G-3 The Farmculture

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Department of Business Administration,

Aligarh Muslim University.

Course : Sustainability in Business

A report on

Hydroponic Farming: Cultivating Sustainability and Efficiency

Group members

Jyotir Aditya Sharma - 22IBMMA175

Sheershesh Bhardwaj - 22IBMMA296
Richa Rajput - 22IBMMA144
Chhavi Garg - 22BAMMA255
Sana Fatima -22BAMMA151
Kajal Nair - 22BAMMA162
Zubair Athar - 22BAMMA347
Shivin Tiwari - 22BAMMA346

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of hydroponic farming
1.2 Purposes and objectives

2. Project Setup
2.1 Description of the setup
2.2 System explained
2.3 Selection of plants

3. Methodology
3.1 Step by step implementation of the system
3.2 Modifications and adjustments

4. Results and findings

5. Conclusion
1. Introduction

1.1. Overview of hydroponic farming :

Introduction to Hydroponic Farming :-

Hydroponic farming is a method of growing plants without the use of soil, instead
relying on nutrient-rich water solutions to provide essential minerals and elements
necessary for plant growth. In hydroponics, plant roots are suspended in or exposed to
the nutrient solution, allowing them to absorb nutrients directly.

The process of growing plants without soil involves providing the necessary nutrients to
plants through a water-based solution, which is carefully formulated to meet the specific
needs of each crop. This solution typically contains a balanced mixture of essential
nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and trace
minerals, ensuring optimal plant growth and development.

Importance of sustainability in agriculture :-

Firstly, sustainable agriculture promotes environmental conservation by minimizing

negative impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. It aims to reduce
pollution, conserve water, improve soil health, and mitigate climate change by
implementing practices such as organic farming, agroforestry, and water-efficient
irrigation techniques.

Secondly, sustainable agriculture fosters economic viability by ensuring profitability for

farmers, while also considering the long-term resilience of agricultural systems. This
involves diversifying income streams, reducing input costs, and fostering local economies
through initiatives like farmers' markets and community-supported agriculture.

Lastly, sustainable agriculture prioritizes social equity and food security by promoting
fair labor practices, access to nutritious food, and equitable distribution of resources. It
recognizes the importance of supporting rural livelihoods, empowering small-scale
farmers, and promoting food sovereignty to address issues of hunger, poverty, and social

Sustainability in agriculture is essential for safeguarding the health of ecosystems,

supporting rural livelihoods, and ensuring food security for present and future
generations. It requires a holistic approach that balances environmental, economic, and
social considerations to create resilient and equitable food systems.

Advantages of Hydroponic Farming :-

Hydroponic farming has many benefits over traditional agriculture. And while these
systems aren’t meant to completely replace traditional methods, they offer several
advantages over conventional soil-growing, including less water, land, labour, and
chemical usage

1.Saves water…A lot of water!

2.Space efficient
3.You can grow year-round
4.Less labour intensive than conventional farming!
5.Cleaner than farming outdoors!
6.No soil required!
7.Up to 2x faster plant growth!
8.More crop cycles = more food!
9.Higher yields!
10.Zero synthetic pest control products!
11.No agriculture runoff
12.Less disease and pest pressure
13 No weeds!
14. More nutritious product
15. A more marketable, valuable product
16. Hyper-local produce
17.Responsive to demand
18.Less food waste
19.Cleaner produce
20.Stays fresher longer!

How Does Hydroponics Work?

As the root of the word “hydroponics” implies, the water (hydro) does the work or labor
(ponos) in hydroponic gardening. To grow, plants need a few essential ingredients: light,
carbon dioxide (which they usually get from general air flow in their environment),
water, and nutrients. In traditional gardening, plants get the nutrients they need from
soil. Bowery's Hydroponics Systems In hydroponics, rather than plants absorbing
nutrients from soil, they absorb those nutrients from a liquid nutrient solution, which is
mixed in with the water. Growing in soil can drastically affect a plant’s root architecture
and its ability to produce food because nutrients may not be spread evenly throughout
the soil. On the other hand, growing in liquid solution guarantees the plants’ roots all
have consistent access to nutrients at all times, meaning their nutrient uptake and
growth is more efficient. This causes the plants to grow quicker and larger than if they
were grown in soil.

