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"Beauty Product Development Strategy Meeting"

Dosen Pengampu :

Devi Arisanti, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :

Devina Indah Syafitri

Diajeng Nini Larasati

Dwi Aprilia

Mizdatun Padila


Umi Farhana


Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah


Function of Each Position :

1. Diajeng Nini Larasati (Project Leader) : Responsible for overall coordination and
achieving goals.

2. Dwi Aprilia (Marketing Ezpert) : Focuses on beauty product marketing strategies.

3. Devina Indah Syafitri (Research & Development Specialist) : Directs innovation

and new product development.

4. Umi Farhana (Responsible for Production) : Ensures smooth production meeting

quality standards.

5. Wildayanti (Sales Manager) : Coordinates sales strategies and product distribution.

6. Nabilla (Financial Expert) : Manages project-related budgets and finances.

7. Mizdatun Padila (Moderator) : Facilitates the meeting and ensures effective

communication among all roles.

Meeting room in a cosmetics company office. A round table with seven chairs
occupied by the beauty products team.

Script :

*Mizda starts the meeting with a friendly smile.*

Mizda: Good morning everyone! Thank you for attending today's strategic meeting to
discuss the development of our beauty products. Let's start by hearing updates from
each role. Sandra, how are we progressing?

Diajeng : Thank you, Mizda. Currently, the latest product launch project is
progressing according to schedule. However, there are several aspects of marketing
that need to be discussed.

Dwi : I agree with Diajeng. We need to revisit our marketing strategy to reach a wider

Devina : The latest findings from our research can support the development of new
products that can be innovative for this industry.

Umi : In terms of production, we maintain product quality but there are slight
adjustments that need to be made.

Wilda : The market response is quite good, but we need a more personal and effective
sales strategy in several regions.

Nabilla : From a financial perspective, we are still within the budget limits that have
been set. However, there are additional expenses to consider.

Mizda : Thank you, everyone. From this discussion, we can formulate the next steps
to improve our beauty products. Any further ideas or suggestions?

*Discussions continue with each team member providing input and proposing
improvement steps.*

Mizda : OK, looks like we have a clear direction. Let's summarize the results of our
discussion earlier.
*Mizda wrote a summary of the meeting results on the whiteboard, summarizing
the important points that had been discussed.*

Mizda : In conclusion, we have great potential to develop our products further. We

will implement the steps that have been identified to improve the performance of our
beauty products.

Diajeng : Thank you everyone for your contributions. I am confident that with the
hard work of our team, we can achieve the goals we set.

*The meeting ended by giving each other appreciation and seriousness in

implementing the plans that had been prepared.*

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