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Pacific Science (1992), vol. 46, no.

2: 276-293
© University of Hawaii Press. All rights reserved

Biogeography of the Tropical Pacific!


ABSTRACT: Many previous biogeographic regionalizations of the islands and

reefs of the tropical Pacific are unsatisfactory: the regions as defined are
heterogeneous, localities with unlike biotas are grouped together, and those with
similar characteristics are placed in separate categories. Often distinctions
appear to be based on cultural or political rather than biogeographic consider~
ations. Criteria are defined for the establishment of biogeographic boundaries.
Instead of the hierarchical schemes often utilized, it is proposed that the basis
of biogeographic regionalization be typological. A distinction is made between
the biogeographic characteristics of atolls and other reef islands, elevated
limestone (makatea) islands, and high (often volcanic) islands. It is concluded
that if the first two categories are filtered out, the treatment of the biogeography
of the third group and hence the regionalization of the Pacific becomes relatively

BIOGEOGRAPHERS HAVE BEEN CONCERNED with discuss the difficulties associated with existing
the distribution of plants and animals in the schemes and suggest solutions for them.
tropical Pacific for over a century (Sclater
1858, Wallace 1876,1882), and the differences
between Pacific insular biotas and those of BIOGEOGRAPHIC REGIONAL SCHEMES
East and Southeast Asia and Australia have
long been recognized. Hedley (1899) was The problems may be illustrated by refer-
among the first to describe the profound ence to regional schemes proposed by the
differences within the Pacific basin, especially zoologist Gressitt (1961, 1963) and the bota-
between the islands of the western Pacific and nist Thorne (1963).
those of the north, central, and eastern Pacific. Gressitt's scheme involves a hierarchy of
Indeed he located a profound discontinuity in regions, subregions, divisions, and subdivi-
diversity, moving eastward across the ocean, sions, though how these are related is not
between Tonga and Samoa. In more recent immediately apparent from his map (Figure
years, in addition to the accumulation of 1). Papua, the Philippines, and the Ryukyus
many new data, biogeographic problems have are each separated at the subregional level
been discussed in the symposia edited by from "Polynesia." This unit includes most of
Gressitt (1963) and Radovsky et al. (1984), the tropical Pacific islands; it includes the
and notably in a masterly review by Kay divisions of New Caledonia and Hawaii, and
(1979). the subdivisions of Micronesia, central Poly-
In spite of this, the biogeographic region- nesia and Southeast Polynesia. Leaving to
alization of the tropical Pacific remains in a one side the problem of nomenclature, this
most unsatisfactory state: it is perhaps indica- regionalization has problems that are also
tive that although Kay (1979) discussed a frequently characteristic of other such
number of regional schemes she herself re- schemes.
frained from adding to them. In this paper I The "Micronesian" subdivision is hetero-
geneous: it extends from the Marianas and
1 Manuscript accepted for publication 2 May 199I.
Palau to Kiribati and includes the Carolines
2 Department of Geography, University of California and the Marshalls. There is little in common
at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720. between Wake Island and Palau, for example,
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 277

'Ea'ster ---
~------- Juan Fernandez,.

FIGURE 1. Biogeographic regionalization of the Pacific (after Gressitt 1956, 1961).

even though they are included in this subdivi- from Kure to Hawaii, even though the low
sion. More surprisingly, Kiribati is included coral islands in the west have little in common
in the Micronesian subdivision whereas adja- with the high volcanic islands in the east.
cent Tuvalu is placed in central Polynesia: Thorne (1963) proposed a more detailed
there is a persistent and indeed illogical tradi- regionalization organized hierarchically by
tion in Pacific insular biogeography that region, subregion, province, and district. His
places weight on the comparatively recent scheme is set out in Table 1, to which I have
human settlement of the area and the cultural added enumeration codes to facilitate cross-
differences between island groups that have reference to the map (Figure 2), which has
resulted. As Hedley (1899: 395) long ago .re- been extended on the basis of Table 1 from
marked: "The use of political boundaries has that originally published by Thorne. The ma-
much confused the lines of zoogeographical jority of the tropical Pacific islands are placed
demarcation." Gressitt's central Polynesian in the Polynesian subregion, composing the
subdivision extends from the Phoenix Islands Fijian and Polynesian provinces, and the lat-
in latitude 3° S to the Kermadecs in latitude ter the Micronesian, Polynesian, and Hawai-
30° S: these islands have virtually nothing in ian districts: nomenclature of the units again
common. The Kermadecs themselves straddle becomes confusing. The units are necessarily
the regional boundary between Polynesia and both vast and heterogeneous. The Mi-
New Zealand. Norfolk Island is placed in the cronesian district extends from Palau and the
latter, but Lord Howe in the Australian re- Bonin Islands to Tokelau and the Phoenix
gion. The Southeast Polynesia subdivision group: the former cannot usefully be com-
extends from the northern Line Islands to pared with the latter. The Polynesian district
Easter Island; it includes both the high islands extends from the Lines and the Cooks to
of the Societies, Gambiers, Cooks, and Ducie Atoll, a longitudinal span of 70°. It
Marquesas, and the atolls of the northern includes the southern Cooks, Societies, Aus-
Cooks and the Tuamotus. The Hawaii divi- trals, Marquesas, and Gambiers; Pitcairn,
sion includes all the islands of the archipelago Easter, and Sala-y-Gomez; Niue and Hender-
278 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

