FinalJ Incision

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how I do it

The Modified J Incision for Neck

urgery in the form of neck dissection forms a principal modality in the management of metastatic

S neck disease. Since Crile’s first neck dissection in 1906 numerous incisions have been described. The
wide range of approaches partly reflects diverse clinical scenarios, but also the inherent limitations
of each incision.

The ideal incision for a neck dissection is safe, provides the evolution of various approaches. Currently, no
good exposure and flexibility in the event of unfore- single incision uniformly satisfies the required criteria
seen intra-operative findings, it is extendable to allow for all clinical situations. We present our preferred
primary tumour resection and inclusion of a tra- approach in the form of the modified J incision in our
cheostoma, allows for various reconstruction flaps, series of 116 patients at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
has a minimum incidence of post operative compli- (ARI).
cations, and is cosmetically acceptable.
An appreciation that the vascular supply to the Surgical technique, material and methods
neck was fundamental to the survival of neck flaps in The modified J incision (Pictures 1-4) is used for expo-
the early post operative period played a key role in sure of level I to VI lymph node groups associated
Mr KW S Ah-See

‘How I Do It’ is
co-ordinated by

Mr KW Ah-See, MD,
and Neck Surgeon,
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary,
AB25 2ZN, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)122 455 3571,
Figure 1: Right modified J incision. Incision line depicted in Figure 2: Right modified J incision. Musculocutaneous flap
continuous line. Landmarks highlighted in dotted lines. MAND: elevated subplatysmally.
mandible SCM: Sternocleidomastoid muscle CLAV: Clavicle.

Figure 3: Right modified J incision. Wide exposure of Figure 4: Right modified J incision. Four week follow-up post
underlying structures. operative appearance.
how i do it

Diagram 1: The Y incision. Diagram 2: The Babcock & Conley incision. Diagram 3: The McFee incision.

preserving one to three non-lymphatic

structures while 30 patients had a radical
neck dissection.
Majority of these patients received post-
operative radiotherapy but a small percent-
age had undergone radiotherapy as a pri-
mary treatment. In all cases closed suction
drains were employed under the skin flaps
for 4-6 days. Follow-up ranged from 6
weeks to 5 years.
Complications purely related to the inci-
sion were recorded in two patients. One
patient who underwent bilateral J incision
for neck dissection with total laryngo-
pharyngo cervical oesophagectomy and
pectoralis major myocutaneous flap, devel-
Diagram 4: The H incision. Diagram 5: The J incision. oped minor epidermolysis of the skin flap
at the junction of vertical with horizontal
arm on the left side. The epidermolysis did
with cancers arising in the larynx, pharynx, ing muscle but may even derive blood sup- not proceed to full thickness loss of skin
or other midline visceral structures. The ver- ply from it. The skin flap is elevated sub- flap or wound dehiscence.
tical limb takes origin just anterior to the platysmally in the standard manner. If nec- The second complication was a partial
mastoid tip and follows and overlies the essary the incision can be extended across dehiscence of the wound of less than
anterior border of the trapezius muscle; the midline to create a symmetrical, broad- 30mm in length. This was after a second J
extends inferiorly, and curves obtusely ly based apron flap for bilateral dissections. incision for recurrent neck disease, eleven
across the posterior triangle at approxi- The blood supply to this flap is derived pri- months following a Radical Neck
mately 3cm above the clavicle, and runs marily from the cutaneous branches of the Dissection with post-operative radiothera-
parallel to the clavicle to the anterior border facial artery. At the completion of the pro- py. The second incision was placed 25mm
of sternocleidomastoid muscle. The hori- cedure the incision is repaired over closed behind the original incision. Our interpre-
zontal arm of the J incision is flexible in suction drain in two layers. tation of this event is that the blood supply
terms of its location and length. It can be was already compromised at the time of
extended across the midline if laryngopha- Results the second intervention and poor circula-
ryngectomy is to be included in the proce- From January 1997 to January 2007 the tion to the skin edges failed to keep the dis-
dure. The tracheostoma can be incorporat- senior author (AH) surgically managed 116 tal portion of skin viable.
ed either in the horizontal limb or placed patients with cervical malignancy by neck Both patients with skin viability compro-
below through a separate small horizontal dissection. A retrospective review of case mise were managed with conservative
incision. notes showed that 116 patients underwent measures and no surgical intervention was
The vertical arm of the incision is placed neck dissections via modified J incision. required to obtain total wound healing.
overlying the anterior border of the trapez- There were 88 males and 28 females, aver-
ius muscle as the underlying muscle sup- age age 60 years (range 29 - 92 years). Discussion
ports the posterior part of elevated skin Of the 116 neck dissections 24 were The arterial supply to the skin of the neck
flap. It is our contention that such place- bilateral, 54 right sided, and the remaining stems from branches of the subclavian and
ment of vertical limb of the incision is not 38 left sided. Majority of patients under- external carotid arteries. The transverse cer-
only physically supported by the underly- went a modified radical neck dissection vical artery provides the vascular supply to
how i do it