The Basic Components of A Hydroponic System.

Not all hydroponics systems are the same, but they do all have some common
components. They all have some kind of growing tray where the plants actually grow. In
some systems, these trays have only water and the liquid nutrient solution in them, and
in other systems the plants grow in a non-soil material like sand, rock or wool.
Hydroponics systems will usually have a nutrient reservoir where excess nutrient
solution is kept. The systems must have a way to get the nutrient solution into the
growing tray. This can be done actively by an electric water pumping mechanism or
passively by the use of wicks. Some systems include air pumps and air stones in the
reservoirs to keep the nutrient solution in motion at all times.

Hydroponic growing systems usually also have growing lights as part of their operations.
Often, larger hydroponics systems will have some kind of software that monitors the
plants and keeps track of them. Even smaller systems tend to rely on timers to keep a
regular schedule for watering and light usage. And, of course, the most important
element of any hydroponics system is the nutrient solution itself, which is added to the

Types of Hydroponic Systems

1. The Wick System :

How it works: The nutrient solution is pumped from the reservoir up the growing tray
and delivered to plant roots via the capillary movement of the wick.

✓ Very easy to set up

✓ Great start for beginners, children


✓ Not suitable for larger plants.

✓ Not efficient in nutrient use.
The wick system works passively. It uses no pumps, and there are no moving parts. This
hydroponic technique is by far the most basic type of Hydroponic system. Just like it
sounds, the wick system operates by drawing up nutrient solutions from the reservoir to
the plants through the capillary movement like a wick into the growing medium. And
suitable choices of the medium include coconut fiber, perlite, or vermiculite. The
downside is that because the wick isn’t able to produce a strong stream of water, and
nutrient solution, it is only ideal for smaller plants, and non-fruiting ones, like lettuce
and herbs. Also, the system tends to keep the growing medium wet. Getting too much
moisture makes the oxygen absorbing activities of the plant roots become harder. The
wick system is not the most effective way to hydroponic plants.

2. Deep Water Culture (DWC) System

Deep Water Culture How it works: Plants are placed in a net pot and are held by a
floating platform above a container of nutrient and water. Plant roots are suspended and
stretched into the nutrient-rich oxygenated solution.


✓ Inexpensive. Easy to build

✓ Recirculating. Water saving

✓ Not suitable for larger plants.

✓ Not suitable for plants with a long growing period.

DWC is an active recovery system, so there are moving parts. Of all active system of
hydroponic growing, this is the simplest. All you need is a net pot, a reservoir/container,
a lid, and a pump. Plants will be grown in a net pot with some growing media. They are
placed and held by the lid on the top of the reservoir/container. Roots grow out the net
pot and reach the nutrient solution held in the reservoir below. An air pump helps
oxygenate the water and let roots breathe. In order words, this system work by
immersing plant’s roots directly into the nutrient solution of the reservoir that is highly
oxygenated. The cons of this system are that it does not work well with large, and long-
growing plants. Very few plants other than lettuce thrive in this system.

3. Ebb and Flow System (Flood and Drain) :

Ebb & Flow System How it works: Also known as Flood & Drain. The system floods the
nutrient solution onto the grow tray to surround plant roots before draining back. Often
automated by a pump connected to a timer.

✓ Good for water craving plants, like lettuces, spinaches

✓ Easy to build


✓ Susceptible to pump/timer failure, power outages

✓ Require lots of growing media. So need proper knowledge.

