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Work is defined as the product of the component of the force
in the direction of the displacement and the magnitude of this

 It is a scalar quantity.
 Unit : It’s S.I unit is Joule.
 Formula : W = Fs or Fd

W = Work
F = Force
d or s = displacement

Energy is defined as the “ability to do work, which is the
ability to exert a force causing displacement of an object.”
 It is a scalar quantity
 Unit : It’s S.I unit is Joule
 Formula : E = mc2

Types of Energy:
The different types of energy include thermal
energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical
energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational
But the basic types of energy are:

 Potential Energy (P.E)

 Kinetic Energy (K.E)
Potential energy :
Potential energy, stored energy that depends
upon the relative position of various parts of a system.

U = mgh
U = gravitational energy
m = mass
g = gravitational field
h = height

Kinetic energy :
Kinetic Energy is the energy an object has
because of its motion.

K.E. = 1/2 m v2
Work Energy Theorem
Introduction :
According to this theorem, the net work done on a body is equal
to the change in kinetic energy of the body. This is known as Work-Energy
Statement :
The work energy theorem states that the work done by
the net force on a body is equal to change in kinetic energy.

It can be represented as:

Kf – Ki = W
Kf = Final kinetic energy
Ki = Initial kinetic energy
W = net work done

So the above equation follows the law of conservation of energy according to which we
can only transfer energy from one form to another. Also here the work done is the work done by
all forces acting on the body like gravity, friction, external force etc. For example, consider the
following figure,
According to Work energy theorem,
Work done by all the forces = Change in Kinetic Energy

Wg + WN + Wf =Kf – Ki
Where ,
Wg = work done by gravity
WN = work done by a normal force
Wf = work done by friction
Kf = final kinetic energy
Ki = initial kinetic energy

 Work done by a constant force

A constant force will produce constant acceleration. Let the acceleration be ‘a’.
From equation of motion,

v2 = u2 + 2as

2as = v2 – u2

Multiplying both side with mass ‘m’

(ma).s = (mv2 – mu2)/2

F.s = (mv2 – mu2)/2

Comparing the above equation we get,

Work done by force (F) = F.s
Where ‘s’ is the displacement of the body.
 Work done by Non-Uniform Force
 Now the equation,
 W = F.ds
 This is only valid when force remains constant throughout the displacement.
Suppose we have a force represented below,

For these kinds of forces, we can assume that force remains constant for
a very small displacement and then integrate that from the initial
position to the final position.

This is work done by a variable force. A graphical approach to this

would be finding the area between F(x) and x from xi to xf .

The shaded portion represents the work done by force F(x).

Another statement of the work energy theorem:
According to the work-energy
theorem, the work done by the net force on a body equals a change in kinetic

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = Kf – Ki
∫ 𝑓⃗. 𝑑𝑟

We know,

Differentiating with respect to time we get,

dk/dt =Fv cosϴ
If the resultant force makes some angle with the velocity, then,

dK = 𝐹⃗ .dr
Work-Energy Theorem Derivation

Explanation :
The work ‘W’ done by the net force on a particle is equal to
the change in the particle’s kinetic energy (KE).

Farmula :
d = (vf2 – vi2) / 2a
Let us consider a case where the resultant force ‘F’ is constant in both direction
and magnitude and is parallel to the velocity of the particle. The particle is moving
with constant acceleration along a straight line. The relationship between the
acceleration and the net force is given by the equation “F = ma” (Newton’s second
law of motion), and the particle’s displacement ‘d’, can be determined from the
vf2 = vi2 +2ad
W = ∆K.E = ½ mvf2 - ½mvi2
The work of the net force is calculated as the product of its magnitude (F=ma) and
the particle’s displacement. Substituting the above equations yields:

W = Fd = ma(vf2 - vi2) / 2a
= ½ mvf2 - ½mvi2
= K.Ef – K.Ei
= final kinetic energy – initial kinetic energy
= change in kinetic energy
W = ∆K.E
Limitations of Work-Energy Theorem
Initially, the rule came from Newton's second law, and hence it is applicable to the
particles. Objects that are like particles are considered for this rule. So, if all the object
particles behave like particles, we can consider the whole object as a particle.

Work energy theorem is used to solve different types of problems but it has a limitation
that it does not give complete information about the real cause of motion which is the
dynamics of Newton’s second law of motion and is called the scalar form of Newton’s
second law of motion. Work energy theorem also does not define the direction of

Application of Work-Energy Theorem

Explanation :
The application of the Work-Energy theorem is that it is very
useful in analyzing situations where a rigid body should move under several forces.
A rigid body cannot store the potential energy in its lattice due to its rigid structure
and it can only possess kinetic energy. The work done by any force acting on a
rigid body is eventually equal to the change in its kinetic energy and it is the basis
of the work-energy equation for rigid bodies.

Case I : Work done by Gravitational force :

Wg = ∆K.E

= K.Ef – K.Ei
= 0 - ½mvi2
Wg = - ½mvi2

Case II : Work done by air friction force :

Wtotal = ∆K.E Wg=mgh
Wg + Wf = K.Ef – K.Ei Wf = ?
mgh + wf = ½mv2 - 0
wf = ½mv2 - mgh
Case III : Work done by INCLINED PLANE :

W= ∆K.E
Wg = K.Ef – K.Ei
Wg = ½mv2 - 0
mgh = ½mv2
gh = ½v2
2gh = v2
v = √2gh
Case IV : Work done by Pendulum :

W= ∆K.E cosϴ = l-h/l

Wg = K.Ef – K.Ei l-h = lcosϴ
h = l- lcosϴ
mgh = ½ mvf2 - ½mvi2 h = l(1-cosϴ)
Putting value of h ,we have;

-mg l(1-cosϴ) = ½ m(vf2 - vi2)

Diagram :
Case V : Work done by BLOCK :

W= ∆K.E
-F(x) = K.Ef – K.Ei
-F(x) = 0 – ½mvi2
-F(x) = - ½mvi2
F(x) = ½mvi2
F(x) = ½ (mvi2/x)

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