Impulse Buying

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The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 1

retail stores

The Impact of Situational Factors and Consumer Traits on Impulse Buying

A thesis submitted


ShahrozNayyer (7086)


Department of Business Administration

In fulfillment of

The requirement for the

Degree of


This thesis has been

Accepted by the faculty


Ms. Nida Shah

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 2
retail stores


Primarily, we would like to thank to almighty Allah and our parents for giving us the confidence,

and strength to complete my research work from start till end. However, I like to special thanks to

Ms. Nida Shah for supervising our research and certainly without the support and guidance of Ms.

Nida Shah, it was not possible to complete this study.

Moreover, i am also thankful to my friends and family to support me throughout my university

career, without their ethical and financial support and guidance it would be only a dream to

complete this study from Iqra University.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 3
retail stores

Table of contents


Chapter No 1 Introduction................................................................................................07

1. Introduction................................................................................................................07

1.1 Background of the study:.........................................................................................08

1.2 Problem statement:...................................................................................................13

1.3 Research Objective:.................................................................................................15

1.4 Research Question:..................................................................................................15

1.5 Significance of the study:.........................................................................................15

1.6 Limitations and delimitations:.................................................................................16

1.7 Organization of the study:........................................................................................16

Chapter No 2 Literature Review.......................................................................................17

2. Literature Review.......................................................................................................17

2.1 Theoretical background:..........................................................................................18

2.2 Hypothesis Development:........................................................................................19

2.2.1 Impulse buying tendency:.................................................................................19

2.2.2 Shoping enjoyment tendency:...........................................................................20

2.2.3Interpersonal influence:......................................................................................20

2.2.4 Materialism:.......................................................................................................21

2.2.5 Emotional Attachement:....................................................................................22

2.2.5 Time Availability:.............................................................................................23

2.2.5 Person’s situation:.............................................................................................24

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 4
retail stores

2.2.5 Motivational Activities by Retailers:................................................................25

2.2.5 Product Attributes:............................................................................................26

2.2.5 Store Environement:..........................................................................................28

2.3 Empirical studies:.....................................................................................................29

2.4 Conceptual model:...................................................................................................43

Chapter No 3 Research Methodology...............................................................................44

3. Research Methodology..............................................................................................44

3.1 Research purpose:....................................................................................................45

3.4 Research approach:..................................................................................................45

3.5 Research design:......................................................................................................45

3.6 Sampling technique:.................................................................................................45

3.7 Target audience and population:..............................................................................45

3.8 Sample size:.............................................................................................................46

3.9 Statistical techniques:...............................................................................................46

3.10 Questionnaire and measurement instrument:.........................................................46

3.11 Ethical consideration:.............................................................................................47

3.12 Demographic :........................................................................................................47

Chapter No 4 Data Analysis.............................................................................................51

4.1 Data Analysis:..........................................................................................................51

4.1.2 Measurement Model.............................................................................................51

4.1.4 Descriminatory validity:..................................................................................54

4.1.3 Cross Loading:................................................................................................56

4.1.5 HTMT:.............................................................................................................57
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 5
retail stores

4.1.3 Structural Model:.............................................................................................58

4.2 Discussion:...............................................................................................................59

Chapter No 5 Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................64

5. Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................................65

5.1 Conclusion:..............................................................................................................65

5.2 Recommendation:....................................................................................................65

5.3 Future Recommendations:.......................................................................................68

4.1.3 Refrences:........................................................................................................69
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 6
retail stores


The aim of this research is to identify the effect of Situational Factors and Consumer Traits on

impulse Buying in retail store. [Situational factors] (Person’s situation, store environment, product

attributes, time availability, motivational activities by retailers) and [consumer traits] (impulse

buying tendency, shopping enjoyment tendency, emotional attachment, materialism, interpersonal

influence) are used as independent variables and Impulse buying as a dependent variable.

However, the relevant information for this research was collected from the 400 consumers of

K&N’s Chicken Store. Moreover, the collected data were tested through the PLS-SEM (partial

least square - Structural Equation Modeling) software in order to analyze the impact of Situational

Factors and Consumer Traits on Impulse Buying. Hence, the result concluded that [situational

factors] (store environment, product attributes, , motivational activities by retailers has significant

impact on impulse buying except person’s situation and time availability) and [consumer traits]

(shopping enjoyment tendency, emotional attachment, materialism, interpersonal influence has

significant impact on impulse buying except impulse buying tendency). This study provides

valuable insights to Retail Managers about variables which influence on impulse buying and helps

store to generate sales. Furthermore, this research helps the overall retail industry to improve its

position by working on variables which are significantly impact on impulse.

Keywords: Situational Factors, Consumer Traits, Retail stores, and Impulse Buying.
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 7
retail stores

Chapter No#01

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 8
retail stores

1.1 Background
In past, impulsive has increased accompanied progress of productive position as well as

personal-principle. It’s normally described like an unexpected purchase behavior of the consumers

(Kollat and Willett, 1967). Impulse buying happens when a consumer involves in unexpected,

unintentional, many time powerful as well as consistent desire to buy something at once

Rook (1987:191) ,as explained mentioning to buy exceptional, leaving, hedonic complex and

compelled. IB is profitable for businesses as additional products are being purchased by customers

while shopping (Babin&Attaway, 2000). IB is described as purchases are to be made without any

prior planning (Beatty & Ferrell, 1998) and customers do not considered it as wrong matter for them

(Hausman, 2000). It has been noticed that children are always being prevented by parents for IB

(Sharma et al., 2010) thinking to not spend money which is earned hardly that should not be wasted

to buy things which have no intention at all. Moreover, people calculates their achievement by the

value of their possession therefore, they are possibly to make more IB, (Richins& Dawson, 1992),

Materialism has explained like “receiving worldly ownership above all 445 International Journal of

Organizational Leadership 6 (2017) other things and recognize it as a source of pleasure” (Belk, 1987;

Belk &Pollay, 1985). Materialism is something in which materialistic possession gives happiness to

individual (Richins& Dawson, 1992). However, one of the most logical definitions of Materialism is

ones from Belk and from Richins and Dawson (Graham, 1999). Belk (1985) presume that materialism

comprises upon three traits: possessiveness, non-generosity and envy while Richins and Dawson

(1992) explains materialism as asset centrality, asset as the chase of happiness and possession-defined

success. Thus,there have various studies, examining the influence of situational factor (Chavosh,

Halimi&Namdar, 2011), intrinsic factor such as materialism (Vohra, 2015). Some researchers shall
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 9
retail stores

identify materialistic reliance (Pieters, 2013) as well as tendency of enjoyment in shopping like an

integral customer attributes (Beatty & Ferrell, 1998).

Shopping enjoyment tendency has explained like a happiness individual experiences in shopping activity

(Cui, Geng and Qiming Liu,2001). Pham (2015) explained in his research that shopping enjoyment

tendency could be called as the satisfaction that a customer achieves in the shopping trip and a

customer who felt delighted shopping during the shopping time can be recognized as recreational

shoppers. The excessive amount of shopping enjoyment tendency lead to excessive amount of positive

affects (Rook D. and Hoch, S. 1985). .). Customers who are keen of shopping engage more in

unplanned purchases get emotional rewards from shopping activities (Lee, J. A. and Kacen, J. J 2008).

Moreover, Goyal and Mittal (2007), explained that excitement is a customer’s personal characteristics

at time when they spend, which motivates person to spend according to their wish and desire. .

Moreover, association of transitory emotional responses observed with shopping enjoyment just as,

excitement, satisfaction and dominance (Dawson et al., 1990; Koufaris et al., 2001–2002).

Emotional attachment to a sales people may also affect customers purchase intention (Babin et al., 1995).

Therefore, customers are being encouraged by sales people to buy more products in retail store. Han et

al. (1991) further explained that the amount of interaction along with sales people effects upon IB in

retail store. Moreover, customers make some purchases decision by internal emotional stimuli such as

mood. People who have more positive mood, so tendency of IB are more as well as they are more

excited about the shopping compared to those who have negative mood (Ozer&Gultekin, 2015;Park&

Kim, 2008). As hoarding encourages by a worry of shortage or dearth of a product (Frost and Gross

1993; Frost, Meagher and Riskind 2001; Lynn 1993; McKinnon, Smith and Hunt 1985; Ong 1999;
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 10
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Verhallen and Robben 1994), thus hoarding in store probably is to be related accompanied

psychological reactions or powerful emotional compare to common product choice attitude.

Thus, store environment and desire to buy impulsively for a particular products make you experience upon

meeting an item in the shopping environment (Rook, 1987, Dholakia, 2000), Moreover, it has been

observed that how characteristics of the retail environment can trouble customer’s emotions is

managerially relevant, therefore, determined the impact of environmental characteristics of stores on

in-store emotions. Both aim at the feature of the store atmosphere and store facility (Donovan and

Rossiter, 1982;; Ridgway, Bloch and Nelson, 1994). Whereas mainly product assortment, sales, and

assistance these features of the store might affect in-store. Moreover, there is a cultivating streamlet of

research on store environment, which identifies the influence of its several components on consumer

behavior. For instance, it depicts that the perceptiveness regarding store employees perhaps influence

customers’ attitudes towards service quality and merchandise (Hu and Jasper, 2006).

The impact of interpersonal influence has recognized (a group of friends, family and friends) on impulse

buying behavior. Some scholars has explained that one person’s sensitivity to interpersonal influence

just as ‘required to recognize along with or increase to one’s belief of, notable other through the

possession make use of products and brands and will to establish assumption of others related to

buying decisions (Bearden et al., 1989, p. 473).as a justification individual can use others buying

behavior for their own, therefore, feel newly abandoned about buying (Luo, 2005). Luo (2005)

indicated that shopping with friends and groups influences impulse buying. Consequently, a person’s

sensitivity to interpersonal influence is examined to be an antecedent that affects teens' impulse buying

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 11
retail stores

Impulsive buying tendency described as the level upon a person perhaps to make unplanned, spontaneous, and

unexpected purchases (Beatty, Ferrell, 1998, Rook, Fisher, 1995). The result of such urge and desire

may shift in the person’s reference point due to being physically close to the product, Hoch and

Loewenstein (1991).

Therefore, some products which are marketed well and are visible well, sales of those products are more

impulsively than others. The probability that impulse buying products will be depend on the product

category, product brand and package and product distribution (Stern, 1962:61; Harmancioglu et al.,

2009:27; Duarte et al., 2013:1237; Tinne, 2010:71).The purchasing behavior of customers affected by

several product attributes processed food comes with a wide range of product attributes. Taste and

flavor is mainly examined into Goyal&Singh,2007; Karimi-Shahanjarinietal.,2010;

Kathuria&Gill,2013; Maehle, Iversen, Hem,&Otnes,2015). However, some customers are being

attracted towards packaging of products, As stated by Rundh (2005) product’s packaging catch

consumer’s attentiveness which increases its image, sales, market share and reduces promotional

activities cost about product.

