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The Center for

Tactical Magic
Whether you choose to regard it as an illusion, a sleight, a spell, or
an invocation, this pamphlet is best thought of in terms of magic(k).
This may seem confusing at first, especially since “magic” means
many things to many people. The Center for Tactical Magic does not
exclusively align itself with any one interpretation of “magic”, in part
because it is the vast range of interpretations that give magic(k)—both
with and without the “K”—power in the world of meaning. Therefore Choose an institutional target (school, Authority is, in fact, a small group
this mini grimoire is likely to exploit many of your preconceptions of corporation, government agency, etc.) of controlling individuals that assert
magic(k) in an effort to dislodge your comfortable sensibilities. their will on the greater community.
Create a small label (approximately 3”
One of the first lessons of magic(k) that we learn as children is that x 4”) which includes the institution’s Before the institution can respond
words and symbols have power. Abracadabra. Hocus Pocus. A 5-pointed seal or logo, as well as the words “Signs to the postings and graffiti, covertly
star. A 4-leaf clover. As we get older, this primary notion quickly or Graffiti Permitted on This Surface” distribute this notice as widely as
(or an appropriate variation of your possible. Post it in areas where no
degrades and often becomes the source of an adult’s first dismissive
choosing). previous postings have appeared as
tendencies towards magic(k). Too many hokey movies and failed
well as in the most obvious places.
attempts to levitate with an utterance conspire against us. Soon the Affix the labels to various surfaces Place notices in employee/student
lesson is forgotten; magic(k) words and the power of symbols sneak within the institution. At first, target mailboxes, on the windshields of
away to party with Santa and the Tooth Fairy. surfaces that have existing postings parked cars, or in lunchrooms and
or writing (e.g. – bulletin boards, other meeting areas. The distribution
But words and symbols continue to work their magic(k) regardless of bathroom walls, pay phones, etc.) of this notice should appear obsessive/
whether or not we believe in them. Although the magi on Madison compulsive.
Avenue now refer to spells, incantations and sigils as slogans, jingles Begin responding to your own labels
and logos, the effects are just as powerful as ever. by covertly adding signs, postings, and Replace any labels that have since
graffiti. Be sure to vary the content been removed and continue to add
and use multiple scripts or different graffiti and postings. At this point
Authority commonly wields power through the manipulation of sign
graphic elements. Some gestures, tags, some graffiti/postings should be
systems which individuals are collectively programmed to accept as
or styles should appear more prolific direct responses to the “institutional
valid structures of discipline and control. Fortunately, magic(k) is an than others so as to convince the notice”. Some responses should
open-source technology that doesn’t exclusively belong to advertising “authorities” that multiple individuals sound incensed, while others should
execs and policy-makers. are responding to the labels in no appear mocking. Most likely, other
organized fashion. anonymous individuals will have
Outlined here are sequences of actions that will effectively illustrate joined in at this point and the debate
these dynamics. The following sequences of actions also serve as a On institutional letterhead, create should be widening.
general spell for revealing that “authority” is a subjective force, and that your own notice harshly condemning
victory is awarded to those who play the ‘Sign Game’ best. While strict the labels, the postings, and the Locate a blank section of wall, or an
adherence to the spell will often yield successful results, an accurate writings. The notice should be brief, area where graffiti has been allowed to
but the tone should sound severe persist. Using a slightly off-color shade
understanding of the underlying principles will allow for delightful
and reactionary. Cite non-existent of paint, cover a large, uneven section
adaptations and diverse applications.
laws or rules that promise extreme of the wall. Affix a sign alongside
penalties in order to encourage debate. reading, “Wet Paint” and another
Have Fun & Good Luck! Misspelling a key word or two will aid stating that “any graffiti which does not
in undermining the voice of Authority, beautify the area will not be tolerated”.
as well as giving the impression that This will give the impression that the
Authorities are ineptly attempting to community center, lounge, or project
cover the graffiti, while simultaneously funding), asking for more community
giving a nod to “acts of beauty.” dialogue or representation (push for
shared power and self-management),
Create a second notice stating that or requesting conditions that are less
employees/students/community- restrictive/oppressive (more time off,
members may be subject to random less rules or better use of community
searches for graffiti paraphernalia. funds). Or, just sit back and watch the
Distribute it widely. Additionally, signs fireworks.
should be posted declaring rewards
for reporting graffiti as well as phone If events haven’t climaxed by
numbers to call (police, management, this point, create a final notice
etc). summarizing the institution’s Police often use mind-tricks or verbal 4. Do NOT lie. Lying to a police officer
willingness to respond to concerns misdirection to gain control in a is a crime that can get you into even
Continue to add graffiti and postings, raised at the meeting. Declare new situation. It’s actually quite common more trouble.
but extend the range outside of the policies and promises; be sure to be for a cop to ask you to do something in 5. Do NOT physically resist even if
proximity of the labels. creative about your desires (designated a manner which sounds like an order. you know the cop is abusing his/her
graffiti/posting zones, slackening of “Would you please step out of your car authority.