TABLE 1 lian subregion. The difficulties of Thorne's

scheme reach their maximum when Clip-


perton Atoll (10 N, 109 W), 1000 km west

from the coast of Mexico, is placed in the

I. Oriental Region Mexican district of the Caribbean province. It
IA. Papuan Subregion may be noted that Thorne's biogeographical
IAi. Papuan province mosaic is much finer in the Southwest Pacific,
IAii. Torresian province
IAiii. Bismarckian province
where he placed boundaries of varying level
Bismarckian district between New Guinea, New Britain, the
Solomonian district Solomon Islands, the Santa Cruz Islands, and
lB. Polynesian Subregion Vanuatu; and Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa.
IBi. Fijian province Kay (1979) also drew attention to Schilder's
IBia. New Hebridean district [includes
Santa Cruz] scheme, based on the distribution of the gas-
lBib. Fijian district [includes Tonga and tropod family Cypraeidae (Figure 3, Table 2).
Samoa] This regionalization places boundaries be-
IBii. Polynesian province tween the Carolines and the Marshalls, the
IBiia. Micronesian district
IBiib. Polynesian district Phoenix and the Lines, and Rarotonga and
IBiic. Hawaiian district Samoa; the Lines are grouped with Easter
Ie. Neocaledonian Subregion Island and Samoa and Fiji with the Ker-
ICi. Neocaledonian province [includes madecs. The Samoan region extends lati-
Loyalties] tudinally from Pukapuka in the northern
II. Australian Region Cooks to the Kermadecs. Similar reservations
IIA. Australian Subregion arise with Udvardy's (1975) classification
lIB. Neozeylandic Subregion (Figure 4, Table 3). His Micronesian, South-
IIBi. Kerrnadecian province east Polynesian and central Polynesian re-
IIBia. Lord Howean district
IIBib. Norfolkian district gions are highly heterogeneous (the latter
IIBic. Kerrnadecian district again extends from the Phoenix to the
IIBii. Neozeylandic province Kermadecs); his New Caledonian region in-
cludes both Lord Howe and Norfolk islands.
III. Neotropical Region Finally, Dahl's (1979, 1980) biogeographic
IlIA. Chilean Subregion
IIIAi. Fernandezian province provinces, although confined to the area
IIIB. Peruvian Subregion covered by the South Pacific Commission,
IIIBi. Galapagean province provide an illuminating conspectus of infor-
mation and a useful bibliography. He distin-
IV. Holarctic Region
IVA. Nearctic Subregion
guished 20 provinces of reasonably compara-
IVAi. Caribbean province ble magnitude (Figure 5, Table 4). These are,
IVAia. Mexican district [includes however, based on political units, doubtless
Clipperton] because of data availability, and this means
IVAii. Sonoran province that quite dissimilar islands are frequently
IVAiii. California province
placed in the same "province" (e.g., Ton-
gatapu and Niue; Palmyra and Canton;
Tarawa and Nauru; Palau and Ulithi; Rapa
son; and the atolls of the Line Islands, the and Ducie). On the other hand Dahl does
northern Cooks, and the Tuamotus. Such a group Lord Howe, Norfolk, and the Ker-
unit has no biogeographical coherence ex- madecs together.
cept at the most superficial level. The Hawai- A number of these schemes was available at
ian district includes both the high islands, the the time of Kay's (1979) review, and not
leeward reef islands, and Johnston Atoll. The surprisingly she also found them unsatisfac-
Neocaledonian Province includes the uplifted tory. "Many of the subdivisions recognized
atolls of the Loyalties. Lord Howe is placed [in the tropical Pacific] seem more reminiscent
in the Neozeylandic rather than the Austra- of geographical boundaries than representa-
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 279

.'~-\;) : . Midway
-- - -'Marcus~ - - - -- ___ .-..:.L~~~ _
IBiic ' Hawaii
..'Marianas ·Johnston
IBiia '. Marshalls
." ....


Juan Fernandez ..

FIGURE 2. Biogeographic regionalization of the Pacific (after Thorne 1963). For explanation see Table I.

I 'iJ .
.. ~.....;)'"' \onin
"~f :
- - - . - - __ ~___
Midway .
..Lay'san XI
Marcus --------.---;----
'Wake ·..· ·.Hawaii
' ..


Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 3. Biogeographic regionalization of the Pacific based on the distribution of the Cypraeidae (Mollusca) (after
Schilder 1961). For explanation see Table 2.
280 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

TABLE 2 [of the distribution patterns of organisms in

the Pacific] are associated with island types,
PACIFIC BASED ON CYPRAEIDAE (AFTER SCHILDER 1961) that is high islands and low islands" (Kay
1979: 18). And second, "the terrestrial biota
I Japanese is discrete and disjunct, the populations sepa-
II Moluccan rated by the very nature of the islands them-
III Dampierian selves" (Kay 1979: 25). These observations go
IV South Australian
V Melanesian far to explain the defective nature of the
VI Micronesian regionalizations previously discussed.
VII Queensland
VIII Samoan
IX Oceanic
XII Rest of the Pacific
I take it as axiomatic that there are two
criteria fundamental to biogeographic region-
alization. First, any boundary between units
tive of areas with a characteristic biota" (Kay at whatever level should maximize both the
1979: 7). In seeking a solution she avoided the homogeneity of the individual islands and
distinction between continental and oceanic reefs within the boundary and also the differ-
islands made long ago by Wallace, "because ences between these islands and reefs and
it is more usefully construed as an explana- those of adjacent areas. The differences with-
tion for observed distribution patterns than in areas cannot be greater than the differences
as a generalization of observations" (Kay between them. Most existing schemes fail to
1979: 16). Nevertheless, she made two im- meet this criterion, which should apply at all
portant points. First, "in both the marine and levels if the scheme is hierarchical. Second,
terrestrial biota differences in development there must be a fundamental congruity in the

III .. Marshalls
'. :
':Palau ". .... . "..:
"C~~oli'nes .