According to AMA (2012), “ Promotional activities comprised upon all those activities that add-on both

advertising and personal selling and help them and coordinate to make them attractive just as shows,

displays and, demonstrations and exhibition and further more periodic selling efforts not used in the

normal routine. Moreover, promotional activities have direct effect upon IB. in store promotional

activities, for instance: discount such as BOGO, FOC, is type of impulse techniques which triggers

customer (Hulten and Vanyushyn, 2011:378).Point-of-sales communication tools and promotional

activities (temporary price reductions, coupons, sampling) work for marketing stimuli and helps
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 12
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retailers to stimulate consumers` impulse buying behavior (Duarte et al., 2013:1238)It is examined by

various studies that consumer’s buying response relates to different kinds of motivational activities

and parts correlated with consumer deal proneness s (Shimp and Kavas, 1984; Henderson, 1987;

Lichtenstein et al., 1997). Promotional Activities are nearly always associated along with some sort of

communication (e.g., a retailer ad) that the price of item is low and the time for lowering price is

limited (promotions are offered for a limited period of time). While, lowering the prices for a long

period of time can go along with a price reduction sign (e.g., Walmart rollbacks).

Therefore, time determines customer’s impulsivity whether he or she will be buying impulsively or not. More

time availability of customers decides more time spending and browsing in stores by customers

(Beatty and Ferrell, 1998:175). If customers have not a good amount of time, they will definitely

ignore shopping. Similarly, Dholakia (2000) that customers with good finance and with free time

would be more likely to impulse buying occurs. Time constraints shows that how customer sacrifices

its time and availability (Kulviwat et al., 2004; and Vermeir and Van, 2005).Time availability explains

that the ‘degree to which assume time lacking relative to daily routine task’ (Alreck et al.,

2009).further argued that the level to which people adopt deliberation and intuition relies on their

current emotional status. Therefore, when person is under immense time pressure situation, thus, they

heavily depend on their intuition in making buying decision (De Dreu, 2003).

It has been observed that if the person is in the state of situation where he has money as well good enough

time to spend in store, thus likelihood of browsing and impulse purchasing would be high (Sharma et

al., 2010; Chavosh et al., 2011; Badgaiyan and Verma, 2015). Moreover, Beatty and Ferrell(1998)

believe , having a powerful effect of available time on sellers and in-store browsing, should strive to

influence the time consumers think that they have available in the store. The retailers make do this by
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 13
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creating shopping even more well organized, just like while assisting the customer in discover their

her or his planned stuffs more immediately.

1.2 Problem statement

Past researches are held within developing countries, study upon IB conducted in Bangladesh; they

examined elements influencing consumer’s impulse buying behavior in Bangladesh’s superstore

Tinne, W. S. (2011). Similarly, study conducted in North West Nigeria, they examined influence

of merchandise assortment display in store on consumer buying behavior Asuquo, E. E.,

&Igbongidi, P. B. (2015). In Indonesia has investigated influence of shopping enjoyment and

market experiential upon IB shopping departmental stores Handayani, W., Anshori, M., Usman, I.,

&Mudjanarko, S. (2018). Study in developed country like Singapore has examined the effect of

product attributes and consumer attributes on impulse buying in shopping centers Chavosh, A.,

Halimi, A. B., Namdar, J., Choshalyc, S. H., &Abbaspour, B. (2011, February). Further,

endowment of product and consumer attributes to consumer’s impulse buying behavior in

Singapore. Moreover study has in USA investigated directly and indirectly impact about the

characteristics of retail environment upon IB behavior Chang, H. J., Eckman, M., & Yan, R. N.


However, few studies are conducted in Pakistan in order to examine the impact about IB at retail

stores. In which one study examined the belongingness between store atmosphere and impulse

buying behavior, Akram, U., Hui, P., Khan, M. K., Hashim, M., &Rasheed, S. (2016). Moreover,

study on impulse buying was conducted while considering FMCG’S sectors in Pakistan in which

examined whether branding has sufficient impact upon IB behavior Husnain, M., &Akhtar, M. W.

(2016). The study was conducted in Pakistan in which examined the influence of life style as well
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 14
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as cultural values of Pakistani’s customers on impulse buying behavior but irrespective

considering particular sector or industry, Bashir, S., Zeeshan, M. U. H. A. M. M. A. D., Sabbar, S.

A. B. B. A. R. D. A. H. H. A. M., Hussain, R. I., &Sarki, I. H. (2013).

However, there is no such study was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan where have been examined

the influence of two factors (Situational factors and Consumer traits) upon IB in retail stores.

Furthermore, there are few studies which were conducted in Pakistan; I observed that researchers

could check the impact of impulse buying behavior to induct some more factors and variables in

order to get the desire result or could fill out questionnaire from more respondents. However, by

viewing the need to conduct such study, I have checked the impact of IB by integrating 10

variables comprising upon two factors, situational factors and Consumer traits. Therefore, I picked

first four variables for {Situational factors}: (Person’s situation, Store Environment, Motivational

Activities by Retailors, Product Attributes) are picked from, Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018).While

5th variable (Time Availability) were extracted from (Husnain, M., Rehman, B., Syed, F., &Akhtar,

M. W. (2019). Moreover, first three variables for {Consumer Traits}: (Impulse buying tendency,

Materialism ,Shopping Enjoyment Tendency) are extracted from Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B.

(2018).Whereas 4th and 5th variables (Emotional Attachment, Interpersonal Influence) are extracted

from Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018).

As fast as this retail trend is growing in Pakistan with having around 20 lacks retail stores in

Pakistan. Thus among of these retail stores almost 8 lacks stores presenting FMCG sectors together

with (mom & pop), 'kiryana' stores (kiosks selling betel leaves and cigarettes), 'pan'

shops ,medical-cum-general stores, department stores etc. furthermore, a good chunk of population

over 207 million overall Pakistan and 16 million of Karachi population is giving best support and
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 15
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potential to these retail stores. However, by viewing the progress of retail stores in Karachi.

Hence, i worked on this study to consider the need of conducting such study which can help

retailers to evolve their policies and can provide valuable insights to manage their customers’

needs and wants accordingly. This study will help retailer to generate sales and can help them to

attaining competitive edge over others.

1.3 Research objective

An objective of this research study is to examine the influence of {Situational factors}: (.Person’s

situation, Store Environment, Motivational Activities by Retailors., product Attributes, Time

availability)and {Consumer factors}: (Impulse buying tendency , Materialism, Shopping

Enjoyment Tendency, Emotional Attachment, Interpersonal Influence) on impulse buying at

Pakistan retail stores.

1.4 Research Question

What is the influence of situational factors (factors: person’s situation, store environment,

motivational activities by retailors and Product attributes, time availability) consumer traits

(impulse buying tendency, Materialism, shopping enjoyment tendency, Emotional attachment and

interpersonal influence) on impulse buying at Pakistan’s retail stores?

1.5 Significance of the study

The beneficiary of this research will be Managers of retail stores. This study certainly will help

them to evolve retail strategies. This research can assist managers to make retail stores outlook

more elegant so that customers could pay attention. This research will be quite useful for the

Managers of retail stores to prevent from doing things, which customers dislike and can, help them
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 16
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in building an excellent image of retail stores. Moreover, it will help retailors to make customer’s

retail experience memorable, exciting and joyful so that customers would like to visit at retail

stores several times.

1.6 Limitation of study

This study has certain limitations as this study is conducted by viewing solely Karachi’s retail

store, whereas if we had access for conducting this research in all over Pakistan, so we can come

across with more bigger and better picture about retail stores. Furthermore, we could add more

variables in our study such as Money availability, sales promotion and discount effect upon IB.

Moreover, sample size of study is also limited into 400 respondents.

1.7 Organization of the Study

Layout of this study is:

Section 2 is comprised in theoretical background which is based on the past research papers. After,

empirical research comes in which relates to this topic. In the end Conceptual model and

hypothesis are developed. Section 3rd in which methodology comes in which is used to manage this

study in retail stores of Karachi. Which is supported by questionnaire based results from the

respondents. Section 4th describes the findings of the study which is managed in Section 3 rd and

explained in the detail with results. Lastly, Section 5 th will be comprised in Conclusion,

Recommendation, Future Recommendation and policies implication.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 17
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Chapter No #2

Literature Review
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 18
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2.1Theoretical Background

Theory of reasoned action sets the base for the conceptual model of this study. The IcekAjzen

(1985) has proposed the theory of planned behavior through his article "From intentions to actions:

A theory of planned behavior." The theory was arising from the theory of reasoned action, which

has presented by Martin Fishbein together with IcekAjzen in 1980.

According to the theory of reasoned action, person social behavior accompanied rationally and

mostly impulsively from the beliefs or information person possess regarding the behavior into

consideration (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). Thus theory suggests, person was normally completely

logical and made organized utilize of attainable information as well as the aim were antecedent to

the genuine behavior. therefore, as correctly indicated by Hale et al. (2002), predictive capability

has been credited at very high level for the theory of reasoned action, it prior describes choice

behaviors as well as its explanatory scope keep out an extended behaviors just as those who are

impulsive and spontaneous (Bentler and Speckart, 1979). Such behaviors performance are not

voluntary therefore that are excluded or since attractiveness in the behaviors and buyer may not

require in a purposeful decision making (Hale et al., 2002). Therefore, it is been essentially a

caused that why impulsive behavior don’t lead up to by spontaneous buying purpose in the

conceptual framework. By choice, it is stated too by Hirschman (1985), person’s personal train of

beliefs were examined in triggering the want/wish to make unexpected buying as well as once it

triggered, thus desire apparently becomes so strong and consistent that it ordered immediate step.

Therefore, as per this discerning, the desire to buy spontaneously can be observed to be the stage

prior to and guiding to the stage of real impulsive buying. Even Rook (1987), whereas, aiming to

explore elements of impulsive buying behavior, realized that impulsive buying happened once the
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 19
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customer involved in an immediate as well as often strong and consistent desire to purchase

something immediately. In similar lines, Beatty and Ferrell (1998) stated as follows:

Perceive desire to purchase spontaneously is a degree of want/wish which get experience to encounter an

object in the condition. It distinctly lead up to the real impulse action and it is sudden and spontaneous”.

2.2 Hypothesis Development.

2.2 1 Impulse Buying Tendency and Impulse Buying

Impulse buying tendency is a stage to which an individual doesn’t plan and meant to purchase, but

buy things spontaneously (Beatty, Ferrell, 1998, Rook, Fisher, 1995) and response to incitation of

retail stores without having of intention because of impulse buying tendency (Beatty, Ferrell, 1998,

Rook, Fisher, 1995) Beatty, S. E., & Ferrell, M. E. (1998). The desire of quick satisfaction (Kacen

et al., 2012) for the product or services is a response to retail outlets surrounding apprehensions

(Newman and Patel, 2004; Mohan et al., 2013), for instance: store/outlet ambiance, landscape,

visual merchandising, cleanliness, attractive display of items, lights and Fragrance in-store/outlet

all these things triggered to positive feelings to buy things impulsively (Dholakia, 2000; Chang et

al., 2014). However, based on past studies, (Sunil Atulkar and BikrantKesari 2018) draw to a close

that IBT has a significant and positive impact on IB. Moreover, Sunil Atulkar and BikrantKesari

2018), concluded that IBT has a significant and positive impact on IB, therefore, consumer who

scores higher IBT, they have more possibilities of being involved in impulse buying in retail stores

(Beatty and Ferrell, 1998).

H01: There is a significant relationship between IBT and IB.

2.2 2 Shopping Enjoyment Tendency and Impulse Buying

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 20
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Shopping enjoyment tendency is described as the happiness one achieves in the shopping process.

Thus, higher degree of shopping enjoyment propensity lead up to higher degree of positive effect.

