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The contents of this discussion are as follows:

I Introduction to Revelation
II What is Divine Revelation?
III The 4 Main Stages of Divine Revelation
IV How did Divine Revelation come down to us?
V The Transmission of Divine Revelation

Group 4:
BSA – 1A | Theo 1b | New Testament Endriga | Engalan | Espedilla | Espere
Introduction to Revelation
What is Revelation?
Greek word: apokalypsis
Latin: revelare, revelatio

It means to “disclose”, “unveil”,

to make known something that is hidden
Tell them who I am, and I will tell them who you are!
What is Revelation?

Origin: It is God’s personal loving

communication to us of who
Greek word: apokalypsis He is and His plan to save us
Latin: revelare, revelatio all in His love.

It means to “disclose”, It is God’s reaching out to

“unveil” us, so we get to know and
love Him.
Two Kinds of Revelation

Natural Revelation Divine Revelation

- It is also called General Revelation - It is also called Special Revelation
- It is found particularly in salvation history and
- It is the revelation of God given to is fulfilled and completed in Jesus Christ and
everybody. It tells us that God is authentically communicated only through
Scripture and Tradition.
exists and showed His existence in
- The bible is a special revelation oof God in
diverse ways. It is the kind of written form (2 Timothy 3: 15-17)
revelation described in Romans 1. - The gospel is a special revelation of grace, a
message of supremely good news: (John 3:16)
What is Divine Revelation?
What is Divine Revelation?
The basic idea of revelation is to make known something
that is hidden. In the case of divine revelation, it means
that God makes known to man Himself and the mysterious
plan of His will for man and the world. His will was that
men should have access to the Father, through Christ, the
Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, and thus become
sharers in the divine nature (Eph. 2:18; 2 Pet. 1:4)
What is the purpose of Divine Revelation?
The symbolism in the accounts of the Garden of Eden teach that
God revealed himself intimately and immediately to our first
parents; this is the meaning of the Genesis accounts.

The original and natural revelation that Adam and Eve enjoyed
continues today through creation, intellect, and relationships. But
creation, our intellect, and our relationships are scarred by human
sin. Thus, we know and understand God in less intimate and
immediate ways than he originally intended.
4 Main Stages of
Divine Revelation
The 4 Main Stages of Divine Revelation



Gen. 2: 16-17 Gen. 17: 1-2, 13 Exodus 3: 13-15 Lk 12: 23

Mk 16: 15-16
Mt 28:20
Mt 24:14
The First Stage of Divine Revelation

Primitive Revelation was revealed by God through Adam

Genesis 2: 16 -17
(since the
“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must
first parents) not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for
when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The Second Stage of Divine Revelation
Patriarchal Revelation was given by God through Abraham,
PATRIARCHAL Isaac, and Jacob.
(during the Genesis 17: 1-2, 13
time of the When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared
patriarchs) to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me
faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant
between me and you and will greatly increase your
The Third Stage of Divine Revelation

Exodus 3: 13 – 15
MOSAIC “Moses said to God: Lord, I shall go to the children of Israel, and
REVELATION say to them: The God of your fathers hath sent me to you. If they
should say to me: What is his name? what shall I say to them?
(during the God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus, shalt thou say
time of to the children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you. And
Moses and God said again to Moses: Thus shalt thou say to the children of
the Prophets) Israel: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me to you: This is
my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”
The Fourth Stage of Divine Revelation
Luke 12: 2-3,Mark 16: 15-16, Matthew 28:20, Matthew 24: 14

CHRISTIAN The Divine Self-Revelation is centered on and fulfilled in Jesus

REVELATION Christ, who is both the REVEALER and the REVEALED.

(Christ Himself, The revelation in Christ reaches its full climax not in His incarnation,
True God and but in the Paschal Mystery: His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
True Man
revealed Himself Two Aspects of Paschal Mystery:
and Divine Truth 1. By His death, Christ liberates us from sin
to His Apostles) 2. By His resurrection, He opens for us the way to a new life.
How did the Divine Revelation come to us?
Divine Revelation was strengthened by the works of Jesus Christ.

Dogmatic Constitution of Divine Revelation (DeiVerbum)

18 Nov 1965 Pope Paul VI
The Second Vatican Council says that the most important books in the
New Testament are:

❑ Matthew – presents Jesus as the suffering Messiah

❑ Mark – presents Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecy
❑ Luke – presents Jesus as the savior of both Jews and Gentiles
❑ John – presents Jesus as the incarnate Word of God
The Transmission of Divine Revelation?
Question: How is divine revelation, which was given to mankind
thousands of years ago in the OT and by Jesus in the NT, handed on from
generation to generation?

The answer is that Christ the Lord, who is the fullness of the
revelation of God, taught the Apostles all that God wished to communicate to
man and then commanded them to preach the Gospel to all nations.
In this way the apostolic preaching is preserved without corruption
until the end of time. The teaching of the Church on faith and morals is based
on that original preaching. But it is not static. There is growth in the
understanding of the faith, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
BSA 1-A Group 4

Endriga, Clyde Ashley

Engalan, Ana Marie
Espedilla, Fran Andrew
Espere, Joric

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