6 - Noun

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Pro With Swadhin 1

1. How many kinds of noun? [DPE-11]
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) 5
Noun cÖavbZ 2 cÖKvi: i. Concrete Noun ii. Abstract Noun
Concrete noun Pvi cÖKvi : Proper, Common, Collective, Material Ges Abstract, GB ‡gvU 5
2. 'Mutton' is a/an [38th BCS]
(a) common noun (b) abstract noun (c) material noun (d) proper noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) material noun
Mutton (Lvwmi ‡MvkZ) hv MYbv Kiv hvq bv eis cwigvc Kiv hvq ZvB mutton kãwU GKwU material noun.
3. What kind of noun is 'Girl'? [10th BCS]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) Common
'Girl (evwjKv)' kãwU wbw`©ó KvD‡K bv eywS‡q eis mKj evwjKv‡`i‡K / evwjKv ‡kÖYx‡K ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvB
GwU common noun wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ|
4. What type of noun is the word 'infancy'? [Pre-Primary:2018]
(a) Common (b) Abstract (c) Material (d) Collective
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) Abstract
cÖ‡kœ DwjøwLZ 'infancy (‰kke / evj¨/wkïZ¡)' kãwU Ggb kã hv c B›`ªxq Øviv aiv, ‡Qvqv, ¯úk© Kiv hvq bv|
ZvB ejv hvq 'infancy' abstract noun.
5. What kind of noun is 'fun'? [cwi‡ek Awa`ßi: 11]
(a) Uncountable (b) Countable (c) Common (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Uncountable
"Fun-gRv, Zvgvkv" G¸‡jv‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv, aiv hvq bv ZvB Zv uncountable noun
List of some uncountable nouns:
Furniture- AvmevecÎ, equipment-mvRmiÄvg, soap- mvevb, machinery - hš¿cvwZ, hair - Pyj,
money- A_©, rice -fvZ, bread- cvDiæwU, soup- myc, grammar- e¨vKiY kv¯¿, poetry- KweZv,
KweZv¸PQ, information- Z_¨, news-msev`, knowledge- Ávb, fun- ‡KŠZyK/Zvgvkv, energy- Kg©kw³;
advice-Dc‡`k, scenery -`„k¨, decision wm×všÍ, accommodation -_vKvi RvqMv
6. Select the correct noun form the verb 'believe'. [Ministry of Defense: 2016]
(a) Believer (b) Believable (c) Belief (d) Believingly
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Belief
Believe kãwU GKwU verb| hvi A_©: wek¦vm Kiv| Gi noun nj belief
Verb Noun Adjective
Believe - wek¦vm Kiv Belief Believable
7. I saw a ––––– of cows in the field. (Avwg gv‡V GKwU Miæi cvj ‡`‡LwQ) [RAKUB: 2017]
(a) group (b) herd (c) swarm (d) flock
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËit (b) herd
Head of cows Øviv Miæi cvj ‡evSv‡bv nq| ZvB cÖ`Ë Ackb mg~n we‡ePbvq (b) bs AckbwU mwVK|

