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Microsoft Word Student Guide – By

Saif Khan

Introduction To Microsoft Word

Table of Contents
Opening a New Document .........................................................................................................................
Navigating the Toolbar ..............................................................................................................................
Clipboard ...................................................................................................................................................
Cut ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Copy ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Paste ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Format Painter .................................................................................................................................... 4
Font ...........................................................................................................................................................
Changing font and text size .................................................................................................................. 5
Bold/Italicize/Underline text ................................................................................................................ 5
Other font tools .................................................................................................................................... 6
Paragraph ..................................................................................................................................................
Bulleted and numbered lists ................................................................................................................. 7
Indenting ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Alignment and spacing ......................................................................................................................... 8
Shading and borders ............................................................................................................................ 9
Styles .......................................................................................................................................................
Inserting Content .....................................................................................................................................
Pages .......................................................................................................................................................
Cover Page ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Blank Page ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Page Break ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Tables ......................................................................................................................................................
Table Design ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Illustrations ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Pictures ............................................................................................................................................... 13


Shapes ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Icons .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Charts ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Header and Footer ..................................................................................................................................
Header ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Footers ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Page number ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Text ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Text box .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Word art ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Drop caps ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Signature line ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Date and time ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Symbols ...................................................................................................................................................
Equations ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Symbols ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Layout ........................................................................................................................................................
Page Setup ..............................................................................................................................................
Margins ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Orientation .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Size ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Columns .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Paragraph ................................................................................................................................................
Indent .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Spacing................................................................................................................................................ 25
Reviewing Your Document .....................................................................................................................
Proofing ...................................................................................................................................................
Check document ................................................................................................................................. 25
Thesaurus ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Word Count ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Language .................................................................................................................................................


Translate ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Language ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Comments ...............................................................................................................................................
Tracking .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Changes ...................................................................................................................................................

MW Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................................................................................

Additional Resources ...............................................................................................................................

Opening a New Document:

• Open Microsoft Word (MW or Word) and navigate to the templates menu
• If you want to customize the layout, design, and formatting, select blank document
• If you want to use a premade template for a specific type of document, select from the given
options or choose more templates

Navigating the Toolbar:

• There are four main sections of the toolbar: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, and Styles.


• The MW Clipboard is a tool that allows you to virtually copy or cut text, images, or other
content, and paste them elsewhere in the document.
• There are four tools in the clipboard section of the toolbar: Cut, Copy, Paste, and Format painter
o Cut: This action becomes available when content is selected/highlighted. Choose this option
to remove the content.
o Copy: This action becomes available when content is selected/highlighted. Choose this
option to duplicate the content. Note: after you click ‘copy’ the content does not appear
in the document; MW holds the copy virtually until you indicate where you would like to
place the copied content in the document.
o Paste: This action becomes available when you have cut or copied content from your
document or another application. Choose the default paste option to maintain the
original formatting of the content. If you want to paste content with formatting that is
different than the source, choose the drop-down menu, select paste special, and choose
the option that suits your need.

o Format Painter: This action allows you to copy formatting from one part of your
document and replicate it elsewhere in the document. To use, select the text with the
formatting you would like to copy, select the format painter icon, and then highlight the
text that you would like to format.






• The font section contains tools that format your text, including changing font and text size,
bold/italicize/underline text, strikethrough, sub- or superscript, highlighting or changing text
color, adding text effects, and changing case.
• Changing font and text size:
o Click the left-hand drop-down menu to change the font. Scroll to view all available fonts
and click to select your choice. To change the font of existing text, highlight the text first,
then click the drop-down menu and select the desired font.


o Click the right-hand drop-down menu to change the text size. Select the desired size, or
click in the text box to manually type a specific size. You can also use the icons to the
right of the text box to either increase text size (A^ ) or decrease text size (A ). To edit
existing text, select the text before changing the size.

Type to enter
specific font size Increase (left) and decrease (right) font size

• Bold, italicize, and underline text:

o Bold: select the B to type bolded text. To bold existing text, select the text first, then
select the B

o Italicize: select the I to type italicized text. To italicize existing text, select the text first,
then select the I

o Underline: select the U to underline text as you type. To underline existing text, select
the text, then select the U. To change the style or color of the underline, select the drop-
down menu and choose the desired style.


