Salt and Central Nerves System

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Pass the salt: the central control of sodium intake

Amber L Alhadeff & J Nicholas Betley
The biological drive to consume salt ensures that we consume adequate sodium for survival. In this issue of Nature
Neuroscience, two articles provide insight into the neurons and circuits that regulate sodium appetite.

Through the ages, salt has been highly valued. they demonstrate that HSD2 neurons in the role of these individual projections. Overall,
Salacia, the Roman goddess of salt water; wars nucleus of the solitary tract are both neces- these data pave the way for future studies to
waged over access to salt; and references to salt sary and sufficient for the full expression of further define this circuit in the nucleus of the
in the works of Shakespeare and in the Bible sodium appetite. Jarvie and Palmiter5 further solitary tract and establish the importance of
all highlight the anthropological significance show that HSD2 neurons project to the ventral identifying postsynaptic target neurons that
of this mineral over centuries1. The cultural bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the medial mediate the effects of HSD2 neuron activity.
importance ascribed to salt perhaps reflects central lateral parabrachial nucleus and pre- Building on work implicating the circum-
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

the strong biological drive to consume salt locus coeruleus. Their analyses of immediate- ventricular subfornical organ (SFO) in osmo-
when deprived of sodium. While the negative early gene expression changes following regulation10–13, Matsuda et al.6 performed
health outcomes of high dietary sodium are sodium deprivation or activation of HSD2 experiments that substantially increase our
often highlighted in modern society, the physi- neurons suggest that the medial central lateral understanding of functional SFO neuron
ological value of sodium is less appreciated. parabrachial nucleus and pre-locus coeruleus subtypes. Through a series of experiments
Indeed, low sodium levels have health conse- help mediate the effects of HSD2 neuron acti- that extensively characterized the anatomi-
quences that are detrimental to normal muscle vation. Functional assessment of these distinct cal and functional connectivity of excitatory
and neural function and that in extreme cases projections, as well as neural activity monitor- angiotensin II receptor 1a-expressing (AT1a)
may compromise survival. ing during sodium deficiency, will clarify the neurons in the SFO, this study revealed the
Studies on the regulation of sodium appetite
were pioneered by Curt Richter’s classic stud- a
ies showing that the drive to consume sodium
is hormonally regulated2. Sodium deprivation
and/or hypovolemia increase circulating levels Osmoregulatory neurons
of hormones such as aldosterone and angio- AT1a neurons OVLT (thirst)
AT1a neurons BNST (salt appetite)
tensin II, both of which regulate physiological HSD2 neurons of the NTS (salt appetite)
osmolarity1,3,4. The identification of these hor- vBNST
mone systems has pointed to specific regions SFO PBN Osmoregulatory projections
Pre-LC Thirst
of the brain as central regulators of osmotic Salt appetite
balance. In this issue of Nature Neuroscience, OVLT NTS Salt appetite (putative)
Jarvie and Palmiter5 and Matsuda et al.6 target
distinct populations of neurons that are sen-
sitive to hormones involved in sodium appe-
tite and manipulate neural activity to dissect b NaX-expressing CCK-sensitive
the functions of these neurons. These studies inhibitory inhibitory
advance the field of sodium appetite by identi- interneuron interneuron
fying discrete, genetically defined neurons that
can be exploited to elucidate the anatomical
and functional organization of circuits promot- Debbie Maizels / Springer Nature

ing this fundamental survival need (Fig. 1a).

Guided by observations that aldosterone-
sensitive neurons in the hindbrain influence
sodium appetite7–9, Jarvie and Palmiter5 gen-
erated mice that allow the selective mapping
and manipulation of aldosterone-sensitive AT1a neurons of the SFO
(excitatory projections)
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2
(HSD2) neurons. Harnessing bidirectional Figure 1 Neural circuits involved in osmoregulation. (a) Jarvie and Palmiter5 describe a population of
chemogenetic control of neural activity, aldosterone-sensitive nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) HSD2 neurons that increase sodium intake and
project to the medial central lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBN), the pre-locus coeruleus (pre-LC) and the
ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Matsuda et al.6 characterize two populations of SFO
AT1a neurons that project to the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) and vBNST and
Amber L. Alhadeff and J. Nicholas Betley are in the
increase water and sodium intake, respectively. (b) Matsuda et al.6 identified a population of SFO AT1a
Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, neurons that receive inhibitory drive from cholecystokinin (CCK)-sensitive interneurons, project to the
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. OVLT and increase water intake. A separate population of SFO AT1a neurons receives inhibitory projections
e-mail: from sodium (Nax)-channel-expressing neurons, project to the vBNST and increase sodium intake.