the lower half of the neck. The facial and sub- results. However technically McFee incision pharyngocutaneous fistula, and its large
mental arteries supply the skin of the upper is quite difficult and exposure is somewhat superior base conserves the flaps vascula-
neck anterior to the angle of the mandible. restricted. The horizontal skin flap needs to ture. If reconstruction flaps are needed these
The occipital, posterior auricular and external be constantly retracted by the assistant can be easily incorporated, as can a tra-
carotid arteries supply the sternocleidomas- which can be tiresome. cheostomy. The incision mostly follows nat-
toid muscle and the upper lateral neck skin. In 1972 Hetter5 proposed the H incision ural skin folds and provides good cosmesis
The platysmocutaneous branch of the supe- (Figures 1-5), as a variation on a vertical inci- (Picture 4). Patients who prefer to cover their
rior thyroid artery supplies the anterior neck.¹ sion to optimise recovery of the skin flaps. tracheostoma in various ways will also
Any incision employed should not under- Paradoxically these were dogged with a high obscure the horizontal line of the incision.
mine in any way the primary objective of complication rate possibly due to insuffi- The vertical section is optimally camou-
complete extirpation of disease because of cient drainage in the long superior based flaged in its lateral position.
concerns regarding exposure, complications flaps.
or cosmesis. Complications relating to the Prior to 1994 the senior author’s preferred Conclusion
incision are wound infection, wound break- approach for neck dissection was the ½ H Our experience with modified J incision for
down, and occasional subsequent carotid incision, but a 90% incidence of necrosis at neck dissection has been very satisfactory. It has
artery exposure and rupture.2 For all these, the trifurcation point prompted the search provided adequate exposure with a minimal
radiotherapy is considered as a compound- for an alternative. Even though the half H complication rate and excellent cosmetic out-
ing factor to wound healing by reducing vas- incision for ipsilateral neck dissection pro- come without undue technical difficulty during
cular recovery and promoting necrosis of the vides good exposure, it suffers from frequent the procedure. It has become our preferred
skin flap.3 Most incisions incorporate vertical breakdown at trifurcation particularly in irra- incision for neck dissection for almost all cases
and horizontal elements, but of particular diated patients. and we would highly recommend this incision.
concern are incision patterns that incorpo- Eckert and Byars6 pioneered the J Incision The only time we employ different incisions is
rate trifurcations. The vascular supply to the (Figures 1-6), by extending the classic thyroid when mandibular swing is anticipated. 
apex of the trifurcation is maximally compro- necklace incision laterally to the border of
mised and healing may be complicated by trapezius and superiorly to the mastoid References
wound dehiscence, exposure of underlying process. Robbins et al.7 reviewed their experi-
1. Freeland AP, Rogers JH. The vascular supply of the cer-
vital structures, and scar contracture2, espe- ence over a period of ten years and recom- vical skin with reference to incision planning.
cially if radiotherapy is to be employed. mended three non-trifurcate patterns i.e. Laryngoscope 1975;85:714-25.
The Y incision (Figure 1) provided good modified apron, hockey stick and inverted 2. Futrell JW, Chretien, PB. Scar contracture after neck
exposure but was associated with carotid hockey stick. dissection causes, prevention and treatment.
American Journal of Surgery 1976;132:603-7.
artery rupture in patients receiving The modified J incision affords excellent
3. Grillo HC, Edmunds HL Jr. Radical neck dissection
radiotherapy. exposure of the surgical field (Picture 3), after irradiation. Use of transverse incisions to obtain
Babcock and Conley4, (Figure 2), by intro- good protection to the carotid artery, is suit- primary healing. Annals of Surgery 1965;161:361-4.
ducing a larger anterior flap, reported a able for bilateral neck dissections and is flex- 4. Babcock WW, Conley J. Neck incisions in block dissec-
reduced incidence of ischaemia in the poste- ible in the event of unexpected pathological tion. Archives of Otolaryngology 1966;84:108-11.
rior flap thus affording more protection, and findings. It also allows incorporation of exci- 5. Hetter GP. Neck incisions relative to the cutaneous
a reduced risk of rupture, to the carotid sion of primary tumour at the same time in vasculature of the neck. Archives of Otolaryngology
artery. However, this was traded-off with a most cases. It however cannot be used if
22% reported necrosis in the anterior flap. mandibular swing is required for extirpation 6. Eckert C, Byars LT. The surgery of papillary carcinoma
of the thyroid gland. Annals of Surgery 1952;136:83-9.
McFee is considered the main proponent of primary tumour. By conferring protection
7. Robbins KT, Oppenheimer RW. Incisions for neck dis-
of horizontal incisions for neck dissection to the pharyngeal and esophageal suture section modifications: rationale for and application of
(Figure 3). These yield favourable cosmetic lines it reduces the incidence of nontrifurcate patterns. Laryngoscope 1994;104:1041-4.

Contributor to ‘How I Do It’

Akhtar Hussain, FRCS, Muhammad Shakeel,
Consultant MRCSED, DOHNS, Correspondence
Otolaryngologist Head and FTSTA in ENT, Email: akhtar.hussain@
Neck Surgeon, University Aberdeen Royal
of Aberdeen, Department Infirmary,
of Otolaryngology, Aberdeen, Declaration of
Aberdeen UK. Competing Interests
Royal Infirmary, None declared.
Aberdeen, UK.

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