2 Pro With Swadhin

8. What type of noun is the word 'Rice'? [Ministry of Information: 2019]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Abstract (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Material
Rice (PvDj / fvZ) hv MYbv Kiv nq bv eis cwigvc Kiv nq| ZvB rice GKwU material noun.
9. The countable form of 'laughter' is- [Pre-Primary: 2019]
(a) all of above (b) laugh (c) a laugh (d) the laugh
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) laugh
Laughter- (nvwm) GKwU uncountable noun hvi countable n‡”Q laugh.
10. The plural form of 'information' is- [MBSTU: 15-16]
(a) informations (b) none (c) information (d) informationes
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) none
Uncountable noun nIqvq Zvi ‡Kv‡bv plural form ‡bB| Information kãwU GKBmv‡_ singular Ges
plural Dfq wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
11. What type of noun is 'kindness"? [BBS: 2020]
(a) Abstract (b) Proper (c) Common (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Abstract
Kindness (`qv) kãwU GKwU ¸b ‡evSvq| wbqg Abyhvqx kindness kãwU abstract noun.
12. Which kind of noun 'money' is? [IU(B-Unit): 14-15]
(a) Collective (b) Abstract (c) Countable (d) Uncountable
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Uncountable
Money- (A_©/m¤ú`) kãwU uncountable, wKš‘ wbw`©ó K‡i ‡Kv‡bv gy`ªvi bvg ej‡j ‡hgb: Take, Dollar,
Rupee etc Zvn‡j G¸‡jv countable n‡q hv‡e|
13. –––– is not the only things that tourists want to see. (`„k¨B GKgvÎ wRwbm bq hv ch©UKiv
†`L‡Z Pvq) [24th BCS]
(a) A scenery (b) Sceneries (c) the sceneries (d) Scenery
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Scenery
( Scenery -`„k¨), GwU GKwU uncountable noun| ZvB Gi c~‡e© ‡Kvb article em‡e bv Ges Gi ‡Kvb
plural n‡e bv|
14. Which of the following is a noun? [Medical: 10-11]
(a) ordain (b) imprimatur (c) pontificate (d) ricochet
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËit (b) imprimatur
"imprimatur- noun (Aby‡gv`b)" ordain- verb, pontificate-verb, ricochet-verb
15. What kind of is 'Cattle'? [10th BCS,RU-08-09]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Collective
Cattle-Mevw` cï, GwU me©`vB collective Noun
List of some important collective nouns:
Shoal (gv‡Qi SvuK), class (‡kÖwY), audience (`k©K), mass (RbmvaviY), jury (wbY©vqK mfv),
committee (mwgwZ), crowd (RbZv), government (miKvi), police (cywjk), cattle (Mevw` cï) etc.
16. I saw a –––– of monkeys in the forest. (Avwg e‡b evb‡ii `j †`‡LwQ) [CU (A1): 14-15]
(a) group (b) herd (c) swarm (d) flock (e) troop

Pro With Swadhin 3

e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (e) troop
wKQy common noun Gi c~‡e© "A troop of phrase e‡m Zv collective noun nq|
Common noun ‡hv‡M ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQy collective noun:
 Relating to animals:
A flock of birds- cvwLi SvuK A pack of wolves - ‡bK‡oi `j
A flock of sheep- ‡fovi cvj A swarm of locusts- c½cv‡ji SvuK
A hive of bees- ‡gŠgvwQi SvuK A pride of lions - wms‡ni `j
A school of fish - gv‡Qi SvuK A herd of camels- D‡Ui cvj
A team of horses ‡Nvovi `j A herd of cattle- Miæi evQy‡ii cvj
An army of ants- wcucovi evwnbx A troop of monkeys- evbi `j
A litter of puppies- KyKy‡ii Qvbv A herd of deer- nwi‡Yi cvj
A pack of hounds wkKvwi KyKy‡ii `j
 Relating to persons:
A panel of experts- we‡klÁ‡`i `j A crowd of people- RbZvi wfo
A class/batch of students- QvÎ`j A choir of singers- MvqK`j
A board of directors- cwiPvjbv cl©` A gang of robbers - WvKvZ `j
A band of musicians- msMxZwkíx `j A gang of thieves-‡Pv‡ii `j
A team of players ‡L‡jvqvo‡`i `j A troupe of dancers- b„Z¨ wkíx `j
A regiment of soldiers - ‰mb¨`j
 Relating to things:
A pair of shoes - GK ‡Rvov RyZv A pack of cards- Zv‡mi ‡dwU
A galaxy of stars- b¶ÎcyÄ A pack of lies - wg_¨vi Sywo
A bunch/ bouquet of flowers -dz‡ji ‡Zvov A range of mountains- ce©Zgvjv
A fleet of ships- Rvnv‡Ri eni A wad of notes ‡bv‡Ui ‡cwU
A forest of trees R½‡ji mgv‡ivn A pile of books- GKMv`v eB
17. Choose the correct abstract noun- [RU(B):20-21]
(a) Love (b) Honesty (c) Luxury (d) all
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) all
‡hme noun aiv/‡Qvuqv hvq bv, ïay Abyfe Kiv hvq ‡m¸‡jv‡K abstract noun e‡j| Love-fv‡jvevmv, ïay
Abyfe Kivi e¨vcvi|
18. The Padma is a river. Choose the correct parts of speech of the underlined word.
(cÙv GKwU b`x) [RU: 06-07]
(a) Collective noun (b) Pronoun (c) Abstract noun (d) Proper noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Proper noun
b`xi bvg¸‡jv proper noun Ges G¸‡jvi c~‡e© me©`vq article "The e‡m|
19. I recognized your voice at once. (Avwg mv‡_ mv‡_B ‡Zvgvi KÚ wPb‡Z ‡c‡iwQjvg)|[RU (Law):
(a) Common noun (b) Proper noun (c) Collective noun (d) Abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Common
Abstract noun "voice" Gi c~‡e© determiner (possessive) "your" emvq, voice "common noun"
4 Pro With Swadhin
Shortcut: determiner + abstract noun = abstract noun-wU common noun nq|
20. The jury were divided in their opinions. Here the "jury" is- ( Rywo/wbY©vqK mfv Zv‡`i
gZvg‡Z wef³ wQj) [RU: 09-10]
(a) collective (b) noun of multitude (c) abstract (d) none of these
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) noun of multitude
Collective noun-Gi ci mvaviYZ verb singular" e‡m| wKš‘ hLb collective noun-Gi ci verb "
plural" e‡m Ges A‡_©i ‡fZ‡i wew”QbœZv/wewfbœZv cÖKvk cvq ZLb collective noun wU noun of
multitude n‡q hvq|
Collective noun + verb (singular)------
Noun of multitude + verb (plural)------.
‡hgb: The jury is giving its opinion. = GLv‡b jury "collective noun" nIqvq singular verb "is"
21. ÒThis ring is made of gold.'- ev‡K¨ gold kãwU ‡Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? (AvswUwU ‡mvbvi ‰Zwi) [KU:
(a) collective noun (b) common noun (c) material noun (d) abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Material noun
"Gold" GKwU Dcv`v‡bi bvg GBRb¨ Zv material noun n‡q‡Q|
List of common material nouns:
sand, water, gold, silver, copper, calcium, bronze, steel, ring, silicon, rock, sunlight, rain,
salt, honey, milk, leather, egg, meat, wool, oil, wood, jute, coffee, medicine, rubber, tea,
cotton etc.
22. What type of noun the word 'Chemistry' is? [DPE (AT): 18]
(a) abstract (b) material (c) proper (d) common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) abstract
cwVZ subject ¸‡jvi bvg abstract noun nq| †hgb: chemistry, physics, math, accounting,
finance etc.
23. What kind of noun is 'Discipline"? [IU: 06-07]
(a) Proper (b) Collective (c) Abstract (d) Common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Abstract
"Discipline" abstract noun, hvi evsjv A_© "wbqg k„•LjvÓ| Avi wbqg k„•Ljv‡K ‡Zv aiv ‡Qvuqv hvq bv|
24. Nelson is famous for his victory at Trafalgar. ( †bjmb UªvdvjMv‡i R‡qi Rb¨ weL¨vZ) [ `yb©xwZ
`gb ey¨iv:-04]
(a) Proper noun (b) Common noun (c) Collective noun (d) Abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi (b) Common noun
"Victory" GKwU abstract noun| Zvi c~‡e©i determiner "his" emvq Zv common noun n‡q‡Q|
Note: The battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805) was a naval engagement between the
British Royal Navy and the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies during the
war of the third coalition (August-December 1805) of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815).
25. –––– in this display is on sale. (GB cÖ`k©wbi ------ weµq n‡e) [BSMRSTU (E): 19-20]
(a) Each furnitures (b) Each pieces of furniture

