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ក្រសួងអប់រ ំ យុវជន និងរីឡា


៉ា ់ ច្ទ្យពច្ោសល្យឧសាហរម្ម និងច្ម្ោនិរ

ា បក្តវិសរ
វ រ

ក្បធានបទ្យ: ប៉ាម្បញេុ ុះរំច្ៅទ្យឹរ និងក្បព័នពា

ធ រ់ព័នធ
និសស ិត : ច្សៀប ពិសេ
ិ ឋ
ឯរច្ទ្យស : វិសរ
វ ម្មឧសាហរម្ម និង ច្ម្ោនិរ
ុ : បណ្ឌិត ចាន់ ស្ថរ ិនទ
ឆ្ន ំសិរា : ២០១៦-២០១៧





Titre: Tour de Refroidissement et Systèmes de Relation
Etudiant : SEAB Piseth
Spécialité : Génie Industriel et Mécanique
Tuteur de stage : Dr. CHAN Sarin
Année scolaire : 2016-2017

My name is SEAB Piseth who is fifth-year student in the department of Mechanical

and Industrial Engineering in Institute of Technologies of Cambodia (ITC). To complete
bachelor degree, I have to write the thesis. Additionally, I could not complete my bachelor
degree if I haven’t those persons below.
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. TEA South and Ms. DOTH Sino who are
my parents. They are the best persons who give good advice and working hard to support my
studying to get of engineering degree.
I would like to thank Ms. SEAB Sineng who is my sister. She tries to work hard at
home to earn money and help my parents.

I also thank His Excellency Dr. OM Romny who is director of ITC for the proper
administration of the institute, good cooperation with partner universities at local, regional and
international level, to enhance the quality of engineering education and technicians.
I am highly indebted and thoroughly grateful to Mr. PAN Sovanna, chief of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, for his teaching, his good relationship with
the companies. He always helps to find the internship companies for the graduation students.
I am grateful for my supervisor, Dr. CHAN Sarin, whose expertise, understanding,
generous guidance. He is good teacher and always try to explain me how to do well of my
writing thesis. Thanks for his advice, motivation and encouragement throughout the writing of
my dissertation.
I would like to express my gratitude to all lectures in Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering department, the section of French, English and to all the teachers in ITC, for their
teaching, advice and encouragement me for five years.
I thank so much to all friends in ITC who create a pleasant atmosphere, constructive,
comments, criticizing, and encourage for me.

I would like to extend my profound gratitude for Mr. HONG Leang Y, director of
Company LOTUS GREEN TEAM Co., Ltd., that open vast opportunity for accepting me as
trainee to do my internship in his company.

I would like to extend special thanks to Mr. TEU Sokleng and Mr. NEM Vitou who
are gave me the knowledge related to how to drawing, designing, and calculating. Moreover, I
would like to thank all of staffs for their gracious hospitality during my internship.


នៅក្ុ ងន េ បទមួយននេះ ត្រូវបានពិពណ៌នាអព

ន ិ នក្ប ំ ី ធារុមួយរបស់ត្បព័នឈ
ធ ីលល័រ

ផ្នក្ ធ ឹ ក្ក្ុងដង់ស័រ។ វាត្រូវបាននត្បសត្ាប

ន ត្បព័នទ ើ ់បញុ ្ េះ និងរក្ាសីរុណហភាពរបស់ទឹក្

ន ុ ងដង់ស័ររបស់ឈីលល័រនោយានសីរុណហភាពមួយនេរ តាមរត្មូវការរបស់ត្បព័នធ
ក្ុ ងក្

ី ័ រ។ វាត្រូវបាននេនោយន្មេះថា ប៉មបញុ ្ េះក្នំ ៅ ននព័នត្ធ បព័នា
ធ ៉ សុីនត្រជាក្់។

េ បទននេះ ំ ុ ចសខា
នឹងបង្ហហញពីចន ំ ន់ៗរបស់ប៉មបញុ ្ េះក្នំ ៅដូចជា ពីមូលដ្ឋាននន

េ ៈទូនៅ និងបផ្ំ ណក្ផ្ចក្ននត្បនេទប៉មបញុ ្ េះក្នំ ៅ។ មិនត្រឹមផ្របុ ៉នបុ ៉ននានេះ វា

្ំ ខា
សិក្ាពីនត្េឿងបងុ ស ំ ន់ៗ ការឌហ្សាញន
ឺ ិ ងការដនំ ណើររបស់វា រួមជាមួយនឹងត្បនេទ

ធ ុនោផ្ដលត្រូវរនមង។
ើល នត្ៅពីនឹង វានិោយនងផ្ដរពីត្បនេទននឧបក្រណ៏

្ បទនប
ិ ក្ទ
ើ ុ នោ និងការនរៀបរាប់នោលការណ៍ រួមជាមួយត្ទឹសី បទរបស
ត ់ ការបណូត រ
ក្នតតរវាងទឹក្នឹងខ្យល់។ ក្ុ ងននាេះផ្ដរ
ន ការេណនាចនំ េះទឹក្ផ្ដលត្រូវបារ់បង់របស់ធុង

នៅក្ុ ងបរ
ន ោកាស
ិ នហ្សើយនឹងត្រូវបផ្នម
ែ មក្វញ
ិ ត្រូវបានបង្ហហញ។ នលើសពីនឹងនៅនទៀរ

ិ សាស្តស
ី កា
ត រលាយសារធារុេម
ី ី នដម
ើ បការ
ី ំ
រផ្ត្ចេះ ការដុេះផ្សរល និងក្ណ ក្សិលា រួម

ជាមួយការលាងសាារក្ុ ងត្បព
ន ធ ុនោ មុននពលដនំ ណើរការ ត្រូវបានបក្ត្សាយ។ មួយ

ិ េ បទមួយននេះ ក្៏បានសិក្ាពីបនចក្
និនក្ប ្ នទសរនមង
ើ ល ត្រួរពិនិត្រ និងជួសជុល

ននប៉មបញុ ្ េះក្នំ ៅ។ ចុងនត្កាយសិក្ាពីប៉មបញុ ្ េះក្នំ ៅត្បនេទ TX-S Series របស់ត្ក្ុម

ហ្សុ ន TRUWATER ផ្ដលត្រូវបានដ្ឋក្់រនមើងនៅនរាងចត្ក្នល

ល ិ រឱសេ PPM នដ្ឋយត្ក្ុម

ហ្សុ ន ឡូនធសនស្តហ្ស
ើ ើ នធ
្ ី ។ បនាាប់ពីបានសិក្ារួចមក្ ការពិភាក្ាពីលទន
ម ធ ល និងការនធើវ

ីត ិ ដ្ឋានត្រូវបានពិពណ៌នា ។


Dans cette mémoire de fin d’études, il décrit un élément du système de refroidissement

utilisant l’eau de refroidissement pour réduire la température dans le condenseur du
refroidisseur. Ainsi, la température requise par le système de refroidissement est constante. Cet
appareil est appelé tour de refroidissement du système de climatisation. Cette thèse montre
également les bases des réservoirs d'eau froide, telles que les caractéristiques générales et la
classification des types de tours de refroidissement. En outre, il aborde les principaux
composants de la tour de refroidissement, la conception et le traitement, le type de système de
tuyauterie à installer. En outre, cette thèse détaille le type d'isolation et comment utiliser et
installer sur la tuyauterie. De plus, les principes, ses applications et théoriques comme le
transfert de chaleur entre l'eau et l'air de la tour de refroidissement sont étudiés. De plus, cette
eau lâche dans l'atmosphère lors du fonctionnement de la tour de refroidissement et de l'eau
d'appoint est calculée. Une autre chose, la quantité et le type de produits chimiques nécessaires
pour traiter l’eau dans la tour de refroidissement afin d’empêcher la corrosion, le dépôt, le
chlore résiduel, la destruction des organismes adhérant à la surface et le nettoyage du système
de la tour de refroidissement dans la tuyauterie avant la mise en service. En outre, il décrit la
sélection de la tour de refroidissement, l'installation technique, l'inspection et la maintenance.
Enfin, la tour de refroidissement série TX-S de TRUWATER installée à l'usine pharmaceutique
PPM par Lotus Green Team Co., Ltd est décrite. Après ces descriptions, une discussion et une
conclusion sur les résultats de ce travail sont établies.


In this thesis, it describes an element of the chiller system that use water cool to reduce
the temperature in the chiller's condenser. Thus, the temperature is constant that is required by
the chiller system. This device is called as cooling tower of the Air Conditioning System. This
thesis also shows the basics of cool water tanks such as the general characteristics and the
classification of cooling tower types. In addition, it discusses about the main components of
cooling tower, the designing and processing, type of piping system that need to install. Besides,
this thesis details about the type of isolation and how to use and install on piping. Moreover,
the principles, its applications and theoretical like heat transfer between the water and the air
of cooling tower are studied. In addition, that water loose to atmosphere during the cooling
tower running and makeup water are calculated. One more thing, the quantity and type of
chemicals need treat the water in cooling tower to prevent corrosion, deposit, residue chlorine,
kill the surface adhering organisms, and clean the system of cooling tower in the piping before
commissioning are determined. Furthermore, it describes cooling tower selection, technical
installation, inspection and maintenance. Finally, the cooling tower TX-S Series of
TRUWATER that were installed at PPM Pharmaceutical Factory by Lotus Green Team Co.,
Ltd are described. After those descriptions, discussion and conclusion about results in this work
are drawn.


Symbol Description Unit

A Net free area for air intake m2

a Area of interface m 2 m3

BD Blowdown m3 h

BHP Break Horsepower -

c pm Humid specific heat of moist air J ( kg  K )

cp Specific heat kJ kg  K

CFM Cubic Feet per Minute -

COP Coefficient of Performance -

CDWR Condenser Water Return -

CDWR Condenser Water Supply -

D Drift loss m3 h
Minimum recommended distance between the wall and the
d m
air intake face

E Evaporative loss m3 h

G Air mass flow rate kg s

Total height of the tower from the ground to the top of fan
H m
h Enthalpy kJ kg

HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning -

W ( m2  K )
Overall unit conductance, sensible heat transfer, interface to
main airstream

K' Unit conductance, mass transfer, interface to main airstream kg ( s  m2 )

KL Unit conductance, heat transfer, bulk water to interface W ( m2  K )

L Inlet water mass flow rate kg s

L Length of the tower m

L Length of the air intake in meter m

LA Louvers net free area m2


M Makeup water m3 h

m Mass flow rate from interface to airstream kg s

mw Mass flow rate of water condenser kg s or m3 h

NaOH Sodium Hydroxide -

NaClO Sodium Hypochlorite -

NTU Number of Transfer Unit -

ODP Open Drip Proof -

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride -

ppm Part per Million -

Q Total airflow rater of the tower m3 s

Qcd Load of condenser kW

Qeva Load of evaporator kW

qL Rate of latent heat transfer W

qs Rate of sensible heat transfer, interface to airstream W

qw Rate of heat transfer W

r Latent heat of evaporation heat kJ kg

RPM Revolutions per Minute -

SP Static Pressure -

Tin Temperature inlet cooling tower o


Tout Temperature out cooling tower o


Tw,b Wet bulb temperature o


t Temperature of bulk water K

TDS Total dissolved solids -

TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cool -

TEAO Totally Enclosed Air-Over -

T Range of cooling tower o


V Cooling volume m3

V Downward air velocity ms

VRF Variable Refrigerant Flow -

W Width of the tower m

Wa Humidity ratio of air kg kg

Winput Total Power Input kW

W" Humidity ratio of interface kg kg

w/v Weight per Volume -

Y Length of the well, parallel to access side of the tower m

Z Width of the well, parallel to the tower’s air intake opening m

1ppm 1g m3 = 1mg l -

1kW 0.2843Ton -


ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................. i

សេចក្តីេសខេប .........................................................................................................................ii