'Ea'ster --
Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 4. Biogeographic regionalization of the Pacific based on Udvardy (1975). For explanation see Table 3.
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 281

TABLE 3 scheme should comprehend the discontinuous

nature of biogeographic insular distributions.
PACIFIC (AFTER UDVARDY 1975) Second, the use of hierarchical schemes has
introduced confusion: different workers have
Oceanian Realm used undefined areal terms ranked in un-
I Papuan rainforest specified ways. The use of terms such as
II Papuan savanna
III Micronesian
province, region, subregion, realm, division,
IV Hawaiian and district may each connote a variety of
V Southeast Polynesian scales and ranks. For simplicity, therefore,
VI Central Polynesian biogeographical schemes should group like
VII New Caledonian reefs and islands, and optimally in a non-
VIII East Melanesian
hierarchical manner. Such schemes should
not be constrained by present cultural distri-
butions or political boundaries.
items being grouped: a scheme that ignores I propose therefore to resolve the problem
the evident differences between islands such of the insular biogeography of the tropical
as Hawaii (elevation 4164 m), Makatea (114 Pacific by disaggregating it into component
m), and atolls less than 5 m in land elevation parts. The approach is thus typological rather
cannot have meaning. than hierarchical. It is based on the habitats
Two further problems may also be identi- and biotas of islands and reefs and not on
fied. The first is the apparent concern of inferred histories or processes. The logic of
previous workers that the areal units identi- classification of areal units has been discussed
fied be spatially contiguous when mapped. by Grigg (1965, 1967).
This concern is clearly antithetic to the in- It is generally agreed that the islands of the
sular and scattered character of the islands tropical Pacific fall into three main classes: (a)
and reefs being grouped. A regionalization atolls and other low coral islands; (b) raised

:;......v" . Bonin
..«.-. .
v 0tylidway
- - - - - - - - - __ 0_- -- --
- - - -'- __ _ 0


X"II\ 0'00. Hawaii

--'Marianas oJohnston


Juan Fernandez. 0

FIGURE 5. Biogeographic provinces of the area covered by the South Pacific Commission (after Dahl 1979, 1980).
For explanation see Table 40
282 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

BIOGEOGRAPHIC PROVINCES OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC Pacific atolls and reef islands are remark-
COMMISSION AREA (AFTER DAHL 1979, 1980) ably coherently distributed (Figure 6), from
Kure and Ngaruangl (Palau) in the northwest
I New Guinea
II Bismarck Archipelago to Ducie in the southeast. There are two
III Solomon Islands outliers: Clipperton (technically an almost-
IV New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands atoll) in the eastern Pacific, and the reefs and
V New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands islands of the Coral Sea about which remark-
VI Norfolk, Lord Howe, and Kermadec Islands
VII Fiji
ably little is known. It has to be stated at the
VIII Tonga and Niue outset that there has been grave misunder-
IX Samoa, Wallis, Futuna standing of the biogeography of atolls as a
X Tuvalu and Tokelau result of the uncritical acceptance of Mac-
XI Kiribati and Nauru Arthur and Wilson's (1967) "theory of is-
XII Marinas
XIII Caroline Islands land biogeography." This was supported by
XIV Marshall Islands a data set from the individual motus of
XV Phoenix, Line, and northern Cook Islands Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands
XVI Lower Cook Islands and Austral Islands (Niering 1963), which MacArthur and Wilson
XVII Society Islands
XVIII Tuamotu Archipelago
misunderstood, and a flawed data set from the
XIX Marquesas Dry Tortugas, Florida, on which they placed
XX Pitcairn, Rapa, Gambier Islands too much reliance (Stoddart and Fosberg
1981). MacArthur and Wilson's major con-
trols on biotic diversity were distance from the
limestone islands (makatea); (c) high islands source of propagules and island area (as a
composed of either volcanic or continental surrogate for environmental diversity). In the
rocks, or admixtures of both. We will exam- case of atolls, there is a strictly limited assem-
ine the biogeography of each of these in turn. blage of plants and animals with the capacity

v" . .Bonin
..~.....v . ~MidWaY ..
----.-- __ ~___ . . ':laxsan __
Marcus ~a: - - - - \-~ ~'~~:a~----- - - - -
:Marianas ·Johnston
'Palau "..." . .... :'.," ------3----
,''( . >5
.. I:mes .> 5 '. . / I (
-- > ~"_"'I/)
----------------;. Kjribati---------.....I!'