Customers who involves and enjoy shopping experience they are more in unplanned buying’s as

well as get emotional rewards from the shopping activity. In the meantime, shoppers identified

shopping as a delightful retail involvement, where the shopping enjoyment propensity observes

like an inside continuous propensity and gives affection of joy and motivation. Al (Chavosh et al.,

2011) in the consumerAtulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018). Moreover, shopping enjoyment tendency

can be described as the pleasure, which customer receives in shopping process (Beatty and Ferrell,

1998) Mohan, G., Sivakumaran, B., & Sharma, P. (2013).However, in retail side shopping

enjoyment has become a prominent theory, it tells customers experience entertainment, Music,

playing ads on LED’s, play area for kids as well as Refreshment facilities Shephard, A. J., Kinley,

T. R., &Josiam, B. M. (2014). However, Arnold and Reynolds (2003) advise that the competitive

tool of any retail store has always been its immense enjoyable part, triggered shoppers to spend

enough time and gives time to think of purchasing more( Sharma et al., 2010)Kotzé, T., North, E.,

Stols, M., & Venter, L. (2012).

H02: There is a significant relationship between SET and IB.

2.2 3 Interpersonal Influence and Impulse Buying

Interpersonal influence is a kind of social influences those outcomes from group persons forcing,

or encouraging, conformity while demoralizing, and likely penalizing, disaffection. However, this

is one among of three kinds of social influences that take people to substantiate to the majority, or
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 21
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the group's norms. Rook and Fisher (1995) exhibits that the worth of the reference group

dependent through interpersonal influences on impulse buying behavior (jhones et al., 2003)

within the middle of, customer sustain particularly like a parents and peer group members (Luo,

2005)Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018). Further, around 50 years, researchers has explained effective

parenting gives complete cooperation to their kids (Baumrind, 1971; Becker, 1981; Peterson &

Rollins, 1987) Chaplin, L. N., & John, D. R. (2010). Furthermore, one of their categories of

interpersonal influence is informational influence which affects person’s decision making

regarding product attributes Khare, A., Mishra, A., Parveen, C., &Srivastava, R. (2011). Impulse

purchasing occurs more when person shops with peer, and the impact of shopping with peers on

impulse purchasing would be higher when the people are susceptible to influence when they are

not (Luo,2005) Cheng, Y. H., Chuang, S. C., Wang, S. M., &Kuo, S. Y. (2013).

H03: There is a significant relationship between IPI and IB.

2.2 4 Materialism Impulse Buying

Naturally materialism is a structure of theoretical monism which grasps that matter is the basic

substance as well as that everything, including intellectual states and awareness, are results of

material relation. Materialism is an key basic customer attribute described and justify by Belk

(1984), whereas, few researchers (Dittmar& Bond, 2010; Steven &Srinivas, 2013) explained

materialism as a worth position of material goods Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018). However, the

pool of goods is a midway of life and a reason for happiness for them. (Badgaiyan&Verma, 2014)

Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018).Consumers put importance to invest in products as an objective as

well as keep it at the center of their lives. At the time of shopping activity, money-oriented

consumers also become aware of positive feelings and trust from the not needed and irrelevant
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 22
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products and services follow the significance of their self-esteem is also being built up by social

status. In the opinion of Richens (2011) and Richins and Dawson (1992), materialism is a manner

of reasoning regarding the significance of spending and taking ownership of objects in one’s life

(Shrum, L. J., Wong, N., Arif, F., Chugani, S. K., Gunz, A., Lowrey, T. M., ...& Scott, K.

(2013).Belk (1985) described materialism to be a personality trait. Further stated it as “more

materialism, such possessions assume a central place in a peoples life and are believed to give the

greatest sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction” [Belk, (1985), p.265] Sadiq, M. A., Ansari, L.,

& Gupta, P. Influence of intrapersonal and interpersonal religiosity on materialistic attitudes

among youths in India: a structural equation modeling approach.

H04: There is a significant relationship between ML and IB.

2.2 5 Emotional Attachment and Impulse Buying

Emotional Attachment means an attachment and hold on to people, habits, beliefs, circumstances

and possession. You like to emotionally attach to someone and are not able and reluctant to let go,

make changes, or departs of your support zone. Nowadays, customers opts to retail outlets for

shopping for having relax, fresh and for happiness (Babin& Darden, 1996) with shopping activities

Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018). Customer loyalty with the firm is censorious to attachment

development as well as sustainability, as loyalty merely belongs to evaluation about firm’s future

performance (Park et al., 2006; Selnes, 1998) Vlachos, P. A. (2012). Moreover, The study suggests

that emotionally attached customers shall be more committed to impulse buy by the retailers as

well as most probably they may recommend the retailers to other people (Carroll and Ahuvia,
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 23
retail stores

2006) Vlachos, P. A., The otokis, A., Pramatari, K., &Vrechopoulos, A. (2010). In past,Yim et al.

(2008), called for more thought of emotion-laden processes operated by sentiments, knowing that

consumers likelihood to develop fond ties in commercial relationships. Likewise, Fournier and

Paulssen (2007) presents empirical proved that a commercial relationship acts in the same ways to

personal relationships. Vlachos, P. A. (2012). Motivational activities and proper product stacking,

sorting, display and merchandising in the retail store grow consumer engagement, which lead to

more buying, discerning customers to get more from the invested money. Consequently, some

great emotions generated by a retail store in the response of IB.

H05: There is a significant relationship between EA and IB.

2.2 6 Time Availability and Impulse Buying

A given time for a phase that a quantify system can be used by its general users. Available time is

comprising on idle time and productive. Productive time, such as, in a given phase that a quantify

system is performing needful work for the users. However, studies by Donovan and Rossiter

(1982) and Heilman et al. (2002) have indicated if customer has enough time to roam in store, the

more chances of making of impulse purchasing. According to several studies, it is identified at the

shopping time activity; availability of time has an influence upon IB Santini, F. D. O., Ladeira, W.

J., Vieira, V. A., Araujo, C. F., &Sampaio, C. H. (2019). Moreover, In association with time span

of in-store browsing in the sought to seek knowledge regarding price of products and products

promotion is identified by Beatty and Ferrell (1998) and Sprott and Miyasaki (1995) that in-store

browsing has less positively correlation with time availability (Bong, S. (2016). This is just as

explained in the marketing literature; in economics one of theory has narrated the relationship

between customer demand for items that proposed convenience and time(Holbrook & Lehmann,
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 24
retail stores

1981)Husnain, M., Rehman, B., Syed, F., &Akhtar, M. W. (2019), as well as this is examined

(Foroughi et al., 2012; Underhill, 2009), as long as the customer shall stay in the retail store so the

more he/she will have chances of impulse buying). However, it is proven by several studies that

time availability has a positive influence upon IB, because due to having extra time to customer for

shopping wants to buy things which are unplanned, hence, if customers have extra time to spend in

the store along with they feel comfortable and feel good in-store, consequently they will be

triggered towards IB. Moreover, interestingly, Foroughi et al. (2012) not solely described the

significance of time impacted the positive mood, also explained that positive attitude was, in turn,

investigated significantly impacting the desire to buy impulsively Badgaiyan, A. J., &Verma, A.


H06: There is a significant relationship between TA and IB.

2.2 7 Person’s situation and Impulse Buying

It is explained before; that the person’s situation is connected to money and time availability, as

well as having a relationship with IB. (Foroughi et al., 2012). It is revealed that consumers who

have enough amount of time of staying for long time in the retail store, browsing are anticipated

for IB. (Sharma et al., 2010; Chavosh et al., 2011; Badgaiyan and Verma, 2015)Atulkar, S., &

Kesari, B. (2018).A person’s attitude emotional state, and personal-feelings could be known as

affective state of person (Youn, 2000). Internal stimulant are streamed by the cognitively and

consumer affectively resulted in non-impulsive or impulsive behavior. Dawson, S., & Kim, M.

(2009). Dittmar, (2005) or conservative attitude states (Rook & Gardner, 1993). For instance,
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 25
retail stores

Verplanken, Herabadi, Perry and Silvera (2005) has shown that the propensity in impulsive-buying

arbitrated amid snacking habits and dispositional mood, while dispositional mood were belonged

to poor self-esteem Herabadi, A. G., Verplanken, B., & Van Knippenberg, A. (2009). This is

identified that the money availability assessed as a significant enabler in making daily and or

Impulse buying. Luo (2005) reveals that the availability of extra money shall increase the chances

and positive emotions in the customer and trigger them towards IB Jones et al. (2003) advised time

period between viewing, glimpse and purchasing the items is very short, because consumer gives

to impulse buying respond very quickly to the desire and wish to buy the items without wasting

time. Kim and Kim’s (2012) study also recognizes the human factors and their effect on customer

buying. Consequently, the higher time availability and money shall provide scope for customers to

browsing in the retail stores and buy extra than the daily purchases Chang, H. J., Yan, R. N.,

&Eckman, M. (2014).

H07: There is a significant relationship between PS and IB.

2.2 8 Motivational activities by retailers and Impulse Buying

Motivational activities by retailors are a certain attempt that is created for getting a quick impact

on sales, free sampling, discount coupons, BOGO discounts, invites celebrities in live shows, and

excellent sales force. Price promotion is the most valuable marketing activity viewed by retailors,

which triggered IB towards those items (Dittmar et al., 1995) which are good in display and

stacked in attractive manners. f (Arnold and Reynolds, 2003; Amos et al., 2014). Liao et al. (2009)

ensured that price discounts pull customers to make them IB and provide upon a comprehend items

and services (Muratore, 2016)Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018). However, there is direct effect of

Promotional activities among customers upon IB, in store promotional activities, for instance,
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 26
retail stores

discount such as “three at the price of two” is a type of impulse purchase triggers (Hulten and

Vanyushyn, 2011:378). Point-of-sales communication tools and promotional activities (temporary

price reductions, coupons, sampling)helps as retailing stimuli and retailers to stimulate consumers`

impulse buying behavior (Duarte et al., 2013:1238) Ünsalan, M. (2016).. Furthermore, Side by

side, a thorough understanding of product information and salespeople and immediately resolve

every query of customers, which encourages them in purchasing activities (Badgaiyan and Verma,

2014, 2015) Badgaiyan, A. J., &Verma, A. (2015). However, the regular promoted product’s price

in a coupon promotion is certainly the appropriate price paid by customers without coupons. Thus,

irrespective that buyer will consider quality depletion upon a coupon-promoted product (Monroe

and Chapman, 1987), thus coupon promotions must be more appropriate than rebate promotions in

managing the overall considered value of the promoted product in retail promotional activities

Chen, S. F. S., Monroe, K. B., & Lou, Y. C. (1998). Moreover, the bonus offerings and extra items

w unlike cost trigger the customer buying behavior to buy the product; as customer feels pleasure

towards such offer when it is in bigger sizes offers and thoroughly advertised. (Gardener and

Trivedi, 1998; Percy, Rossiter, and Elliott, 2001) Shamout, M. D. (2016). Therefore, chances of

customers buying behavior may increase by emphasizing upon sales and promotional activities.

H08: There is a significant relationship between MABR and IB.