RÉSUMÉ ................................................................................................................................. iii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iv
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ...................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................xii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. xiv
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Overview of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) .............................................. 1

1.2. Overview of the company Lotus Green Team ................................................................ 4

1.3. Background ..................................................................................................................... 6

1.4. Goal and objectives ......................................................................................................... 6

2. COOLING TOWER FUNDAMENTALS ............................................................................. 8

2.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 8

2.2. History of cooling towers ................................................................................................ 8

2.3. Classifications of cooling towers .................................................................................... 8

Classification by build ........................................................................................ 10

Classification based on heat transfer method ..................................................... 10

Classification based on air draft ......................................................................... 12

Classification based on air flow pattern ............................................................. 17

3. MAIN COMPONENTS OF COOLING TOWER HVAC SYSTEM ................................. 18

3.1. Fill ................................................................................................................................. 18

Spray fill ............................................................................................................. 18

Splash fill ............................................................................................................ 18

Film fill ............................................................................................................... 19

3.2. Structural frame ............................................................................................................. 20

Wooden structure ................................................................................................ 21

Steel structure ..................................................................................................... 21

3.3. Casing............................................................................................................................ 22

3.4. Wet decks/water distribution ........................................................................................ 22

3.5. Basins ............................................................................................................................ 22

3.6. Intake louvers and draft eliminators .............................................................................. 23

3.7. Fan, motor, mechanical drivers ..................................................................................... 23

Fan ...................................................................................................................... 24

Motor .................................................................................................................. 24

Mechanical diver ................................................................................................ 25

4. COOLING TOWER DESIGNED AND APPLICATION .................................................. 28

4.1. Tower configuration and application ............................................................................ 28

4.2. Typical of cooing tower piping installation .................................................................. 30

Condenser water piping ...................................................................................... 30

Condenser water return (CDWR) ....................................................................... 30

Condenser water supply (CDWS) ...................................................................... 31

4.3. Makeup water piping..................................................................................................... 31

4.4. Drain and overflow piping ............................................................................................ 31

4.5. Balancing water piping ................................................................................................. 32


5.1. Butterfly valve ............................................................................................................... 33

5.2. Motorized valve ............................................................................................................ 33

5.3. Gate valve...................................................................................................................... 34

5.4. Float valve ..................................................................................................................... 35

5.5. Flexible connectors ....................................................................................................... 35

5.6. Y-strainer....................................................................................................................... 36

5.7. Pump ............................................................................................................................. 36

5.8. Pressure gauge ............................................................................................................... 37

5.9. Temperature gauge ........................................................................................................ 37

5.10. Flow switch ................................................................................................................. 38

6. THE PRINCIPLE AND THEORY OF COOLING TOWER ............................................. 39

6.1. Principle of operation .................................................................................................... 39

6.2. Design condition ........................................................................................................... 42

6.3. Cooling tower theory..................................................................................................... 42

6.4. Cooling tower capacity ................................................................................................. 46

6.5. Cooling tower makeup water ........................................................................................ 47

Evaporation loss calculation ............................................................................... 48

Blowdown or bleed-off ....................................................................................... 49

Drift loss calculation ........................................................................................... 50

6.6. Cooling tower water treatment ...................................................................................... 50

Cooling water treatment concerns ...................................................................... 50

Open cooling water treatment............................................................................. 54

Cleaning and flushing system ............................................................................. 56

Chemical calculation .......................................................................................... 57

7. COOLING TOWER INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ...................................... 60

7.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 60

7.2. General considerations .................................................................................................. 60

7.3. Chiller and cooling tower configuration ....................................................................... 61

7.4. Cooling tower placement and installation ..................................................................... 63

Elevation ............................................................................................................. 65

Adjacent building or wall ................................................................................... 65

7.5. Tower commissioning ................................................................................................... 69

7.6. Cooling tower maintenance .......................................................................................... 71

Water treatment management ............................................................................. 71

8.1. Introduction of TX-S series cooling tower.................................................................... 76

8.2. Advantages .................................................................................................................... 76

8.3. Features of cooling tower TX-S series cooling tower ................................................... 77

8.4. Cooling tower selection ................................................................................................ 79

8.5. Makeup water calculation ............................................................................................. 81

8.6. Water treatment calculation at PPM ............................................................................. 83

Cleaning and flushing chemical ......................................................................... 83

Open cooling chemical dosage and consumption............................................... 84

Chemical calculation .......................................................................................... 85

9. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 88

10. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 89
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 90
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 92


Figure 1.1. The location of Institute of Technology of Cambodia ........................................... 1

Figure 1.2. Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 1964 ........................................................ 2
Figure 1.3. Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 2017 ........................................................ 3
Figure 1.4. Lotus Green Team company map ........................................................................... 5
Figure 1.5. Chiller system was installed by Lotus Green Team company at PPM project....... 6
Figure 2.1. Classification of cooling tower ............................................................................... 9
Figure 2.2. Open evaporative cooling tower ........................................................................... 11
Figure 2.3. Closed-circuit evaporative cooling tower ............................................................. 12
Figure 2.4. Atmospheric cooling tower .................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.5. Hyperbolic tower .................................................................................................. 14
Figure 2.6. Mechanical draft cooling tower ............................................................................ 15
Figure 2.7. Forced draft counter-flow and crossflow.............................................................. 16
Figure 2.8. Induced draft, crossflow and counterflow cooling tower ..................................... 16
Figure 2.9. Schematic diagram of cooling tower .................................................................... 17
Figure 3.1. Splash fill .............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.2. Film fill ................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.3. Film fills designed for all water qualities ............................................................. 20
Figure 3.4. Structural frame of cooling tower ......................................................................... 21
Figure 3.5. Wooden structure of cooling tower ...................................................................... 21
Figure 3.6. Basin of cooling tower at PPM ............................................................................. 23
Figure 3.7. Fan, motor and belt driver of cooling tower at PPM ............................................ 23
Figure 3.8. Fan of cooling tower ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 3.9. TEFC motor of cooing tower at PPM ................................................................... 25
Figure 3.10. Cooling tower belt drive installation .................................................................. 26
Figure 3.11. Cooling tower gear drive installation ................................................................. 27
Figure 3.12. Cooling tower direct drive installation ............................................................... 27
Figure 4.1. Induced draft crossflow cooling tower at PPM .................................................... 30
Figure 4.2. Make up water piping at PPM .............................................................................. 31
Figure 4.3. Drain and overflow piping at PPM ....................................................................... 32
Figure 5.1. Butterfly vales using at PPM ................................................................................ 33
Figure 5.2. Motorized valve using at PPM ............................................................................. 34
Figure 5.3. Gate valve using at PPM ...................................................................................... 34

Figure 5.4. Float valve connecting with makeup water pipe at PPM ..................................... 35
Figure 5.5. Flexible connector at PPM ................................................................................... 35
Figure 5.6. Y-strainer using at PPM ....................................................................................... 36
Figure 5.7. Pump using at PPM .............................................................................................. 36
Figure 5.8. Pressure gauge ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5.9. Typical equipment installing on the piping of condenser water at PPM .............. 37
Figure 5.10. Flow switch......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 6.1. Relationship between water and air in counterflow cooling tower ...................... 40
Figure 6.2. Psychometric analysis of air passing through cooling tower ............................... 42
Figure 6.3. Heat and mass transfer relationship between water to air .................................... 43
Figure 6.4. Cooling water processing ..................................................................................... 48
Figure 6.5. The major concern and of the water in cooling system ........................................ 51
Figure 6.6. Electrolyte of the water......................................................................................... 51
Figure 6.7. Deposition in pipe ................................................................................................. 52
Figure 6.8. Process to become Deposition .............................................................................. 53
Figure 6.9. Process to become Deposition .............................................................................. 54
Figure 7.1. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (a) option 1 ................................................ 61
Figure 7.2. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (b) option 2 ............................................... 62
Figure 7.3. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (c) option 3 ................................................ 62
Figure 7.4. Recommended cooling tower siting parameter .................................................... 64
Figure 7.5. Tower elevation: (a) option 1 and (b) option 2 ..................................................... 65
Figure 7.6. Drawing details of cooling tower installation....................................................... 66
Figure 7.7. Drawing the wall installation see on the top view ................................................ 66
Figure 7.8. Cooling tower louvered wall installation.............................................................. 68
Figure 7.9. Caution of cooling tower at PPM ......................................................................... 71
Figure 7.10. Notice and warning of cooling tower at PPM .................................................... 75
Figure 8.1. Cooling tower TX-S Series at PPM...................................................................... 77
Figure 8.2. Cooling tower TX-S Series features ..................................................................... 77
Figure 8.3. Model definition example..................................................................................... 78


Table 1.1. The name of departments and its logos in ITC ........................................................ 3
Table 4.1. Advantage and disadvantage of counterflow versus crossflow ............................. 28
Table 6.1. The chemical element of city water ....................................................................... 54
Table 7.1. Lubricate TEFC of motor Schedule ....................................................................... 73
Table 8.1. Cooling tower TX-S Series components ................................................................ 78
Table 8.2. Data selection by calculation ................................................................................. 80
Table 8.3. Data selection of TX-S series cooling tower.......................................................... 81
Table 8.4. Cooling tower selecting at PPM project................................................................. 81
Table 8.5. The quality chemical for cleaning flushing system open cooling at PPM ............. 84
Table 8.6. Parameters of chemical calculation data ................................................................ 84
Table 8.7. Chemical calculation summary at PPM ................................................................. 87


1.1. Overview of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) is located on street 110 (Russian Federation

Blvd) in Teuk Laak1 Commune, Toulkok District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)'s Contact Information:

- Telephone : (+855) 23 880 370

- Fax : (+855) 23 880 369
- Web :
- E-mail :
- Address : P.O. Box 86 Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Figure 1.1. The location of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Google Map)

ITC is the one of the top higher education institutions in country. It is currently the
largest and the best engineering program in Cambodia. It offers education programs in both
French and English. The institution offers a full range of educations and research programs in
engineering to the students. Faculty members are distinguished both teaching and researching
activities. ITC is steadily built up its international standard by expanding the international

features of its academic program, promoting faculty and student exchanges, developing
reputation of research, innovating, and build soft skill of students.

In 1964, it was founded and was supported by the cooperation between the country and
the former Soviet Union. This institute was destroyed during civil war from 1970 to 1979. It
has started to run again in 1993 that was supported by French government.

In 1993, Cambodian and French governments agreed to renovate ITC with a vision to
improve performance of the administration and financial services with the educational system
of the institution and the human resources.