If the debate has become heated rules or restrictions, school/business and open your trunk now, ma’am!?” 6. Make a note of his/her name and
enough at this point, create another holidays, etc.). At this point you and Can you hear the tone of voice in badge number. (They are legally
notice/e-mail in the “voice of your community are the authorities, your head? It sounds like you have required to make this information
Authority” declaring a “town-hall” so start acting like it by making the to comply, right? Wrong! Except at visible and available.) This may
meeting with attendance required. Be necessary changes and organizing for international borders, you have a right come in handy later, especially
sure to include a sentence indicating a better tomorrow! to privacy and never have to consent if you want to file a complaint or
that food and beverages will be to a search of your car, your home, or contact a lawyer.
provided (You may even want to your body (including bags, packages, 7. And NEVER consent to a search if
place a large order for pizzas to be backpacks, etc). And the police can you know that they’ll find something
delivered). The date of the meeting only conduct a search if they can prove illegal. Evidence seized during an
should give the “authorities” as little “probable cause” (i.e., you left a bag illegal search is not admissible in
time to prepare as possible. of weed sitting out on your back seat court. But if you consent, and they
in open view), or they have a warrant. find something, you’re screwed.
A NOTE ON THE WORKPLACE: If the (Unless, of course you’re being served
target institution is the workplace, then with a Section 215 order from the USA PLEASE NOTE: According to our
give consideration to the scheduling Patriot Act, in which case you not only research, this is accurate information:
time. A lunch-hour meeting will impose don’t have any rights, but you’re also however, we are not lawyers, and the
on co-workers and encourage opposition legally prohibited from telling anyone above does not represent legal advice, so
to the institution. A mid-afternoon or about it.) So, how can one defend please don’t sue us.
mid-morning meeting will result in a against such a binding spell? Heed
period of non-productivity that will these magic(k) words:
provide a much-deserved break for your
co-workers. An after-work meeting time 1. Remain calm and ask the cop to
should include a promise of overtime respect your right to privacy.
wage compensation for all attendees. 2. State clearly that you do not consent
to a search.
Have fun at the meeting, but be careful 3. In a motor vehicle, you are legally
not to take sides in a manner that required to show a valid driver’s
will draw attention to you. At most, license, current registration, and,
make constructive suggestions or in some states, proof of insurance.
offer compromises such as calling for Beyond that, you are not required to
more communal space or resources (a answer any questions.
The origin of curses is ill-defined; corporate neo-feudalism and wage-
yet it’s certain that we find hexes, slavery, it seems only fitting that we
whammies, jinxes, the “evil eye” should revive and update this bit of
and all sorts of maleficia in cultures mojo. As such, we suggest that the
spanning time and geography. More modern sticker-hex might produce
often than not, curses have been cast several positive results:
over personal disputes, vindictive
rages, and petty jealousies. However, 1. Making diagrammatic hexes in the
there are also instances of curses being form of easily applied stickers links
deployed in collective struggles. modern street practices (like graffiti)
to much older forms of magical
In the Middle Ages, the peasant class resistance (such as the placing of
had no easy avenue of representation curses on the property of feudal
through which they could air lords).
grievances against their feudal
lords. So somewhere between total 2. This user-friendly spell/tactic
subjugation and full-scale revolt, introduces people to a model
curses became a tactic of dissent. of action: First, think through
By discretely attaching hexes to the your issue to find a root cause(s).
property of the feudal lord, the ruling Then, find a way to physically
authorities could be made aware of address the offending source.
the growing social distemper. While This model contrasts starkly with
the nobility might be quick to dismiss more alienated reactions against
the hexes as mere foolishness, the abstracted frustrations. As opposed
laborers of the manor, who belonged to feeling like the problems are
to the “superstitious” peasant class, poverty, or starvation, or war, we
could be relied upon to take the hexes can focus on financial institutions,
a bit more seriously (and perhaps agribusiness, or Halliburton.
melodramatically). And unless the
feudal lord took steps to remove the 3. Most people are far more
curse, the manor and the fief would superstitious than they are willing
slip into a dysfunctional mess. Of to admit. Even if the magical
course, the method of removing the construction of the curse falls short,
curse would involve rectifying any the mystical appearance of the
prevailing injustices. sticker often can achieve certain
desired effects. (In one instance, a
It’s not too difficult to imagine that cursed check sent to a credit card
similar dramas were no doubt enacted company went un-cashed for nearly
hundreds of years later on plantations 3 months!).