2.2 9 Product attributes and Impulse Buying

Tangible features can add type of product attributes as color, size, volume, weight, taste, smell,

quantity, touch, or material formation. For instance, when you urge to purchase a new car, you

probably consider tangible features just as its color, size, and material formation. Features of raw

materials and finished goods differentiate from others, such as color, ingredients, taste, that
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 27
retail stores

influence products request or acknowledgment in the market. Analyst illustrates that consumer’s

impulse triggered for both high cost and low-cost products (Rook, 1987; Dittmar et al., 1995) if the

low-cost classification is provided by them. As stated by McGoldrick (1982), to make impulse

buying, however, price is not only important, while these days’ customers prefer amalgamation of

three things quality of the product, quantity as well as competitive price Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B.

(2018). Moreover, study by Dittmar et al. (1995) advices those products which appeals

emotionally has more probability to make impulse buying than those products who do not appeals

emotionally Kacen, J. J., Hess, J. D., & Walker, D. (2012).However, more or less several products

can be purchased impulsively (Stern, 1962, Jones et al., 2003): and shoes with extra pairs, outfits,

fashion items (Kim and Lee, 2006), LED or a valuable piece of furniture could be also

spontaneously bought just as a sweet and a snack’s pack (Rook, 1987) Hussain, A. (2018).

Moreover, it has been examined customers always make a plan to purchase highly expensive

products tactfully, however, as far as low price products are concerned, so they become quite

impulsive. ( Jones et al., 2003). Duarte et al. (2013:1237) asserts that a brand that represents

tangible items is an important stimulation factors for IB due to message conveyed by brands.

Therefore research has identified that use of snack’s brands could pleases 04 different kinds of

self-image which are friendship, belonging and well-being, enjoyment and fun, however in order

to experience to these personal-image can trigger consumer desire to buy impulsively Ünsalan, M.

(2016). Hence, this study suggests the subsequent hypothesis.

H9: There is a significant relationship between PA and IB.

2.2 10 Store environment and Impulse Buying

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 28
retail stores

The environment of store is an outlook and ambiance of retail stores with adding elements such as

light, music, layout, designs, product displays, hygienic condition, fragrance and human elements

(Atulkar and Kesari, 2017) as well as further we can classify it into two parts exterior and interior

of the store. However, these elements in store trigger customers towards IB. As explained by

Kacen et al. (2012), the desirable store designed can pull customers' attention towards items, grow

its appeal and enlarge the chances for IB Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B. (2018) identified the influence of

store environment upon IB as well as come up with result that SE has significant influence upon

IB. Khan, Hui et al. (2015) explained that situation factors SE influences IB of generation Y

consumers. Jamal and Lodhi (2015) described that controlling a suitable environment has a main

impact on IB while Xu (2007) states that SE effects consumers’ emotions, which consequently

increases in IB. Thus, this study identifies the following hypothesis. (Piron 1991)specified certain

elements which triggers for IB such as colors, sounds, persons and textures(Mitchel 1994) Santini,

F. D. O., Ladeira, W. J., Vieira, V. A., Araujo, C. F., &Sampaio, C. H. (2019). Consequently, the

design of SE is specially made in a way from which customers get excitement feelings as well as

pleasure. Many researchers suggests that purchase gives pleasant experience for buyers

(Abdolvand et al, 2011).Vazifehdoost, H., Rahnama, A., &Mousavian, S. J. (2014).

H10: There is a significant relationship between SEand IB.

2.3 Empirical study

2.3 1 Eckman, M., Chang, H. J., & Yan, R. N. (2011). The study has empirically investigated the direct

and incidental impact of environmental traits upon IB behavior. However, in this study IB has used
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 29
retail stores

as the dependent variables, whereas, traits of retail environment (i.e. ambient, design, and social),

are used as the independent variables, and single factor, hedonic motivation, and is used as a

moderator. The data was collected from locally owned retail store located in the Rocky Mountain

region of the US. The sample size of data was consisting of 237 respondents, in which 25

questionnaires found incomplete, therefore 212 respondents data used for analysis . Most of

respondents were well equalified, having accomplished at least collage or graduate school.

Exploratory research surveyed by using Varimax rotation technique was used. The result of study

has identified direct impacts of (a) consumers’ positive emotional responses to the retail

environment on IBB and. Hedonic motivation moderated the relationship between social

characteristics of the retail environment and consumers’ positive emotional responses. . This

research suggests that retailors (b) design/ ambient characteristics of the retail environment on

consumers’ positive emotional responses to the retail environment should always know that focus

and more work on these positive relation variables will help retailors to build better image of retail

stores and will help to obtained more potential customers. It also suggests that retailers/marketers

should investigate how many more factors other than these 03 factors of the retail environment

interrelate with each other as well as at the same time effect perception consumers of the retail

store environment and ultimately their impulse buying behavior.

2.3 2 Chugan, P. K. & Mehta, N. P (2013) the study examined to figure out the effect of

several feature of visual merchandising on IBB visiting “central Mall’. Here the IB is used as (DV)

and influence of Store Form/Mannequin, window display, Promotional Signage Display, Floor

Merchandising and Promotional Signage Display (IV’S). The data was taken from 84

respondents who walk out from Central Mall India Ahmedabad. Exploratory and descriptive both

designs are used in 1st and 2nd part to find out association between independent and dependent
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 30
retail stores

variables by utilizing SPSS reliability test, correlation, factor analysis and linear regression

techniques. However, results were shown, a significant correlation between IB and window display,

there is no significant correlation between IB as well as in-store form/mannequin display found a significant

correlation between IB as well as a significant correlation found between IB and floor merchandising and

promotional signage. This research suggests that retailers should more work in making window display and

floor merchandising attractive so that more customer’s impulse shall trigger as they have significant

relation on impulse buying, also improvement is required in-store form/mannequin display variable.

Furthermore, it suggests that what can be more variables and factors exist in retail stores which can be

tested to find out more relationship, sample size of this research can be extended from 84 respondents to

more; also data can be collected from different regions of India.

2.3 3Nishanov, B., &Ahunjonov, U. (2016), the study examined to identify the effect of in store

attributes upon IBB. However, store attributes: promotional signage, window display store layout,

store smell and music play are (IV’S) and impulse buying is (DV). The data for this study were

collected by 117 respondents from supermarket situated in Yuzrabod Street. The sample

size of the data was consisting upon 117 respondents. Moreover, 56% of respondents were male

whereas 44% were females. Exploratory research surveyed by using Varimax rotation technique

was used. Furthermore, we have found positive relationship of store smell promotional signage and

window display upon IB. While, Music play and store layout has not positive relation on impulse

buying. This study suggests that retail manager should evolve more such retail mix strategies,

which make customer, feel elegant and also trigger customers to buy impulsively. Moreover, in

future, the sample size of customers must be consisting on more quantity along with considering

more variables to get more accurate result.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 31
retail stores

2.3 4 Foroughi, A., Buang, N. A., &Sadeghi, R. H. M. (2012). the study investigated the impact

situational variables (Money available and Time available) upon IB. However, situational factors:

money available and time available are (IV’S), positive effect as a mediator, desire to buy as a

moderator and IB as a (DV). The data for this survey were collected from different ethnics in

Malaysia. The sample size of data was consisting upon 98 respondents. Moreover, respondents in

Malaysia were belonging to (china, India and Malay people). However, for quantitative research

purposed we used CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and Alpha Cronbach Coefficient techniques in

order to extract result. Furthermore, we found significant relationship of time available and money

available on positive mood, money available significantly effect on impulse buying, positive affect

significantly influence on desire to buy, desire to buy significantly impact on IB, while there is no

significant relation upon IB by different ethnics. This study suggests that there is no specific ethnic

in Malaysia, who buys more impulsively than other ethnics therefore; anyone who is in the right

situation has money and times both available, their mood can trigger them to buy impulsively.

Moreover, in future this study can be conducted at some super stores or retail stores to add more

variables, where impulse buying by customers is in practice.

2.3 5 Ukpabi, D. C., Enyindah, C. W., Gwere, J. N., & Ejire, S. (2015) the study surveyed the

compatibility among impulse buying and store atmosphere. Thus, store interior, store lay out, store

display and store External environment are taken as an (IV’S) and impulse buying as a (DV). The

data for this research gathered from the city of Nigeria Port Harcourt. The sample size of data

consisted upon 209 respondents. Moreover, respondents from data collected they were the frequent

shoppers of supermarkets, marketplace and motor parks in Port Harcourt. Furthermore, majority of

them were students and females shoppers. However, secondary data research followed surveyed by
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 32
retail stores

using SPSS 21 tool used include descriptive techniques. Furthermore, we have found positive

relation between stores interior, store lay out, store display and store external environment upon

IB. consequently, this research advices that retail managers should work more to improve store

atmosphere, since it has positive impact on impulse buying. They should consistently bring

innovation in their store outlook so that customer feel attract and make impulse buying retail store.

Moreover, this research can be conducted in different cities of Nigeria in futire or can fill out

questionnaire from more numbers of respondents in order to know better understanding about

retail perspective. Furthermore, more factors can examined in order to check impact on impulse

buying just as psychological factors or social factors.

2.3 6 Chavosh, A.+et all. (2011, February).The study investigated the effect of product and

consumer features on IB. Therefore, age, gender, materialism, mood, impulse buying tendency,

shopping enjoyment, functional product and hedonic products are taken as an (IV’S) and IB as a

(DV). The data for this study were collected from Singapore (Suntec City Mall, Marina Square

Shopping Mall, and Ngee Ann City). The sample size of data consisted upon 100 respondents.

Moreover, respondents from we collected data in which 57% were females and 43% were males

and the age were amid 20-50 years old. In this study we conducted mixed approach research

primary and secondary both. Moreover, we used SPSS technique tool to know the variables

interrelation of dependent and independent variables. Furthermore, we have found significant

relation between consumer characteristics: (Gender, Age, Mood, Shopping enjoyment, IBT) upon IB

except Materialism which has no significant relation on IB However, this study has suggested that the

managers of malls should must need to expedite and evolve better strategies by classifying

customers gender, age, also work to make customers mood which trigger them to buy impulsively,
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 33
retail stores

and develop a kind of environment of malls that make customers feel enjoy in shopping with great

impulse buying tendency. Moreover, in future, managers of malls can consider more variables

other than materialism, which can have good impact on impulse buying, so that strategy could be

develop accordingly.

2.3 7 Nagadeepa, C., Selvi, T., &Pushpa, A. (2015). The study is examining several sales promotion

techniques and the order to which they influence the consumers’ decision making towards apparel.

However, coupons and loyalty programs rebate and discount offers, price packs and contest are

taken as an (IV’S) and IB as a (DV). The data for this research were gathered from the apparel

shoppers in 5 different malls of Bangalore. The sample size of data was of 125 respondents.

Moreover, most of respondents were womens and the income of respondents was less than 15000.

However, for this primary research purposed we used SPSS technique tool for analysis.

Furthermore, we found significant relationship of rebates and discount and loyalty program on

impulse buying and the relationship of coupon, contest and price packs found insignificant on

impulse buying. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of malls should develop strategies to

focus on rebates and discount and loyalty to increase customer’s impulsive buying. Managers of

mall can offer discount off and on also can introduce lucky draws for often buyers. Moreover, in

future this study can be conducted at different malls in Bangalore. It can be taken more variables

for future study which can effect on impulse buying such as signage, music and promotional

activities in malls.

