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Chapter 2: Sampling Methods Part- I
What we will study:
*What is Sampling?
*What are different types of Sampling?
1>A few Concepts:
Statistician use the word population to refer not only to
people but to all that are to studied.
Like all TV, all students all bikes, all employees of a
company, even if you have total 10 books in your bag then
that is the population.
The word sample is used to describe a portion from the
Example two TV, 10 bikes etc.
*We describe the population & sample by using measures
such as mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
When mean, median, mode & standard deviation describe
the sample they are called statistic.
When these terms describe population, they are called
Population Parameter
Sample =Statistic
*A Statistic is a characteristic of Sample
*A Parameter is a characteristic of Population
(See fig next page)
Strata:- When we divide the population relatively
homogeneous groups then these groups are called strata.
Like students divided into girls and boys. Then we have 2
2>What is Sampling
(In general terms)
*We use statistical methods to reduce the risk, uncertainty
and improve our decision-making skills.
*Decision making in a situation involves collecting the
information and then using this data for future strategy.
*Usually, we can't use the complete data because of the
sheer size or numbers involved. Therefore, we take a
sample and then test it.
Example 1:- If a milk plant processes 1 Lakh litres of milk
every day, then you cannot open each packet and test the
milk for quality so how to test it, Here we take samples
from each batch and test it.

*Example 2:- During the Diwali before buying the sweets

you may take a bite before deciding to buy it. Obviously,
everything cannot be tasted or tested as there will nothing
left if everyone starts doing it.
So, we to select the sample and then test it. We take a
sample, collect the data from sample and attempt to
generalize the results for whole data.

Example 3:- If you want to write a report on why many

people are migrating from India to Canada or Australia then
contacting each and every Indian who migrated would be
time consuming and
expensive. So, you should choose a sample and make a
report accordingly.
*Thus time and size are decisive factors which make it
necessary to take business decisions on sample.
*If your sample is properly chosen then your report would
truly reflect reasons of entire population for migration.
Of course, in any situation best result will be available only
when we collect the data from entire population.
When we do this then this is called census and it is done
after every 10 years in our country. (Last one was done in
3>Types of Sampling:

Basically 2 types
1-Non-Random or judgment Sampling
2-Random or Probability Sampling (it's 4 types)
A) Simple Random Sampling (it's 2 types)
1-Sampling without replacement
2-Sampling with replacement
B) Systematic Random Sampling
C) Stratified Sampling
D) Cluster Sampling
3(A)>Non Random or judgment Sampling:-
In judgment sampling, personal knowledge or opinion are
used to identify the items from population that are to be
included in sample.
A sample selected by judgement sampling is based on
someone's experience with the population.

For example:- An oil drilling company would ask an

experienced geologist to test different terrains or land
beneath sea before deciding where to explore for oil.
Chapter 2: Sampling Methods (PART-II)
What we will study:
Types of Sampling:
Basically 2 types
1-Non-Random or judgment Sampling
2-Random or Probability Sampling (it's 4 types)
A) Simple Random Sampling (it's 2 types)
1-Sampling without replacement
2-Sampling with replacement
B) Systematic Random Sampling
C) Stratified Sampling
D) Cluster Sampling
3(B)>Random or Probability Sampling:
In probability sampling all the items in population have a
chance of being chosen in the sample.
Rigorous statistical analysis which can be done with random
probability samples cannot be done with judgment

*Biased Sample:
*Suppose the Parliament is debating on women's bill and
you are asked to conduct a survey and if you ask you
questions from only women who are going to get benefitted
from this bill then your result will be biased as every
women want to get this bill passed so they are favour it.
So sample that you choose is biased...
4> Types of Random Sampling:

1-Simple Random Sampling:

Simple Random Sampling selects samples by methods that
1-Each possible sample to have equal probability of being
2-Each item in entire population to have an equal chance of
being included in sample.
Example: - Suppose there are 4 students participating in
badminton game.
So population size(N) =4
Now we want a sample of two students at a time for match.
So sample size(n) =2
Students: R, S, M, D
Possible sample of two students for match:
Now probability that one out of the six sample being chosen
out of (RS, RM, RD, SM, SD, MD)
P(RS) 1/6
P(RM) 1/6
P(RD) 1/6
P(SM) 1/6
P(SD) 1/6
P(SD) 1/6
P(MD) 1/6

Probability of any one of the 4 students being selected in

P(A) 1/2
P(B) 1/2
P(C) 1/2
P(D) 1/2
*How we do this selection:- for that we can write
name of these 4 students on identical slips and then shuffle
it and put it into box and then select or pick any 2 slips at a
time and whose name comes they two get to play the
Two ways of picking the slip:
1- You pick one and note his name and then put slip away
and then select another one from remaining slips. This is
2-You pick one slip, note the name on slip and then again
put the slip back in box (replace the slip) and shuffle it again
and then choose another one from all 4 available slips.
There is a chance that we may draw the same student
again. This is called

How to do Random Sampling:

It will be difficult to write names on slips if you want to
interview 10 employees of a company which have 500
So what is the better method then:
There are two options: give every employee a number from
1 to 500 and then
1- Use computer programmed to scramble numbers which
will generate random numbers for you and then based on
that select 10 employees.
2-You can use table of random number digits or table of
random numbers and then select the employees based on
some pattern like first 2 digits of random numbers will be
used to select the employee. (See table)
15,819 20,685 82,621 83,748 69,662
09,281 72,950 85,961 48,980 06,840
41,120 48,326 18,824 54,466 94,470
74,574 63,491 00,923 04,142 51,336
00,995 02,727 96,703 12,671 31,976
59,987 93,247 72,301 34,290 69,051
69,787 72,950 56,709 54,709 70,945
71,642 54,358 40,316 88,897 99,907
35,939 34,406 11,987 23,691 70,582
67,494 30,909 20,395 50,973 74,338
96,974 22,756 34,574 81,235 60,089
2-Systematic Random Sampling:-
In systematic sampling elements are selected from the
population at a uniform level that is measured in time,
order, space.
For example, if we want to interview every 10th student on
college campus, we would choose a random starting point
and then in first 10 names in students directory and then
select every 10th name thereafter.
Systematic sampling differs from simple random sampling
1-Each possible sample do not have equal chance of being
1-Each item in entire population to have an equal chance of
being selected in sample.
Example:- If students have roll number from 0 to 99 then if
we pick first student having roll number 1 and the 10th will
11 and then 21 then 31 roll number students will get
selected. (1,11,21 31, 41...) but students having roll number
2,3,4, 5...have no chance of being selected together.
* In systematic sampling there is probability of introducing
error into sampling process.
Example:- If you want to check how many people want to
eat dinners in hotel and if you choose Friday or Sunday then
there is high chance that your result will be higher because
of weekend.
This method may require less time and sometimes results in
low costs than simple random sampling method.
3-Stratified Sampling:-
In this sampling we divide the population into relatively
homogeneous groups called strata.
Then we use one of the two approaches:
1-We select at random from each stratum a specified
number of elements in same ratio as stratum to whole
Strata of size = (10, 20,30, 40)
total population=100 so we select 5,10,15,20 from strata
2-We select equal number of elements from each stratum
and then give weight to result according to the stratum
proportion to total proportion.
Strata size = (10, 20,30, 40)
total population =100
We choose 10 elements from each and then give weight to
each stratum (like 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)
Example:- You buy fruits from market and then make group
of each type of fruit separately. (See fig next page)