Nowadays, ITC is the crossroads in South Eastern Asia region where several partners

- French corporation,
- Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF),
- La Communauté Française de Belgique (CUD),
- AUN/SEED-net,
- School of internet network etc.…

In addition, ITC have more of the school partnerships in Asia such as

France, Belgium, Finland, Spain, Norway, Italia, Germany, Russia, Japan, Korea, China, and
in ASEAN countries.

Figure 1.2. Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 1964

The program studying in ITC, it is mainly divided two degrees. First, it is technique
degree that students need to study two years. Second, it is engineering degree that the students
need to conduct five years. The engineering courses are conducted within five years that is two
years in the department of foundation and three years in specialties. Moreover, ITC have eight
different departments which are listed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1. The name of departments and its logos in ITC

Name of departments Logos

- Foundation Year

- Civil Engineering

- Electrical and Energy Engineering

- Geo-Resource and Geotechnical Engineering

- Information and Communication Engineering

- Industrial and Mechanical Engineering

- Rural Engineering

- Chemical Engineering and Food Technology

Figure 1.3. Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 2017

Industrial and Mechanical Engineering have begun in Cambodia since 1999 which
establishment of Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (GIM) in Institute of
Technology of Cambodia. The department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering educate
students both engineers and technicians. Now, the students studying in Industrial and
Mechanical Engineering was graduated around 100 students.

There are nine labs for students using to practice and research. Amount those labs, four
labs were donated from JICA which mentioned bellow:

- Air-Conditioning Lab
- Computational Lab (JICA’s donation)
- Fluid Mechanic Lab (JICA’s donation)
- Internal Combustion Engine Lab
- Material Science (SDM & RDM) Lab
- Mechanical and Control System Lab (JICA’s donation)
- Mechanical Workshop Lab
- Thermal Lab (JICA’s donation)
- Welding La

1.2. Overview of the company Lotus Green Team

LOTUS GREEN TEAM is created to be part of the service in mechanical engineering

in Cambodia with a standard quality and reliable service. The main customers are in the private
sector, public sector and non-government organizations. In 2017, the company was located in
a building with postal address: #24, Street 552, S. Boeung Kak I, K. Toul kork, Phnom Penh.

The LOTUS GREEN TEAM company has contact information below:

- Company : Lotus Green Team Co., Ltd.

- Tel : (+855) 23 881 370
- Fax : (+855) 23 880 971
- E-mail :
- Web :

Figure 1.4. Lotus Green Team company map (Google Map)

Concerning the services are provided by the company, it is local contracting company
with providing design, build and maintenance of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing services
for clients in all sectors including private, public and non-governmental organization.

➢ Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning system

➢ Air-conditioning: split system, and central system (Chiller, VRV)
➢ Ventilation system: exhaust, ventilation, clean room for hospital, pharmaceutical
factory, nano- technology
➢ Electrical systems

▪ Power generator
▪ Transformer
▪ Power distribution system
▪ Lighting & Socket
▪ Earthling & Lightning protection
▪ Security system (fire detection, access control, CCTV)
▪ Public address system (sound system)
▪ Communication & Network (telephone, inter-com, data)

➢ Plumbing systems

▪ Water supply system (hot & cold-water supply)

▪ Soil and waste water system (soil, waste & air-vent)

▪ Waste water treatment systems
▪ Drainage systems
▪ Pumping work
▪ Firefighting systems

Figure 1.5. Chiller system was installed by Lotus Green Team company at PPM project

1.3. Background

Air conditioning system is the processing of altering the properties of air temperature
and humidity to create comfortable condition. The aims conduct for distributing the condition
air to occupy space such as a building or a vehicle to improve thermal comfort and indoor air
quality. In air conditioning system, there are many types of them such as split, VRF system and
chiller system. The components of air conditioning system divide into four parts importantly
such as compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator. In this thesis, I would like to
describe briefly of the chiller system and focus on water cool system as cooling tower.

1.4. Goal and objectives

Chiller is the large of the system air conditioning. This system uses in large building
such as airport, nation assembly, hospital, super market etc. that they have large cool load. The
role of chiller system make water to became cold. This system uses long time for installation
and spend a lot of money but it is comfortable and lifelong living. There is a variety of water
chiller types. Commonly, they are absorption, centrifugal, helical rotary, and scroll. Some
reciprocating chillers are also available (S. Hanson, M. Schwedler, B. Bakkum, 2011). Major
vapor-compression chiller components include an evaporator, compressor(s), condenser, and

expansion device(s). Mostly of chiller system for to be cold of condenser, it is used of the air-
cooled system and water-cooled system to absorb of heat in condenser. Water-cooled chiller is
typically installed indoors whereas air-cooled chillers is typically installed outdoors-either on
the roof or next to the building. In cold climates, air-cooled chillers may have to remote
evaporator inside the building for freeze protection (S. Hanson, M. Schwedler, B. Bakkum,
2011). In this thesis, I will detail of water-cooled system that use of cooling tower to reject
heat of condenser water.


2.1. Introduction

Cooling towers are devices that used to remove heat (Anonymous, 2013). They transfer
heat that is unwanted to our surrounding atmosphere. Cooling towers can use the evaporation
process of water to get rid of unwanted heat to cool the fluids. If the cooling tower is the dry
cooling type, which is closed circuit, then it will use only air to cool the fluids. Cooling towers
can come in many shapes and sizes. The larger types of cooling towers can reach up to heights
of 200 meters (Anonymous, 2013); however, the cooling towers are much smaller and there
also a unit to release heat from the building’s air conditioning equipment.

2.2. History of cooling towers

Cooling towers were originated from the development and invention of condensers that
were built for steam engines in the 19th century. Condensers use cool water to condense the
steam that was produced by the steam engine’s pistons or turbines (Anonymous, 2013).

After further development, other systems are begun to form by adapting to the
environment. Areas with more land used cooling ponds and areas with a limited supply of water
took advantage of municipal water sources while urban areas which lacked space used cooling
towers. The cooling towers were usually placed on building or rooftops that were either
utilizing natural airflow or supplied with air through fans. The largest size of cooling towers
was built in around the 1920s for usage in a coal fired electrical power station (Anonymous,

2.3. Classifications of cooling towers

The cooling tower might be classified into several types but they are broadly
categorized by following considerations:

- Whether there is direct or indirect contact

- The mechanism uses to provide the required airflow
- The relative flow paths of air and water
- The primary materials of construction
- The type of heat transfer media applied
- The tower’s physical shape (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011)

Packing Type
Classify by the build

Figure 2.1. Classification of cooling tower (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011)

Field Erected Type
Wet Cooling Tower
General classification of cooling towers are depicted below:

Classify based on Dry Cooling Tower

heat transfer method
Fluid Cooler

Cooling Tower
Atmospheric Tower
Classify based on air
Natural Draft Tower
Forced Draft
Mechanical Draft
Tower Induced Draft
Classify based on Crossflow
flow pattern
Classification by build

➢ Package Type

This type of cooling towers is preassembled and can be simply transported on trucks as
they are compact machines. The capacity of package type towers are limited and for that reason,
they are usually preferred by facilities with low heat rejection requirements such as food
processing plants, textile plants, buildings like hospitals, hotels, malls, chemical processing
plants, automotive factories etc. (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011). Due to the intensive use
in domestic areas, sound level control is a relatively more important issue for package type
cooling towers.

➢ Field erected type

Field erected type cooling towers are usually preferred for power plants, steel
processing plants, petroleum refineries, and petrochemical plants (V. Mulyandasari, K.
Kolmetz, 2011). These towers are large in size compared to the package type cooling towers.

Classification based on heat transfer method

➢ Wet cooling tower

This type of cooling tower operates based on evaporation principle. The working fluid
and the evaporated fluid (usually water) are one and the same, as can be seen in

Figure 2.2. In a wet cooling tower, the warm water can be cooled to a temperature
lower than the ambient air dry-bulb temperature, if the air is relatively dry (V. Mulyandasari,
K. Kolmetz, 2011).

For the technical words, it can call such as below:

- Wet Cooling Tower

- Open Circuit Cooling Tower
- Open Evaporative Cooling Tower
- Direct Contact Cooling Tower

(a) Schematic diagram (b) TRUWATER cooling tower (TRUWATER,
(ASHRAE, 2000) TX-S Serise Cooling Tower, 2017)

Figure 2.2. Open evaporative cooling tower

➢ Dry cooling tower

This tower is operated by heat transfer through a surface that separates the working
fluid from ambient air such as in a tube to air heat exchanger and utilizing convective heat
transfer. Dry cooling tower is operated by heat transfer that divides the cooling fluid from the
air. It uses air 100% to cool and evaporation is not used (Anonymous, 2013).

➢ Fluid cooler

This tower passes the working fluid through a tube bundle, upon which clean water is
sprayed and a fan-induced draft applied. The resulting heat transfer performance is much closer
to that of a wet cooling tower, with the advantage provided by a dry cooler of protecting the
working fluid from environmental exposure and contamination. One more thing, it involves
indirect contact between heated fluid and atmosphere, see Figure 2.3. Indirect-contact or
closed-circuit cooling towers contain two separate fluid circuits:

- An external circuit, in which water is exposed to the atmosphere as it cascades over the
tubes of a coil bundle

- An internal circuit, in which the fluid to be cooled circulates inside the tube of the coil
bundle (ASHRAE, 2000).

For other technical words that we can call like below:

- Indirect Contact Cooling Tower

- Closed-Circuit Evaporative Cooling Tower

Figure 2.3. Closed-circuit evaporative cooling tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

Classification based on air draft

➢ Atmospheric tower

An atmospheric tower consists of a big rectangular chamber with two opposite louvered
walls. The tower is packed with a suitable tower fill (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011).
Atmospheric air enters the tower through the louvers driven by its own velocity. An
atmospheric tower is cheap but inefficient. Its performance largely depends upon the direction
and velocity of wind. In addition, the aspirating effect of the water spray, either vertical or
horizontal, see Figure 2.4, induces airflow through the tower in a parallel flow pattern.

(a) Vertical Spray Tower (b) Horizontal Spray Tower
Figure 2.4. Atmospheric cooling tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

➢ Natural draft tower

The natural draft or hyperbolic cooling tower makes use of the difference in temperature
between the ambient air and the hotter air inside the tower. As hot air moves upwards through
the tower (because hot air rises), fresh cool air is drawn into the tower through an air inlet at
the bottom. The heat transfer mode may be counterflow, cross-flow, or parallel flow
(ASHRAE, 2000).

A natural draft tower is called natural flow because of the air occurs through the tower.
Two factors are responsible for creating the natural draft:

- A rise in temperature and humidity of air in the column reduces its density
- The wind velocity at the tower bottom (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011).

The pressure drop across the tower is low and the air velocity above the packing may
vary from 1-1.5 m/s (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011). The concrete tower is supported on
a set of reinforced concrete columns. Concrete is used for the tower shell with a height of up
to 200 m (Anonymous, 2013) (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011). These cooling towers are
mostly only for large heat duties because large concrete structures are expensive.