across the colonized globe. A bit
of well-placed Hoodoo or Voodoo 4. Lastly, if you have any doubts as to
could serve to amplify the collective whether or not the curse works, just
concerns of house slaves and field ask the folks over at Bear Stearns and
slaves alike. Even if the plantation Citi Corp. (We’re not saying we’re
owner took little heed of the “mumbo- responsible; we’re just saying…)
jumbo,” the workers would certainly
make a fuss until things were set right. To be clear about our position, we are
not openly advocating the cursing of
Based on these precedents, as well individual people. Despite the fact that
as on our contemporary context of the Supreme Court re-interpreted the
14th Amendment (originally enacted solution to this problem?” (If you’re
to protect the rights of freed slaves) to not sure, do a little research).
grant corporations “personhood”, the
inhuman conduct of some institutions, 4. Most likely, you will conclude that
agencies, and corporations not only a large corporation, government
When we close our eyes and think of In 2007, the Pentagon summoned
proves that they are not persons, agency, social institution, or
wizards, we might imagine a bearded forth Raytheon’s “Silent Guardian”—a
but also makes them worthy of any other organizational entity is
old geezer in robes standing on the giant heat-ray mounted on a military
maledictions they might receive. at least partially responsible for
castle ramparts overlooking a raging Hummer that is intended for use as
While the Center for Tactical Magic perpetuating the problem you seek
battlefield below. As he mumbles some mobile crowd control by beaming a
does not ascribe to a belief system to address. Write that name inside
magic words, a fireball leaps from silent, invisible wave that heats people’s
polarized into Black and White magic, the red circle. (Note: this will not
his outstretched palm, blazes across skin up to half a kilometer away.
it is nevertheless important to note work against individuals, which
the darkened sky, and strikes some
that religious and secular circles alike unfortunately includes bosses,
unsuspecting knight off his steed. Although your current level of
largely agree that actively combating landlords, politicians, cops, etc.).
Indeed, this is the sort of sorcerer often activism might not require you
physical, psychical and spiritual
conjured in J.R.R. Tolkien, Dungeons to hone your missile defenses or
injustice is a virtuous act that liberates 5. Close your eyes and envision the
& Dragons, and Hollywood cheese. shield yourself from high-intensity
oneself and others from the abuses entire design, complete with the
Although we might be hard-pressed Hummers, there’s a good chance that
of power. Even Gerald Gardner (oft name written in the circle. Watch
to find historical evidence proving you’ll encounter a bit of liquid fire
regarded as the “Founding Father of the name fade to nothingness. Now
that such feats of magic were ever being dispensed by the riot police at
Wicca”) is reputed to have organized envision the positive results that
performed, we can certainly locate a your local rally. The cops’ hot sauce
his coven to curse Hitler and the Nazis would occur if your target’s vile
few contemporary counterparts. might be better than a wizard’s fireball,
during World War II (and we all know actions were to disappear.
but it still doesn’t make pepper
how that one ended).
Theatrical magicians frequently spray any fun. So here are a couple
6. Open your eyes, and then, go
employ flash paper, flame-throwing of healing spells for overcoming the
Hopefully, the path we’re on now attach the hex to the property of the
wands, and various other fulminating worst of it:
seems a little less scary. If not, encircled establishment (you’ll need
gimmicks to replicate the wizard’s
don’t worry; we change directions a glue stick).
fireball. But perhaps a more accurate When the eyes and mouth burn from pepper
all the time and often step off the spray, there is but one law to obey:
version plays out in the “theater of
path altogether. So sit tight or start a 7. Relax. Breathe freely. Smile. You
conflict” of military operations. Today,
petition until we come back to our have just completed your first act L.A.W. – Liquid Antacid & Water
we don’t find the battle being fought
senses. For the rest of you, you too of street-level Tactical Magic by Combine water and the liquid antacid
from the castle tower. Instead, we have
can flaunt taboos by cutting out the taking that difficult first step in (i.e. Maalox) in a squirt bottle in a 1:1
to look in an underground bunker or 50/50 ratio, and use this potion to
diagrammatic hex on page six. and mentally, spiritually, and physically
where we find a stern figure wearing help treat pepper spray burns to the
following these magic words: addressing social injustice!
a strange uniform ornamented with eyes, nose, and mouth. The affected
pins, medallions, and cryptic insignia. area should first be treated with water,
To cast the spell:
He peers not into a crystal ball, but then with the mixture, followed by
rather into a liquid crystal display more water.
1. Relax. Take a deep breath. Exhale.
(LCD) screen. And then he utters only
Repeat. When tear gas and pepper spray burn the
one word - “Fire!” – whereupon another
uniformed minion presses a button. skin, summon MOFIBA and you will win.