• Other font tools:

o Strikethrough: Select the ab to strikethrough text as you type. To strikethrough existing
text, select the text first, then select the ab.

o Subscriptexample: Select the x2 to type a subscript. To change existing text to a subscript,

select the text first, then select the x2

o Superscriptexample: Select the x2 to type a superscript. To change existing text to a

superscript, select the text first, then select the x2

o Highlighting: Select the existing text that you wish to highlight and click the highlighter
icon. To change the color of the highlighter, click the drop-down menu and select the
desired color


o Changing text color: Select the drop-down menu by the text color icon and choose a
theme color, standard color, or customize the shade by clicking more colors. To change
the color of existing text, select the text first, then choose the color.

o Adding text effects: Select the drop-down menu and bychoose

the the desired effect.
To add effects on existing text, select the text first, then select the desired effect.

o Changing Text Case: To change text case, select the drop-down menu by the Aa icon and
choose from Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalize Each Word, or tOGGLE
cASE. To change the case of existing text, select the text first and then choose the
desired case.

• The paragraph section contains tools for formatting the basic layout of your document,
including bulleted and numbered lists, indenting, alignment and spacing, and shading and
• Bulleted and numbered lists:
o To start a bulleted or numbered list, click the corresponding icon. Use the dropdown
menu to change the shape of the bullet or the style of numbering. To indent underneath
one of the points in the list, hit ‘enter’ to create a new bullet and then hit ‘tab’. To create
a list out of existing content, select all of the content and then click the icon of the list you
want to create.


• Indenting o To change the indent of your paragraph, or how far it is from the edge of the paper,
place your cursor to the left of the text, then select either the ‘decrease indent’ or ‘increase
indent’ icons

Decrease indent Increase indent

• Alignment and spacing o There are four alignment options in MW: left, center, right, and justify.
Left- and right-align will align content with their respective margins. The center alignment will
center content on the page. The justify alignment evenly distributes the text between the
margins. To set alignment, click the corresponding icon. To change alignment of existing
content, select the content first, then click the icon


Center-align Right-align
o To change text spacing, select the drop-down menu by the spacing icon. Then, choose
the preset spacing you want, or select ‘Line Spacing Options…’ to customize the
spacing. There is also the option to ‘add/remove space after paragraph’. Selecting this
option will change how much space is automatically added when pressing the enter
button to create a new line


• Shading and borders o Shading: Shading is similar to highlighting, but offers a wider range of
colors. To shade your content, select the drop-down menu by the paint bucket icon and choose
a color. To shade pre-existing content, select the content first, then choose a color.

o Borders: Use the border feature to add an outline to your content. Select the dropdown
menu by the grid icon and choose which borders you want to apply to your content. To

add borders on pre-existing content, select the content first, then choose the border
you want. Select ‘Borders and Shading…’ from the drop-down
menu to change the style , color, or weight of the borders

• The styles section contains preset formatting options that can be applied to your document
overall. Open the drop-down menu to view all available presets, or select ‘Create a Style’ to save
your current formatting to the Styles library.



• The inserting content menu can be accessed by selecting the ‘Insert’ tab on the toolbar. It is
organized into a number of sections, including pages, tables, illustrations, header & footer, text,
and symbols Pages:
• The pages section allows you to insert a cover page, blank page, or page break

o Cover page: select the cover page drop-down menu and choose one of the cover page
templates. You can also view an extended library of templates by clicking on ‘More
cover pages from’



o Blank page: select this to insert a new blank page below your cursor. MW will
automatically insert a blank page as you are typing when you reach the end of a page
o Page break: select page break to add a new page below the one you are working on and
move to that page.

• The tables section allows you to create a table right in your document. Select the table drop-
down menu and choose the size of table that you want to insert. You can also select ‘Quick
Tables’ to use any of the MW table templates or ‘Draw Table’ to manually create the table by
clicking and dragging your cursor.

Once a table has been inserted, Table Design Layout



two new formatting tabs will


• Table Design:
o This tab offers design options for your table. Select one of the premade table styles from
the drop-down menu, or use the shading and border tools to customize your design.

