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a) How do you evaluate your academic skills (writing, reading, public speaking, research)
on a scale 1-10? Explain in detail
b) How do you evaluate your soft skills (critical thinking, collaboration, time management,
creativity of ideas, persuasion) on a scale 1-10? Explain in detail.
c) What are your impressions after Session 1?

Hello teacher, let me introduce a little bit again about myself. My name is Kieu Nhat An and I am a
freshman at ISB. I tend to be a Marketer and I hope that I can do well in this course.

a) Beginning with the first question, in terms of my writing skill, I believe that this skill is my
strongest one and I evaluate my writing skill on a scale 8 per 10. Due to the fact that before
doing the IELTS test, I focused on practicing and improving my writing skill a lot or even I
spent most of my time on this skill. In addition to this, during the lockdown in 2021, I had an
EAP5 course which assisted me with knowing how to write academic and formal reports and

Next to reading skills, I think I am not good at scanning and skimming skills, so I evaluate my
reading skill at 6. In fact, in recent years I have tried my best to read English news, English
in4, reports, and sample essays a lot, but I recognize that this skill is in very slow progress
and sometimes I feel a little bit disappointing.

Moreover, how about my public speaking? I love speaking even though I speak not so well,
and I believe that my speaking is about 7 per 10. After graduating high school, I participated
in many public speaking workshops and competitions in Ho Chi Minh City. I tried to show off
myself and my abilities to everyone and finally, I won the fear of speaking in front of a

The final skill is research skill. This skill requires people with high patience and diligent
search for information, so it’s quite suitable for me and I think it’s 7 per 10. Actually, I
recognize that in order to research information, we should have good skimming and
scanning skills, but like I said that I am not good at these skills but trying to sum up in4 and
data is also in my field.

b) Next to the second question, I reckon that critical thinking and creativity of ideas are my
favorite soft skill because they challenge me to create new things for my study, and my work
and also solve difficult problems in different situations, but I love this. Therefore, I evaluate
both soft skills at 8. Furthermore, collaboration and persuasion are also in my field
owing to the fact that I lean towards teamwork efficiency, protecting and developing
my creative ideas if they are worthy, so these skills are at 7 per 10. Finally, time
management is my weak skill and I evaluate it at 5 because I am really not good at
controlling my time and planning it, so that’s why I usually delay deadlines.

c) Final question is a good question for me to talk about my impression after the first
lesson. I love the fun learning atmosphere in the first session and know more
personal information about some classmates. Additionally, I love the way that my
teacher connects everyone in the class by creating games. In conclusion, I love
everyone and I hope I can contribute my abilities to help class more effectively.

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