The active and recovery type is less commonly seen, but still quite effective. How this
system works is basically like the way it sounds. Nutrient solutions are flooded onto the
plant root system and then drain periodically. And the process goes on. Plants are grown
in a tray/container with a growing medium. A timer is scheduled to turn on the pump,
which pushes water with nutrient solutions in a reservoir below to rise through the tube
and onto the main part of the system. After the tray/container is filled (flooded) and
soaks the plant roots at set intervals and water level, gravity automatically drains the
solution back down into the reservoir. With this system, a variety of growing medium
can be used, e.g., gravel, granular Rockwool, grow rocks, perlite, etc depending on
Hydroponic gardeners’ choice. However, there is a risk of power outages, or pump and
timer failure, which causes the root dryness, and water cycles are stopped.

4. Nutrient Film Technique (N.F.T)

NFT Nutrient Film Technique How it works: A pump continuously forces the nutrient
solution onto the grow tray, flowing over plants. Then it drains back to the reservoir via
the slightly downward channel. No timer needed.


✓ Little to none growing medium used.

✓ Recirculating. Water saving

✓ Susceptible to pump failure and power outages
✓ Not suitable for large, heavy plants.

This active and recovery system is a very common hydroponic one which has been used
by lots of gardeners for commercial growing. Again, N.F.T uses the submersible pump
and reusable nutrient solutions. It works by constantly flowing the solutions, so no timer
is used. The nutrient is pumped into the growing tray (or a tube) and delivered to the
root systems of the plants. Once the flow reaches the channel’s end, it drains back to the
reservoir through the slight downward tube. The roots suspended above the water level,
are constantly moisture and get plenty of oxygen from the air surrounding them. To
provide oxygen in the water, and the grow tube, air stones or capillary matting must be
placed in the reservoir. This also helps keep the system run for long without manually
and frequently checking. Since no growing medium is used, plants are usually held in a
grow-basket or a supporting collar. And because there is no growing medium to hold
moisture, an extended period of interruption of the nutrient solution can make the roots
dry, and plants’ death.

5. Drip System :
Drip system How it works: Drip system pumps the nutrient solution through the tube
and drops onto plant roots via a network of drip lines. The action is often made
automatical by a timer.


✓ Simple to build and use.

✓ More control of nutrient amounts and water schedule


✓ pH and nutrient fluctuations

✓ More suited to larger gardens
Drip systems can be active recovery or non-recovery type system. They are among the
most common types of hydroponic systems in the world, especially for commercial
growers. The main principles behind the system are quite simple yet effective, and so
their popularity. A timer is set to schedule the submerged pump. When the timer is on,
the nutrient solution is pumped and dripped onto plants’ base through a small drip line.
And with this line emitter for each plant, gardeners can adjust the amount of solution per
plant they want. In a recovery drip system, the nutrient solution is sent back to the
reservoir via the drip tray. Meanwhile, the non-recovery system doesn’t collect the leach-
out, which is not efficient, and this is only often used in the early days of hydroponics.
However, while the recovery one can be more efficiently, and cost-effective by reusing
the excess solution, non-recovery one needs less maintenance due to the same reason
that solution is not recycled, and hence pH of the reservoir is not affected. By this,
gardeners can mix pH adjusted nutrient solution in the reservoir, and forget all about it,
until they want to fill more. Meanwhile, with recovery, hydroponic gardeners need to
check pH regularly. Since this is a drip system, slow draining medium is often used like
Rockwool, coconut coir, or peat moss The downside of the drippers/emitters system is
the clogging, which is formed by the particles from nutrients that accumulated in the

6. Aeroponics :-
How it works: Plant roots are suspended in the air and are misted with the nutrient
solution continuously. The misting interval is fairly short, done by a pump controlled by
a timer.

✓ Plenty of oxygen for plant roots.

