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“Paving Paradise” by Richard Conlon
Assessment 2
Open book format
Time allowed: 30 minutes
Total Marks: 20

Name: __________________________________ ITHS no: _________ Date:___________

PART A 5 x 2 = 10 Marks

Read the following statements and identify who said these statements to whom and why.
Give clear explanations in your answer.

Example: “Let’s do it by birthdays.”

Jay says this statement to the other students, proposing to decide the order in which each
of them will tell their project idea to the group according to birthdays.

1. “Engaging people’s brains and their imaginations. Intellect and soul.”





2. “Oh!” screamed the wife, “There are ants in the kitchen, they have invaded our home
from the outside world! Ants and woodlice and things of a crawling nature – kill them
husband, expunge and exterminate them! Sort them out!”





3. “You’re a rough old thing aren’t you, no place to rest a head there.”




4. “Well, I don’t think we can underestimate the role of heatstroke, sunstroke and

dehydration in this story. Remember how hot the last week has been.”





5. “Can we make a tragedy with a happy end?”





PART B 2 x 5 Marks

Answer both of the following questions:

1. What is your opinion of the play’s ending? Why do you think the playwright chose this
ending for the play?








2. How do the other students react to Chris’s ‘turtle and rabbit’ myth? How does Chris
respond to their reaction?









Mark Obtained: ______________

Teacher's Feedback:

Teacher's Signature:_______________

Parent’s Signature: ________________

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