3-When to use stratified Sampling:-

This sampling is more appropriate when the population is
already divided into groups of different sizes and we wish to
acknowledge that.
Example: middleclass, lower class, upper class or they are
grouped according to age, gender, race etc like if I want to
know of what age group people like to watch my video then
the age group will be like 25 to 30, 30 to 35, and 35 to 40
4-Cluster Sampling:-
In cluster sampling we divide the population into groups or
clusters and then select a random sample of these clusters.
We assume that these individual clusters represent the
population as a whole.
Example : You buy fruits from three different markets.
*A well-designed cluster sampling procedure can produce a
more precise sample at considerably less cost than that of
simple random sampling.
Cluster Sampling Vs Stratified Sampling:-
In both methods the population is divided into well-defined
(See fig next page)
We use stratified sampling when each group has small
variations within it self (homogeneous) but there is a wide
variation between the groups.
We use cluster sampling in opposite case i.e., when there is
considerable variation within each group but the groups are
essentially similar to each other.
Chapter 2: Sampling methods (Part-III)

What we will study:

*What is Sampling distribution?

*How to do sampling from normal population?
*How to Calculate probability associated with a normal
variable using Z.

Population = Parameter
Sample = Statistic
Mean = Average
1- Standard Deviation: (SD)
(See Figure) :-
2>Sampling Distribution:
*You got a population and you take few samples from it.
*So each sample you draw from a population would
have its own mean and SD.
Thus the statistics (mean, SD) we compute for each sample
would vary and be different for each sample taken.

Let's take an example:

We take a finite population of 5 young boys:
A, B, C D, E and collect the data about their height in

Boy Height
A 160
B 162
C 164
D 170
E 156
Total = 1624
Mean(mue) 162.40
Now if take sample size 3 i.e we select 3 boys in each
sample, we will get 10 different samples.
Here is the list with height and mean of each sample:
No 1 2 3 4 5
Data 160 160 160 162 162

162 162 162 164 164

164 170 156 170 156

Mean 162 164 159.33 165.33 160.66
(x bar)

No 6 7 8 9 10
Data 160 160 160 162 164

164 164 170 170 170

156 156 156 156 156

Mean 164.66 160 162 162.66 163.33
(x bar)
Mean of all samples together:-
1 162 6 164.66
2 164 7 160
3 159.33 8 162
4 165.33 9 162.66
5 160.66 10 163.33
Total = 1623.97
Mue Mean = 162.397
(x bar) =162.40

*As we can see that mean for each sample is different.

(Above table)
*This collection of sample mean forms a distribution of
sample mean. (Sample size n=3)
*Normally we will be dealing with large population. Hence
the number of samples of particular size is also very large.
Sampling distribution is the distribution of all possible
values of a statistic (mean, SD) from all possible sample of a
particular size drawn from population.
Population Types:-
1-Normal Population
2-Non-Normal Population

1- Normal Population:
The population which is normally distributed is called
Normal population.
Example: Height of 5 boys:
Boy Height
A 160
B 162
C 164
D 170
E 156
Plotting on distribution curve:
2- Non- Normal Population:

The population which is not normally distributed is called

non-Normal population.
Example: life of 5 tyres.
Tyre Life
K 3
L 6
M 9
N 15
O 21
Plotting on distribution curve:-
Sampling from Normal Population:-
We have to find out two relationships between population
and sample
1-between mean
2-between SD
From our example of 5 boys and their height.

Boy Height
A 160
B 162
C 164
D 170
E 156
Total = 1624
Mean(mue) 162.40
Mean of all samples together:-
1 162 6 164.66
2 164 7 160
3 159.33 8 162
4 165.33 9 162.66
5 160.66 10 163.33
Total = 1623.97
Mue Mean = 162.397
(x bar) =162.40

1-Relationship between Mean:-

Mean of Population (mue) =162.40
Mean (mue) of all sample means (x bar) = mue (x bar)
So the mean of sample means (162.40)= mean of
population. (162.40).