✓ Little to none growing medium used. Efficient water use


✓ More expensive than other types

✓ More vulnerable to dryness caused by the power outages

Aeroponic system is probably the most high-tech type of the six listed. Just like the
N.F.C system, the plant roots hang freely in the air, with no growing medium used. But
in Aeroponics, the nutrient solution is pumped and sprayed onto the root systems
constantly instead of flowing through a thin film of nutrient by a channel. A timer is used
to control the nutrient pump, but the cycle is much shorter compared to other
hydroponic types. Typically, it is a few minutes between each misting interval. Again,
since the roots are exposed to the air, the roots will be dried out fast in case of a misting
cycle interruption. And this system is not as cheap, and easy to set up as other types.

7. Vertical Stacks Hydroponics :

Hydroponic vertical farming is growing plants on a vertically inclined surface with
the help of a specific nutrient solution. Instead of growing vegetables in a single line
in a field or greenhouse, this method produces vertically layered designs like A- shape
structure, rack system with Led grow lights, the verti-stack system filled with coco
peat in a poly house.

Shaped System
A-shape system provides more planting footprint per sq. meter. This design offers
more space utilization thus providing maximum yield.

Rack System with Grow Lights

In urban cities, where there is a lack of open space and sufficient sunlight, this
system is appropriate for use indoors with the help of grow lights and hydroponic
nutrients. This system can also be referred to as the home vertical farming system.

Verti-Stack System
This system is used with insulated pots designed for high-density vertical farming
that are popularly used for strawberry cultivation and green leafy production.

How does the hydroponics system work?

There are different types of hydroponics equipment used in the below systems:
NFT System
This system is called the nutrient film technique because in NFT channels one thin
nutrient film always remains there. Means plants want to die after electricity is cut
down. This system is used for green leafy crops.

Dutch Bucket System :

The dutch bucket system makes a perfect blend and combination of growing media
such as hydroton, leca or perlite which in turn is ideal for growing any high- value
vine- crops.

Verti-Gro System :
This system offers insulated pots with coco peat and there is high plantation density
in this system.

Coco peat-based system- Single planter grow bags

This system includes our pre-filled grow bags which are strong and UV stabilized.
The bags contain either coco peat or a mixture of coco peat and perlite. Used for
growing vine types of plants.

Trough System :
The Plastic trough system gives the cultivator more control over the growing
medium. They have a longer life; more than 6-7 years.

Challenges and considerations :-

1. Leaks in Hydroponics systems

Leaks in the system occur due to many reasons. Leaks can occur at any joints or valves.
The most common leak problem I faced in my NFT system, i.e., the root mass clogs in the
outlet point of the channel, and the system gets blocked, leading to water backing up
and overflowing. It will cause serious issues when the algae forms in your NFT channel;
the algae will observe the nutrient from the solution and show a Nutrient deficiency in
Solution :
Test our system before planting. Tighten any valves and make sure all connections are
tight and secure. Regularly check your system for problems such as root overgrowth or
clogged drains or outlets; you have to do regular NFT leak maintenance.
If you are using an indoor system, consider placing it on a waterproof surface or, if
possible, on a drip tray if you are using a small system. This is a good idea to catch leaks,
and it will also reduce mess when tending to your system.
Tips:- If you Grow Basil in the NFT system, prune the roots after 30 days.lighting in
indoor hydroponic systems

2. Selection of lighting in indoor hydroponic systems

I like to use my hydroponics system indoors to grow fresh vegetables all year round. The
proper selection of lights can lead to the proper growth and production of plants.
I make many mistakes with selecting light, such as buying the wrong type of light or
using led light that is not in the correct wavelength will directly affect poor fruiting and
uneven growth of plants observation and will affect your yield.
Solution :
Ensure you purchase enough grow lighting for your system. A good rule of thumb is to
calculate the square footage of the canopy (growing area) of your grow area and multiply
this by 65.
For example;
A growing area of 4ft by 6ft. Total area = 24 sq ft.
24sqft x 65 = 1560 watts
We will need approximately 1560 watts of grow lighting for this growing area. This is a
good rule of thumb and is what I usually stick to.
For most cases, I recommend looking at LED and T5 fluorescent grow lights. These are
typically the easiest to use and will be suitable for most users. Fertilization in

