SQ para Sa May Ari NG Bakery

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Survey-Questionnaire for the Research Study Entitled


(Para sa May Ari ng Bakery)

II. Marketing Strategies

Direction: To what extent do you agree with the following items?. Use the scale below
to answer the questionnaire items. Note: Tick (√) only one option for each
item in the questionnaire.

5= Strongly Agree
4= Agree
3= Neutral
2= Disagree
1= Strongly Disagree

A. Customer Service
1. Responds promptly to customer inquiries and
2. Trains staff to provide friendly and helpful
customer service e.
3. Assesses and improves the overall customer
service experience .
4. Personalizes customer interactions to enhance
5. Seek feedback from customers to identify
areas for improvement in service

B. Customer Loyalty Program

1. Offers exclusive deals to loyalty program
members to enhance retention.
2. Promotes the loyalty program through various
channels for awareness .
3. Provides tangible and meaningful rewards
within the loyalty program .
4. Tracks the effectiveness of the loyalty program .
5. Regularly updates and improves the loyalty
program based on feedback

C. Amenities
1. Offers additional amenities such as seating,
free Wi-Fi, etc.
2. Ensures the cleanliness and ambiance of the
bakery space.
3. Incorporates visually appealing displays and
4. Regularly updates and enhances the bakery's
5. Seeks customer feedback on the comfort and
appeal of the bakery space.

D. Advertisement
1. Utilizes various advertising channels to
promote bakery products.
2. Monitors and analyzes the effectiveness of
your advertisements .
3. Tailors advertisements to highlight unique
bakery offerings .
4. Assesses and adjusts advertising strategies
based on market trends .
5. Surveys customers to gauge the impact of
advertising on brand awareness.

E. Social Media
1. Responds promptly to customer comments and
messages on social media.
2. Utilizes social media analytics to measure the
engagement and reach of posts.
3. Collaborates with influencers or partners for
social media promotions .
4. Regularly updates social media content to keep
it relevant and engaging .
5. Maintains an active presence on relevant social
media platform.

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