Pro With Swadhin 5

(c) Each piece of furniture (d) Each furniture
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Each piece of furniture
"cÖwZwU AvmevecÎ" Ggb A_© ‡`Iqvq uncountable noun "furniture"-Gi c~‡e© each piece e‡m|
furniture kãwU uncountable Zv‡K countable Ki‡Z n‡j a piece of each of + furniture emv‡Z
26. ‡KvbwU Collective Noun bq? [cÖv_wgK wk¶v Awa`ßi: 13]
(a) Cattle (b) Police (c) Audience (d) City
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) City
Awbw`©ó K‡i mvaviY bvg ‡evSv‡bvq "city" GKwU common noun| Ab¨w`‡K cattle, audience police-
G¸‡jv collective noun |
27. Which one of the following is not a collective noun? (wb‡Pi †KvbwU collective noun bq)
[Bangladesh Railway: 13]
(a) basis (b) fleet (c) shoal (d) crew
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) basis
G‡¶‡Î Òfleet- ‡bŠeni, shoal SvuK, crew bvweK`j" ¸‡jv collective noun Ges Òbasis" common
28. Which one is a common noun? [Pre-primary (AT): 16]
(a) Salt (b) Army (c) Studentship (d) Infant
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Infant
Infant-wkï, Awbw`©ó K‡i ‡h ‡Kv‡bv wkï‡K ‡evSv‡bvq Zv common noun n‡q‡Q|
Ab¨w`‡K, Salt=material noun, army = collective noun, studentship = abstract noun
29. What class of noun 'bravery' belongs to- [ `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡iv: 08]
(a) collective (b) common (c) material (d) abstract
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËit (d) abstract
k‡ãi ‡k‡l Òry" suffix hy³ n‡j Zv abstract noun nq|
30. What type of noun 'freedom' is? [ MYc~Z© Awa`ßi: 17]
(a) proper (b) abstract (c) collective (d) common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) abstract
k‡ãi †k‡l "dom/ness/ment/tion etc." suffix hy³ n‡j Zv abstract noun nq|
31. Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh. The underlined word is used as- (EHR)[CU (F):
(a) Proper noun (b) Common noun (c) Material noun (d) Abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) Common noun
Proper noun-Gi c~‡e© article em‡j, Zv common noun n‡q hvq|
Shortcut: The+proper noun a proper noun wU common noun n‡q hvq|
32. He is a justice of the High Court. Here 'justice' is a/an noun. (wZwb GKRb nvB‡Kv‡U©i
wePvicwZ) [7th NTRCA: 2011]
(a) abstract (b) material (c) proper (d) common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) common
"justiceÓ GKwU abstract noun| Zvi c~‡e© determiner "a" emvq Zv common noun n‡q‡Q|