2.3 8 Ahmad, M. B., Ali, H. F., Malik, M. S., Humayun, A. A., & Ahmad, S. (2019). The study investigates

direct and indirect relation between individual differences and impulse buying in shopping malls and

stores. However, hedonism, self-esteem, shopping enjoyment, impulse buying tendency, shopping
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 34
retail stores

enjoyment and fashion involvement are taken as an (IV’S), positive mood as a mediator and IB as

a (DV). The data for this study collected from 5 shopping malls and stores in Lahore. The sample

size of data comprised upon 309 respondents. Moreover, respondents were visitors of these malls

and stores. However, for this secondary research purposed we used PLS based SEM technique tool

for analyzing result. Furthermore, we found significant relationship of positive mood, IB tendency

and fashion involvement upon IB, self-esteem, shopping enjoyment and hedonism found insignificant

relationship on IB. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of malls and stores must evolve some

strategies to make customer’s mood positive to create good environment, and also make available

fashion merchandise in store, which increase customer’s impulse buying tendency. Moreover, in

future this research can be conducted at super market to focus on situational and customer factors.

2.3 9 Peck, J., & Childers, T. L. (2006).The study identified the impact of touch on impulse buying.

However, environment touch salience, autotelic NFT, buying impulsiveness traits and normative

evaluation of impulse purchase are taken as an (IV’S) and impulse buying as a (DV. The data for

this study collected from 139 shoppers of Midwestern-city in US. The sample size of data were

comprised upon 170 respondents. Moreover, the median respondents were holding bachelor’s

degree. However, for this secondary research purposed we used correlation technique tool for

analyzing result. Furthermore, we found significant relationship of environment touch salience,

autotelic NFT, buying impulsiveness traits and normative on impulse buying. Therefore, it suggests

that the shop owners should magnify attributes of these variables so that impulse buying of shops

could be more increase. Moreover, in future this research can be conducted at some malls and

super market of USA to add more relevant variables as well as with at least 400 respondents.

2.3 10 Oladipo, J. O. (2019). The study investigates the impact of personal selling on customer’s

impulse buying. However, personal selling; company representatives, product presentation,

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 35
retail stores

peoples advice, face to face advice and product display are taken as an (IV’S) and impulse buying

as a (DV). The data for this study collected food firms of Lagos, Ogun, Oyo and Ondo5 in Nigeria

The sample size of data consisted upon 400of respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents

were well educated and married. . However, for this secondary research purposed we used linear

regression and technique tool for analyzing result. Furthermore, we found significant relationship

of, personal selling; company representatives, product presentation, people’s advice, face to face

advice and product display on impulse buying. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of these

food firms should make these variables as a competitive advantage; also they should strive for the

continuous approach for these variables. Moreover, in future more factors can be adding other than

personal selling such as situational and personal factors of customers so that more clarity shall

come regarding impulse buying.

2.3 11 Badgaiyan, A. J., & Verma, A. (2014). The study empirically investigates the impact of

five inherent factors; names are personality, culture, materialism, shopping enjoyment tendency

and impulsive buying tendency upon IB. However, culture, materialism, shopping enjoyment

tendency and impulsive buying tendency as (IV’S) and IB as a (DV). The data for this study

gathered from the different parts of India’s national capital region. The sample size of data

consisted upon 508 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents were male, employed from

bachelor’s study background. However, for this secondary research purposed we structural

equation modeling technique by using AMOS (version 20.0). Furthermore, we found that three

assembles of Materialism, shopping enjoyment tendency, and impulsive buying tendency were

positively and significantly relating with IB, the cultural assembles of collectivism and two
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 36
retail stores

personalities assembles of conscientiousness extraversion found significant relationship. .

Therefore, it suggests that the managers of retail sectors should consider these five factors in

evolving policies for their respective retail stores such as make every customer’s shopping

experience enjoyable to give them relaxing environment also make availabilities of such stocks in

their stores which make them feel relevant so that tendency in buying shall remain consistent.

Furthermore, this study with same factors can be done in more developing cities to include

demographic impact on impulse buying.

2.3 12 Chung, N., Song, H. G., & Lee, H. (2017).the study investigates the impact of impulsiveness,

hedonic and utilitarian on urge to impulse buying. However, impulsiveness is taken as (IV),

hedonic, utilitarian as a mediator and impulse buying as a (DV). The data for this research

gathered from the biggest professional internet market research firm in South Korea. The sample size of

data consisted upon 332 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents were belongs from social

commerce experience. However, for this secondary research purposed we used PLS regression

technique tool for analyzing result. Furthermore, we found significant relationship of

impulsiveness on utilitarian, hedonic and urge to buy, further we found significant relationship of

hedonic shopping value on urge to buy and insignificant relation of utilitarian shopping on urge to

buy impulsively. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of restaurant should avoid making

impulse buying strategies for utilitarian shopping, as consumers do not trigger their impulse for

utilitarian shopping. But managers must evolve their impulse buying strategies for hedonic

shopping by making good display of these hedonic items. Moreover, we can add more variables of

hedonic shopping in future study so that we could get a better perspective and result.
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 37
retail stores

2.3 13 Kongakaradecha, S., &Khemarangsan, A. (2012). The study investigates the impact of

Demographical factor (Age, Income, male, female, younger people, older) Social factor

(individualism and collectivism), Emotion factor (positive and negative mood) and products

promotion factors on impulse buying. However, Demographical factor (Age, Income, male,

female, younger, older) Social factor (individualism and collectivism), Emotion factor (positive

and negative mood) and products promotion factors are taken as (IV’S) and impulse buying as a

(DV). The data for this study collected from department stores, general stores and small retail

outlets, in the area of Bangkok, Thailand. The sample size of data consisted upon 80 respondents.

Moreover, majority of respondents were holding lower high school degree. However, for this

secondary research purposed we used ANOVA technique tool for analyzing result of the study.

Moreover, we found significant relationship of female and older people upon IB but no significant

effect of younger people upon IB, we found significant influence of positive mood and products

promotion on IB, but insignificant impact of negative mood on IB, further we found insignificant

influence of both individualism and collectivism on IB.. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of

retail outlets must develop some retail mix strategies in which they keep varieties and such

merchandise which attract female and older people and make retail environment of retail outlet

which make customers mood positive towards impulse buying. Furthermore, study on impulse

buying can be conducted by focusing on more factors of consumer and situational traits by

targeting different retail outlets.

2.3 14 * Foroughi, A., Buang, N. A., & Sadeghi, R. H. M. (2012), The study investigates the effect of

situational variables (Time and Money availability) upon IB between different Malaysia’s ethnics.

These variables affect to urge to buy spontaneously & in the end this variable influenced to
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 38
retail stores

impulse buying. However, Time available and money available are taken as an (IV’S), Positive

affect as mediator, Feel urge to buy impulsively as a moderator and impulse purchasing as a (DV).

The data for this research were gathered from the students of UKM (National University of

Malaysia). The sample size of data consisted upon 98 respondents. Moreover, majority of

respondents were female and belongingness from Chinese ethnics. However, descriptive statistics

(Means, Frequencies and Standard deviations) technique is utilized for this secondary research by

using ANOVA. Moreover, we found that the situational variables (Money available and Time

available) has positively impacted to the felt urge to purchase spontaneously and IB. Furthermore,

that positive impact has mediating part between situation variables and impulse. However, it

suggests that retailers should persistently work at making positive shopping environments such as

proper aromas and lighting, attractive displays and events. Furthermore, study on impulse buying

can be conducted to add more situational factors variables and data can be collected from more

ethnic’s background in order to understand the wider perspective.

2.3 15 Kumar, M. R., & Narayanan, A. G. V. (2016). The study determines impulse buying of

shoppers by considering socio economic factors and retail categories at apparel multi brand outlets.

However, gender, age and income and retail categories are taken as an (IV’S) and impulse

purchasing as a (DV). The data for this study collected from multi brand outlets of Coimbatore

city, India. The sample size of data consisted upon 400 respondents. Moreover, majority of

respondents were male who make purchases from multi brands. However, for this secondary

research purposed we used ANOVA technique tool for analyzing result. Moreover, we found

insignificant relationship of age, gender and income and retail categories on impulse buying.

Therefore, it suggests that the managers of retail brands should not evolve retail strategies to focus

on these 4 variables as they are not influencing impulse buying significantly rather to should focus
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 39
retail stores

on other variables to evolve better strategies for retail brand outlets. Furthermore, research upon

IB can be done by adding up more factors and variables which directly influence on impulse

buying such as store ambiance, store design and etc.

2.3 16 Gandhi, A., Vajpayee, A., &Gautam, D. (2015). The research determines IB of beverages at

contrasting arragements of modern trade. However, age, gender, time taken and people

accompanying a shopper are taken as an (IV’S) and impulse purchasing as a (DV). The data for

this study collected from Modern trade in two metropolitan cities Mumbai and Pune to the west of

India. The sample size of data consisted upon 93 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents

were customers who were purchasing beverages. However, for this secondary research purposed

we used CHI square technique tool for analyzing result. Moreover, we found significant

relationship of age, gender, time taken and number of people accompanying on impulse buying.

Therefore, it suggests that the managers of retail outlets must focus these variables in retail mix

and make assortments of beverages available accordingly. Furthermore, study on impulse buying

can be conducted other than beverages items such frozen food and ice creams which can certainly

help retail outlet managers to increase sales.

2.3 17.Sangalang, R. A., Siochi, J., & Plaza, M. (2017).The study identified the factors that

significantly affect upon IB. However, internal factors; age, sex, occupation, marital status,

income and external factors; in store atmosphere, shopping enjoyment, sales-person, in store

browsing, and promotional approach are taken as an (IV’S) and IB as a (DV). The data for this

study collected from fifth district of Cavite supermarkets Spain. The sample size of data consisted

upon 385 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents were above than 42 and married.

However, for this descriptive-correlation research purposed we used purposive, quota, convenience
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 40
retail stores

and proponent techniques tool for analyzing result. Moreover, we found significant relationship of

, internal factors; age, sex, occupation, marital status, income and external factors; in store

atmosphere, shopping enjoyment, sales-person, in store browsing, and promotional approach upon

IB. Therefore, it suggests that the managers of supermarket to must consider these factors in their

retail mix strategy in order to increase sales build a better image and get patronage accordingly.

Furthermore, study on impulse buying can be conducted to induct consumer traits factors to get

better perspective which shall be even more useful for developing future strategies regarding

impulse buying.

2.3 18 Akyuz, A. (2018). The study investigates the determinants influencing consumer’s impulse

buying behavior in supermarkets. However, ages, gender, income levels, educational level marital

status, discount and sample promotion, positive mood, credit card usage, and negative mood are

taken as an (IV’S) and IB as a (DV). The data for this study collected from Turkish social media

users, respondents were reached via Facebook and Instagram. The sample size of data consisted

upon 593 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents were female and university educated.

However, for this secondary research purposed we used ANOVA technique tool for analyzing

result. Moreover, we found significant relationship of gender, ages, educational level, income

levels, marital status, sample promotion and discount, credit card usage, positive mood and

negative mood on impulse buying. Therefore, it suggests to the managers of supermarkets that they

must consider these variables in developing supermarket strategies so that sales, image and footfall

of customers shall be increased. Furthermore, study on impulse buying can be conducted on more
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 41
retail stores

supermarkets such as where general merchandise is being sold, and more factors can be added for

analyzing better perspective.