Nauru" ····~..,P,,-o-en-I-x---...--. ----"~--------------
. :~ ;)0--------- ---~~t_ <1.
. "d . Vd 3 --~Tuvalu ----.
: Q • 'b,. ~o/} > .-:>5. -,.:}okelau. -"-" ::. Marquesas
. . ". • :s~anta ) Samba" ·.-"t .
.• \. Vanuatu;:Cruz __:"'--." '. ... :·.'!'06',
• '~.. -- - li pa '. ".,' ~(; "
. \,:' .... • ..,'.:' on~ " . Tahiti" .:'!. ' __ ""0
'>:- .:. -~~~ca~:Tc;~C9~-:~·_~p::-t· ; - - - - - - - - __
. ~ cairn .v:Slrq;'
.. -- I
. ,Norfolk iKermadec Easter
-.lord Howe

Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 6. Distribution of atolls and reef islands in the tropical Pacific. Numbers refer to mean annual rainfall
distribution in meters (dashed lines). Black circles are treeless dry islands.
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 283

for over-water dispersal and for survival in breadfruit; in zone 5 coconuts and breadfruit;
atoll habitats. Although it is true that atoll and in zone 6 dense forest. Zones 7, 8, and 9
biotas become depleted across the Pacific mirror zones 5, 4, and 3 to the south. Note that
from west to east, it is also true that they if these zones are defined simply in terms of
remain quite remarkably homogeneous. In- mean annual rainfall, then inter-annual fluc-
deed atoll floras are recognizable as such from tuations of ± 25% are sufficient to move an
the westernmost Indian Ocean to the eastern- island from the center of one zone to the
most Pacific (Fosberg 1974, 1984). There is center of another, and smaller fluctuations
simply a limited pool of trees, shrubs, and can take an island across a zonal boundary:
herbs that can colonize and survive in such variability at the 10-25% level is common.
habitats: however extensive an atoll island The argument is well illustrated by Figure
perimeter, for example, it will only be colo- 8. This shows indigenous plant species rich-
nized by Scaevola, Tournefortia, Suriana, and ness plotted in terms of atoll land area and
a handful of other species. In the case of mean annual rainfall for the Marshall Islands.
plants, high species numbers on atoll islands This clearly shows that atoll floras are unre-
simply denote the replacement of native vege- sponsive to land area (and indeed distance
tation by cultigens and weeds (Stoddart from presumed source area) but instead reflect
1975). rainfall: only Onotoa is anomalous with a
The main controls on atoll biota in the rainfall of 1210 mm and 50 native species of
Pacific are ecological. Atoll vegetation re- vascular plants. In considering atoll phyto-
sponds asymmetrically to rainfall extremes: it geography it is essential to discuss only pre-
is more sensitive to drought than to wetness. sumed indigenous species; the total flora of
The world's wettest atoll, Palmyra in the Line most atolls is now dominated by introduc-
Islands, is not recognized for an unusual tions (Table 5).
biota, though its mean annual rainfall is 4.2 The driest reef islands are unmistakable.
m (Funafuti in Tuvalu, with an annual mean Figure 6 shows not only those atoll areas with
of 3.6 m, received 6.7 m in 1940). Conversely, mean annual rainfalls greater than 3 and 5 m,
coconuts cannot remain viable with a mean but also those with less than I m. These
annual rainfall of less than I m, and islands include the world's driest reef islands: Malden
thus situated have a highly distinctive aspect. (mean annual rainfall 689 mm), Canton (696
Note also that as annual means decrease mm), and Johnston (710 mm). Figure 6 shows
inter-annual variability increases and this ex- these dry islands (which include Jarvis,
acerbates the asymmetry of the biotic re- Starbuck, Baker, Howland, Phoenix, Birnie,
sponse: thus wet Palmyra (mean of 4.2 m) has Enderbury, McKean, and Christmas), all of
a range in annual rainfall of 3.1-5.1 m, which bear a striking similarity to similar dry
whereas dry Kiritimati (Christmas) Atoll with islands in other oceans. All of these islands lie
a mean of 0.77 m has a range of 0.18-2.6 m. in the equatorial dry zone. The only exception
The implications of this were clearly recog- is Laysan in the leeward Hawaiian Islands.
nized in the Marshall Islands by Fosberg in I would group Laysan with the above-
what came to be termed the "Fosberg zones" mentioned islands, except that it formerly had
(Fosberg 1956). These were originally de- Pritchardia and other upland plants and also
scribed from the northern Marshall Islands land snails and birds indicative of a complex
and subsequently extended from Wake Island history (Schlanger and Gillett 1976, Rotondo
in the north to Tuvalu in the south. Figure 7 et al. 1981). In aspect and other respects,
shows rainfall gradients on this longitudinal however, it belongs, in spite of distance, with
transect: the profile is yet more dramatic 20° the class of low dry coral islands.
farther east. In Fosberg's zone I (Wake and
Taongi) no coconuts grow. In zone 2 at ELEVATED LIMESTONE (makatea) ISLANDS
Bikar there is Pisonia forest. In zone 3 there is
Cordia, Pemphis, mixed forest, and coconuts. The second class of island here considered
In zone 4 there is Neisosperma forest and is that of raised reef limestone islands. In the


