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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
Judge Jose De Venecia Sr. Technical – Vocational Secondary School
Bolosan, Dagupan City

Analyzing the Correlation between Peer Tutoring and English Language

Fluency among Grade 12-HUMSS B students at Judge Jose De Venecia Senior
Technical-Vocational Secondary School

Research by:
Princess Margaret C. Pineda
Lara Kaye Ferrer
Bea Mae Galon
Jenny Rose Zarate
Silverio Garcia Jr.
Johnrell Gumawid

Submitted to:
Subject Teacher


Introduction 3
Background of the Study 3
Statement of the Problem 4
Research Questions 4


Background of The Study

English language competency is an essential talent in the global setting that promotes professional success,
educational achievement, and communication (Philippine Constitution, 1987). The capacity to communicate
successfully in English is becoming more and more important for individuals, communities, and nations as
the globe grows more linked. Fluency in the English language is essential for academic and professional
success in the Philippines, where it is one of the official languages and a medium of instruction in schools
(Philippine Constitution, 1987).
There is a wealth of research on improving English language competency worldwide, but few studies
specifically address the connection between English language fluency among Filipino students and peer
tutoring, particularly locally. Peer support and community-based learning are deeply ingrained in Philippine
culture, and these approaches might be key to raising the English language proficiency of the nation's high
school pupils.
Peer tutoring has been shown to have good impacts on academic achievement and language learning in
several international studies (Topping & Ehly, 1998). Topping and Ehly (1998), for example, discovered
that peer tutoring increased motivation and self-worth, which in turn improved language learning results.
To improve English language competency, the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines actively
supports cutting-edge teaching strategies (DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2016). However, there isn't much local
research looking at how peer tutoring affects Grade 12 HUMSS B students' fluency in the English language.
As a prestigious secondary school, Judge Jose De Venecia Senior Technical-Vocational Secondary School,
it is imperative to evaluate the relationship between peer tutoring and English language proficiency among
its Grade 12 HUMSS B students. This study is significant for advancing national educational goals and
improving the quality of education both locally and nationally (DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2016).

By examining the connection between peer tutoring and English language proficiency in this particular
school setting, this correlational study aims to close this gap (Topping & Ehly, 1998). In doing so, the study
hopes to offer insightful information and supporting data that might influence national and local educational
policies and practices, thereby improving Filipino students' English language competency (Topping & Ehly,

Statement of the problem

Proficiency in the English language is a fundamental ability that is essential to students' academic
achievement and future employment opportunities. Proficiency in English communication is not only
advantageous but also frequently necessary for people to interact with a multicultural and linked world.
English language proficiency is essential for both academic and professional growth, and it is especially
clear in the Philippines, where it is the official language and the medium of instruction in schools (Philippine
Constitution, 1987).
While English language competency is widely recognized as important, there is currently a lack of local
research examining the relationship between peer tutoring and English language proficiency among Grade
12 HUMSS B students at Judge Jose De Venecia Senior Technical-Vocational Secondary School. Peer
tutoring has been shown to have a positive impact on language acquisition and academic performance in
both national and international studies. However, the precise relationship between peer tutoring and English
language fluency in this particular educational context remains poorly understood (Topping & Ehly, 1998;
DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2016).
This is a significant research gap since the Philippines is still looking for new and creative ways to improve
English language competency and encourage efficient teaching strategies in its educational system.
Localized studies that look at how well peer tutoring improves English language proficiency are crucial for
guiding national and local educational policies and practices. By investigating the relationship between peer
tutoring and English language proficiency among Grade 12 HUMSS B students at Judge Jose De Venecia
Senior Technical-Vocational Secondary School, this study seeks to close this gap.

Research Questions
1. How much does the frequency of peer tutoring sessions at Judge Jose De Venecia Senior Technical-
Vocational Secondary School affect the fluency of Grade 12 HUMSS B students in English?

2. What influence does the experience of the tutor and the receptivity of the tutee have on the efficacy of
peer tutoring in improving English language fluency among HUMSS B students in Grade 12?

3. If so, what are the consequences of these differences? Does the efficiency of peer tutoring in enhancing
English language fluency among Grade 12 HUMSS B students vary depending on the student's age, gender,
and past English language proficiency levels?

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