2.3 19.Farid, D. S., & Ali, M. (2018), the study examines the effect of personality upon IB. However,

conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism are taken as an (IV’S)

and IB as a (DV). The data for this study collected from developing countries like Pakistan. The

sample size of data consisted upon 381 respondents. Moreover, majority of respondents were

female, unmarried and unemployed. However, for this secondary research purposed we used non-

probability technique tool for analyzing result. Moreover, we found significant relationship of

extraversion and openness on IB as well as insignificant relationship found between

conscientiousness and agreeableness upon IB. Therefore, it suggests to the managers of those

markets where impulse buying are in practice of customers, they should consider extraversion and

openness personality type of customers to increase impulse buying of their related business.

Furthermore, study on impulse buying can be conducted to add situational factors along with

personality factors with various variables and place to analyze the impact of impulse buying can be

specific such as retail supermarkets and supercenters can selected to check the impact of impulse


2.3 20.GRAA, A., Maachou, D. E. K., & BENHAMIDA, F. (2013). The study investigates how product

characteristics and situational factors influence various dimensions of impulse buying behavior.

However, situational factors; store environment, time pressure, perceived crowding, presence of

others, product characteristics; category of product, price promotion and involvement are taken as

an (IV’S) and impulse buying as a (DV). The data for this research gathered from food stores of

Algeria west. The sample size of data consisted upon 1357 respondents. Moreover, majority of
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 42
retail stores

respondent’s age were around 13 to 20 and male. However, for this secondary research purposed

we used SPSS technique tool for analyzing result. Moreover, we found significant relationship of

situational factors; time pressure, store environment, , presence of others, perceived crowding upon

IB, further found significant relationship of product characteristics; involvement and category of

product and insignificant relation of time pressure on impulse buying. Therefore, it suggests to the

managers of food retailers that develop retail marketing strategies in which they give such

situational to customers thereby their impulse could trigger over several product and they buy

spontaneously also they must consider category of products and involvement into their strategy in

which stock must not out of those . Furthermore, more variables in situational factors can be added

and more factors such as consumer traits can be considered in future study.
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 43
retail stores

2.4 Conceptual Model

Consumer Traits

Impulse Buying

Shopping Enjoyment



Interpersonal Buying

Person’s Situation

Store environment

Product Attributes

Time Availability

Motivational Activities
by Retailers

Situational Factors
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 44
retail stores

Chapter No #3

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 45
retail stores

3.1 Research purpose:

When the objective of the study is to identify the chain of circumstances relationship

controlling which variable sources which effect, explanatory research design is needful (Yin,

1994). It assists in explaining, understanding, controlling, and predicting relationship between

variables. Therefore, in order to develop theories and hypothesis, thus, explanatory research is

used in this study to study the strength that source phenomena.

3.4 Research approach:

Malhotra and Birks (2003), when you are required to create models and statistical analysis by

using numeric data, thus, opting quantitative research is best. As in this study variables are

measuring their effect using a numeric value thus this study is considered as quantitative research.

3.5 Research design:

Ormmord and Leedy (2010), explained that stated that correlational research design is concerned

with creating relationship between either to different variables of the same sample or between two

same variables of different sample. However, goal of this research is to measure the association

between variables therefore, it chose correlational study design.

3.6 Sampling technique:

Convenience sampling is also recognized as non-random or non-probability sampling where

respondents can access with ease in a geographic region at a given time (Musa, Etikan,

&Alkassiam, 2016).

3.7Target audience

We have targeted customers of K&N’s.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 46
retail stores

3.8 Sample size:

We have got filled questionnaire from 400 respondents.

3.9Statistical techniques:

This study uses PLS-SEM technique to measure the extent of relationship between


3.10 Questionnaire and measurement instrument:

We have 10 independent variables and each of them is comprised upon 4 items. Majority of these

items are based on positive observation and less are based on negative. We developed Likert scale

approach to know customers attitude/response on the given questionnaire with 5 options 1.

Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4.Agree 5. Strongly Agree. Further, we set two sections

into our questionnaire 1st section comprised on demographic and 2nd section comprised on

Independent variables with each of their 04 Items.

For related study purposed we picked items of our variables from different research papers IB 3 rd,

4th items picked from Buang, N. A., Foroughi, A., &Hajmisadeghi, R. S. Senik, Z. C., (2013). TA

1, 2.3 and 4 items were picked from Beatty, S. E., & Ferrell, M. E. (1998). Materialism 3 and 4

items were picked from Manolis, C., & Roberts, J. A. (2012). PA 3 and 4 items were picked from

Nugroho, W. A., &Wihandoyo, L. S. (2009). Moreover, EA 4th item was picked Jang, Y. J., Kim,

W. G., & Lee, H. Y. (2015). II 3 and 4 items were picked from Lin, Y. H., & Chen, C. Y. (2012).

MABR 4 items were picked from ABDI, A. S. (2015).Person’s situation 3 and 4th variables were

picked from Pradhan, V. (2016).

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 47
retail stores

3.11Ethical consideration:

The data collected from respondent’s voluntarily without any force and offense. However, before

filling them questionnaire, we assured them that their response will be kept confidential and shall

be used only for study purpose. Moreover, we did not convince them for getting their input

emotionally. We urged them to fill questionnaire on their own will also we have given them our

self-administration in case of any confusion during filling questionnaire. We didn’t react neither

we got disappoint over rejection from filling questionnaire by any potential respondent. Further, as

this research done by Male student therefore, maintained an ethical distance while filling out

questionnaire from female respondents.

3.12Demographic Result

Table 1 represents demographic characteristics of the data collected from 400 respondents among

them 172respondents like to shop from Imtiaz super market that makes up to 43% of the data,

while 165respondents like to shop from others super stores which is contributing 41.25% of the

data, 34 respondents preferred to shop from Aghaz super market which is contributing 8.5% of the

data and rest 29respondents consider Naheed super store which is contributing7.5% of the data in

result . According to the collected data it is obvious to say that 54% of K&N’s users aged between

26-30 numerically 216 responses, users Above-40 are 118 respondents and contributing 29.5%,38

respondents are 18-30 ages and contributing 9.5%, 36-40 age of respondents are 07 and are

contributing 1.75 in result. Furthermore, 185 users were graduate making 46.25% of the data, 120

users were belong from other education domain making 30% of data, 64 users were under-graduate

making 16% of data and the rest 31 responses making 7.75% of data came from post- graduate

background. K&N’s food products were used by 174 people making 43.25% of the data earning an
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 48
retail stores

income 35001-45000. 122 responses came from users earning between more than 55000

contributing 30.5% to data. 77 responses came from users earning 25000-35000 making 19.25% of

the data. Lastly, users earning more than 45001-55000 were only 27, making up approximately

6.5% of the data. However, 154 respondents out of 400 mostly shop were working at lower

Management position and are contributing total 38.5%, 114 respondents were from Middle

Management position who are contributing 28.5%, 67 respondents were from Upper-Management

position who are contributing 16.75% and 65 respondents were from Staff, who are contributing

16.25% in result.


Demographic Item Frequency Percentage

Preferred stores.
Imtiaz super market 172 43
Naheed super store 29 7.25
Aghaz super store 34 8.5
others 165 41.25
18-25 38 9.5
26-30 216 54
31-35 21 5.25
36-40 07 1.75
More than 40 118 29.5
Undergraduate 64 16
Graduate 185 46.25
Post graduate 31 7.75
Others 120 30
Staff 65 16.25
Lower Management 154 38.5
Middle Management 114 28.5
Upper Management 67 16.75
25000-35000 77 19.25
35001-45000 174 43.5
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 49
retail stores

45001-55000 27 6.77
More than 55000 122 30.5
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 50
retail stores

Chapter No # 4

Data Analysis
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 51
retail stores

4.1 Data Analysis:

Smart PLS software is utilized to check and analyze the validity of the created hypothesis and

conceptual model in this research, (Ringleetal., 2014), Rigdon (1988) commented that SEM has

become a key factor in Academic research in a variety of fields. The Structural Equation Modeling

was first developed by Wold (1966,1982,1985) and Lohmoller (1989) and showed a great

flexibility on the proposed equations and relations between latent variables. Chin (1988)

However, The developers of Smart PLS were Wold and Joreskog (1982) and Wold (1975, 1980)

PLS-SEM is compatible to work with unobservable variables and can even find the errors at the

time of developing LV(Chin,1998)in this study, importance is given to PLS-SEM over Structural

equation model. PLS-SEM is considered over Structural equation model. PLS-SEM performs in

two steps comprising of structural model and measurement model.

4.1.1 Measurement Model Convergent validity

As stated byFornell and Larcker (1981), PLS-SEM: determines convergent validity s

examined through four basis by PLS SEM.

1. Individual-item reliability

2. Cronbach’s alpha

3. composite reliability

4. Average variance extracted

Table 2 explains contravergent validity. However, examination of standardized loadings

or simple correlation being used in order to evaluate individual-items reliability. Tabachnick and
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 52
retail stores

Fidell (2007), set excellence and advised that if individual-item loading is at least 0.55, items are

considered reliable. Therefore, the criteria to check the Cronbach alpha should be at least 0.55.

Thus, as all items in Table 2 meet these set criteria. As suggested by Nunnally (1978).

Moreover, the excellence set for composite reliability must be greater than 0.7 thus the set criteria

is met. Lastly, the excellence set for Average variance extracted is that must be more than

0.5 according to (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). According to the above measure excellences and

criterions Table 2 meets all the benchmarks thus, all items are reliable.

Table #2

Measurement Model results

Construct ITEMS Loading Cronbach's α Composite Average

reliability variance


EA EA1 0.937 0.947 0.962 0.862

EA2 0.933

EA3 0.913

EA4 0.932

IB IB1 0.905 0.929 0949 0.824

IB2 0.891

IB3 0.906

IB4 0.929

IBT IBT1 0.946 0.943 0.959 0.855

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 53
retail stores

IBT2 0.937

IBT3 0.929

IBT4 0.885

IPI IPI1 0.937 0.943 0.959 0.854

IPI2 0.921

IPI3 0.936

IPI4 0.902

M M1 0.943 0.966 0.975 0.907

M2 0.972

M3 0.935

M4 0.958

MABR MABR1 0.936 0.951 0.964 0.871

MABR2 0.932

MABR3 0.928

MABR4 0.937

PA PA1 0.796 0.862 0.901 0.697

PA2 0.716

PA3 0.901

PA4 0.911

PS PS1 0.934 0.763 0.786 0.542

PS2 0.450
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 54
retail stores

PS3 0.965

PS4 0.596

SE SE1 0.946 0.718 0.870 0.843

SE2 0.948

SE3 0.962

SE4 0.808

SET SET1 0.899 0.940 0.957 0.848

SET2 0.951

SET3 0.903

SET4 0.930

TA TA1 0.871 0.740 0.725 0.563

TA2 0.856

TA3 0.836

TA4 0.243

Notes: EA = Emotional Attachment, IB= Impulse Buying, IBT = Impulse Buying tendency, IP = Interpersonal
Influence, M = Materialism, MABR=Motivational Activities by Retailers, PA= Product Attributes, PS= Person’s
situation, SE= Store Environment, SET= Shopping Enjoyment Tendency, TA= Time availability Discriminant validity

Discriminant validity depends upon the following:

1. Square root of AVE

2. Cross loadings
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 55
retail stores

3. Hetrotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlation must be greater than the correlational

of latent constructs. Table 3, depicts that set criteria is met. However, the diagonal bolds

represent square root of (AVE). The AVE square root of each construct is higher

than correlational matrix of each construct and absolute value of their correlation (Fornell

and Larcker, 1981).