• Layout:
o This tab has several sections with formatting options for your table, including Draw,
Rows and Columns, Merge, Cell Size, and Alignment

o Draw: Includes tools to draw or erase parts of a table manually

o Rows and Columns: Insert rows above or below the current row, insert columns left or
right of the current column, and delete rows or columns



o Merge: Merge separate cells into one, split a single cell into multiple cells, and split the
table so that a row or column is separate from the rest

o Cell Size: Manually adjust the dimensions of individual cells using the arrow keys or
typing a value. Use the ‘Autofit’ drop-down menu to automatically fit the width of your
table to the width of either the whole page, or your content. Select ‘Distribute
Rows/Columns’ to evenly distribute the height or width of selected cells.

o Alignment: Use the icons to select the text alignment within table cells, click ‘Text
Direction’ to rotate the text, and select ‘Cell Margins’ to customize cell margins and
spacing between cells

• The illustrations section has a variety of options for graphics that can be included in your
document, including pictures, shapes, icons, and charts. o Pictures: selecting pictures will open
your computer’s file browser, where you can select the image you wish to insert. Once you insert
an image, a ‘picture format’ tab will be added to the toolbar, which contains tools for cropping
and resizing your photo, as well as adding effects and changing its position on the page.



o Shapes: click the drop-down menu by ‘shapes’ to view the menu of available shapes.
Choose the shape that you wish to insert, then click and drag on the page to create the
shape in the size that you want. Once the shape is inserted, a ‘shape format’ tab will be
added to the toolbar, with options for resizing the shape, changing color, and changing
position on the page.



o Icons: opens a menu of premade icons that can be inserted into the document. After the
icon is inserted, a ‘graphics format’ tab will be added to the toolbar with options for

cropping, resizing, recoloring, or adding effects to the icon.

o Chart: opens a separate window where you can choose the category and type of chart
to insert. Once a chart is inserted, a corresponding MS Excel window will open for the
purpose of editing chart values. Chart titles, category labels and axis labels can be added
by clicking directly on the chart or by changing the corresponding label in the MS Excel



window. Two tabs, Chart Design and Format, will also be added to the toolbar with
options for changing color/design, cropping, and repositioning the chart.



Header & Footer:

• The header and footer section lets you edit the header and/or footer on your document, as well as
inserting a page number.

o Header: The header is text within the first inch of your document. It repeats on every
page and can be used to showcase information like title and author. To insert a header
click the drop-down menu by ‘Header’ and select a header template. You can also
manually format the header by choosing ‘Edit Header’ from the drop-down menu. After
you select the header to insert, a ‘Header & Footer’ tab will appear with formatting
options. Header text can be formatted using the ‘Font’ section on the ‘Home’ tab. To
remove an existing header, select ‘Remove Header’.

o Footer: The footer is text within the bottom inch of your document. It repeats on every
page and, like the header, can be used to showcase information like title and author. To
insert a footer, click the drop-down menu by ‘Footer’ and select a footer template. You
can also manually format the footer by choosing ‘Edit
Footer’. After you select the footer to insert, a ‘Header & Footer’ tab will appear with
formatting options. Footer text can be formatted using the ‘Font’ section on the ‘Home’
tab. To remove an existing footer, select ‘Remove Footer’.



o Page Number: To add a page number, select the drop-down menu by ‘Page Number’
and select the ‘Top of Page’ or ‘Bottom of Page’ menu, depending on where you want to
insert the page number. Then, choose a page number template. To remove an existing
page number, select ‘Remove Page Numbers’ from the first drop-down menu.

