Physics 10 Revision Answer Key

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Final Revision – 2nd Term

Name: Date: _____________
Q1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a pattern of the gravitational force between two masses?
a. As the masses increase, the magnitude of the force decreases.
b. The larger mass experiences a force equal and opposite the force of the smaller mass.
c. As the distance increases, the magnitude of the force increases.
d. As the masses increase, the distance between them increases

2. According to the law of universal gravitation, the force of gravitational attraction between two
objects depends on:
a. The mass of one object only
b. The mass and volume of one object
c. The distance between the objects only
d. The mass of both objects and the distance between them

3. What happens to the force of gravitational attraction between two objects if the distance between
them is doubled?
a. It doubles b. Reduces to one-fourth c. It quadruples d. It remains the same

4. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the mass of an object and the force
of gravitational attraction it experiences?
a. The force of gravitational attraction is directly proportional to the mass of the object.
b. The force of gravitational attraction is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
c. The force of gravitational attraction is unrelated to the mass of the object.
d. The force of gravitational attraction is exponential to the mass of the object.

5. The gravitational field strength near the surface of Earth is approximately:

a. 9.8 m/s2
b. 1.6 m/s2
c. 6.7 m/s2
d. 0.5 m/s2
6. The Earth is not a perfect sphere; the radius of the Earth is larger around the equator than the North
Choose the statement that best compares the weight of two students with the same mass at the
equator and the North Pole.
a. The student at the equator would weigh less since the force of gravity is slightly less at the
b. The student at the equator would weigh less since the force of gravity is slightly greater at the
c. The student at the North Pole would weigh less since the force of gravity is slightly greater at
the North Pole.
d. The student at the North Pole would weigh less since the force of gravity is slightly less at the
North Pole.

7. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Based on the image shown, describe the force vectors
representing the gravitational interactions between Phobos, Deimos, and Mars.

Based on the image, choose the option that correctly identifies the missing terms, in order of their
appearance in the sentences. Mars has _________________ gravitational force vectors pointing in
_________________ . The magnitude of the force vector on Phobos from the force of gravity of
Deimos is _________________ the force vector on Deimos from the force of gravity of Phobos.

a. two; same direction; equal to

b. two; opposite directions; equal to
c. one; opposite directions; less than
d. two; same direction; less than

8. The force of gravity between the Sun and the planet Mercury is 1.31 × 1022 N.
Choose the option that correctly identifies the missing terms, in order of their appearance in the
If the mass of Mercury doubled, the force of gravity between the Sun and Mercury will
__________ by a factor of __________. If the distance between the two objects is doubled, the
force of gravity will __________ by a factor of__________.

a. increase; 3; decrease; 2 c. increase; 2; decrease; 4

b. increase; 4; decrease; 2 d. decrease; 2; decrease; 6

Which of the following options correctly ranks the planets by increasing acceleration due to gravity
near the surface, from left to right?

a. Venus < Jupiter < Saturn < Neptune < Mercury

b. Jupiter < Saturn < Neptune < Mercury < Venus
c. Saturn < Neptune < Mercury < Venus < Jupiter
d. Mercury < Venus < Saturn < Neptune < Jupiter

10. Which satellite would have the farthest orbit?

a. a satellite above Jupiter in geosynchronous orbit
b. a satellite orbiting Jupiter once every 24 Earth hours
c. a GPS satellite above Jupiter orbiting once every 12 Earth hours
d. a satellite orbiting Jupiter once every 6 Earth hours

11. What force keeps a satellite in orbit around a planet?

a. Gravity b. Magnetism c. Friction d. Inertia

12. Which of the following affects the period of an orbit?

a. Mass of the satellite c. Radius of the orbit
b. Both mass and radius d. Neither mass nor radius

13. What causes the phases of the moon?

a. Shadow of the Earth c. Shadow of the satellite
b. Shape of the sun d. Revolution of the moon around Earth

14. The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun is best described as:
a. Circular b. Elliptical c. Spherical d. Rectangular

15. How often does the Earth revolve around the sun?
a. Every day c. Every month
b. Every year d. Every century
16. If the average orbital velocity is 2π/T , which of the following planets will have a slower orbital
velocity than Earth?
a. Moon b. mercury c. Jupiter d. Venus

17. What is Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion?

a. Planets move along elliptical paths with the Sun at one of the foci.
b. Planets move in circular orbits around the Sun.
c. Planets move in straight lines away from the Sun.
d. Planets move in spiral paths around the Sun.