_ R
EA 0.929
IB 0.821 0.908
IBT_ 0.875 0.853
0.86 0.92
IP 0.866 0.895
8 4
0.88 0.89 0.95
M 0.813 0.889
0 1 2
0.85 0.89 0.89
MABR 0.828 0.876 0.933
7 8 6
0.78 0.86 0.82 0.83
PA 0.875 0.833 0.743
4 9 4 5
0.79 0.81 0.80 0.66 0.73
PS 0.866 0.855 0.760
9 9 8 1 6
0.84 0.81 0.80 0.74 0.70 0.91
SE 0.821 0.805 0.711
4 3 3 4 4 8
0.88 0.84 0.93 0.77 0.68 0.68 0.92
SET 0.858 0.867 0.872
8 5 7 7 5 5 1
0.82 0.70 0.75 0.59 0.63 0.75 0.78 0.75
TA 0.788 0.759 0.765
0 9 5 7 4 9 6 1
Notes: EA = Emotional Attachment, IB= Impulse Buying, IBT = Impulse Buying tendency,IP =
Interpersonal Influence, M = Materialism, MABR=Motivational Activities by Retailers, PA= Product
Attributes, PS= Person’s situation, SE= Store Environment, SET= Shopping Enjoyment Tendency, TA=
Time availability

Table 4depicts cross loading result of individual item. However, item must be highly

loaded in its relevant constructs. The difference of cross loadings between should also be
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 56
retail stores

greater 0.1 then accounting to Gefen and Straub (2005). All variables are fully loaded in their

relevant construct.


Cross Loading


0.93 0.89 0.85
EA1 0.857 0.866 0.870 0.868 0.803 0.749 0.831 0.754
7 0 4
0.93 0.90 0.87
EA2 0.832 0.762 0.817 0.833 0.787 0.848 0.794 0.715
3 7 7
0.91 0.91 0.89
EA3 0.856 0.755 0.839 0.861 0.808 0.860 0.744 0.678
3 3 9
0.93 0.88 0.79
EA4 0.874 0.867 0.863 0.885 0.850 0.762 0.819 0.779
2 0 2
0.84 0.83 0.81
IB1 0.905 0.730 0.790 0.873 0.805 0.759 0.787 0.645
9 5 1
0.77 0.74 0.81
IB2 0.891 0.779 0.789 0.865 0.692 0.756 0.776 0.684
4 5 7
0.82 0.80 0.78
IB3 0.906 0.769 0.792 0.891 0.712 0.726 0.753 0.668
1 4 8
0.89 0.86 0.87
IB4 0.929 0.819 0.857 0.915 0.815 0.863 0.830 0.756
6 4 0
0.80 0.80 0.78
IBT1 0.774 0.946 0.913 0.771 0.696 0.787 0.824 0.791
4 4 0
0.81 0.81 0.74
IBT2 0.785 0.937 0.894 0.796 0.773 0.676 0.817 0.703
3 2 7
0.76 0.79 0.82
IBT3 0.744 0.929 0.911 0.737 0.637 0.704 0.881 0.697
8 2 8
0.84 0.80 0.76
IBT4 0.841 0.885 0.800 0.854 0.779 0.780 0.765 0.831
4 0 7
0.88 0.93 0.85
IPI1 0.781 0.784 0.839 0.766 0.752 0.781 0.793 0.654
1 7 2
0.90 0.92 0.82
IPI2 0.849 0.797 0.841 0.857 0.899 0.735 0.813 0.639
7 1 5
0.90 0.93 0.83
IPI3 0.840 0.802 0.845 0.851 0.828 0.783 0.721 0.639
0 6 8
0.88 0.90 0.86
IPI4 0.834 0.825 0.846 0.839 0.726 0.730 0.797 0.687
1 2 2
0.93 0.89 0.91
M1 0.904 0.876 0.943 0.916 0.825 0.853 0.897 0.783
4 3 9
0.86 0.87 0.86
M2 0.856 0.924 0.972 0.863 0.785 0.749 0.902 0.677
3 1 5
M3 0.84 0.795 0.896 0.87 0.935 0.796 0.727 0.725 0.84 0.883 0.692
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 57
retail stores

4 3 4
0.82 0.83 0.83
M4 0.824 0.926 0.958 0.829 0.796 0.741 0.887 0.719
9 7 0
0.90 0.89 0.85
MABR1 0.920 0.763 0.841 0.936 0.869 0.791 0.843 0.667
6 0 6
0.80 0.76 0.85
MABR2 0.902 0.827 0.832 0.932 0.733 0.776 0.818 0.730
6 9 2
0.84 0.82 0.81
MABR3 0.903 0.796 0.817 0.928 0.724 0.738 0.771 0.687
1 5 2
0.91 0.86 0.88
MABR4 0.920 0.813 0.854 0.937 0.820 0.904 0.822 0.774
1 5 0
0.54 0.51 0.43
PA1 0.510 0.365 0.445 0.515 0.796 0.311 0.443 0.252
3 8 9
0.45 0.44 0.38
PA2 0.460 0.300 0.414 0.464 0.716 0.254 0.411 0.184
9 3 8
0.88 0.87 0.74
PA3 0.849 0.874 0.854 0.861 0.901 0.774 0.791 0.738
6 6 9
0.88 0.90 0.77
PA4 0.828 0.845 0.862 0.838 0.911 0.672 0.802 0.612
3 2 2
0.86 0.80 0.82
PS1 0.841 0.771 0.770 0.846 0.779 0.934 0.755 0.798
3 9 3
0.59 0.52 0.36
PS2 0.614 0.171 0.463 0.012 0.166 0.450 0.521 0.318
8 0 7
0.83 0.82 0.90
PS3 0.835 0.770 0.797 0.834 0.651 0.965 0.777 0.786
0 4 2
0.41 0.33 0.52
PS4 0.603 0.423 0.413 0.416 0.036 0.596 0.382 0.489
6 0 4
0.85 0.83 0.94
SE1 0.908 0.852 0.899 0.921 0.720 0.849 0.916 0.756
6 1 6
0.90 0.90 0.94
SE2 0.863 0.869 0.907 0.869 0.706 0.860 0.867 0.773
3 9 8
0.91 0.91 0.96
SE3 0.872 0.790 0.884 0.876 0.820 0.849 0.856 0.659
1 5 2
0.69 0.68 0.80
SE4 0.652 0.549 0.610 0.647 0.442 0.762 0.580 0.585
1 0 8
0.67 0.64 0.80
SET1 0.746 0.703 0.795 0.753 0.562 0.719 0.899 0.667
6 8 5
0.73 0.72 0.80
SET2 0.770 0.801 0.864 0.768 0.707 0.670 0.951 0.661
4 5 3
0.90 0.89 0.81
SET3 0.870 0.907 0.918 0.880 0.820 0.723 0.903 0.756
2 9 6
0.82 0.82 0.84
SET4 0.794 0.843 0.864 0.799 0.751 0.775 0.930 0.802
8 0 6
0.69 0.64 0.68
TA1 0.683 0.757 0.660 0.682 0.530 0.814 0.735 0.871
5 5 8
0.60 0.51 0.59
TA2 0.592 0.677 0.613 0.609 0.365 0.657 0.581 0.858
8 7 1
0.55 0.49 0.55
TA3 0.551 0.614 0.542 0.557 0.330 0.636 0.570 0.836
4 8 9
0.44 0.40 0.34
TA4 0.366 0.270 0.372 0.361 0.620 0.228 0.378 0.243
2 9 5

Notes: EA = Emotional Attachment, IB= Impulse Buying, IBT = Impulse

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 58
retail stores

Buying tendency, IP = Interpersonal Influence, M = Materialism,

MABR=Motivational Activities by Retailers, PA= Product Attributes, PS=
Person’s situation, SE= Store Environment, SET= Shopping Enjoyment
Tendency, TA= Time availability

Table 5 depicts the discriminate validity values with respect to HTMT. However, the

criteria for the HTMT table have been set in standard either equal as or less than 0.85. This HTMT

criterion is a method to test whether the discrimination validity is up to mark or not, stated by

(Henseler, 2016) Table 5 meets the benchmark.




IB 0.781
IBT_ 0.792 0.808
IP 0.822 0.755
M 0.753 0.836 0.655
MABR 0.778 0.839 0.646 0.833
PA 0.812 0.829 0.601 0.837 0.819
PS 0.767 0.762 0.608 0.848 0.768 0.710
SE 0.774 0.763 0.667 0.844 0.757 0.765 0.705
SET 0.803 0.723 0.691 0.780 0.718 0.803 0.790 0.834
TA 0.780 0.762 0.602 0.741 0.759 0.815 0.744 0.751 0.809
Notes: EA =(Emotional Attachment), IB= (Impulse Buying), IBT = (Impulse Buying tendency),IP = (Interpersonal
Influence), M = (Materialism), MABR=(Motivational Activities by Retailers), PA= (Product Attributes), PS= (Person’s
situation), SE= (Store Environment), SET= (Shopping Enjoyment Tendency), TA= (Time availability)


Hypothesis Regression Effect type Coefficient P-value Remarks

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 59
retail stores

H1 EA -> IB Direct -0.94 0.037 Supported

H2 IBT_ -> IB Direct -0.016 0.986 Not Supported

H3 IP -> IB Direct -1.281 0.006 Supported

H4 M -> IB Direct 1.172 0.044 Supported

H5 MABR -> IB Direct 0.702 0.084 Supported

H6 PA -> IB Direct 1.083 0.004 Supported

H7 PS -> IB Direct 1.150 0.853 Not Supported

H8 SE -> IB Direct 1.468 0.068 Supported

H9 SET -> IB Direct -0.753 0.088 Supported

H10 TA -> IB Direct -0.450 0.796 Not Supported

Structural Model
In statistics, it is a form of multiple regression analysis that aids in describing

the dependencies of all variables by testing the relationship between a D.Vs. and one or more

I.Vs. (Ashley Crossman, 2019). As Wixom and Watson (2001) explained, the hypothesis is

defined by the sign, size and coefficient’s significance among dependent and independent variables.

Moreover, the coefficient value represents the degree of influence of IV’s variables on

DV, whereas, p-values describes the significance of hypothesis. However, if the p-value will

remain under 0.1 so the hypothesis are significant otherwise it will be insignificant. Moreover

Table 6 depicts path analysis of the research model. Thus, it can be seen, all hypotheses are

accepted except the H2, H7 and H10 because significance of H2, H7 and H10 is above the value of

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 60
retail stores


The path analysis depicts the results in the table 6 that except H2, H7 and H10 other seven

hypothesis are supported. Let’s we view hypothesis (H1) that depicts the impact of Emotional

Attachment on Impulse per the data examination, hypothesis found negative but

significant and provides confident influence (P < 0.01 andβ = -0.94) Therefore, H1 found

supported and the resulted with the past research done by Atulkar, S., &Kesari, B.