• The text section has options for adding non-standard text to your document.


o Text Box: A text box can be used to draw attention to important content, such as
headers or quotes. To insert a text box, select the drop-down menu and choose a built-
in text box template. You can also manually create a text box by selecting ‘Draw Text
Box’. After the text box is inserted, a ‘Shape Format’ tab will open with formatting

o Word Art: Use word art to add some artistic flair to your content. To insert word art,
select the drop-down menu by the word art icon and choose the style of word art that
you want to use. The colors displayed in the drop-down menu correspond to the preset
theme colors of your document and can be changed after the word art is inserted. Once
the word art is inserted, a ‘Shape Format’ tab will appear with options for formatting the
size, color, style, and position of the word art.


o Drop Caps: Drop caps are a large capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph. To add a
drop cap, select the drop-down menu by the drop cap icon and choose whether you
want the drop cap to be dropped, or in the margin.



o Signature Line: Add a signature line if you are creating a document requiring a
signature, such as a contract or a letter. Select the drop-down menu by the signature
line icon and click ‘Microsoft Office Signature Line’. A window will pop up where you
can enter the signer’s name and title.



John Doe

o Date and Time: To insert the current date and time, select the ‘Insert Date and Time’
icon. Choose one of the built-in formats to insert. Check the ‘Update Automatically’ box
to have the date update to whatever the current date is automatically.



• The symbols section includes options for inserting text that is not present on the keyboard,
including foreign and mathematic characters.

o Equation: To insert an equation, select the drop-down menu and choose one of the
built-in equation templates. Once the equation is inserted, it can be edited directly.
More templates can be accessed by clicking ‘More Equations from’. You can
also manually build your equation by selecting ‘Insert New Equation’. Choosing this
option will open the ‘Equation’ tab, which includes symbols and structures for writing



−𝑏±√𝑏 −4𝑎𝑐 −4±√42−4(3)(5)
𝑥= 𝑥= 2𝑎 2(3)
o Symbol: To insert a symbol, select the drop-down menu and choose one of the available
symbols. If you want a symbol that is not pictured, click ‘More
Symbols…’, choose a symbol or special character, and select insert.





• The layout tab contains options for formatting the actual pages that your content is on, including
adjusting the margins, changing orientation and page size, creating columns, and standardizing
the indent and spacing of your paragraphs

[Type here]

Page Setup
• Margins: To change the margins on your page, select the drop-down menu and choose one of
the built-in margin settings. To customize the margins, select ‘Custom Margins…’ and input the
values you want. You can also adjust the margins by clicking and dragging on the rulers at the
top and left of the page.

• Orientation: MW supports two orientations, portrait or landscape. The default orientation when
you open Word is portrait. To change to landscape orientation, select the dropdown menu and
click on ‘Landscape’

• Size: The default page size in Word is US Letter, 8.5” x 11”. To change the page size, select the
drop-down menu and choose one of the built-in templates. To manually enter a custom page
size, click ‘More Paper Sizes…’



• Columns: The default setting in MW is one column. To add more columns, select the drop-down
menu and choose a column preset. To customize the column settings, choose ‘More

[Type here]

• Indent: Indent allows you to choose how far away to move the paragraph from either margin. To
set the values, click into either the ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ box (depending on which margin you want
to edit) and type distance you want. You can also manually change the value by clicking on the
up or down arrows to the right of the text boxes.

• Spacing: Spacing allows you to change how much space appears before and after specific,
selected paragraphs. To set the values, click into either the ‘Before’ or ‘After’ box and type the
space you want before or after paragraphs. You can also manually change the value by clicking
on the up or down arrows to the right of the text boxes.




• The review tab contains tools for editing and revising your content with sections on proofing,
language, comments, tracking, and changes.

• Check Document: MW has a built-in editor that checks for spelling and grammar errors. Content
that MW labels as misspelled is underlined with red, while grammar errors are underlined with
green. To check all of the errors that MW identified in your document, click ‘Check Document’.
This will open the Editor panel. Click on ‘Spelling’, ‘Grammar’, or ‘Conciseness’ to view the
errors and recommendations for correcting them.


• Thesaurus: Click on ‘Thesaurus’ to open Word’s built-in thesaurus, then type the word you
want to find synonyms for. You can also right-click on a word and click on ‘Synonyms’ to view a
short list of similar words.

[Type here]

• Word Count: Word automatically counts the number of words, pages, characters (with and
without spaces), paragraphs, and lines in your document. To view this information, click on
‘Word Count’. You can also quickly check the number of words and pages in your document in
the lower left-hand panel of MW.

• Translate: The MW translate function allows you to translate a section of your document or to
create a translated copy of your document. Select the drop-down menu and choose the
appropriate option. This will open the Translator panel, where you can enter the language to
translate to/from.