This is not coincidence, the mean of sample means (mue (x

bar) is same as the mean of population mean (mue).
Note:- This is also true for Non-Normal Population.
2-Relationship between Standard Deviation:
In Population table the value range
from 156 to 170
while in sample means table it range
from 159.33 to 165.33
So we can see that the sample mean have less spread than
Thus if our population is normally distributed then our
sampling distribution is also normal.
The SD of Sampling distribution is equal to the population
SD divided by square root of sample size.
(See fig next page)

Probability associated with Normal Distribution:-

The probability associated with a standard normal variable
i.e a normal variable with
mean = 0
Are available in the annexure(see next page)
We need to convert the values in our sample to a normal
value by using the equation: (See the next page)
The table give us the probability that the variable Z is
between 0 and given value.
1- Z=1.54 then probability =
2- Z=2.08 then Probability =
3- Z=1.06 then Probability =
4- Z= 3.9 then Probability =
5- Z=0.05 then Probability =
Chapter 2: Sampling Methods (Part-IV)

What we will study:

*Numerical Questions on Sampling Distribution.

*How to use Sampling Distribution curve?

Question 1:
A bank calculates that it's individual savings accounts are
normally distributed with mean of 2000 Rs and standard
deviation of Rs 600.
If bank takes random sample of 100 accounts what is
probability that sample mean lies between Rs 1900/- &
Question 2:
Average annual earning of all bank clerk having 5 years
experience is 19000 with standard deviation of Rs 2000,
now if we draw a sample of 30 clerks, what is the
probability that their earnings average will be more than
19750 Rs.?
Question 3:
In a sample of 25 observations from a normal distribution
with mean 98.6 and standard deviation 17.2.
A) What is P (92<x<102)?
Chapter 2: Sampling Methods (Part-V)
What we will study:
*Sampling distribution Numerical Part II

Question 1:
In a normal distribution with mean 56 and standard
deviation 21, sample size is 48 then
A) What is P(x>52)
Question 12: (See your MacMillan book)

In a normal distribution with mean 56 and standard

deviation 21, how large a sample size must be taken so that
there will be at least a 90% chance that the mean is greater
than 52?
Question 2:
In a normal distribution with mean 56 and standard
deviation 21,how large a sample size must be taken so that
there will be at least a 10% chance that the mean is less
than 52?
Question 13: (See your MacMillan book)
In a normal distribution with mean 375 and standard
deviation 48,how large a sample size must be taken so that
there will be at least a 0.95 probability that the sample
mean falls between 370 and 380?
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Chapter 2 : SAMPLING ( PART – VI )
What we will study ?
 Basic of probability questions based on balls?

Probability basics

T-1 :-
! Factorial
1! = 1
2! = 2 x 1 = 2
3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24
5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720

Calculate 8! , 9! , 10! ? ( yourself )

T – 2 :-
𝑛cγ = r!( n–r)!

4! 4! 4∗3∗2∗1
(1) 4𝑐1 = = = =4
1!∗(4–1)! 1!∗3! 1∗3∗2∗1

4𝐶1 = 4
8! 8!
(2) 8𝑐3 = =
3!∗(8–3)!! 3!∗5!

= = 56
3∗2∗1 ∗ 5∗4∗3∗2∗1

8𝑐3 = 56
Que-1 You have 5 balls and you need to select 3 balls out of it .
Then how many ways to do it ?

Solution - 5𝑐3

Que – 2 You have a bag which have 10 balls you need to select
(1) 2 balls
(2) 5 balls
(3) 7 balls
How many ways ?
Solution -(1) 10𝐶2 (2) 10𝑐5
(3) 10𝑐7

T-4:- And →x
Or → +
At least → 5 blue balls
At least 3 in blue
→ 3 blue
→ 4 blue
→ 5 blue
At most → 5 blue balls
At most 3 blue
→ 3 blue
→ 2 blue
→1 blue
→0 blue
T- 5:- Without replacement :–

1 2 3
Pick one ball and throw it
4 5 6


1 2 3

Not same or earlier

4 6



With Replacement :–

1 2 3
Pick one ball check it & put

4 5 6 Back in bag


(5) You picked no 5 & write it

down & then Again put it book in


1 2 3
Same are earlier

4 5 6
Chapter 2 : Sampling ( CASE STUDY )

Part- VII

What we will study ?

 One case study based on probability of selecting the



A bag Contain 5 green and 3 blue balls.