130 volume 20 | number 2 | February 2017 nature neuroscience

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existence of two distinct AT1a circuits that Matsuda et al.6 outline circuits with nodes in physiological needs, the identification of neu-
drive water or sodium intake. Matsuda et al.6 the forebrain. Together, these studies point ral circuits that coordinate sodium appetite
demonstrated that one AT1a neuron popu- to the redundant nature of the circuitry that represents an important step toward unravel-
lation receives inhibitory drive from chole- drives sodium intake, perhaps akin to the ing this complex and multifaceted problem.
cystokinin-sensitive interneurons, projects redundant circuitry mediating energy bal-
to the organum vasculosum of the lamina ance control14,15. Determining the interac- COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS
terminalis and is necessary and sufficient tion between these distinct circuit nodes will The authors declare no competing financial interests.
for thirst. A separate AT1a population in the be an important step forward in understand-
1. Geerling, J.C. & Loewy, A.D. Exp. Physiol. 93,
SFO is inhibited by local sodium-channel- ing how the brain integrates signals of need 177–209 (2008).
expressing neurons, projects to the ventral to drive sodium intake. Do several distinct, 2. Richter, C.F. Am. J. Physiol. 115, 155–161 (1936).
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and is non-overlapping circuits exist to ensure ade- 3. McEwen, B.S., Lambdin, L.T., Rainbow, T.C. &
De Nicola, A.F. Neuroendocrinology 43, 38–43 (1986).
necessary and sufficient for sodium appetite quate sodium intake? Alternatively, do these 4. Buggy, J. & Fisher, A.E. Nature 250, 733–735 (1974).
(Fig. 1b). This study defines the anatomical circuits converge on a master regulator of 5. Jarvie, B.C. & Palmiter, R.D. Nat. Neurosci. 20,
167–169 (2017).
organization, physiological properties and fluid homeostasis or interact with a distrib- 6. Matsuda, T. et al. Nat. Neurosci. 20, 230–241 (2017).
molecular mechanisms of AT1a neuron popu- uted and elaborate network that regulates 7. Formenti, S. et al. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp.
lations in the SFO, substantially broadening osmolarity? Further, what behavioral and Physiol. 304, R252–R259 (2013).
8. Geerling, J.C., Engeland, W.C., Kawata, M. & Loewy, A.D.
our knowledge of circuit connectivity and motivational mechanisms are recruited by
© 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

J. Neurosci. 26, 411–417 (2006).

effectively dissociating neural circuits that activity in these neurons, and are they similar 9. Geerling, J.C. & Loewy, A.D. J. Comp. Neurol. 497,
223–250 (2006).
promote water versus sodium intake. to other biological survival drives? Of course, 10. Oka, Y., Ye, M. & Zuker, C.S. Nature 520, 349–352
These formative studies define indepen- osmoregulation is a complex physiological (2015).
dent circuits that are required for the full process that likely requires the coordination 11. Johnson, R.F., Beltz, T.G., Thunhorst, R.L. & Johnson, A.K.
Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 285,
expression of sodium appetite. The circuits of need sensing with a motivated response R394–R403 (2003).
described are distinct not only with respect in order to resolve the appropriate need, 12. Nation, H.L., Nicoleau, M., Kinsman, B.J., Browning, K.N.
& Stocker, S.D. J. Neurophysiol. 115, 3123–3129
to the molecular phenotypes of the respec- perhaps indicating the necessity of multiple (2016).
tive neural populations but also with regard circuits that influence discrete and identifi- 13. Betley, J.N. et al. Nature 521, 180–185 (2015).
to anatomical location. Jarvie and Palmiter5 able aspects of behavior. Since a central goal 14. Betley, J.N., Cao, Z.F., Ritola, K.D. & Sternson, S.M.
Cell 155, 1337–1350 (2013).
point toward functional projections resid- of neuroscience is to understand how the 15. Grill, H.J. Obesity (Silver Spring) 14 (Suppl. 5),
ing primarily in brainstem regions, whereas brain orchestrates behavioral responses to 216S–221S (2006).

New building blocks for navigation

Jeffrey S Taube
Many spatial correlates have been identified that form the neural basis for navigation. Two studies have now uncovered
a new cell type: bidirectional cells, which fire when the head is pointing in one of two opposing directions.

Place cells, head direction cells, grid cells, HD cells discharge as a function of the animal’s the limbic system, and several brainstem sites
border cells, angular head velocity cells, speed perceived heading in the horizontal plane, are responsible for generating the signal1.
cells, pitch cells and various combinations of independently of the animal’s location and Self-movement cues are integrated in these
these parameters have been identified over behavior (Fig. 1a). Each HD cell is tuned to brainstem areas, and the processed HD signal
the past five decades1,2. Since the first report a single direction, referred to as the cell’s pre- propagates rostrally through a network that
of place cells in 1971, these cells have formed ferred firing direction, and the cell’s firing rate includes the lateral mammillary nuclei, antero-
the building blocks for understanding how decreases linearly as the head deviates from dorsal thalamus, postsubiculum and entorhi-
the brain forms an awareness of perceived ori- this direction. A population of HD cells is nal cortex. Visual landmark information is
entation, which allows organisms to navigate similar to a collection of compasses with each integrated into this circuit via direct projec-
successfully. This issue of Nature Neuroscience one tuned to a different direction. tions from visual cortex to the postsubiculum,
adds two new spatial cell types to this HD cells were originally identified in the but the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) also plays a
mix: axis-tuned cells3 and bidirectional head dorsal presubiculum, often referred to as the role—a point that we will return to below.
direction (HD) cells4. postsubiculum. The presubiculum is one of Until now, all studies on HD cells had found
Both of these new cell types can be consid- the three primary areas of the subicular complex, them to be unidirectional, with each cell tuned
ered variants of the well-studied HD cell, first which also includes the subiculum and para- to only one direction. The two studies in this
discovered by James Ranck in 1984 (ref. 1). subiculum. Each of these three areas has its issue report cells that are tuned to two differ-
own connectivity and contains both afferent ent head directions, even in the same environ-
and efferent connections with the hippocam- ment. In the first study, Olson, Tongprasearth
Jeffrey S. Taube is in the Department of pus and entorhinal cortex. Thus, the subicu- and Nitz3 recorded from cells in the subiculum
Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, lar complex is an important node integrating proper while rats traversed a complex maze
Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. information with the hippocampus. HD cells (Fig. 1b). The researchers found cells that fired
e-mail: are found in many brain areas throughout in two different directions, always ~180° apart

nature neuroscience volume 20 | number 2 | February 2017 131

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