Figure 2.5. Hyperbolic tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

➢ Mechanical draft cooling tower

Because of their huge shape, construction difficulties and cost, natural draft towers have
been replaced by mechanical draft towers in many installations. Mechanical draft towers have
large fans to force or draw air through circulated water. The water falls downwards over fill
surfaces, which helps increase the contact time between the water and the air. Cooling rates of
mechanical draft towers depend upon various parameters; such as fan diameter and speed of
operation, fills for system resistance, etc. (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011).

Figure 2.6 shows five different designs for mechanical-draft towers (conventional
towers). The fans may be on the inlet air side (forced-draft) or the exit air side (induced-draft).

Figure 2.6. Mechanical draft cooling tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

a. Forced draft

It has one or more fans located at the tower bottom to push air into the tower. During
operation, the fan forces air at a low velocity horizontally through the packing and then
vertically against the downward flow of the water that occurs on either side of the fan. The drift
eliminators located at the top of the tower remove water entrained in the air. Vibration and
noise are minimal since the rotating equipment is built on a solid foundation. The fans handle
mostly dry air, greatly reducing erosion and water condensation problems (V. Mulyandasari,
K. Kolmetz, 2011).

Figure 2.7. Forced draft counter-flow and crossflow (ASHRAE, 2000)

b. Induced draft

A mechanical draft tower with a fan at the discharge that pulls air through tower. The
fan induces hot moist air out the discharge. This produces low entering and high exiting air
velocities, reducing the possibility of recirculation in which discharged air flows back into the
air intake (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011).

Figure 2.8. Induced draft, crossflow and counterflow cooling tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

Classification based on air flow pattern

a. Crossflow

Crossflow is a design in which the air flow is directed perpendicular to the water flow.
Air flow enters one or more vertical faces of the cooling tower to meet the fill material. Water
flows (perpendicular to the air) through the fill by gravity. The air continues through the fill
and thus past the water flow into an open plenum area, see Figure 2.9 in option (a).

. A distribution or hot water basin consisting of a deep pan with holes or nozzles in the
bottom is utilized in a crossflow tower. Gravity distributes the water through the nozzles
uniformly across the fill material (V. Mulyandasari, K. Kolmetz, 2011).

(a) Crossflow (b) Counterflow

Figure 2.9. Schematic diagram of cooling tower (Chemengineering, 2017)

b. Counterflow

In a counterflow design the air flow is directly opposite to the water flow, see Figure
2.9 in option (b). Airflow first enters an open area beneath the fill media and then drawn up
vertically. The water is sprayed through pressurized nozzles and flows downward through the
fill, opposite to the airflow.


Every of HVAC cooling tower has six function components:

- Fill
- Wet deck
- Basin
- Fan(s)
- Inlet louvers
- Drift eliminators (Herbert, 2011)

To this list, it must also add the two structural elements: the structural frame and casing.

3.1. Fill

To improve cooling performance, something called a fill is used to widen the surface
area and the duration of contact between the water flow and airflow. It is the function of the
cooling tower that is to provide a large “contact area” between the water flow and the airflow
to promote evaporation and heat transfer. The most of fills and was using in HVAC system, it
has three types such spray fill, splash fill and film fill (Herbert, 2011).

Spray fill

It was recognized that by breaking the water flow into droplets that contact area between
the water flow and the airflow increased due to the increased water surface area exposed to the
air. Thus, the use of water sprays represents the earliest concept used to improve the efficiency
of evaporation and heat transfer.

Spray fill really is not “fill” at all. The water is sprayed through nozzles to create fine
(small) droplet size. The spray, then, is contained by the tower casing (walls), creating a water-
filled plenum through which the airflow is directed. Spray fill is not used in HVAC cooling
towers except for Venturi tower, which is no longer available except by special order (Herbert,

Splash fill

Splash-fill causes the flowing water to cascade through successive elevations of parallel
“splash bars.” Equally important is the increased time of air-water contact brought about by
repeated interruption of the water’s flow progress (Herbert, 2011). A splash fill is used to cause

splashing by intercepting the flow of water. Consequently, splash-fill provides the least
opposition to airflow in a horizontal direction, which accounts for the fact that splash-fill is
seldom used in counterflow cooling towers.

(a) Splash fill working (b) Splash fill installed

Figure 3.1. Splash fill (Marley, 2012)

Film fill

Film fill provides large surface areas over which the water flows. With the large areas
and slower “falling” speeds than in splash fill, water forms thin sheet or “film” as it flows
across the fill surface, creating larges air-water contact area and efficient evaporative heat

(a) Counterflow film fill process (b) Crossflow film fill

Figure 3.2. Film fill (Marley, 2012)

transfer (Herbert, 2011). A film fill is usually made out of PVC and it contains the flowing

Film fill is both less costly and more efficiency than splash fill. The higher efficiency
results in a significantly smaller tower (higher tower characteristic) for an equivalent capacity.
Thus, most of MVAC towers applied today utilize film fill.

The disadvantage of film fill is that the large surface area and correspondingly small
water passages are sometimes susceptible to:

- Clogging by debris buildup (from leaves, dirty water, etc.)

- Microbiological fouling, since mechanical cleaning cannot be done unless the fill is
removed from the tower and disassembled (an expensive and time-consuming job)
(Herbert, 2011).

Figure 3.3. Film fills designed for all water qualities (Richard Aull, 2012)

3.2. Structural frame

A structural framing system is required to support the wet deck, fan(s), fill, intake
louvers, and drift eliminators. Casing is required to enclose the fill and the create the tower air
and water flow path. The structure frame was produced by wooden and steel.

Figure 3.4. Structural frame of cooling tower (Protec)

Wooden structure

Early cooling towers were constructed by the wooden structural frames, and red-wood,
because of its natural resistance to rot under wet conditions, was the wood of choice.

Figure 3.5. Wooden structure of cooling tower (Engineering.indiabizclub, 2010)

Steel structure

Since the 1950s, steel have become the structural framing system of choice for HVAC
cooling tower. To reduce the effects of corrosion in a wet tower environment, two types of steel
are used:

- Galvanized steel

Mild carbon steel is coated with zinc, lead, and aluminum in a process call galvanizing
to provide a corrosion-resistant barrier between the underlying steel and the air/water on the
surface (Herbert, 2011).

- Stainless steel

Stainless steels generally have lower structural strength than mild carbon steel but are
far more resistant to corrosion in wet environments. Stainless steel consists of steel alloys
(Carbon steel plus molybdenum, nickel, and/or nitrogen) and chromium (Herbert, 2011).

3.3. Casing

A cooling tower’s casing performs two roles, First, it forms an enclosure around the fill
to create a contained air path or plenum, forcing the airflow through the fill, second, it simply
helps to keep the water inside the tower. Wood frame cooling towers originally used cedar or
redwood planks as tower casing.

3.4. Wet decks/water distribution

The wet deck is located at the top of the tower and its job in to distribute the incoming
warm condenser water as evenly as possible over the fill to ensure uniform heat transfer.

In crossflow towers, the wet deck is not in the air stream and normally consisting of
plastic, metering orifices.

The “wet deck” in counterflow towers is in the air steam. The wet deck consists of spray
nozzles that are used both evenly distribute the water flow over the fill and to provide initial
water atomization.

3.5. Basins

The basin is located at the bottom of the tower and its job is to collect the cold condenser
water supply to the condenser water pump.

There are three critical aspects relative to the basin:

- It must have sufficient capacity to contain the water that will flow to it when condenser
water pump shuts down.

- The volume of water stored in the basin must be large enough to fill all empty piping
upon start-up. Otherwise, the basin maybe pumps dry.
- It must be a sufficient height of water above the condenser water supply connection to
prevent vertexing and the entrainment of air into water flow (Herbert, 2011).

Figure 3.6. Basin of cooling tower at PPM

3.6. Intake louvers and draft eliminators

Intake louvers are provided on all crossflow cooling towers to help control the airflow
over the fill. The lover is spaced and slanted to direct air evenly into the fill pack.

Draft eliminators are installed on the leaving side of the fill designed to “trap” entrained
water droplets and prevent them from leaving the cooling tower (Herbert, 2011).

3.7. Fan, motor, mechanical drivers

Figure 3.7. Fan, motor and belt driver of cooling tower at PPM

Fan connects to one or more motors via a driver assembly. It provides the motive power
for airflow through a mechanical draft HVAC cooling tower.


Two types of fans are used, centrifugal fans and axial propeller fans. Both types may
be applied forced draft towers, but only propeller fans are used with induced draft towers. Both
types produce airflow through the tower by increasing the statistic pressure and kinetic energy
of the air.

With the centrifugal fan, air inters through the central portion of an impeller wheel and
exits through a scroll and outlet at right angle to the inlet paths. Axial flow fans, bye contract,
have a straight-thought air flow part.

Approximate relationships for assessing the effects of changes in fan speed, airflow
rate, and fan power are known as the fan laws:

- Volumetric air flow rate (CFM) is directly proportional to fan speed (RPM).
- Statistic pressure (SP) is proportional to the square of the fan speed.
- Break horsepower (BHP) is proportional to the cube of the fan speed (Herbert, 2011).

(a) Centrifugal fan of cooling tower (b) Axial propeller fans of

(baltimoreaircoil, Open Cooling Tower, 2017) cooling tower (tcf, n.d.)

Figure 3.8. Fan of cooling tower


There are three basic types of motors use in HVAC application:

➢ Open drip proof (ODP)

ODP motor are constructed with opening in the motor casing that provide a cooling air
parts to the motor windings. ODP motor are designed for dry applications and, if installed
outdoors, must be weather protected. ODP motor are never used in cooling tower simply
because they are not designed for outdoor, wet location and will quickly fail in this environment
(Herbert, 2011).

➢ Totally enclosed fan cool (TEFC)

The TEFC motor shaft extents from the motor casing to driver a cooling fan installed
within a shroud on the nondriver end of the motor. TEFC motors are typically applied in
cooling towers where the motor is located outside of the tower airflow path (Herbert, 2011).

Figure 3.9. TEFC motor of cooing tower at PPM

➢ Totally enclosed air-over (TEAO)

The TEAO motor windings are enclosed in a moisture-tight enclosure. The casing
provided with large fins designed to radiate the motor heat to an air stream passing over them.
TEAO motor are used where the motor is located within the airflow path. Both of TEFC and
TEAO motors have advantage better cooling tower than ODP motor and can generally be
operated continuously at up to 15% overload without failure, while an ODP motor overheats
and fails under almost any overload condition (Herbert, 2011).

Mechanical diver

Two types of mechanical driver are applied to HVAC cooling towers:

➢ Belt driers

Belt drivers, belt and pulley assembly, are used in wide range of HVAC cooling tower
configuration. These drivers perform two functions:

- They transfer the motor power to the fan while reducing the motor speed to the required
fan speed.
- The power transfer dictates the belt (s) lording rating, with the sheaves (one of the motor
and one of the fan) dictate the speed change in direct propitiation to their diameter
(Herbert, 2011).