3. Wrong selection of fertilizer type and concentration

In hydroponics, fertilizer plays a crucial role in maintaining the plant’s healthy, growth,
and productivity. However, we usually use a fertilizer unsuitable for hydroponic
systems. Cultivating in the soil is a totally different situation, and another type of
fertilizer is needed. In the market, there are numerous low-quality, cheap and unsuitable
fertilizers, which will affect the hydroponic system and crops growing there.
Solution :
Make sure your purchase fertilizers for hydroponics that are 100 % water soluble and
offer a balanced nutrient status/availability to your crop. If you are running a commercial
hydroponics project, select and get an expert’s advice and design your nutrient solution
according to your crop and season. Because the fertilizer selection per season is very
different in hydroponics, here is my personal experience for one year.
For Example :
In the same plant, the uptake of nutrients is different in winter and rainy seasons as well
as in irrigation expect, so be careful for commercial projects.
I recommend using Nutrient A and Nutrient B*, which are easily available in the market.
*In hydroponics, we used to call Tank A and Tank B. This is a Stock solution tank where
different elements are mixed by experts.
Tips:- You can use a 19:19:19 (N:P: K) fertilizer for home gardening vegetables.

4. .Hygiene Protocol
As per my experience in hydroponics, we can keep our plants safe by applying several
hygiene measures/protocols. This is essential for cultivation in protected environments
and especially for hydroponics farming.
If your hydroponics farming area is dirty and messy, it may attract pests and pathogens
and create a favorable environment for infestations and infections, putting your plants at
Solution :
A strict protocol for good hygiene inside and outside the greenhouse should always be
followed. Keep the area around your facility clean and well-organized.
The workers or anyone entering the greenhouse should wear protective clothing (shoes,
gloves, robes, etc.) to decrease the risk of transmitting pests and diseases from the
outside to the inside of the greenhouse and from one area or facility to another.
It is important to clean the NFT channels in every cycle, flush the growing media roots,
and properly sanitize the reservoir once a month to kill any bacterial infection or wrong
nutrient effect on plants.

5. Pest scouting
I learned from experience that this task would ensure 50% of the success of your
hydroponics farming. One of the essential parts of hydroponics is to observe your plants
frequently and detect in time the early symptoms of an infestation, infection, or nutrient
deficiency (or toxicity). We can capture the symptoms in a picture or/and take a sample
for analysis to facilitate the diagnosis and define the correct control measures.
When we can find the problem early, it will have less effect on our plants. .

6. The role of pH
The pH of your nutrient solution is one of the most crucial aspects of hydroponic
cultivation. When growing plants in soil, the soil itself acts as a pH buffer and prevents
rapid changes in the pH level. This means that the problems deriving from the pH will be
less intense and develop slowly.
This is not the case for hydroponics; the pH can change considerably over hours or days
due to many factors (including temperature, rate of absorption of nutrients by our
plants, presence of disease, excess evaporation, etc.).
Solution :
As a result, we need to check the pH levels regularly; it mostly matters in the NFT,
Aeroponics, and DWC systems. You may need to test and adjust the pH daily in a new
system or when recent changes have been made. You can reduce testing to once or twice
weekly in a stable system. As you gain experience, you will begin to understand the
factors that can influence the pH and get a feel for how often to test.
The best options for testing pH are to use a pH testing kit or a pH testing meter. I
generally recommend getting a decent-quality electric pH testing meter, as it makes pH
testing quick and easy.