(1) 3 balls are picked at random, probability that 2 are
green and 1 in blue ?
(2) 2 balls are picked at random , probability that 2 balls
are green or 2 balls are blue ?
(3) 3 balls are picked , probability that one in green ?
(4) 2 balls are picked , probability that none in green ?
(5) 3 balls are picked , probability that at least 1 ball in blue ?
(6) 3 balls are picked , probability that at most 2 are blue ?
Solution- 1 5G + 3B → bag
 Select 3 balls
 2 green and 1 blue ( and = × )

favourable method
Total method

Green Blue

= 5
5𝐶2 x 3𝑐1

10 × 3 30 15
= = =
56 56 28

Solution – 2 5G + 3B → Bag

 Select 2 balls
 2 are green or 2 are blue ( or → + )

P= 5𝐶2 + 3𝑐2
10 + 3 13
= =
28 28
Solution – 3
 Select 3 balls
 1 in green
Then rest in blue
So → 1 green and 2 blue ( and →x )

P= 5𝐶1X 3𝐶2

Solution – 4
5G + 3B →Bag

 2 balls selected
None in green ( none → means 2 are blue)

3C2 3
P= =
8c2 28
Solution – 5
 Select 3 balls
 At least 1 ball in blue

(1) 1 blue + 2 green

(2) 2 blue + 1 green
(3) 3 blue + 0 green [0! = 1 ]

P= ( 3𝐶1x 5𝐶2 ) + ( 3𝐶2 x 5𝐶1 ) + ( 3𝐶3 x 5𝐶0 )


Solution – 6 5G + 3B →Bag
 Select 3 balls
 At most 2 are blue
2B + 1G
Or Or = +
1 B + 2G &=X
0 B + 3G

P= ( 3𝐶2 x 5𝐶1 ) + ( 3𝐶1 x 5𝐶2 ) + ( 3𝐶0 x 5𝐶3 )

CHAPTER – 2 Sampling Case Study
Part- VIII

(With And Without Replacement)

 And → x
 Or → +
Que – 1 A jar contain 3 Red marbles and 5 green marbles .
(1) If one marble is drawn at random, what is probability that marble is
Red ?
(a) with replacement
(b) without replacement

Solution - 3R + 5G
Pick one red
Favarable method
Probability =
Total metho

(a) With replacement =
(b) without replacement =
Que- 2 3R + 5G

 And → x
 Or → +

(2) Two balls are drawn one by one without replacement find
The probability .
(a) Both are red
(b) Both are green
( c ) 1st is red & 2nd is green
(d) 1st is green & 2nd is red
( e ) No ball is red

Solution - 3R + 5G=8
Without replacement
(a) both are red
(1) 1st is red and 2nd is also red
3 2
x 7

1st 2nd

R1 R2 R3
x R1 R2 x R2

G1 G2 G3 G4

G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4


G5 G5
(b) Both are green and = x
Or = +

3R + 5G = 8
 First green & second green
 First green:-

R1 R2 R3

G1 G2 G3 𝟖

G4 G5

R1 R2 R3

G1 G2 G3

 Second green:-

= 5 4
x 7

(c) 3R + 5G = 8

(1) 1st Red + 2nd green

3 5
8 7
(d) 1st green + 2nd Red
5 3
8 7
(e) 3R + 5G = 8
No ball in red
1st green & 2nd green
5 4
= x
8 7
Que – 3 A bag have 4 balls , red , green , white , black .
(a) If you drown a sample of 3 balls then probability
that no red ball in drown ?
(b) If you drawn a sample of two balls without
replacement , probability of not drawing green ball will
be ?
Solution:- 1R , 1G , 1W , 1B = 4
(a) 3 balls
Total method = 3

No red means ( you have only 3 balls )

= 3
3c3 1
Probability = =
4c3 4

(b) 1R , 1G , 1W , 1B = 4
 Two balls without replacement
 No green .
1 R, 1 W, 1 B x G1

3 2 1
x =
4 3 2
1 R, 1 W G1

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