Figure 3.10. Cooling tower belt drive installation (baltimoreaircoil, Driver System Upgrade,

➢ Gear diver

Gear divers (or gear “boxes”), illustrated in Figure 10.8, are used by some manufacture
on larger towers. Here, a shaft connects the motor to gearbox that perform three functions:
- It transfers driver power form the motor to the fan while changing the rotation direction
by 900 (From the horizontal to vertical) and the reduce the motor speed to the require
fan speed.
- They are typically applied only large tower with 50hp or large fan motors.
- Diver typically use spiral bevel a helical gear set and, depending on the speed reduction
ratio and the motor horsepower, may have a single stage or multistage gear set (Herbert,

Figure 3.11. Cooling tower gear drive installation (baltimoreaircoil, Open Cooling Tower,

➢ Direct diver

An alternative to gear or belt-driver-induced draft tower fan drives is the direct driver
variable speed motor and controller that has been introduced by company that produced the
motor. The TEAO is designed special for cooling tower application and is mounted vertically
within discharger cone and direct connected to the fan shaft via a flexible coupling (much like
base-mounted pumped and motor assemblies)

Figure 3.12. Cooling tower direct drive installation (plantservices, 2017)


4.1. Tower configuration and application

The table below shows about the advantage and disadvantage of counterflow versus
crossflow cooling tower.

Table 4.1. Advantage and disadvantage of counterflow versus crossflow (Herbert, 2011)

Configuration Flow Advantages Disadvantages

• Lower pump head • Potential orifice clogging

• Lower pump power and poor water distribution
requirement. over fill
• Lower pumping energy. • Wet deck basin may house
Waterside • Easier access to wet deck biological fouling
for maintenance. • Larger tower footprint
• Better acceptance of
variation in water flow
Crossflow with economizer.
• Lower statistic pressure • Large inlet lover surface
loss with lower fan power area makes icing control
requirement and energy more difficult.
• Reduced draft
• Reduced recirculation
• Requires fewer cells for
large capacities.
• Spray distribution • Increased pump head due
improves water droplet to spray nozzles, pump
size power requirement, and
Waterside • Tower is taller and pumping energy.
increased height • Spray nozzles are difficult
accommodates closer to access and clean.
Counterflow approach.

• Counterflow improve heat • Higher statistic pressure
transfer. losses, fan power, and
energy consumption.
• High inlet velocities may
Airside pull debris into basin.
• Tendency for uneven
airflow across fill,
reducing tower efficiency.

The cooling towers were designed many of types that base on by the build, the heat
transfer method, on air draft, air pattern. Each type of cooling tower has its own advantages
and disadvantages; thus, the proper selection is needed based on the system operation. Besides,
the material selection of cooling tower is also important. Cooling towers tends to be corrosive
since it always has direct contact with the water. Proper material selection or additional water
treatment is then needed to keep the cooling tower safe. Some theories are needed to be
understood before an engineer start to sizing a cooling tower. Cooling tower process is
generally related with vapor pressure of water and humidity. In here, we will describe about
the cooling tower of crossflow and counterflow designed of its disadvantages and advantages.

The air distribution systems for counterflow and crossflow towers have advantages and
disadvantages inherent in their respective designs. Both tower systems are designed to a
required cooling tower duty thus the thermal performance and cooling capability for both tower
systems, if designed well, are equal.

Crossflow towers should be specified when the following specifications are important:

- To minimize pump head, pumping energy.

- To minimize fan energy consumption.
- To minimize pumping and piping cost.
- To minimize operating cost.
- When noise limitations are a significant factor.
- When variance in hot water flow is expected.
- When easy maintenance is a concern.

Counterflow towers should be specified when the following specifications are

- When space (footprint) is limited.

- When icing during winter operation is a concern.
- When pumping is designed for additional pressure drop.
- When very closely approach is needed (<5˚F) (Janssen, 2012)

4.2. Typical of cooing tower piping installation

Three separate piping systems are required for each cooing tower, as show in the Figure
4.1 and described in the following subsection.

Condenser water piping

We have two of piping system for the condenser water piping:

Condenser Water Return (CDWR)

Condenser Water Supply (CDWS)

Figure 4.1. Induced draft crossflow cooling tower at PPM

Condenser water return (CDWR)

It is the piping delivers warm water from the condenser to the tower. In the larger pipe
sized required for condenser water systems, increased labor costs have made screwed joints
prohibitively expensive and galvanized piping is rarely used today. For the piping sizing, it
depends on flow rate requirement of condenser.

Condenser water supply (CDWS)

It is the piping delivers cool water from the tower to the condenser. A manual isolation
valves should be provided at both the supply and return connection to the tower to facilitate
tower maintenance. CDWS piping between the tower and the condenser should be insulated

with at the least 2  5.08 cm -thick no hydroscopic insolation (cellular glass indoors; cellular

glass or polyisocyanurate outdoors) to reduce the heat again by the condenser water to the
chiller (Herbert, 2011).

4.3. Makeup water piping

Makeup water is potable water from municipal water systems and/or wells that is added
to the condenser water flow to offset the water losses due to evaporation, draft, and blowdown.
Again, a manual isolation valve and automatic is required at the tower connection point for
maintenance purposes. Copper tubing or PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) piping is normally used
for makeup water piping.

Figure 4.2. Make up water piping at PPM

4.4. Drain and overflow piping

Every Cooing tower must have drain and overflow piping connected to a sanitary waste
water system. The Clean Water Act makes it illegal to drain chemically treatment condenser
water into storm or site drainage systems.

The overflow portion of the system is simply an open drain at the same level as, or
slightly above, the operating water level in the basin. If excess water enters the basin, it
automatically flows into the overflow drain and it wasted. A manual isolation valve controls
the basin drain connection, which allows the basin water to be emptied for periodic

Drain and overflow piping

Figure 4.3. Drain and overflow piping at PPM

4.5. Balancing water piping

Balancing Water Piping is the pipe that connect with the basins cooling tower. It was
installed to prevent unbalance of the quality of water in the basins cooling tower when it was
running. One more thing, a manual isolation valve controls and automatic valve that attach
with the piping, which allows the basin water for periodic maintenance and insulate the water
when the cooling tower don’t run all in the same time, see Annex D of schematic of cooling
tower at PPM project.


5.1. Butterfly valve

Butterfly valves are easy and fast to open A 90˚ rotation of the handle to provide a
completing closure or opening of the valve. Large butterfly valves are usually equipped with a
gearbox, where the hand wheel gears are connected by the stem. This simplify the operation of
the valve is expense of speed (wermac, 2016). One more thing, it is used for the piping that
have diameter at least 65 cm. Normally, the butterfly is manual isolate.

Figure 5.1. Butterfly vales using at PPM

5.2. Motorized valve

A motorized valve is a valve type that use an electric motor to open or close its
mechanism (What is a Motorized Valve?, n.d.). This valve is ideally suited to very large valve
types or remote fluid control applications such as aircraft deicing, agricultural irrigation, and
automated fire suppression. The most of this valve is suited for motorized applications with
some commonly used types being gate, ball, and butterfly.

Motorized valve


Figure 5.2. Motorized valve using at PPM

5.3. Gate valve

Gate valves are widely used for all types of application and are suitable for both above
ground and underground installation. Not least for underground installation it is paramount to
choose the right type of valve to avoid high replacement cost.

Gate valves are designed for fully open or fully closed service. They are installed in
pipelines as isolating valves, and should not be used as control or regulating valves. Operation
of a gate valve is performed doing an either clockwise to close (CTC) or clockwise to open
(CTO) rotating motion of the stem. When operating the valve stem, the gate moves up- or
downwards on the threaded part of the stem.

Figure 5.3. Gate valve using at PPM

5.4. Float valve

Float valve admits or discharges of liquid in a tank and it regulated by float on the
surface of the liquid within the tank to maintain a nearly constant height of liquid. In the other
words, it is an automatic valve that can open and close. It is controlled by a float at the end of
lever. In cooling tower, it uses to control of the makeup water that is required by cooling tower
in the basin.

Figure 5.4. Float valve connecting with makeup water pipe at PPM
5.5. Flexible connectors

Flexible connector prevents stresses due to expansion and contraction. It isolates

against the transfer of noise, vibration, and compensate for misalignment. In cooling tower
system, it is installed near the cooling tower, pump and condenser that use to reduce the
vibration of cooling tower and condenser.

Figure 5.5. Flexible connector at PPM

5.6. Y-strainer

Y-strainer is device for mechanically removing solids from flowing liquids or gases by
means of perforated or wire mesh-straining element. It uses in pipelines to protect equipment
such as pumps, meters, control valves, steam traps and regulators. In the system of cooling
tower, it is installed in front of the pump.

Figure 5.6. Y-strainer using at PPM

5.7. Pump

Pump is used to move fluids (liquids or gases), or slurries, by mechanical action. It is

main equipment in cooling tower system that move the water of condenser. In cooling tower at
PPM, pump is used three location. First location, it uses to move the water condenser. Second
location, it uses to move the water city for makeup of cooling tower. The last, it uses to move
of chemical water treatment for every two weeks. Before selecting those pumps, its flow rate
and pressure trop that are required by those application must know.

Figure 5.7. Pump using at PPM

5.8. Pressure gauge

A pressure gauge is a mechanical instrument designed to measure the internal pressure

and/or vacuum of a vessel or system. It is the pressure absolute that indicate the pressure of
water in the piping no including the atmosphere pressure.

Figure 5.8. Pressure gauge

5.9. Temperature gauge

A temperature gauge is a device used to indicate the temperature of an item being

monitored. The display can be an analogue dial, an analogue range or a digital readout.
Common methods of measuring temperature include bimetallic strip (the bending of which
increases with temperature) and the thermocouple which produces an electronic voltage that
depends on the temperature. In Figure 5.9 below, the temperature gauge was installed on the
condenser water return and supply to indicate of the temperature of water in condenser.

Butterfly valve


Temperature gauge

Flexible connector Piping

Flow switch
Pressure gauge

Figure 5.9. Typical equipment installing on the piping of condenser water at PPM

5.10. Flow switch

Flow switches are devices that monitor flow and send a trip signal to other devices, like
a pump, for protection. These switches can be used for the measurement of gases, liquids, and
steam. Flow switches can also be used to trigger an alarm and provide protection to a system
if necessary. While all flow switches are flow meters, not all flow meters are flow switches
because they are not all equipped with the ability to control flow rate.

Figure 5.10. Flow switch


6.1. Principle of operation

Cooling tower is cooled water by a combination of heat and mass transfer. The water
to be cooled is distributed in the tower by spray nozzles, splash bars, or film-type fill, which
exposes a very large water surface area to atmospheric air. Atmospheric air is circulated by:

- Fans
- Convective currents
- Natural wind currents
- Induction effect from sprays (ASHRAE, 2000).

A portion of the water absorbs heat to change from a liquid to a vapor at constant
pressure. This heat of vaporization at atmospheric pressure transfer from the water remaining
in the liquid state into the airstream. Figure 6.1 shows the temperature relationship between
water and air as they pass through a counterflow cooling tower. The curves indicate the drop-
in water temperature (point A to point B) and the rise in the air wet-bulb temperature (point C
to point D) in their respective passages through the tower.

The performance of cooling tower depends on various parameters like range and
approach. Those terminologies are detailed below:

- Cooling Tower Approach

The difference between the cold or outlet water temperature and ambient wet bulb
temperature is call as Cooling Tower Approach (B minus C), as shown in Figure 6.1.