10 -~.~LANG 4 ~

.~ 5 ~





o 2,000 4,000
FIGURE 7. Mean annual rainfall and Fosberg zones in the west-central Pacific (Marshalls, Kiribati, and Tuvalu).
Rainfall data from Taylor (1973).
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 285

makatea islands have a relatively uniform

environment. Mean annual rainfall ranges
4000 from 1.5 to 2.6 m, though some equatorial
-40 islands (such as Nauru and Banaba) have
~ 3000
highly variable regimes (0.28-4.6 and 0.36-
4.5 m per annum, respectively). The higher
rainfalls are confined to the western Pacific:
:5'" 3~ 3.1 m at Angaur, Palau, and 4 m at Rennell
~ -32
and Bellona.
] 2000 -28
- 31 Fosberg (1976) remarked on the dramatic
- 32

_ 29
increase in biotic diversity associated with
even small increases in elevation of reef is-

::E 1000 .9
lands. Many raised reef islands in the Pacific
have unfortunately been devastated by phos-
phate mining (e.g., Nauru, Banaba, Marcus,
Angaur), and it is thus difficult to reconstruct
500 1000 1500 2000 their native biota. In the easternmost Pacific,
Atoll land area, ha however, the raised makatea island of
Henderson has 67 species of vascular plants,
FIGURE 8. Number of native species of vascular plants
on Marshall Islands atolls in terms of mean annual including four introductions, whereas the
rainfall and land area. neighboring atolls of Oeno and Ducie have a
total recorded flora, including introductions,
of 15 and four species, respectively (Fosberg
TABLE 5 et al. 1983, Fosberg et al. 1989). Not only is
diversity higher on makatea islands but so is
INDIGENOUS SPECIES IN THE TOTAL FLORA OF endemicity, reaching 10% of the flora at
Henderson. It is, however, proper to state
Canton 24 [97] that no comparative analysis of the biotas of
Fanning 22 [102] Pacific makatea islands has yet been carried
Kapingamarangi 43 [99] out, and indeed it may now in most cases be
Laysan 27 [44] too late to do so.
Midway 19 [38]
Namonuito 41 [91]
Ontong Java 64 [150]
Rangiroa 41 [121]
Raroia 41 [135]
Satawal 50 [103] Having considered atolls and elevated
Wake 20 [94]
limestone islands, we are left with the high
NOTE: The firsl figure is the number of indigenous species of islands of the Pacific basin, which must indeed
vascular plants; the figure in brackets is the total flora. be the focus of biogeographic explanation.
These comprise (a) the spatially and geologi-
cally related islands of the western Pacific,
open Pacific these reach a maximum elevation mainly within the "andesite line"; (b) the relict
of 329 m at Eua. Makatea reaches 113 m island of New Caledonia (but not the adjacent
and Mangaia 70 m; others are lower. They are Loyalties, which belong as uplifted atolls with
few in number in the open Pacific, but scat- the makatea islands); and (c) the isolated
tered between Henderson in the east and basaltic volcanoes of the open Pacific.
Rennell and Bellona in the west; the solid line Figure 10 distinguishes these entities. It is
in Figure 9 delimits an area within which noteworthy that the West Pacific islands are
elevated limestone islands are common (e.g., wet (many with annual rainfall means of 3-
in New Guinea and the Solomons). It is 5 m; Kosrae in the Carolines has a mean of
interesting that within the open Pacific 5.3 m and an extreme of7.7 m), and Vanikoro
286 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

..\\v<" . Bonin
'q,.->..v ~ . Midway ..
- - -'- -_ _ ..Laysan
Marcus~ - - -~: - - - - -'-~ -:-.~~:a~----- - - - - -

.'Marianas ·Johnston
. /
:Palau .' . '.. .
.. Marshalls
"C~rolfnes . '~/~
I----"""=---,.-r::-:-=.,.,,.... ;. Kiribati nt::-::-::-=:.,---'-.e<? _

• 0 '::d ~o:~auru. .' .... Tuvat~:::au
• . . . ,ol}-- '. ::'. Marquesas
· ,:.:~s .. ,Santa~amoa ',' t
• "",

Vanuatu '.:.
•••:.:__ .::...-~...-
'. '.
Fii,'; ::') C" k·~
, ,." ::.:(Otv
" , .. s
Tahiti .'
_~_--9Q..~...'~ -1v~r.--.....:c:::.-~-----
. New Caleaonla ri]/s .Ra a' '~tcairn
,Norfolk iKermadec P 'Ea'ster
'. Lord Howe
Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 9. Raised makatea islands in the tropical Pacific. These islands are abundant west of the solid line (i.e., in
the Solomons, New Guinea, Palau, Marianas, Fiji, and Tonga); black circles show makatea islands or volcanic islands
with substantial raised limestone in the open Pacific.

:i\v<" I.
I· Bonin
:q,.'Jt'*' \: \ . !'v\idway
,.....:::: - ",.:-_A..__ ~ _ _ . .Laysan
;, _~arcus -~:-----·-~~:a~------

'. >3 f':Marianas ·Johnston_0.75

,:~:·;~·~. ·.·}t~,~~ . . .:~arshalls
----..:Carolines· -- ../)~

I----------!'--....-:''-:--.".-,...- ;. Kiribati nr=:::::;-,-;.,----'·----------------....:....:-=.('i:'lc--I

~-~.-:·~'~6/;.~u~. , :. Tuv~t·~enlx. -0.8
.. 0 3t 'b .. ~o-?,3.~ .. ...Tokelau. \0Marquesas
· "\ '.S cSanta :---..-. . . ' 1; '(:j
: ~ 1';>"""Cruz 1 • Sa~oa' 2'1 Vi]
•• • \" Vanlfatl1.~: ..···.. ·r-·.:.\'O/\ '). . r.-..:' ::/%
.. • ~. I •.. 1 •.Tonga . ' ' ' ' ' . ,Vs
. \<, ~"·:'/Fiii·(::1 C"kA Tahiti ":,175
',\__ ::", _~, _ - - "I-- - --9Q.. i..'-..:J -1~--""':ck:'- _
~, 2.5 2 3Stri]~