(2018).However, the coefficient between variables is depicting strong negative relationship

between Emotional attachment and Impulse buying, which increased in Emotional attachment, is

caused decrease in impulse buying. Hence, the more emotional attachment will be increasing,

decreased in impulse buying. At some point when emotional attachment with object and thing

become excessive, thus it can come up with unhealthy consequences as well as it can harm and

damage reputation in case of not having such pleasure. Hence, it is justified that that impulse

buying can be decreased due to having excessive emotional attachment with object and thing.

Therefore, authors (Zhang &Shrum, 2009; Punj, 2011) suppose that internal dispute is the result

between the self-control and pleasure-seeking to refrain the impulse, which interprets onto

enhanced impulse buying when the urge to consume prevails over the determination to counter. As

stated by Silvera et al. (2008) negative psychological states may play role to make impulse buying.

The second hypothesis (H2) depicts the influence of impulse buying tendency over impulse buying

and had found negative and insignificant (P > 0.1 andβ = -0.016). Thus, second hypothesis is un-

supported and in-consistent. However, the coefficient between variables is depicting weak negative

and insignificant relationship between impulse buying tendency and Impulse buying, therefore,

IBT is not a sufficient variable to quantify the influence of impulse buying. Thus, displaying

impulse buying products with demanded items and lowering the impulse buying products is not
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 61
retail stores

useful technique to increase impulse buying. However, Young and Faber (2000) forwarded that

IBT was connected with “lack of control”, it was the buyers with low cognitive control of not

making impulse purchase.

For the third hypothesis (H3), it is depicted in the table 6 that interpersonal influence has

negative but significant impact on impulse buying (P < 0.01 and β =-1.281), thus, H3 is

supported. However, coefficient is depicting strong negative relationship between interpersonal

influence and impulse buying, which is increased in one variable, is causing decrease in other

variable. Likelihood of its occurring due to constantly growing your connection with people

through social media or through other communication channel, thus there are chances of being

associated with different mind and different thoughts of people, the one who will encourage you to

make impulse buying, and the other who will discourage from making it. As 16% from the total

population of the world people, who make impulse buying, which is quite few, therefore it is

certain that the more your social influence will be increasing, thus you may have more probability

of being associated with people who would discourage you from making impulse purchase.

Now, the fourth hypothesis (H4) is depicting the impact of Materialism on impulse buying

shows that the variable is positive and has significant association ( P < 0.01 and β = 0.172).

These results are persistent with the study carried out by (Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant Kesari1 2017).

Consumers who are fond of materialistic things they will demonstrate favorable point of view

regaring spending (Badgaiyan & Verma, 2014) intently like to buy on spontaneously those things

which they want to obtain. This proves that such customers are naturally impulsive by receiving

environmental cognitions (Newman & Patel, 2004).

Now, the fifth hypothesis (H5) is depicting the impact of motivational activities by

retailers on impulse buying has shown that the variable is significant and has positive
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 62
retail stores

relationship (P < 0.01 and β = 0.702). These results are persistent with the study carried out by

(Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant Kesari1 2017). The friendly behavior of salespeople and their assistance

and cooperation during customers buying most probability declines the pessimistic feelings of the

consumer and engage them into routine buying. Motivational activities, just as offers for regular

consumers, events, and support from sales staff, promotional schemes, increase self-confidence

among customers for their shopping (Richins, 2011.

Now, the sixth hypothesis (H6) is depicting the influence of product attributes on

impulse buying has shown that the variable is significant and has positive relationship (P < 0.01

and β = 1.083). These results are persistent with the study carried out by (Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant

Kesari1 2017). However, it has been noticed that the customer most of time make rational plan for

purchasing additional costly products, but as far as lower price products are concerned so they

have been more impulsive ( Jones et al., 2003). Therefore, consumers don’t consider importance

on the product’s price solely; rather they look for are reasonable balance amid price, quality and

quantity (Badgaiyan and Verma, 2014).

Now, the seven hypothesis (H7) is demonstrating the impact of person’s situation on

impulse buying has shown that the variable is in-significant but positive relationship (P > 0.01

andβ = 1.15). These results are not consistent with the study carried out by (Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant

Kesari1 2017). However, person’s situation carries several components in one box just as (money,

time, positive mood, negative mood), therefore, it would be logically better to evaluate these

variables individually to examined the relationship on impulse buying rather than examine to

considered several situation as one. Moreover, in many study these individual variables are

surveyed to check the relationship upon IB as well as found significant relationship upon IB

(Beatty, S. E., & Ferrell, M. E. (1998)

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 63
retail stores

Now, the eighth hypothesis (H8) is depicting influence of store environment upon IB has

shown that the variable is significant and has positive relationship (P < 0.01 β = 0.468). However,

these results consistent with the research carried out by (Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant Kesari1 2017).

The having a decoration, soft music and aromas gives shoppers refresh, feel relaxing and make

their mood happy significantly (Jha and Singh, 2013; Mattila and Wirtz, 2001; Kesari and Atulkar,

2016) and enhances the experience of excitement and arousal from the Consumer traits and

situational factors Downloaded by Kent State University At 06:32 05 April 2018 (PT) motion

when they visited in the retail store.

Now, the ninth hypothesis (H9) is depicting effect of Shopping enjoyment tendency upon

IB has shown that the variable is significant but has negative relationship (P < 0.01 andβ = -0.753).

These results are not consistent with the study carried out by (Sunil Atulkar1 Bikrant Kesari1

2017). However, it has been understood logically the reason of increasing in shopping enjoyment

tendency caused to decrease in impulse buying. As impulse buying related to anxiety and

unhappiness which cause to become regret after making impulse buying therefore, as well as

customer’s tendency in shopping will be increasing, thus over the time, customers can get a good

control to avoid impulse buying after every next shopping and also can make their shopping

enjoyable by discouraging impulse buying.

Now, the tenth hypothesis (H10) depicts effect of Time availability on impulse buying and

has shown that the variable is Un-supported and has negative and in-significant relationship (P >

0.01 andβ = -0.450). These results are in-consistent with the research carried out by (Mudassir

Husnain1 Bushra Rehman2 Fauzia Syed1 Muhammad Waheed Akhtar 2019). g. Khan, Hui et al.

(2015).Hence, time availability variable found strong negative and insignificant relationship on

impulse buying, which suggests that increasing in time availability can cause to decrease in
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 64
retail stores

impulse buying. However, it is understood that people who have more time availability thus tend

to make their quality of time to spend with along with their families rather than spending time on

making impulse buying. Consequently, insignificance resulted suggest that variable time

availability is not right variable to measure impulse buying.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 65
retail stores

Chapter No # 05

Conclusion and

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 66
retail stores

5.1 Conclusion

This study identifies what effect of [situational factors and Consumer traits] on impulse

buying behavior at retail store. However, for this objective, variables [situational factors] (person’s

situation, store environment, product attributes, time availability, motivational activities by

retailers) and [consumer traits] (impulse buying tendency, shopping enjoyment tendency,

emotional attachment, materialism, interpersonal influence) are taken as independent variables and

IB as a dependent variable. Therefore, in order to make this study successful, we collected data

from 400 K&N’s chicken store users. Moreover, PLS-SEM technique was used to run the result

and analysis. Hence, the result concluded that [situational factors] (store environment, product

attributes, , motivational activities by retailers has significant impact on impulse buying except

person’s situation and time availability) and [consumer traits] (shopping enjoyment tendency,

emotional attachment, materialism, interpersonal influence has significant impact on impulse

buying except impulse buying tendency). Thus, this study will help all the retail managers in

evolving better techniques and strategies so that customers shall feel pleasant and pleasure

meanwhile shopping in retail stores.

5.2 Recommendation

Certainly, the result of this study concluded and can contribute in the research domain and

provide useful awareness regarding the association of consumer traits and situational factors in

relation to the impulsive buying behavior of retail store users. The retail managers can utilize this

research for evolving strategies by ideally using the significant influence and assist in increasing

sales, store layouts designing and in improving the retail store performance by getting competitive

advantage over competitors which can be utilized for achieving consistent retail store’s growth.
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 67
retail stores

Moreover, this study provide suggestions to retailers for better understanding of consumer’s traits

and encourage retailers to involve in attempt to attract impulse buying by building up relation with

customers and sales staffs, offers, events, gifts, rebates, lucky draws and reward programs by

mainly focused on discussed variables, which encourage them to buy impulsively.

However, retailers should avoid creating emotional attachment with customers. Retailers should

not effort to meet with every desire of customers. Hence it is proved by this research that the more

emotionally customers will be attach with retailer, thus chances of impulse buying will be less.

Retailers should avoid keeping lower price products and displaying high demands items at store

frequently. However, it will increase impulse buying tendency but on the other hand it will

decrease impulse buying.

Retailers should avoid doing more to create Interpersonal Influence. Because if customer may not

feel good and could not get good shopping experience or encountered an unpleasant event during

shopping, thus he/she may create word of mouth among their families and friends whom they have

influence thereby, chances of impulse buying could be also compromised.

Moreover, retailers should make availabilities of such materialistic items in stores to which

customers do consider valuable in spending. Those items would make feel customers worth

spending thereby, impulse buying shall be taking place.

Retailer should encourage Sales. Promotion, discounts, rebate and should organize some events in

stores, because these Motivational Activities by retailers encourages and motivates customers to

make impulse buying.

Retailers should make available large assortments and depth varieties of different features of

products and display them in a well decorate manner at shelf. Thus, having different features,

colors of items shall trigger customers to make impulse buying at store.

The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 68
retail stores

Retailers must not make effortless strategy to take for granted that if customer is happy so he/she

shall make impulse buying either if they are angry, so they do. However, this research tells us that

if happiness of customer is increasing, it is not guaranteed that impulse buying would be also

increasing. Therefore, retailer should develop some strategies which make a balance in between.

Retailers should spend time and money both to make store environment pleasant. Customers

should feel enjoyable and attached with retailers at time of shopping. The ambiance of store must

be elegant, ventilation system must be installed, salesman must be present to entertain customers

timely and aroma of store must be pleasant, all these attributes emphasize customer to spend time

and browsing in store. Thus browsing shall trigger customers to make impulse buying in store.

At some point when customer’s impulse reaches at impulse mature shopping tendency, thus it

starts to decrease. However, customer’s impulse turned into compulsive buying and rather than

spontaneous buying (impulse buying) customers will plan to shopping experience somehow to

keep away from disagreeable internal feelings. Just as anxiety.

Hence it is proved that having more time availability of customers cannot guarantee to make

impulse buying. Therefore, retailers should attend customers immediately, irrespective that if

he/she shall spend more time, so unplanned buying can be taken place.

5.3 Future Recommendations

This research has some limitations. A very first limitation in this study, we only focused on

K&N’s chicken retail store, passed over all other cities of Pakistan. Therefore, this study can be

conducted by considering other cities of Pakistan. Secondly, this study implied only on K&N’s

chicken retail store, therefore, researcher can target many other different retail stores in all over

Pakistan. Thirdly, this study has taken 2 factors with 5 variables each; however researcher can

examine retail impulse buying by considering more factors such as social and cultural factors with
The impact of situational factors and consumer traits on impulse buying at 69
retail stores

few variables lifestyle and values, education, religion, technology culture values and attitudes.

Lastly, as sample size of this study is consisting upon 400 respondents only; therefore, the size of

sample can be extended and data can gathered from large numbers of respondents which will

provide more better results

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