18. What does Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion state?

a. The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of its average distance
from the Sun.
b. The orbital period of a planet is inversely proportional to its average distance from the Sun.
c. The speed of a planet in its orbit is constant.
d. The net force acting on a planet is equal to its mass times acceleration.

19. According to Kepler's laws, when is a planet moving fastest in its orbit?
a. At perihelion (closest point to the Sun) c. At the equinox
b. At aphelion (farthest point from the Sun) d. At the solstice

20. Which law states that the line connecting a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
intervals of time?
a. Kepler's First Law c. Kepler's Third Law
b. Kepler's Second Lawd. d. Kepler's Fourth Law

21. Who proposed the law of universal gravitation?

a. Albert Einstein c. Isaac Newton
b. Galileo Galilei d. Johannes Kepler

22. What is the equation that represents Kepler's second law of planetary motion?
a. F = ma c. E = mc²
b. T² = a³ d. F = G * (m₁ * m₂) / r²

23. How long does it take for the Moon to orbit the Earth?
a. 24 hours c. 7 days
b. 30 days d. 365 days

24. What is a lunar eclipse?

a. When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun's light.
b. When the Earth is between the Moon and Sun, blocking the Moon's light.
c. When the Moon is in its full moon phase.
d. When the Earth and Moon align perfectly with the Sun.
25. What is a solar eclipse?
a. When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun's light.
b. When the Earth is between the Moon and Sun, blocking the Moon's light.
c. When the Moon is in its full moon phase.
d. When the Earth and Moon align perfectly with the Sun.

Q2. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and if it is false change the underlined
word to make the statement true.

T 1. As the masses increase, the magnitude of the gravitational force increases.

F, pull 2. Gravitational force is a push force.
T 3. Satellites in geostationary orbits always remain stationary above a fixed point on Earth.
F, solar4. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon casts its shadow on Earth.
T 5. An orbit is a continuous path of an object going around a star, planet, or moon.
F, 24 hr6. One very useful sort of orbit is a geosynchronous orbit, which has a period of exactly
36 hours.
T 7. Mercury has the shortest period and Neptune has the longest period.
F, larger 8. The smaller the orbital radius, the larger the period of the orbit.
T, smaller9. The larger the velocity of the orbit, the larger the orbital radius and period of the orbit.
T 10. The mass of the orbiting planet does impact the period of the orbit.
F, attractive 11. Gravitational force is a repulsive force.
F, newton12. The SI unit of gravitational force is joule.
T 13. Perihelion is the term for the closest point of a planet's orbit to the Sun.

Q3. PROBLEM SOLVING G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2

1. Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by Jupiter on the moon Io. The mass of Jupiter is
1.898 x 1027 kg, and the mass of Io is 7.5 x 1022 kg. The distance between Jupiter’s and Io’s centers
of mass is 3.5 x 108 m.
(7.5𝑥1022 )(1.898𝑥1027 )
𝐹 = (6.67𝑥10−11 ) = 7.75𝑥1022 𝑁
(3.5𝑥108 )2
mj = 1.898 x 1027 kg
mIo = 7.5 x 1022 kg
r = 3.5 x 108 m

Type equation here.

2. Satellite10B orbits the earth in 75.5 hours. The mass of the Earth is 5.972 × 1024 kg and the radius
of the Earth below the satellite is 6.371 × 106 m.
What is the height of the satellite above the surface of Earth? Show your calculations.
T = 75.5 hours x 3600 = 271 800 s
ME = 5.972 x 1024 kg
R = 6.371 x 106 m

(6.67𝑥10−11 )(5.972𝑥1024 )(271 800)2 1

𝑟=( )3 = 90669579.24 𝑚
4𝜋 2

h = 90669579.24 – 6.371 x 106 = 84298579.24 m

3. Europa is a moon orbiting Jupiter. Astronomers have determined that Europa is approximately
61,000 km from Jupiter, which has a mass of 1.898 × 1027 kg. The radius of Jupiter is 69, 911 km.
What is the orbital period of Europa around Jupiter?

h = 61 000 km = 61 000 000 m
MJ = 1.898 x 1027 kg
R = 69 911 km = 69 911 000 m

r = 61 000 000 + 69 911 000 = 130911000 m

(130911000)3 1
𝑇 = 2𝜋( ) 2 = 10552.20267 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
(6.6710−11 )(1.898𝑥1027 )

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