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Mukaeb motors


Level 4 practical coc exam

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Mukaeb motors

Mukaeb motors

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
Project 1: Plan and Organize Work Activities, Manage Automotive Servicing/Workshop Operation
Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Late say some one has established an organization of car dealership and the organization consists of
management staff and various separate business department, management assumes responsibility of
supervising, Organizing the Company and the other department responsible for discharging different duties
such as:

 Provide spare part and accessories to maintained shop and directly sell to customer
 Carries out repair and maintenance and bodywork
 Responsible for selling new or used vehicles
 Responsible for commercial and business activities.

By considering the list above duties,

i. List the department/sector in the company

ii. Develop organization chart for the organization

Time allotted /45 min/

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to draw organization chart

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
Project 2: diagnosis electronic control vehicle system, determine the scope of servicing work,
diagnosis electrically control transmission and power train management system.

Suppose a customer has brought his vehicle to your garage/service organization and his/her complain

 The check engine light is ON when engine is running

 Poor engine performance with black smoke

i. Write the 8 logical diagnosis step to narrow or locate the root cause of problem
ii. Write the step how to connect the OBD SCAN TOOL to the vehicle DLC(oral question)

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to list 8 logical diagnosis steps

Time allottd:- /15 min/

i. Write 8 logical diagnosis steps

1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii. How will you connect OBD tool to control unit DLC

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
Project 3: prepare job estimation and costing, determine the scope of the work, Manage quality
customer service

Suppose the vehicle has a front left side impact and some parts are damage

i. What would be the possible defected parts of the vehicle?

ii. Estimate the job to repair and restore the vehicle to its normal condition
iii. Estimate the initial reasonable cost for repairing and replacing defected parts

Time allotted: /60 min/

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to

 Identify damaged components which are going to be replaced or repaired by front front left side
 Estimated the job required to repair the vehicle
 Calculate initial repair cost

i. Material cost

NO List the possible defected components Quantity Unit price Total

1 Front bumper
2 Head light
3 Wind shield
4 Tail light
5 Turn signal light
Total material cost

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
No The possible repair work How long will it take Labor cost /hours total
1 Remove the damage part from vehicle
2 Separate replace and repair component
3 Prepare the new replace material
4 Prepare and clean the vehicle for replace
5 Repair or replace the damage part
6 Check the quality
Total labor cost
ii. Estimate the required possible repair work and Labor cost

iii. Overhead cost

No List Quantity Unit cost Total

iv. Initial repair cost

 Calculate the initial repair cost
Total cost = material cost + Labor cost + Overhead cost + machine depression
= MC + LC + OC + MD

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
Project 4: migrate new technology, provide technical guidance, diagnosis electronic controlled
automotive system / component, and manage quality customer service, establish quality standard

Support the customer has brought his carburetor engine equipped vehicle to your garage and wants to
replace carburetor system to multiport injection system.

i. Show the work flow chart for his work activity in your car repair shop/garage

Time allotted: 10 min

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to draw work flow chart following your
organization standard and regulation

Project 5: Manage automotive servicing / workshop operations

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
List out the consumable and non-consumable material in automotive body maintenance and repair shop

Time allotted 10 min

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to

i. List at least 5 consumable material in vehicle body repair in vehicle body repair shop
ii. List at least 5 non consumable material in vehicle body repair in vehicle body shop

Consumable Material Non Consumable Material


Project 6: Plan and Organize Work Activities, Manage Automotive Servicing / Workshop Operations
and Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operation

Prepared by Mulugeta G.
Suppose you are in the garage has 4 technicians (W, X, Y, Z) Technician and there are the following
work activates at the same time

1. Engine over hauling

2. Assembling another engine
3. The overhauled engine is reassembled with in correct gasket kit, so one has to change
the correct gasket for the vehicle which its delivery date has passed two days.
4. Vehicle has recently arrived at the garage to be inspected

Develop an action plan to perform all activities according to by its priority by W, X, Y and Z technicians

Time allotted: 15 min/

Instruction: under this project the candidate is expected to make human resource management

Action plan Possible person Recommendation

Prepared by Mulugeta G.

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