New Caledon ia (;P'l'tc'a' - - - - - __
Z "/1 . s cRapa Irn G:;) --
.1. CNorfolk/iKermadec 2.25 1.75 1 25 Easter 0 25----
C)Lord Howe'01 . 5 . '
Juan Fern;n~~~ ..
FIGURE 10. High islands in the tropical Pacific. These islands are frequent west of the continuous line; possible
biogeographic boundaries within this area are indicated. East of the line individual islands or clusters of high islands
are indicated. Numbers refer to mean annual sea-level rainfall in meters, though this may vary widely according to
topographic situation (rainfall data from Brookfield and Hart 1966 and Taylor 1973).
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 287

. 'Bonin
--«..f . Midway
-- -'Marcus~- - -- - - - - _......:.~~~' -.. -}2 -------- - - - - - -
'Wake ..·.Hawaii
.'Marianas 1 ·Johnston
. _Marshalls
;'Palau ".. ..15 .21 ..... '-.: 3
28 ··t~~oli·nes· .~/~
2;_ Kiribati l' ~
.. -".-
.. - . Phoenix _
·.. ,~,>o 3 . -.2-' .
• • Q

325 -'oed' .. d0
" .
t • :-~,ol)s
-- Tuvalu. Tokelau
2 . 1·. .'
::. Marquesas
. ,:-.__ - ... Santa Samoa' - ',' -t . 13
.• " . Cruz '. ""7 9 q0
.... Vanuatu", 42. 18.30'''- . . .. ::::·...0lt/
\.' ' .... 45':,...26 :.:-Ton~a. ". 14Tahiti'" ,~.
'-'--. -'. ~_:.~_~I~·_iLC9Q!<L·-'- ~., ...... ~
-::----NewCaledonia 11 vS;r~i.-----':"P-t:-:----
S .Rapa I calm ---
. ,Norfolk :'Kermadec 3 2 .Ea'ster
._ Lord Howe

Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE II. Distribution of native land bird species in the tropical Pacific (excluding the easternmost Pacific). Data
from Pratt et al. (1987) and other sources.

in the Santa Cruz Islands has a mean of 5.6 m ure 11), although Steadman (1989) cautioned
and an extreme of 7.9 m). By comparison, against too ready inference from present spe-
most of the Polynesian volcanoes have sea- cies distributions, given the now-demonstrat-
level rainfalls of 1.5-2.5 m, and those in the ed scale of historical and prehistorical extinc-
North and Northwest Pacific less than 1 m. tions. The total resident land and freshwater
Close to the coast of central America rainfalls avifauna of New Guinea is over 500 species,
rise to 3-4 m. with 325 species present on the main island
With the exception of the easternmost (Diamond 1973). On Bougainville and in the
Pacific islands, which show marked American Solomons the number of species falls below
influence (the Galapagos have many reptiles, 100 (Diamond and Mayr 1976). In Fiji it is
bats, and rodents, for example), the Pacific less than 50 (Viti Levu 45, Vanua Levu 42,
high islands have two main characteristics: in Taveuni 41, Kadavu 35, Lau 26), and in the
terms of distance from source areas of pro- high Carolines and Marianas less than 30
pagules they show marked diminution in spe- (Palau 28, Pohnpei 21, Guam 16, Truk 15).
cies diversity from west to east, and in terms Northern Tonga and Ha'apai have 18, south-
of area and elevation they exhibit consider- ern Tonga 15. In Samoa Savai'i has 30, Upolu
able ecological diversity. It is in this group 27, and Tutuila and Manoa also 27. Outside
that MacArthur and Wilson's (1967) princi- these limits diversity decreases drastically. Of
ples of island biogeography have greatest the high volcanic islands, Wallis and Futuna
relevance. This has been demonstrated in the have 11, the southern Cooks 11, the
western Pacific for terrestrial mollusca, ar- Marquesas 13, Tahiti and Moorea 14, the
thropods, and birds (Wilson and Taylor 1967, Australs 4, Rapa 3, and Pitcairn 2. Of the
Greenslade 1968, 1969, Peake 1969), as well makatea islands Niue has 11, Nauru 3, and
as for many other groups (cf. Darlington Henderson 4. Of the atolls the Tuamotus have
1965). 9, Marshalls 3, Kiribati, the Phoenix, and
Land birds are particularly instructive (Fig- Tuvalu 2 each, Wake, the Line Islands, and
288 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