Approach = Tout − Tw,b


• Tout = cold water temperature, ˚C

• Tw,b = wet bulb temperature, ˚C

- Cooling Tower Range

The difference between the hot or inlet water temperature (Point A) and cold or outlet
water temperature (Point B) is called Cooling Tower Range

Range = Tin − Tout


• Tin = inlet water temperature, ˚C

• Tout = outlet water temperature, ˚C

- Cooling Tower Efficiency

The calculation of cooling tower efficiency involves the Range and approach of the
cooling Tower. Cooling tower efficiency is limited by the ambient wet bulb temperature. In
ideal case the cold-water temperature will be equal to the wet bulb temperature. This is
practically not possible to achieve. This requires very large tower and results in huge
evaporation and windage or drift loss resulting in a practically not viable solution. In practice
the cooling tower efficiency will be in between 70 to 75% (chemicalengineeringsite, 2017).

Cooling Tower Efficiency =

(Tin − Tout ) 100
(T in − Tw,b )

Cooling Tower Efficiency =
( Range + Approach ) 100

Figure 6.1. Relationship between water and air in counterflow cooling tower (ASHRAE,

The thermal performance of a cooling tower depends principally on the entering air
wet-bulb temperature. The entering air dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity, taken
independently, have an insignificant effect on thermal performance of mechanical-draft cooling
towers, but they do affect the rate of water evaporation within the cooling tower. A
psychometric analysis of the air passing through a cooling tower illustrates this effect, as
depicted in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 shows psychometric analysis of air passing through cooling tower. Those
analysis are detailed like below:

- Air enters at the ambient condition Point A, absorbs heat and mass (moisture) from the
water, and exits at Point B in a saturated condition (at very light loads, the discharge air
may not be saturated).
- The amount of heat transferred from the water to the air is proportional to the difference
in enthalpy of the air between the entering and leaving conditions ( hB − hA ) .

- The heating of the air, represented by Vector AB, see in Figure 6.2, may be separated
into component AC, which represents the sensible portion of the heat absorbed by the
air as the water is cooled, and component CB, which represents the latent portion.
- If the entering air condition is changed to Point D at the same wet-bulb temperature but
at a higher dry-bulb temperature, the total heat transfer, represented by Vector DB,
remains the same, but the sensible and latent components change dramatically
(ASHRAE, 2000).

The ratio of latent to sensible heat is important in analyzing the water usage of a cooling
tower. Mass transfer (evaporation) occurs only in the latent portion of the heat transfer process
and is proportional to the change in specific humidity. Because the entering air dry-bulb
temperature or relative humidity affects the latent to sensible heat transfer ratio, it also affects
the rate of evaporation. The rate of evaporation in case AB (WB - WA) is less than in case DB
(WB - WD) because the latent heat transfer (mass transfer) represents a smaller portion of the

Figure 6.2. Psychometric analysis of air passing through cooling tower (ASHRAE, 2000)

6.2. Design condition

The thermal capacity of any cooling tower may be defined by the following parameters:

- Entering and leaving water temperature

- Entering air wet bulb or entering air wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature
- Water flow rate (ASHRAE, 2000)

6.3. Cooling tower theory

Heat is transferred from water droplet to the surrounding air by both sensible and latent
heat transfer process. Figure illustrates a typical water droplet and the heat transfer

Figure 6.3. Heat and mass transfer relationship between water to air (ASHRAE, 2000)

Developed the following theory, consider a cooling tower having one square meter of
plan area; cooling volume V , containing extended water surface per unit volume a ; and water
mass flow rate L and air mass flow rate G . Figure 6.3 schematically shows the processes of
mass and energy transfer. The bulk water at temperature t is surrounded by the bulk air at dry
bulb temperature ta , having enthalpy ha and humidity ratio Wa . The interface is assumed to be
'' '' ''
a film of saturated air with an intermediate temperature t , enthalpy h , and humidity ratio W
. Assuming a constant value of 4.18kJ ( kg  K ) for the specific heat of water c p .

❖ The total energy transfer from the water to the interface:

dqw = Lc p dt = K L a ( t − t '' ) dV (Eq. 6.1)


• qw = rate of total heat transfer from bulk water to interface, W

• L = inlet water mass flow rate, kg s

• K L = unit conductance heat transfer from bulk water to interface, W ( m2  K )

• V = cooling volume, m 3
• a = area of interface, m 2 m3

• t = bulk water temperature, K
• t '' = saturated air with an intermediate temperature, K
❖ The heat transfer from interface to air is:

dqs = KG a ( t '' − ta ) dV (Eq. 6.2)


• qs = rate of sensible heat transfer from interface to airstream, W

• K G = overall unit conductance sensible heat transfer from interface to main
airstream, W ( m2  K )
• ta = bulk air at dry bulb temperature, K
❖ The diffusion of water vapor from film to air is

dm = K ' a (W '' − Wa ) dV (Eq. 6.3)


• m = mass transfer rate from interface to airstream, kg s

• K ' = unit conductance mass transfer from interface to main airstream,
kg ( s  m2 )
•W '' = humidity ratio of interface, kg kg
• Wa = humidity ratio of air (film), kg kg
❖ The heat transfer due to evaporation from film to air is

dql = r dm = rK 'a (W '' − Wa ) dV (Eq. 6.4)


• qL = rate of latent heat transfer from interface to airstream, W

• r = latent heat of evaporation (constant), kJ kg

Merkel (1925) assumed the Lewis relationship to be equal to one in combining the
transfer of mass and sensible heat into an overall coefficient based on enthalpy difference as
the driving force:

( K 'C pm ) (Eq. 6.5)


• C pm = humid specific heat of moist air, J ( Kg  K )

(Eq. 6.5) also explains why the wet-bulb thermometer closely approximates the
temperature of adiabatic saturation in an air-water vapor mixture. Setting water heat loss equal
to air heat gain yields.

Lc p dt = G dh = K ' a ( h'' − ha ) dV (Eq. 6.6)


• G = air mass flow rate, kg s

The equation considers the transfer from the interface to the air stream, but the
interfacial conditions are indeterminate. If the film resistance is neglected and an overall
coefficient K ' is postulated, based on the driving force of enthalpy h at the bulk water
temperature t , the equation becomes to:

Lc p dt = G dh = K ' a ( h' − ha ) dV (Eq. 6.7)

For equation,

Lc p dt = K 'a ( h' − ha ) dV (Eq. 6.8)

K 'a c
 dV = ' p dt
L ( h − ha )
v t
K 'a 2 2

L v1 dV = 
t1 ( h − ha )

K ' aV 2 c p
 = ' dt
t1 ( h − ha )
(Eq. 6.9)

For equation,

G dh = K 'a ( h' − ha ) dV

K 'a dh
 dV = '
G ( h − ha )
v h
K 'a 2 2

G v1  dV = 
h1 ( h − ha )

K ' aV 2 dh
 = '
h1 ( h − ha )
(Eq. 6.10)

In cooling tower practice, the integrated value of (Eq. 6.9 is commonly referred to as
the number of transfer units (NTU). This value gives the number of times the average enthalpy
potential ( h' − ha ) goes into the temperature change of the water ( t ) and is a measure of the

c p t
difficulty of the task. Thus, one transfer unit has the definition of = 1 . The equations
(h − h )
a avg

are not self-sufficient and are not subject to direct mathematical solution. They reflect mass
and energy balance at any point in a tower and are independent of relative motion of the two
fluid streams. Mechanical integration is required to apply the equations, and the procedure must
account for relative motion. The integration of (Eq. 6.9 gives the NTU for a given set of

6.4. Cooling tower capacity

Before we are going to select Cooling Tower, we need calculate Net heating capacity,
Qcd and mass flow rate of condenser water, m w .

❖ Net heating calculation (K, 2008)

Coefficient of Performance is computed bellow equation,

COPR = (Eq. 6.11)

 Winput =


• COPR = coefficient of performance, [.]

• Qeva = net refrigerating capacity or cooling load capacity, kW

• Winput = Total power input, kW

❖ Second law for thermodynamic

Wnet ,input = QH − QL = Qcd − Qeva

 Qcd = Wnet ,input + Qeva

 Qcd = + Qeva (Eq. 6.12)
❖ Calculation of the mass flow rate of condenser water

We have,

Qcd = m w  c p  T (Eq. 6.13)


• m w = mass flow rate of condenser water, kg s

• c p = specific heat, kJ kg  K

• T = Tin − Tout is the range, ˚C

The parameters of Qcd and m w are the main parameters that need to select of the

cooling tower sizing in the catalog of cooling tower company and order.

6.5. Cooling tower makeup water

Evaporative cooling towers achieve significantly lower water temperatures than air-
cooled or closed-circuit cooling towers. Most of process cooling towers are recirculating
evaporative system, in that they cool and reuse the heated water. A small percentage of cooling
towers are once-through systems that discharge heated water to a watershed or wastewater
treatment facility.

An open, evaporative cooling tower distributes hot return water form the process
downward through nozzles in to labyrinth-like packing, or “fill”.

In cooling tower, it has the more of equipment and process, so the water will loss that
we need the makeup tower. The sum of water that is lost from the tower must be replaced by
make-up water: We have the form calculate below (chemicalengineeringsite, 2017) (checalc,
2015) (TRUWATER, Cooling Tower Make Up Water Calculation, 2017) (Malek) (James
McDonald, 2003):

M = E+B+D (Eq. 6.14)


• M = makeup water, m 3 h
• E = evaporation loss, m 3 h
• B = blowdown loss, m 3 h
• D = drift loss, m 3 h

The mass balance around a cooling tower as illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 6.4. Cooling water processing (James McDonald, 2003)

This includes determination of cycle of concentration, evaporation loss, blowdown and

drift or windage loss.

Evaporation loss calculation

Evaporation loss is the primary function of the tower and the loss that come from
transfer heat from the cooling tower system to the environment.

Rate of evaporation is approximately 1% of the circulation flow for each 10 ˚F (5.56

˚C) of rise between the outlet and inlet across the tower. A correction is needed for factors such
as wind, relative humidity, etc. Factor of 0.85 works out to be a reasonable approximation. If
the climate is particularly moist, value may go down to 0.65 ; One more thing, it will rise in
summer and decline in winter.

❖ Evaporation Loss in the cooling tower is calculated by the following equation.

1 1
E = 0.85    T  m w (Eq. 6.15)
100 5.56
 E = 0.00153 R  C


• E = evaporation loss, m 3 h
• T = R = range, ˚C
m w = circulation cooling tower or water flow rate, m h

• 0.85 = evaporation loss correction factor that help to account for sensible heat
1 1
•  = rate of evaporation is approximately 1% of the circulation flow for
100 5.56
each 10 ˚F (5.56 ˚C) of rise between the outlet and inlet across the tower

Blowdown or bleed-off

As the cooling water circulates the cooling tower part of water evaporates thereby
increasing the total dissolved solids in the remaining water. To control the cycle of
concentration, blow down is given. Blowdown is the function of cycle of concentration that
can be calculated from the formula:

BD = (Eq. 6.16)
( Cycles − 1)

• BD = blowdown flow, m 3 h
• E = evaporation loss, m 3 h
• Cycles = cycle of concentration established by water treatment program.