7. Use of normal tap water in hydroponics

Hydroponics farming depends on water to give the plants an actual concentration of
nutrients. You will likely be able to use tap water without significant problems, but tap
water with a high level of total dissolved solids and salts will cause issues with your
nutrient solution. If the electric conductivity of your tap water is below 0.5 (200
ppm)(ideally, plants perform best when EC is between 1.5 and 2), then you can use it in a
hydroponics system, but it should be constant. Otherwise, it will damage the plant roots.
High calcium concentration is common in tap water. Due to the high calcium slats that
are gathered, the plants cannot absorb the calcium, and they start to show deficiency
Solution :
The most common method used (and I personally use it on my farm) is a filter to purify
the water, and the most successful is a reverse osmosis filter. Still, it is a more expensive
option but will reduce dissolved minerals to zero.
Tips: If your tap water is less than (200 ppm) you can use it.

8. Role of PPM (Parts Per Million) /EC (Electric Conductivity) /TDS (Total Dissolved
The presence of salt in Nutrient solution is measured in PPM/EC/TDS. Continuous
monitoring of TDS provides information on the nutrient concentration in the water. It
can help you adjust nutrient levels to ensure that your plants receive the proper amount
of nutrients for healthy growth.
Solution :
Use an EC/PPM/TDS meter to monitor the nutrient solution, both when making up the
nutrient solution and over time as our plants grow. Maintaining the EC/PPM/TDS in the
nutrient solution, the plants continuously uptake the nutrient, and the nutrition
decreases. They measured the solution through the meter and recharged the nutrient
solution. Change the nutrient solution after 3-4 weeks. This must be done, as the
proportions of the various nutrients will deviate from the starting concentration due to
variable take up by the plants.

9. Choosing the suitable growing media

The selection of the right growing media is very important, and there are many factors to
consider when choosing. It directly depends on crop and system selection.
Some crop performs very well in the NFT system, and it is easy to get ROI (Return Of
Investment). However, the same crop cannot give good growth in the drip system, and it
will fall to failure of the crop.
Solution :
The answer is difficult for the new grower, but here, as per my experience, because it
took me more than two years after my search, I can give you this answer.
Crops are Lettuce, Basil, kale, Swiss chard, and rocket leaves perform very well with
growing media oasis cubes in NFT System.
Crops of bell pepper, tomatoes, and cucumber performed very well with cocopeat
substrate in a drip system.

10. Choosing the right Hydroponics system :

There is a crucial role played in the selection of systems as per the crop. It depends on the
size of your operation, budgets, and the level of automation in the hydroponics farms.
Solution :
The system should be as per the selection of sites- availability of land – rural and urban

SDG Goals fulfilled :

Hydroponic farming has the potential to contribute significantly to several Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations. Here are some examples of
how hydroponic farming can fulfill various SDG goals :

Zero Hunger (Goal 2): Hydroponic farming enables year-round

production of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs,
regardless of seasonal limitations or adverse
weather conditions.
By maximizing crop yields and minimizing
resource usage, hydroponic farming helps increase
food availability and access, thereby contributing
to efforts to eliminate hunger and malnutrition.
Clean Water and Sanitation Hydroponic systems use water more efficiently
(Goal 6): than traditional soil-based agriculture, reducing
water consumption by up to 90%.
By recycling nutrient solutions and minimizing
runoff, hydroponic farming helps conserve water
resources and promotes sustainable water
management practices.
Sustainable Cities and Hydroponic farming offers a solution to urban food
Communities (Goal 11): insecurity by enabling agriculture in densely
populated urban areas.
- Vertical farming and rooftop gardens utilizing
hydroponic systems can help cities become more
self-sufficient in food production, reducing reliance
on distant rural farms and minimizing
transportation emissions.
Responsible Consumption and Hydroponic farming promotes resource efficiency
Production (Goal 12) by optimizing water, nutrient, and energy usage.
- By reducing the environmental footprint of
agriculture and minimizing waste generation,
hydroponic farming supports sustainable
consumption and production patterns.

Climate Action (Goal 13) Hydroponic farming can help mitigate climate
change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions
associated with traditional agriculture.
By minimizing deforestation, soil degradation,
and chemical fertilizer use, hydroponic farming
contributes to efforts to combat climate change and
build climate-resilient agricultural systems.