2. Take a moment to reflect on the
At that precise moment, hundreds of
nasty policies, social ills, and M.O.F.I.B.A. – Mineral Oil Followed
miles away, the ground opens up and Immediately By Alcohol
community woes that need to be
a missile launches upward, rises up For treating surface burns from
challenged and corrected.
above the heavens, and comes crashing tear gas or pepper spray, wipe the
down in a fiery blast in a far off land affected area with a cloth, gauze pad,
3. Choose an issue that you feel
on another continent. or bandana soaked in mineral oil.
particularly drawn to, and ask
Then, quickly remove the mineral oil
yourself, “What is most responsible using another cloth soaked in rubbing
Even at street level, the controversy
for this dire situation? What alcohol. These healing cloths can be
remains heated over hot new
obstacles stand in the way of a prepared ahead of time and stored in
technologies deployed against activists.
separate zip-lock bags.
to growth and decay. This sensory Tupperware container, or drink bottle
inversion of material relationships and hide it in a good place:
is echoed throughout everyday life
and popular culture. Economic • 1-2 cups of milk
exchanges, for example, are marked
Throughout the long histories of Once a week for at least a month,
by swapping scraps of green paper • 1-2 eggs
magic(k) and religion, food has played prepare a meal that uses ingredients
for objects which maintain an actual
a transformational role. Whether we for their symbolic value. Start by
use-value; among the most notable • a chunk of bread (or packet of yeast)
look at the Christian Eucharist or considering a desired outcome (a
are clothing, shelter, and, of course,
Chung Ling Soo’s ability to make bowls different wish, goal, etc for each meal).
food. This material inversion is again • a few pieces of raw chicken
of rice appear from thin air, we find Next, consider the events that have to
echoed in consumer choices at the
food has a power that reaches beyond unfold in order to accomplish your
local market place and in the factories • and a couple of teaspoons of sugar
our stomachs. And the roots of its goal. Associate one ingredient for each
and laboratories of the industrial
power are concealed by its relationship event. Your associations may be literal
sector. We see potential poisons turned Then sit back and let your potion
to such hidden forces as hunger, or abstract. Perhaps you’re not even
into useful medications, and we see perfume as Time and Nature take care
nutrition, comfort, repulsion, and a sure why the ingredient reminds you
innocuous everyday materials used of the rest!
wide range of social relations. Like of the event. The ingredients don’t all
in the production of weapons, either
so many other hidden forces, these need to be cooked in the same pot, and
at the hands of terrorists, nations, or * This is an exercise that employs
have the ability to shift perceptions, it’s OK to use spices for flavor. Eat as
mischievous pranksters. From food- the alchemical inversion principle to
priorities and outcomes. But to do so much as fills you up.
fights, to egging, to stink bombs, to the common materials and dietary staples.
we must recognize their presence and
classic banana-in-the-tailpipe, foods The transformation of materials leads us
figure out how to work with them. * This is an exercise that relies on a
have been used not merely as culinary to the material of transformation.
The following exercises are designed natural survival behavior to process and
ingredients, but also as ingredients
to encourage further exploration of manifest a desire through mental and
for contestation. Do you want to make
hidden forces. You can treat them as physical consumption, digestion, and
a big stink about a boss, landlord,
magical experiments, interventions, or excretion. It works best if you find a way
school principal, police station, or foul
alternative forms of entertainment. to make strange foods tastefully coexist
institution? It’s easy! To banish these
on the same plate.
malodorous miscreants with your own
Go to the grocery store without the
odiferous potion, simply combine the
intention of buying anything. Bring a Most magic illusions are based on
following ingredients in a mason jar,
pad of post-it notes and a pen. Respond visual deceptions; however, the Oxford
to the products you see by writing a Companion to the Mind insists, “All
note and sticking it to the product. the senses can suffer illusions…”
You might consider the following: the For example, everyone knows the
packaging/marketing strategy used old trick of tasting an apple and
to encourage your purchase; the way a potato while pinching the nose
the product makes you feel when closed. What other illusions rely on
you see it, use it, or eat it; a message deceiving the sense of smell? How
or a question to another potential about the phantasmal stench of the
consumer or store employee; a critique legendary Chicken Bomb? Most
of the product or the company; a people’s relationship with food is
creative suggestion for alternate uses through sensory gratification; through
of the product. taste but also through scent, sight,
and texture. But, like all materials,
*This is an exercise that shifts perception food can also be transformed, and
This pamphlet is the sixth of the Artists & Activists series.
by changing the activity performed in when it is, our relationship to it is Published by Printed Matter, Inc., New York City, 2009.
an otherwise familiar environment. Like changed as well. A once-delicious
Copyright free: you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform this work and to make derivative works.
graffiti responding to a billboard, it also meal that has been left too long in
encourages a dialogue in an otherwise the back of the fridge turns repulsive Printed Matter’s Artists & Activists series is made possible by generous funding from the Gesso Foundation.

one-way relationship and breaks the and reminds us that food—like all ISBN 978-0-89439-038-8
illusion of a “neutral” exchange. organic matter—is equally subject

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