The cycle of concentration is a dimensionless number. It is a ratio between parameter

in Cooling Water to the parameter in makeup water. It can be calculated from any the following

Silica in cooling water

• Cycles =
Silica in makeup water
Ca hardness in cooling water
• Cycles =
Ca hardness in makeup water
Conductivity of cooling water
• Cycles =
Conductivity of makeup water

Dissolved solids in blowdown
• Cycles =
Dissolved solids in makeup

The cycle of concentration normally varies from 3.0 to 7.0 depend on the processing
designing. It is advisable to keep the cycle of concentration as high as possible to reduce the
makeup water requirement of the cooling tower. At the same time, the higher cycle of
concentration increases the dissolved solids concentration in circulating cooling water which
results in scaling and fouling of process heat transfer equipment.

Drift loss calculation

Drift loss is a function the draft eliminator design and typed of cooling tower design.
Cooling tower with the drift eliminator installed can reduce the draft loss from 0.002% to
0.005%. Higher of performance cooling tower draft eliminator panels can be minimize draft
loss to as low as 0.001% (TRUWATER, Cooling Tower Make Up Water Calculation, 2017).
For the other form of calculation, it may be assumed as:

0.3 to 1.0
• Natural draft cooling tower, D = m w
0.1 to 0.3
• Induced draft cooling tower, D = m w
• Cooling tower with drift eliminator, D = m w

6.6. Cooling tower water treatment

In the cooling tower, the water in cooling tower must be treatment with the chemical
program before enter in cooling tower. The cooling tower that was installed in my project is
open cooling water type so, the water is need to make up and every day and the treatment of
the water need to run frequently. Below are the processing of water treatment and chemical
consumption method program.

Cooling water treatment concerns

➢ Cooing water concerns

Water treatment plays a major role in the operation of each of these cooling systems.
The job of water treatment is to protect plant equipment from corrosion, deposition, and
biological fouling. Improper treatment levels can reduce process efficiency, sometimes causing

equipment failure. This can result in unit shutdown and lost production. Our understanding of
the cooling water treatment program is extremely important to the efficiency and success of
our plant’s operation.

Figure 6.5. The major concern and of the water in cooling system (Cong & Lotus Green,

❖ Corrosion

When a heat exchanger leaks, it is often because of corrosion. Corrosion is an

electrochemical reaction that occurs between a metal and its environment. Electrons are
moving within the metal, as can be seen in Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.6. Electrolyte of the water (Cong & Lotus Green, 2017)

i. Electrons flow from the anode of a corrosion cell to the cathode, where hydroxide ions
are produced by a reaction with water.

ii. Oxygen, dissolved in the water from contact with air, reacts with the metal surface to
form iron hydroxide.

iii. Corrosion products are formed which are insoluble in water. These corrosion products
(called tubercular) build up on the surface where they are produced. Unless controlled,
corrosion continues until a hole appears in the tube and a leak occurs.

The objective of a good corrosion control program is to minimize corrosion of all metals
to an acceptable level. Success depends upon good mechanical design, acceptable exchanger
metallurgies, and selection and application of an effective chemical treatment program.

❖ Deposition

The gradual accumulation of deposits in cooling water systems directly affects

production. Deposition problems can lead to: reduced tower efficiency, decreased heat transfer
and reduced carrying capacity of pipelines.

Ultimately, if unchecked, deposition can result in production losses, shortened

equipment life, and increased costs, due to frequent cleaning or added pumping requirements.
In general, deposits are broadly classified as scale or foulants

Scale is a coating of predominantly inorganic (salt-like, or mineral-like) materials,

formed by precipitation and subsequent crystal growth at a surface in contact with water.
Precipitation occurs when the solubility of deposit-forming minerals is exceeded, either in the
bulk water or at the surface.

Figure 6.7. Deposition in pipe (Cong & Lotus Green, 2017)

Calcium carbonate is the most common scale formed in cooling water systems, because
it is formed from two materials present in virtually all makeup water: calcium hardness and
bicarbonate alkalinity. The chemistry of calcium carbonate formation, however, depends on
several factors:

- pH
- temperature of the water
- total dissolved solids (TDS)
- calcium hardness
- bicarbonate alkalinity

Figure 6.8. Process to become Deposition (Cong & Lotus Green, 2017)

Fouling is the accumulation of suspended materials in water-as opposed to dissolved

materials in water, which usually form scales. Suspended materials include mud, silt, organic
compounds, oils, dust and dirt corrosion products, biological slimes, and general debris.

When deposit occur, accumulate under-deposit corrosion, also microbiological growth

in cooling systems.

❖ Biological
Microorganisms that attach to wetted surfaces grow there and, in time, form larger
communities. These communities, called biofilms, consist of microbial cells and material
secreted by the cells as a protective layer. This layer consists of complex biological polymers.
These materials are gelatinous and sticky—slimy. Another word for biofilm is slime. This
process is illustrated in Figure 6.9 as below: If their growth is not controlled, biofilms interfere
with equipment performance: bio fouling can reduce or even block water flow, reduce heat
transfer and increase corrosion rates. Some biofilm organisms attack wood, which weakens

structural members of wooden cooling towers. Plus, dirty cooling systems increase the risk of
airborne disease from inhalation of cooling tower drift laden with microorganisms.

Figure 6.9. Process to become Deposition (Cong & Lotus Green, 2017)

Without adequate microbiological control, effectiveness of corrosion inhibition and

deposition control programs is seriously compromised.

Open cooling water treatment

➢ System data

Based on the makeup water is city water, the estimated quality of water is listed below:

Table 6.1. The chemical element of city water (Cong & Lotus Green, 2017)

Parameter Unit Make up water

pH 7.0-8.0

Conductivity μS cm 2 < 200

Total alkalinity ppm as CaCO3 < 50
Total calcium hardness ppm as CaCO3 < 100
Total Iron ppm as Fe <1
Chloride ppm as Cl- < 50
Silica mg/l SiO2 < 20

➢ Open cooling chemical treatment

For the application of water treatment in open cooling system, we need to control with
three components:

- Corrosion inhibitor
- Deposit control
- Microbiological control

❖ Corrosion inhibitor
GenGard GN8224 is a mild steel corrosion inhibitor containing phosphate. GenGard
GN8224 can reduce corrosion by interfering with the chemical reactions at either or both of
these electrodes- anode and a cathode. At typical use levels, the major protection is due to the
formation of phosphate barrier film at cathodic site of corrosion cell.

❖ Deposit control

GenGard GN8224 was designed for calcium phosphate scale control and particulate
dispersion combine with the Phosphate to control the corrosion. It provides unparalleled
deposition control at high temperature and low flow conditions, compared to conventional
sulfonate-based polymeric dispersants. Its performance is not impaired by soluble iron from
steel corrosion, or by iron and aluminum contamination from makeup water.

❖ Microbiological control
Microbiological fouling in cooling systems is the result of abundant growth of algae,
fungi, and bacteria on surfaces. Once-through and open or closed recirculating water systems
can support microbial growth, but fouling problems usually develop more quickly and are more
extensive in open recirculating systems. Microbiological control is an essential part of a cooling
water treatment program; without it the ability of the corrosion, scale and fouling control
program can be severely impaired.

- Oxidizing biocides

In addition to their ability to kill organisms, oxidizing biocides are able to take electrons
from other atoms. As a result, consideration must be given to other reactions rather than just
those with organisms. Oxidizing biocides must be dosed such that free halogen or hypohalous

acid is maintained over a predetermined period of time. Normally the free halogen reserve is
maintained for a period of one hour or more, or on a continuous basis.

- Non-oxidizing Biocides

Non-oxidizing biocides are normally shot dosed into a system such that a killing dose
is achieved and maintained long enough to kill the surface adhering (sessile) organisms on
surfaces of the cooling system.

Spectrus NX1100, non-oxidizing biocide is a water-based solvent. The active

component is Bronopol, which provides solid performance on aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
over a wide pH range. As a result of its stability in the presence of sulphides, it is particularly
effective on sulphate-reducing bacteria strains generally associated with microbiologically
influenced corrosion of carbon steel, stainless steel and other alloys.

Cleaning and flushing system

The pre-cleaning of the system refers to the removal of debris, solid materials, oil,
corrosion products that have accumulated in the system, as it has been idle during construction
or during system shutdown.

➢ Chemical and consumption

There are two chemicals that are used to cleaning and flushing system of cooling tower
before commissioning.

- Tandex 270 is used for cleaning & flushing before commissioning. The dosage for
using is about ( 6 − 10 ) g l with circulation cleaning.

- The liquid NaOH 2% w v is used for neutralizing after cleaning (dilute from NaOH

32% w v )

For the form of calculation like below:

Tandex 270 consumption = Total volume  Dosage (Eq. 6.17)


• Tandex 270 consumption = the quantity of chemical Tandex 270 that use
to clean & flush before commissioning, kg

• Total volume = the volume of the water in piping and cooling tower system,
• Dosage = is about ( 6 -10 ) g l with circulation cleaning

%NaOH neutralize  Total volume  NaOH sg @32%

NaOH 32% consumption =
%NaOH dilute


• NaOH 32% consumption = the quantity of chemical NaOH 32% w/v that
use to clean & flush before commissioning, kg
• %NaOH neutralize = the percentage of NaOH w/v is used to neutralize after
cleaning @ 2%, %
• NaOH sg @32% = The specific gravity of NaOH @ 32%, kg m3
• %NaOH dilute = The percentage of NaOH w/v is used to dilute, %

Chemical calculation

There are three of chemicals that used for treatment water in open cooling system are
GenGard GN8224, Sodium Hypochlorite 10%, and Spectrus NX1100.

➢ Calculation the chemical of GenGard GN8224

❖ GenGard GN8224 calculation based on total volume dosing at first time by manual

GenGard GN 8224 = Dosage  Total volume (Eq. 6.18)


• GenGard GN8224 = chemical for deposit control & Corrosion inhibitor, kg

• Dosage = 160ppm = 0.160 kg m3 , from the guideline of requirement in Cong

Thanh Company, (1ppm = 1g m3 = 1mg l )

• Total volume = the total volume of the water in cooling tower system, m 3
❖ GenGard GN8224 calculation based on Blowdown dosing for maintenance by chemical
dosing pump continuously

GenGard GN 8224 = Dosage  BD (Eq. 6.19)


• Dosage = 160ppm = 0.160 kg m3 (from the guideline of requirement in Cong
Thanh Company)
• BD = the total dissolved solids in the remaining water or blowdown, m 3 h
➢ Calculation the chemical of Sodium Hypochlorite 10%
❖ Sodium Hypochlorite 10% calculation based on total volume dosing at first time by

Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = Dosage  Total volume (Eq. 6.20)


• Dosage = 1.00ppm = 0.001kg m3 (from the guideline of requirement in Cong

Thanh Company)
❖ Sodium Hypochlorite 10% calculation based on flow rate dosing for maintenance by
chemical dosing pump continuously

Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = Dosage  mw (Eq. 6.21)


• Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = Oxidizing Biocide (chemical to control free

residue chlorine)
• Dosage = 1.00 ppm = 0.001 kg m3 (from the guideline of requirement in Cong
Thanh Company)
mw = the water flow rate of condenser, m h

➢ Calculation the Chemical of Spectrus NX1100 Dosing by Manual each 2 week/time

❖ Spectrus NX1100 calculation based on total volume

Spectrus NX 1100 = Dosage  Total volume (Eq. 6.22)


• Spectrus NX1100 = Non-oxidizing biocide, chemical use to kill the surface

adhering (sessile) organism on surface
• Dosage = 50ppm = 0.05kg m3 (from the guideline of requirement in Cong
Thanh Company)

➢ Procedure for cleaning & flushing

▪ Step 1: Supply fresh water

▪ Step 2: Tandex 270 is dissolved and added to system
▪ Step 3: Chemicals are circulating inside, control chemical dosage by pH at 0.8 – 1.5
during cleaning. If pH goes up during cleaning, it will be added chemical to maintain
pH 0.8 −1.5 until stable about 2h to stop cleaning
▪ Step 4: Drain out water
▪ Step 5: Supply fresh water again
▪ Step 6: Neutralizing by NaOH 32% until pH in water 7.0 − 8.0
▪ Step 7: Drain out water again
▪ Step 8: Supply fresh water again for operating and after that, add chemical for
maintaining as deposit control, corrosion biocide.