6 Pro With Swadhin

33. Drive the nail into the table. GLv‡b nail kãwU ‡Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? ( †c‡iKwU †Uwe‡j Vz‡K `vI) [
Primary: 09]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi| (b) Common
Material noun n‡Z Drcbœ ‡Kv‡bv wRwbm Mbbv Kiv ‡M‡j, Zv common noun nq| Mbbv Kiv bv ‡M‡j Zv
material noun-G AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K|
Material noun "Iron" ‡_‡K Drcbœ nail mvavibZ Mbbv bv K‡i IRb Kiv nq| ZvB GwU material noun
wKš‘ GLv‡b nail-Gi Av‡M article e‡m Zv wbw`©ó / Mbbv ‡hvM¨ n‡q‡Q ZvB GwU common noun n‡e|
34. A noun referring to things that our five senses can't detect is called (Avgv‡`i cvuP Bw›`ªq
mbv³ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv Ggb noun-‡K ejv nq) [mgvR‡mev Awa`ßi: 18]
(a) proper noun (b) common noun (c) material noun (d) abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) abstract noun
Avgv‡`i cvuPwU Bw›`ªq (five senses) mbv³ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv Ggb wRwbm¸‡jv‡K abstract noun e‡j|
35. What kind of noun is 'committee'? [ MYc~Z© Awa`ßi: 18]
(a) abstract (b) proper (c) collective (d) common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) collective
Committee= KwgwU, ‡h bvg¸‡jv Øviv mgwó‡K ‡evSvq Zv‡K collective noun e‡j|
36. Which group of words are Collective nouns ? [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi: 08]
(a) Sajib, America (b) Water, Milk, Steel
(c) Cattle, Army, Class (d) Unity, Health, Poverty
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (C) Cattle, Army, Class
c. Cattle, Army, Class = collective noun
a. Sajib, America=proper noun
b. Water, Milk, Steel = material noun
d. Unity, Health, Poverty = abstract noun
37. ‡KvbwU Common Noun ? [Pre-primary (AT): 13]
(a) February (b) Jute (c) Month (d) Class
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (C) Month
Awbw`©ó K‡i GKwU gvm‡K ‡evSv‡bvq Month common noun n‡q‡Q|
List of some common nouns:
Car, woman, road, castle, drink, foot, lion, table, man, planet, lawyer, desk, laptop, cat,
website, morning, tree, leg, tea, iron, month, day etc.
38. Flock' is a– [RU: 09-10]
(a) Proper noun (b) Common noun (c) Collective noun (d) Abstract noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) Collective noun
"Flock-SvuK", GwU Øviv mgwó ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvB GwU collective noun
39. An enormous –––– of locusts ate all of the crops. (c½cv‡ji GKwU wekvj SvuK mg¯Í dmj ‡L‡q
‡d‡j‡Q) [CU (A): 16-17]
(a) swarm (b) bunch (c) herd (d) hevy (e) school
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) swarm
GLv‡b "swarm" Øviv SvuK ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Ggb mgMÖZv ev SvuK ‡evSv‡j Zv collective noun nq|