Partnerships for the Goals Collaboration between governments, NGOs,

research institutions, and private sector
stakeholders is essential for scaling up hydroponic
farming and maximizing its impact.
- Public-private partnerships and knowledge-
sharing initiatives can facilitate the adoption of
hydroponic farming practices and promote
sustainable development outcomes.
Life on Land (Goal 15) Hydroponic farming reduces the need for
agricultural land, preserving natural habitats and
By minimizing soil erosion, nutrient runoff, and
pesticide contamination, hydroponic farming helps
protect terrestrial ecosystems and promote
sustainable land management practices.

1.2. Purposes and objectives :

The purposes and objectives for a miniature hydroponic farming project could include:

1. Educational Purposes:
✓ To learn about hydroponic farming techniques and principles.
✓ To understand the benefits of hydroponic farming compared to traditional soil-
based farming.

2. Experimentation:
✓ To test the viability of hydroponic farming in a small-scale setting.
✓ To explore different hydroponic systems and their effectiveness.
✓ To investigate the growth rates and yield of plants grown hydroponically
compared to those grown in soil.

3. Sustainability:
✓ To promote sustainable agriculture practices by reducing water usage and
minimizing environmental impact.
✓ To assess the potential for hydroponic farming to be a sustainable alternative to
traditional farming methods in limited space or resource-constrained

4. Innovation:
✓ To experiment with innovative techniques and technologies in hydroponic
✓ To explore the potential for incorporating automation or smart technologies into
hydroponic systems.

5. Community Engagement:
✓ To engage and educate the community about hydroponic farming and its
potential benefits.
✓ To inspire interest in urban agriculture and gardening among community

6. Food Security:
✓ To explore hydroponic farming as a means of enhancing food security, especially
in urban areas or regions with limited arable land.
✓ To assess the potential for hydroponic farming to provide fresh produce year-
round, regardless of climate or seasonal limitations.

7. Personal Interest or Hobby:

✓ To pursue a personal interest in gardening or agriculture.
✓ To enjoy the process of growing plants and experimenting with different growing
✓ These purposes and objectives can be tailored to the specific interests and goals
of the individual or group undertaking the miniature hydroponic farming project.

2. Project Setup

2.1 Description of the setup :

Here is the description of our miniature model setup :-

1. We began with a sturdy container i.e, a plastic tubr to hold our plant and
nutrient solution.

2. We chose a growing medium i.e, coconut coir to support the plants' roots.

3. Then a nutrient solution containing all the essential nutrients required for
plant growth was prepared. We mix our own using hydroponic nutrient

4. Then we prepared a water reservoir to hold the nutrient solution and placed
it below the container and connected with tubing for easy access.

5. Pump and Timer: Install a water pump and timer to automate the delivery of
the nutrient solution to the plants. The timer can be set to pump the solution
at intervals, ensuring consistent watering.

6. We ensured adequate lighting for plants. We have used LED grow lights due
to their energy efficiency and spectrum customization.

7. We chose plants that are well-suited to hydroponic cultivation, and avoided

large plants with extensive root systems that may outgrow the miniature

8. We ensured maintenance of the system by cleaning the components,

adjusting nutrient levels, and pruning the plants as needed.
2.2 System Explained :

Each system has its own advantages and ideal applications according to our budget
and needs, we selected the vertical stack hydroponic system.

For detail understanding, refer to (7) under “Types of Hydroponic Systems “ in “Brief
overview” section.

2.3 Selection of plants

For the miniature trial, we have selected cherry tomatoes as they can be successfully
grown in a hydroponic setup:

Special instructions for Cherry tomatoes for hydroponic farming :-

❖ Ensure the plants receive around 12-16 hours of light per day for optimal growth
and fruit production.

