considered the most important
teachers is that they have a profound influence on their child’s development from
birth. Parents are the first ones to teach their child about the world, to instill values
and beliefs, to provide support and encouragement, and to form a secure attachment
that fosters trust and confidence. Parents also have a unique understanding of their
child’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, and needs, which enables them to tailor their
teaching to suit their child’s learning style. parents and family are the most important
teachers in a child’s education because they have a lasting impact on their child’s
development, learning, and well-being.

Additionally, it takes only one abusive teacher to send a child’s education and mental
health wildly off course. One mediocre parent can be better for a child than a string
of fantastic teachers and a single bad egg.
Teacher can be hired for homeschooling

If parents are not educated enough or can't manage to homeschool kids, they can
hire a teacher of their choice through which parents can install their own ideologies
in kids.

Teachers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW);

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)also learnt different skills from Haleema Sadia his foster
mother in his early childhood in a home environment. He learnt business and
people's skills from his uncle Abu Talib during traveling for trade.
Assessment provides educators, parents, and families with critical information about
a child's development and growth. Assessment can: Provide a record of growth in all
developmental areas: cognitive, physical/motor, language, social-emotional, and
approaches to learning.Assessment for learning (AFL) is an approach to teaching and
learning that creates feedback which is then used to improve students' performance.
Homeschooling can still have proper assessment and evaluation. It just depends on
how it's organized.

Here are a few suggestions for assessing and evaluating homeschooling:

1. Set clear learning goals and objectives for each subject or topic.
3. Portfolios: These are collections of the child’s work that demonstrate their
achievements,strengths, and areas of improvement. They can include samples of
writing, projects, artwork, quizzes, etc. Portfolios can be reviewed by an evaluator or
by the parent themselves. Keep a portfolio of your work to showcase progress and
4. Seek external assessments, such as standardized tests or online courses.
5. Engage in discussions and debates to evaluate critical thinking skills.
Flexibility is key in homeschooling, homeschooling parents can adapt these
suggestions to fittheir unique learning style.
6. The work force is yet another measure. Because home educated kids are
interacting with multiple age groups throughout their school years, they are very
comfortable communicating with adults and with peers who are younger or older in
the workforce.

What to Include in a Homeschool Progress Report

If you've never written a progress report, you may be unsure what you need to
include. Your state's homeschool laws may dictate the components to some degree.
Beyond that, a progress report can be as concise or as detailed as you'd like to make
Basic Details

A homeschool progress report should include basic, factual information about your
student, regardless of whether you are required to submit it to anyone. You will likely
enjoy looking back over these reports as your student gets older, so be sure to
include details such as age and grade level, along with a photo.
Resource List
Include a resource list for your school year. This list may include the titles and authors
of your homeschool curriculum, websites visited, and online classes. You may also
want to add a course description for the classes your student completed.
List your student’s extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or scouting. Note
any awards or recognition received. Log volunteer hours, community service, and
part-time jobs held. List any field trips taken.

Work Samples

You may wish to include work samples such as essays, projects, and artwork. Include
photos of hands-on projects that your students complete. You can include completed
tests, but don't use those exclusively. Tests don't show the full spectrum of your
student's education. Even though you and your student may want to forget the areas
of struggle, keeping samples that capture them can help you see progress in the
coming years.
Writing a Narrative Homeschool Progress Report

A narrative progress report is another option—a bit more personal and composed in
a more conversational style. These can be written as a journal entry snapshot,
indicating what your children have learned each year.
With a narrative progress report, you as the homeschool teacher can highlight a
student’s progress, include observations about areas of strength and weakness, and
record details about your child’s developmental progress. You can also add notes
about any academic struggles you’ve observed and areas on which you’d like to focus
on in the upcoming year.

Online tests
There are a lot of tests available online that include IQ tests, personality tests and
learning disabilities diagnostic tests and SAT etc. These tests are a good source to
evaluate a homeschool kid
One of the biggest fears that parents have when considering homeschooling for
their children is that about Higher education (college/ university).

Currently there are 3 approaches to solve this problem.

First is the most common approach that you can enroll privately for O/A levels
while homeschooling and the give a univerity entrance exam or SAT/ACT etc
and get enrolled in a univeristy.

Second is the new approach that you can complete online college degree from
Coursera or other such platforms and extend your homeschooling.(Expensive).

Third is the unconventional approach. No need for a college degree. If you are
now thinking how will I earn money. Then you need to understand that getting a
degree is not propotional to getting rich. Allah did not attach the domain of rizq
with degrees or education. People who never attend schools dont starve to death!
This way you will have a chance to explore a more organic lifestyle you can
keep livestocks and earn your living that way you can cultivate something and
earn your living that way there are so many ways.

As for if you want to study some field and excell and discover new things in that
field you can do that at home first by getting ample knowlegede in that field
through books and other sources of information present all over the internet.
then you can link with others leading in that field in your area or even
internationally and present your ideas to them that can give you a way to get
personal exposure with people already working in that field.

After all this most parents will still put their children in the slave system as
majority always follows herd psychology and in order to save everyone just
yourself we have to change this education mafia system.


First step to solve any problem is to become aware of the problem and its effects
and accept our own fault in not stoping and otherwise promoting it. First step
is to create awareness about the faults of the current education system and how
it is eating up our children. This can be and is being done a lot through social media
and we also need to setup more personal workshops to educate parents and to
provide them with an alternative.

In order to Approach the education mafia we need to first produce excellent

human being from homeschooling excelling in all fields to provide a smaple
and case study that x yz were the things that were wrong in the current system
so we Homeschooled these induvisuals with xyz system changes and these
are the results if you so want you can compare them with their peers from the
education system and they will surpass them in everything.

Once these 2 steps are done then all the parents and influential persons will have to
put pressure on the government to make this right and if majority does this
change will happen as the power hungry politicans need your votes and they need
to please you in order to do that.

Oxford Languages. (2022).
Homeschooled Children’s Social Skills
Richard G. Medlin, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology, Stetson University
Socialization Skills in Home Schooled Children Versus Conventionally Schooled Children
Lindsey D. Koehler, Trent J. Langness, Sarah S. Pietig, Nicole L. Stoffel, Jamie L. Wyttenbach

Quora(krystle Dicristofalo)Do homeschooled kids do better than their peers who attend school?
Research Facts on Homeschooling, Homeschool Fast Facts
Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National home education research institute
Concept of discipline in Islam by Qamar Islam Khan

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