[Type here]


• Language: The default proofing language for MW is English (United States). This can be
changed by going to the drop-down Language menu and selecting ‘Set Proofing Language…’.
You can also change the display language for the MW application by going to the drop-down
Language menu and selecting ‘Language Preferences…’




• The comments section is part of Word’s built-in collaboration system. Highlight the text you
want to leave a comment on and select ‘New Comment’. A comments panel will automatically
be added to the side of your document. If you share your document with others and they open
it in MW on their computer, their comments will appear under their name. Use the ‘Previous’
and ‘Next’ buttons to jump between comments on the document. To delete a comment, select
the comment and click ‘Delete’. Use the drop-down Delete menu to delete all comments in the
document. Use the ‘Reply’ feature to discuss the comment in the comments panel. You can also
mark a comment as completed without deleting it by selecting the comment and clicking
‘Resolve’. To revert a resolved comment, select the comment and choose ‘Reopen’

• The tracking section is also part of the MW collaboration system. Click on ‘Track Changes’ to
keep track of any changes that are made to your document. Text will automatically be red and
any deletions will appear as strikethroughs. If another author is editing your document, the
changes will be noted under their name.


• The changes section works with the tracking section for revising your content. Use the



‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ buttons to accept or reject changes that have been made using ‘Track
Changes’. Choosing ‘Accept’ automatically integrates the changes into your document, while
choosing ‘Reject’ will revert your content to what it was before the changes. Use the ‘Previous’
or ‘Next’ buttons to jump between tracked changes. You can also accept or reject all changes at
once by clicking the respective drop-down menus and selecting ‘Accept/Reject All Changes’

MW Keyboard Shortcuts
Function: Windows: MacOS

Open a document Ctrl + O

Create a new document Ctrl + N

Save document Ctrl + S Cmd + Shift + S

Close document Ctrl + W Cmd + F4

Cut Ctrl + X Cmd + X

Copy Ctrl + C Cmd + C

Paste Ctrl + V Cmd + V

Select all content Ctrl + A Cmd + A

Bold Ctrl + B Cmd + B

Italic Ctrl + I Cmd + I

Underline Ctrl + U Cmd + U



Function: Ctrl + Shift + < MacOS:

Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + > Cmd + Shift + <

Increase font size Ctrl + E Cmd + Shift + >

Center text Ctrl + L Cmd + E

Align text left Ctrl + R Ctrl + Cmd + L

Align text right Z Cmd + R Cmd +

Undo Ctrl + Y Z

Redo Ctrl + P Cmd + Y

Print Ctrl + Alt + I Cmd + P

Print Preview Ctrl + Shift + C

Copy selected formatting Ctrl + Shift + V Cmd + Shift + C

Paste selected formatting Ctrl + M Cmd + Shift + V

Indent paragraph Ctrl + Shift + M Ctrl + Shift + M

Remove paragraph indent Ctrl + 1 Cmd + Shift + M

Apply single spacing Ctrl + 2 Cmd + 1

Apply double spacing Ctrl + Shift + A Cmd + 2

All text upper case Ctrl + Shift + H Cmd + Shift + A

Hide selected text Ctrl + =

Subscript Ctrl + Shift + Plus sign (+) Cmd + =

Superscript Shift + Enter Cmd + Shift + Plus sign

Insert line break Ctrl + Enter Shift + Return

Insert page break Ctrl + Alt + C Ctrl + Cmd + Return

Copyright symbol Alt + T Option + G

Trademark symbol Ctrl + Alt + R Option + 2

Reg. trademark symbol Ctrl + Alt + Period (.) Option + R

Ellipsis Ctrl + K Option + Semicolon (;)

Hyperlink Ctrl + Alt + M

Insert comment Windows: Cmd + Option + A



• MW in-application training o Access in training within the MW application by
navigating to the ‘Help’ tab, then clicking on ‘Show Training’

• Online Microsoft Word Help and Learning o

• “Welcome to Word” Document Template
o MW has a built-in introductory document. To open, first open MW, then click on the
‘Welcome to Word’ template under ‘New’


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