Tokelau 1 each. (These numbers, which refer sources). Figure 14 shows the rapid decline of
to residents, migratory breeders, visitors, win- scleractinian coral genera east of Fiji, Tonga,
ter residents, and historically extinct species, and Samoa. Figure 15 shows the distribution
are derived from Pratt et al. 1987.) Only where of the gastropod genus Strombus in the Paci-
there has been extensive local speciation, as in fic, together with the western Pacific distribu-
Hawaii (32 species of passerines: Juvik and tion of one species, Strombus labiatus (Abbott
Austring 1979) and the Galapagos (28 species 1960, Springer 1982). Figure 16 shows the
of land birds: Grant 1983), are such numbers distribution of warm-water marine shore-
for oceanic islands substantially exceeded. fishes in the tropical Pacific (Springer 1982)
Within the distribution of Pacific high is- and Figure 17 that of the family Pomacen-
lands, west to east, the most basic divide is at tridae, together with the similar distribu-
the Tonga Trench: there is no more dramatic tion of Amphiprion clarkii (Allen 1975 in
biogeographic boundary in the Pacific than Briggs 1984, Springer 1982). Springer (1982)
that between the southern Cooks and the gave a multitude of comparable distribu-
southern Tonga islands. The latter have man- tional examples for Pacific inshore fishes: the
groves and seagrasses, and a distinctly West patterns of elasmobranchs are particularly in-
Pacific aspect; the former lack them. Figure 12 structive. Cephalopods including Sepia and
shows the eastern limits of the seagrass genera Nautilus (Saunders 1981) also show a marked
Thalassia, Enhalus, Halophila, and Syringo- western Pacific limitation. Similar distribu-
dium, all of which are confined to the western- tion patterns can readily be replicated from
most Pacific (Den Hartog 1970 and other many other groups, including the terrestrial
sources). Figure 13 shows the eastern limits insular biota. These include mammals, nota-
of the mangrove genera Rhizophora, A vi- bly bats, fruitbats, and rodents; reptiles (par-
cennia, and Excoecaria, which are similar- ticularly iguanids and crocodilians) (Brown
ly delimited (Woodroffe 1987 and other 1956); amphibians (Myers 1953a); insects

.~f', .Midway
~ ::?$':.---_~_
'- (1Marcus
.. Lay'san
.v\'.. 'Wake
. ':.
. • HawaII
.. \
't'Mananas ·Johnston
... \ .. Marshalls
.:Palau "2~~6ii'n~s' 1'}i~ (i .
\~ ")Kiribati . .1)",

... "\ Nauru' ..... ~ ·DP'hh.;;:oe;:;n;;.ix~----------------
. ... :;?':,"!o/d . iTi I":
.a \..... ~o ..uva u .. Tokelau
.. . 'n ·".I)s~ . ::. Marquesas
. : u·.k "\ ...-5an,ta Samoa . '.' t .
.• \-.~ V'" i' . Cruz - .... -..... . . .'!I>J..
.... .~.~. anu~u ..: '~'-'--'1t " ''':. .Ot",
\.< "»::::-~::c :::~i~i' ~n~iLkL:~ -iii ':T~h~~ ~~ ....
ewCaledonia Stril; --"':"p7"t:-:--------_
S .Rapa I cairn ., ---
. ,Norfolk iKermadec Easter
'. Lord Howe

Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 12. Pacific limits of the seagrass genera Thalassia (TH), Enhalus (EN), Halophila (HA), and Syringodium
(SY). Data from Den Hartog (1970), with additions. .
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-STODDART 289

~" . .Bonin
..~."" : . Midway . .

-_.-- __ ~_ ..La)lsan _
Marcus - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --~
'.. ,
. " 'Wake ·..··.Hawaii ... '-'- ....
". :Mananas ·Johnston '- .J;>;:'
~ ~~~
" " , " .0..
'Carolines'< 1?li~
\~ <:~'"h'''' '~/~
. )
J--------'-,-';,,,''''''t-:-:-- ;. Kiribati . :' - - - -'

.. : N~ur~" ".:::::-. Ph.oenlx Gal~pagos
· ··.d"~%"1h'l! ··.~al~· . --
,• ... '!!J01]" :;.r-" . \. . .Tokelau :. Marquesas
! , ...;. "'. '" ..~~anla-'<_
•.samoa·· Jj,,".
•• \. Vanuatu;'<\ruz . ',,:). . '.. ::-?I»o,
,. .. \ 'li .. .... 'v
. ...:' '. \ •....; :/on~a... T h't:' .,'! .
........._-.::--~.: .~i, ~~/- -(gQ!<~'~ -'Iii: ~.~~-:2:._~ _
'" ,Rapa
'p"tc' . - - -
I aim --- ---
. ,Norfo!k iKermadec 'Ea'ster
'. Lord Howe,
, Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 13. Pacific limits of the mangrove genera Rhizophora (RH), Avicennia (AV), and Excoecaria (EX). Data
from various sources.

J M'd
I way
-'Marcus~ - ~~.J~~7~~------------
-.20" ~awaii

:Palau· '''32
8 /Marianas.

. "-....:.·C~roli~s~SO ....
.. lV\arshalls
~ "
\ 'lQ"

;. Kiribati "
- 3 0 ·Johnston
. :'

.. . Nauru" ....:::-\. 'P,.,..:...o,..,e,..,n-Ix,.,.-----'''<-"''''''~-----------------=

· ~O
. . . ,,
• ···.68
.~ ,so/-
··d ...'dl»
'., /.,,01],,, S
'. ". . Cruz
Vanuatu '.:.
. \ ., \

. Samoa'
46;li '.
! '. '.
. Tuvalu. Tokelau
. Jj"iJlJ],

. . .. :.:·:... Otv
.: .ill

. \.:' 59 .... :;';·';2yon~a. ". Tahiti" 'j.