Pro With Swadhin 7

40. Paper, water, iron, gold and milk are- [RU: 05-06]
(a) Abstract noun (b) Common noun (c) Collective noun (d) Material noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Material noun
" Paper-KvMR, water-cvwb, iron-‡jvnv, gold-‡mvbvÓ GB¸‡jv Dcv`v‡bi bvg| GBRb¨ Zv material noun
41. The–––– of the office will be sold. (Awd‡mi AvmevecÎ wewµ Kiv n‡e) [DU (D): 02-03]
(a) furniture (b) the furnitures
(c) piece of furniture (d) pieces of furnitures
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) furniture
wbw`©ó K‡i ‡evSv‡bvq uncountable noun "furniture" Gi c~‡e© "the" e‡m‡Q| Z‡e mvaviY A‡_©
uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© ‡Kvb determiner e‡m bv| j¶¨ Ki‡j ‡`Lv hvq ‡h Avmevecθ‡jv weµq n‡e
Zv wbw`©ó K‡i Awd‡mi|
42. There is ––––– water in the glass. (Møv‡m wKQy/Aí cwigvY cvwb Av‡Q) [RU (F): 15-16]
(a) a little (b) a big amount (c) much (d) small
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) a little
Uncountable noun "water"-Gi c~‡e© Aí wKQy cwigvY ‡evSv‡Z determiner a little" e‡m‡Q|
43. Which one is a compound noun? [11th NTRCA: 14]
(a) Headmaster (b) Information (c) Friday (d) Examination
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Headmaster
`ywU m¤ú~Y© Avjv`v kã GKwÎZ n‡q GKwU A_© ‡`q compound noun|
‡hgb: head+master = headmaster- cÖavb wkÿK
Ab¨w`‡K, Information-abstract noun, Friday-Proper noun, Examination-Common noun
List of some compound nouns:
policeman, headmaster, boyfriend, water tank, dining-table, bedroom, motorcycle,
rainfall, haircut, passer-by, washing machine, driving licence, hair-brush, swimming pool,
drawback, bystander, dry-cleaning, public speaking, greenhouse, software, redhead, input
44. He is a justice of the High Court. Here "justice" is a/an noun. (wZwb nvB‡Kv‡U©i GKRb
wePvicwZ) [7th NTRCA]
(a) abstract (b) material (c) proper (d) common
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) common
‡h‡nZy GLv‡b, "justice" GKRb wePviK‡K ‡evSv‡bv n‡”Q ‡m Rb¨ GwU GKwU "common nounÕÕ
D‡jøL¨, Òjustice-b¨vqÓ GwU GKwU Òabstract nounÓ Z‡e article wb‡q em‡j Zv Òcommon noun''
45. Unless protected areas are established the Royal Bengal tigers will face––––– of
extinction. (msiw¶Z GjvKv ¯’vcb bv n‡j i‡qj ‡e½j UvBMvi wejywßi m¤¢vebvi gy‡L co‡e) [DU: 04-05]
(a) possible (b) the possibility (c) possibility (d) to be possible
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) the possibility
face-m¤§yLxb nIqvÓ hv GKwU transitive verb| ZvB cieZ©x‡Z object wn‡m‡e (the + noun) "the
possibility" ‡bIqv n‡q‡Q|
46. This mutton has too much fat on it. The underlined word in the above sentence is a-
(GB gvUb/ †gl gvs‡m Lye †ewk Pwe© Av‡Q|) [RU: 13-14]