❖ Cherry tomato plants tend to grow tall and vine-like, so provide suitable support
structures like trellises or stakes to support the plants as they grow and produce

❖ In indoor hydroponic setups, pollination need to be done manually using a small

brush to transfer pollen between flowers, as natural pollinators may not be

❖ Harvesting: Harvest cherry tomatoes when they are ripe and fully colored.

❖ Regularly prune the plants to remove excess foliage and promote airflow, which
helps prevent disease and improves fruit quality.

With proper care and management, cherry tomatoes can thrive in hydroponic systems,
producing abundant yields of delicious fruits
3. Methodology

3.1 Step by step implementation of the system

1. We firstly learned the principles, different systems, and necessary components..

Then we determined how much resources we have available for our miniature trial.
2. There are various types of hydroponic systems such as Deep Water Culture (DWC),
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), Drip System and vertical stacking. We chose one
that suited our space, budget, and needs.
3. Depending on the system chosen, we gathered materials such as containers, pumps,
tubing, grow lights (if needed), growing medium (like perlite, vermiculite, or
rockwool), and nutrients.
4. We assembled the chosen hydroponic system according to our manufacturer's
instructions. Then we ensured proper placement of components such as reservoir,
pump, and growing containers.
5. We have used a pH meter to adjust the pH level as necessary (usually between 5.5
and 6.5).
6. Then we planted our chosen crop into the growing medium.
7. We have monitored pH and nutrient levels regularly. Adjustments had done as
needed. Keeping an eye on water levels in the reservoir and refilling was a critical
task here.
8. Checks were ongoing for signs of pests or diseases and taking the appropriate
9. We ensured that plants should receive adequate light either from natural sunlight or
grow lights while indoors. We have maintained proper temperature and humidity
levels for optimal plant growth.
10. Cleanliness was kept strictly with the system components periodically to prevent
algae buildup or clogs. Prune plants as necessary to encourage healthy growth.
11. As plants have now reached maturity, these are ready to harvest and enjoy the yield.

3.2 Modifications and adjustments

As we found inadequate lighting so we re-analyzed and maintained adequate lighting

for plant growth, considering natural light and supplemental artificial lighting as
needed. We regularly monitored and adjusted the nutrients to maintain optimal
nutrient levels for plant growth. We regularly tested and adjusted pH levels of the
nutrient solution to ensure it stays within the appropriate range for plant uptake.
Maintaining appropriate temperature levels for plant growth was essential, ensuring
it doesn't get too hot or too cold for optimal growth. Timely, we ensured good air
circulation around the plants to prevent the buildup of humidity and discourage
mold and mildew growth. We earlier chose plants that are well-suited for
hydroponic growing and adjust the system accordingly to meet their specific needs.
Regularly maintenance of the hydroponic system to prevent clogs, algae growth, and
other issues that were arising from stagnant water.

4. Results and findings

We found that Hydroponic systems produce higher yields compared to traditional

soil-based farming with same resources because plants have constant access to
nutrients and water. And we got to know with some research and experience that
the yield vary based on factors like plant type, nutrient levels, lighting, and
temperature control.
As we have selected tomatoes and hence evident that fruit bearing plants take longer,
usually around 6 to 8 weeks to start producing fruit as compared to non-fruit bearing

5. Conclusion

Overall, hydroponic farming offers faster growth rates and higher yields compared to
traditional farming methods, making it a popular choice for home gardening and small-
scale farming projects. The hydroponic farming industry is not limited to a specific
region; it's a global trend. As technology and best practices continue to spread, we can
expect further industry expansion and investment opportunities. In conclusion, the
hydroponic farming industry is flourishing as it addresses various challenges faced by
traditional agriculture. With its sustainable and efficient practices, it's poised to play a
pivotal role in ensuring a stable food supply for the future.As the demand for fresh, local,
and sustainable produce continues to grow, the hydroponic farming industry's future
looks promising. Whether we’re a farmer, investor, or simply a consumer, keeping an eye
on this innovative industry can open up new possibilities.

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