'. . ">;,;:.' /~~:-_Q>bk~--,:=--'l~'"''
Ne";';::caled~ vS;r~;--- - .p-:-t-:--:----------
- _ • .cL-.Rapa I calm ., -- _
r--~-~Norfo~Kerri'la"dec Easter
Lord'Howe 7

Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 14. Generic diversity ofscleractinian corals in the tropical Pacific (after Coudray and Montaggioni 1983).
290 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

--'--Ivlarcus~- - - .--.:.L~~~ --
. -... 6
'Wake ···.Hawaii
:'Marianas ·Johnston
.. Marshalls
.' . ' .. ..... " .. 12

. ::. Marquesas
'. t .


Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 15. Distribution of numbers of taxa in the genus Strombus (Mollusca, Gastropoda); the solid line shows
the eastern limits of Strombus labiatus (after Abbott 1960).

--..p .
'~f~"~ onin . !"\idway
Marcus~--- .--.:.L~~~ --
.:Mananas 'Wake ·Johnston
. . ~ ..... ~arshalls 30
:Palau " .... . . ~.. ~
"C~rolfne~' . So .. . .</
90 90 ;.'Klrlbatl

.. '"'1\ s. Nauru\'. .... ~.r;r-;.,~ ~ - - - -
•• 0 -
···d ;,o~o~o
'. Tuvalu. Tokelau
.. S .... . \.... .,' ':Is ::.. Marquesas
, .) ". anta
Of'--..--I~--_ Vanuatu",
.-/ .Cruz _.
". Samoa'
. t
, ... ::.:."-?J.Ot"'J"
.... F·::·.·. .:Tonv· ". Tahitij::"·
""'" IJI. Cooks·...~_...
~:-;-_':"'-N~~cfu;;i;- - ~lis;r,,;-- -'-'--r: 'tc7":- - - - - - - _
_____ s .Rapa P I alrn ., -- _
. _ ~rfolk iKermadec 13 Easter
-,Lora Howe

Juan Fernandez..

FIGURE 16. Distribution of families of warm-water marine shorefishes in the tropical Pacific (after Springer 1982).
[The figures are derived from Springer's table I and differ slightly from those in his figure 58 and table 2.]
Tropical Pacific Biogeography-SToDDART 291

.;:",v<' . Bonin
.'q.'.f . tv\idway
- --'-"'\arcus~ - - - .....:.L~~~ - -

'Wake ·..··.Hawaii
:'Marianas ·Johnston 97
94 .. Marshalls
!Palau .' 73 ..... :...88
r----tCarol{nes . '~/i;
;. Kiribati . :'
I-~------'N"a=-"u""ru •.-"--' . ".-.. - . phoenix
1'40:~,5'o. \ . .'. .
'.' Q '.C1'." ~O:.'7,o~:s '. Tu.valu ...Tokelau. . . . .
• ., ':. Marquesas
• . ", ... S~nta Samoa" . ~q.'
'. \. vanuatu'2J';ruz . '. '. 98 ....::.~o.,.
• '157 ,.' '" 'v
. \.:' 103 :" 104':',.': .:' on~a.. ". 81 Tahiti" '.'!.
"" .~. FIJI. Cooks·... . '.'
-',---'---"'-- - - - - : - - - - - - "'Us' .. ---'--.-~------
New CaledOnia
,Norfolk iKermadec
S .Rapa
'p"t' .
I calm . .40
- -_
--- --
'. Lord Howe 50

Juan Fernandez ..

FIGURE 17. Distribution of species of damselfish (pomacentridae) in the tropical Pacific; the solid line shows the
eastern limits of Amphiprion c/arkii (after Allen 1975 in Briggs 1984 and Springer 1982).

(notably Carabidae); true freshwater fishes more diverse and characteristic biotas, but are
(Myers 1953b); and many vascular plants few in number and often no longer undis-
(Smith 1955, Van Balgooy 1971). Springer turbed. The problem of tropical Pacific insu-
(1982) argued that the margins of the Pacific lar biogeography thus resolves itself into the
Plate constitute a primary biogeographic consideration of the biotas of high islands.
boundary in the Pacific. There is much sup- Hedley in 1899 argued for a distinct decline in
port for this in the distributions of both diversity east of Fiji. On the basis of both
marine and terrestrial biota, though one need terrestrial and marine biota there is evidence
not necessarily accept in toto Springer's expla- that the main discontinuity lies at the Tonga
nation for it. Trench. By analogy with the well-known bio-
geographic discontinuity named after Alfred
Russel Wallace (Wallace 1876) it would be
appropriate to define this boundary as
"Hedley's line." Eastward of that boundary
the high islands of the tropical Pacific are
It is not the purpose of this paper to give a widely scattered, and it becomes meaningless
systematic review of the distribution of ma- to attempt to encompass them in contiguous
rine and terrestrial biota on tropical Pacific regions. Such biogeographic regions as can be
islands. I wish rather to show that, by defining defined exist not simply in terms of latitude
types of islands and their environments, it is and longitude (i.e., space-filling entities) but
possible to simplify the apparent problems of rather in a multidimensional space encom-
biogeographic regionalization. Atolls have a passing area, altitude, climate, and other envi-
comparatively unproblematic (though highly ronmental constraints. The problems asso-
interesting) biota, and do not enter the region- ciated with previous biogeographic region-
alization problem. Makatea islands have alizations are thus resolved.
292 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 46, April 1992

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