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(a) Noun (b) Verb (c) Adjective (d) Adverb
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Noun
GLv‡b quantifier ÒmuchÓ Gi ci ÒfatÓ noun wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q| Z‡e noun Gi Av‡M fat em‡j Zv
adjective n‡Zv|
Shortcut: Quantifier (any, many, few, much, more etc.) + noun
47. Did you meet one interesting at the party? Here 'interesting' is- (cvwU©‡Z gRvi KviI mv‡_
†`Lv n‡q‡Q wK Avcbvi?) [CU: 03-04]
(a) Noun (b) Verb (c) Adjective (d) Adverb
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Noun
‡Kbbv numerical adjective "one" Gi ci "interesting" noun wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q|
48. Which one is a compound noun? [10th NTRCA: 14]
(a) Entertainment (b) Hair-brush (c) Holiday (d) Comprehension
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) Hair-brush
e¨vL¨vmn `ywU m¤ú~Y© Avjv`v kã GKwÎZ n‡q GKwU A_© ‡`q compound noun|
‡hgb: Hair+brush Hair brush - Pyj AvuPov‡bvi eyiæk
49 . What kind of noun is the word 'kindness'? [RU: 17-18]
(a) proper (b) abstract (c) common (d) material
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) abstract
‡h‡nZy adjective ÔÔkindÓ Gi mv‡_ "ness" hy³ n‡q‡Q|
50. "Honesty is the best policy." Which of the followings is an abstract noun? (mZZvB
m‡e©vrK…ó cš’v) [KU: 16-17, RU: 14-15]
(a) best (b) honesty (c) policy (d) the
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) honesty.
‡Kbbv, Zvi evsjv A_© "mZZv"| "policy-cš’vÓ hv‡K aiv hvqbv ‡Qvuqv hvq bv|
51. The word 'desperation' is a/an- [DU: 12-13]
(a) adjective (b) verb (c) adverb (d) noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) noun
‡h‡nZy k‡ãi ‡k‡l suffix "tion" n‡q‡Q | evsjv A_© desperation-nZvkv
52. 'I don't require a second to talk up my case'. Here 'second' is used as (welqwU wb‡q K_v
ejvi Rb¨ Avgvi 1 †m‡K‡ÛiI cÖ‡qvRb †bB) [IU: 09-10]
(a) pronoun (b) adjective (c) noun (d) adverb
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (c) noun
article "a" Gi ci "second noun wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q|
53. Advertising is- [RU: 08-09]
(a) Count noun (b) Adjective (c) Verb (d) Non-count noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Non-count noun
"Advertising weÁvcbÕÕ hv MYbv Kiv hvq bv, ZvB Zv, uncountable noun| Uncountable noun non-
count noun ejv nq|
54. Which one is noun? [RU: 08-09]
(a) Speech (b) Speak (c) Say (d) Tell
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) Speech

Pro With Swadhin 9

hvi evsjv A_© "K_v"| Ab¨ wZbwU kã verb: Speak-‡Kv‡bv fvlvq K_v ejv: say-Kv‡iv mv‡_ K_v ejv; tell
‡Kv‡bv Mí ejv ev Kv‡iv mv‡_ K_v ejv|
55. Frailty, thy name is woman. Here 'Frailty' is: (bvixi Aci bvg `ye©jZv) [BCS: 37]
(a) A noun (b) An adjective (c) An adverb (d) A verb
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (a) A noun
GLv‡b "Frailty-fO&¸iZv/`ye©jZv" subject wn‡m‡e emvq noun n‡q‡Q|
Note: 'Frailty, thy name is woman' is one of the most quoted lines from Shakespeare. It
appears in Hamlet, and is taken from one of Shakespeare's most famous soliloquys.
56. Every man has ups and downs in life. Here 'ups' is a/an-(cÖwZwU gvby‡li Rxe‡b DÌvb-cZb
Av‡Q) [HSTU: 16-17]
(a) Adjective (b) Adverb (c) Verb (d) Noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Noun
‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ Òhave verb " hw` "main verb" nq Zvn‡j Zvi c‡i noun / noun phrase e‡m|
(i) Subject+have/has/had + v3 = perfect tense
(ii) Subject+have/has/had + noun/noun phrase = indefinite tense
57. We have rights and responsibilities. (Avgv‡`i AwaKvi Ges `vwqZ¡ Av‡Q) [BU: 14-15]
(a) Adjective (b) Verb (c) Adverb (d) Noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) Noun
ÒhaveÓ ‡h‡nZy main verb n‡q‡Q, ZvB Zvi c‡i noun Òresponsibilities" e‡m‡Q|
(i) Subject+have/has/had + noun/ noun phrase, G‡ÿ‡Î evsjv A_© n‡e ÔÔAv‡Q/wQjÕÕ|
58. The word 'reproduction' is- [DU: 03-04]
(a) an adjective (b) a verb (c) an adverb (d) a noun
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (d) a noun
‡Kbbv k‡ãi ‡k‡l suffix "tion" Av‡Q| GB Rb¨ kãwU noun |
GK bR‡i ‡`‡L ‡bIqv hvK k‡ãi ‡k‡l ‡h wPý (suffix) _vK‡j noun:
ty, al, cy, ance, ence, ant, ent, tion, sion, ment, ties, hood, ism, dom ness, age, ee, er, or, y
59. 'Advice' is a- [NTRCA: 13; RU: 08-0]
(a) verb (b) noun (c) adjective (d) adverb
e¨vL¨vmn mwVK DËi: (b) noun
hvi evsjv A_© ÒDc‡`k"|
D‡jøL¨, advice (noun) = Dc‡`k; wKš‘, advise (verb) = Dc‡`k ‡`Iqv

10 Pro With Swadhin

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