7.1. Introduction

Cooling towers’ performance depends on an adequate supply of fresh ambient air to

achieve design parameters. The installation location should be chosen considering this
fundamental requirement, mainly based on maintaining manufacturer recommended spacing
and clearances to adjacent walls, obstructions, or other equipment, including other cooling
towers. All this makes designing spaces for cooling towers installation an architectural
challenge where the HVAC Consultants must be closely involved to prevent adverse
consequences and poor performance of the chiller plant as a whole.

7.2. General considerations

The following factors will be considered when the location of cooling towers is chosen.

- Discharge air is warm, humid and has the potential to carry pathogens, so this air must
be kept away from any fresh air intakes or populated areas of any surrounding buildings.
Attention to prevailing winds direction is vital.
- Plume formation typically occurs at low ambient temperatures and it affects buildings’
glass surfaces, and under certain circumstances can act as heavy fog and affect the
visibility for traffic and pedestrians and become a hazard.
- The easiest way to provide adequate supply of fresh, ambient air to the air intake is by
allowing plenty of open unobstructed space around the towers Also avoid conditions
that promote recirculation of discharge air back into the tower’s air inlet (short-
circuiting), such as:

a. Walls or structures that might deflect some of the discharge air stream back into the air
b. Other equipment’s air intakes like boilers make up air units, which would “compete”
for air and even starve the towers of air.
c. Building eaves or roofs protruding into the fan cylinder’s vertical projected area. These
may force the discharge air to bounce back down into the towers inlet, increasing the
wet bulb and affecting the towers performance.

- Provide adequate space around the unit for piping and maintenance.
- Different tower types require different layout considerations, for instance:

a. Towers with only one air intake.
b. Towers with two air intakes.
c. Towers with four air intakes.
d. The top of the fan cylinder, recovery stack, or discharge silencer must be at least level
with, or higher than any adjacent walls or buildings.
e. Consider the prevailing wind and try to make it blow the discharge air away from the
air intakes of the tower (not valid for round towers or towers with 4-side air intakes).
f. In the event that it’s impossible to meet the recommended layout guidelines, and there
is a possibility of short-circuiting of discharge air, the design/selection criteria must be
modified to reflect the real-life conditions, generally accomplished by increasing the
wet-bulb design temperature (MESAN).

7.3. Chiller and cooling tower configuration

When there is only one chiller, the only approach is selected one cooling tower to serve
chiller’s condenser. However, when there are multiple chillers, there are three options for
designing the condenser water system as shown from Figure 7.1 to Figure 7.3:

- Each chiller can have an individual, dedicated cooling tower.

- Multiple cooling towers or a large multicell tower can be connected to a common
condenser water system to serve all of the chillers.
- Multiple cooling towers or large multicell towers can be connected to a common
condenser water system with an individual pump serving each chiller.

Figure 7.1. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (a) option 1 (Herbert, 2011)

Figure 7.2. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (b) option 2 (Herbert, 2011)

Figure 7.3. Multiple chiller/tower configuration: (c) option 3 (Herbert, 2011)

With individual, dedicated towers, individual condenser water pumps and supply and
return condenser water piping between each chiller and its tower are required. The cost of this
piping is typically higher than the cost for a single (but larger) condenser water supply loop
serving all chillers from all towers.

The multicell approach has a number of operating advantages:

- More than one cell can be used to serve a single chiller, providing a lower condenser
water supply temperature and reducing chiller energy consumption.
- The failure of tower cell does not necessarily mean that the any specific chiller cannot
be utilized, since all chillers are served by all of the tower cells.
- An additional, redundant tower cell can be included to provide “backup” in the event
of a tower cell failure or to maintain the required condenser water supply temperature
in periods of higher than expected wet bulb temperature.
- Only one tower make-up water control system is required, rather than one for each
tower under the first option, reducing maintenance requirements.
- One cell (or more) can be shut down for maintenance without interfering with a specific
chiller’s operation (Herbert, 2011).

A disadvantage to the multicell approach is that automatically controlled two position

isolation valves are required on both the inlet and outlet of each tower cell. These isolation
valves eliminate water flow through cells that are not active.

7.4. Cooling tower placement and installation

The best place to locate any HVAC cooling tower is on the roof of the building it serves.
This placement satisfies two conditions that are critical to proper tower performance:

- The elevation of the tower’s operating water level must be above the condenser water
pump (and any piping between the pump suction and the tower basin).
- Towers must have sufficient clearance from walls and other obstructions around them
to prevent recirculation of discharge air back into the inlet. If there are multiple towers,
they must be located to avoid the discharge of one tower entering any adjacent tower.

This section addresses tower placement and installation to avoid recirculation of tower
airflow if the tower must be located on the ground.

- Sufficient free area around the tower for the unobstructed flow of large air quantities
must be provided and
- The tower must be located sufficiently clear of obstructions to prevent discharge air
from re-entering the tower (or entering an adjacent tower).

The cooling tower should be located at least 9.14 m away from adjacent building walls.
As buildings get taller, the obstruction formed increases and, thus, the tower setback should be
increased to at least half the building height to prevent recirculation. Cooling towers are rarely
pretty. Thus, architects will often specify that screening (wood, masonry, or metal) be installed
around the tower. To prevent tower performance problems due to screening, the following
design criteria for screening must be followed:

- The screening must provide at least 50% open area on the air intake side(s) of the
cooling tower and the open area must be sufficient to allow for 600 fpm or low airflow
velocity through the screen.
- The top of the screening must be no higher than the tower air discharge (see
- A clearance must be provided between the screening and tower air intake side(s) of the
greater of 10 ft of >10’ or the width of the tower. If there are multiple towers or multiple
tower cells within a screened enclosure, these clearances must be increased by at least
50% (to 15’). Maintenance clearance between the screening and the other sides of the
tower must be at least 4 ft to provide adequate passage and maintenance space.

Figure 7.4. Recommended cooling tower siting parameter (Herbert, 2011)


Elevation: Ideally, any HVAC cooling tower should be installed so that the operating
water level is higher than all of the elements of the condenser water system. In every
installation, the operating water level must be higher than the condenser water pump and all of
the condenser water supply piping between the tower basin and the pump. Thus, the pump is
maintained at a “flooded” condition and cannot lose prime.

Figure 7.5. Tower elevation: (a) option 1 and (b) option 2 (Herbert, 2011)

Adjacent building or wall

When a unit is located near a building wall, locate the unit with the blind or closed
facing the obstruction. Should it be necessary to install a unit with the air intake facing a wall,
provide at least distance “d” between the air intake and the wall, as illustrated in the figures
that following. Below is the method for determining the minimum acceptable distance “d” for
a unit located with the air intake facing a solid wall (MESAN):

H L
d= (Eq. 7.1)
( 5.25  H ) + ( 3.28  L )

• H = Total height of the tower from the ground to the top of fan cylinder in meter.
This parameter is in our catalogs and submittal drawings.

• L = Length of the air intake in meter. This parameter is also in our catalogs and
• d = Minimum recommended distance between the wall and the air intake face in

Figure 7.6. Drawing details of cooling tower installation (MESAN)

➢ Wall Installation

The following method is used to determine the minimum acceptable dimension “d” for
units installed in a well (surrounded by 4 walls).

Figure 7.7. Drawing the wall installation see on the top view (MESAN)

Additionally, a dimension “m” must be considered for maintenance and service access
to the unit. The recommended distance for maintenance access is 3’ on each side of the unit
(for single cell towers), but in situations where “m” is less than 3 ft, an additional calculation
is required in order to verify the air downward velocity going into the tower. Such velocity
shall not exceed 400ft min = 2.032m s :

V  400ft min = 2.032m s

Deduct the footprint area of the tower from the well’s floor area is shown in Figure 7.7.
It can be calculate by equation bellow.

A = (Y  Z ) − (W  L ) (Eq. 7.2)


• A = net free area for air intake, m 2

• Y = length of the well that parallel to access side of the tower, m
• Z = width of the wall parallel to the tower’s air intake opening, m
• W = width of the tower (from catalog), m
• L = length of the tower, m
Once this area is calculated, proceed to verify the downward velocity, as follows:

V=  400 ft min = 2.032 m s (Eq. 7.3)

• V = downward air velocity, m s

• Q = total airflow rate of the tower, m 3 s
• A = net free area for air intake, m 2

If “V” is higher than 2.032m s , additional corrections to the wall size are required,
either by increasing its width (Z) or length (Y), until the downward velocity falls within the
recommended value. In none of these parameters can be increased then, louvered walls are
recommended for the well.

➢ Louvered wall installation

When nothing can be done to increase the net free air intake area of a well installation,
wall intake louvers are recommended, and the criterion is as follows:

Figure 7.8. Cooling tower louvered wall installation (MESAN)

- Louvers must face the tower’s air intake openings

- Minimum separation between the tower and the louvered wall is 3 ft
- Louvers recommended net free area shall be 50% but if different it can also be worked
- Intake air velocity through the louvers is 600 fpm or less (measured through the louver
net free area, NOT the louvers face velocity)
- It’s desirable that the overall height of the louver does not exceed the height of the tower
- To calculate the louver’s size the following formula is used:
First, it needs to calculate the louvers net free area or LA:

LA = (Eq. 7.4)

• Q = the tower’s airflow rate (divide by 2 for towers within 2 air intakes), m 3 s

• V = recommended air velocity through the louver V  2.032m s

“LA” is calculated, second, we look in any louvers catalog for sizes that match or
exceed this “LA” value, always considering that overall louver height must not exceed the
tower’s height.

7.5. Tower commissioning

When the cooling system’s installation has been completed, it is necessary to start the
cooling tower and place it in the service. Condenser water system commissioning can be broken
down into the following basic elements, with numerous requirements associated with each
element, outlined as follows:

A. Condenser Water Pump

1. Check pump installation, including mountings, vibration isolators and connectors, and
piping specialties (Valves, strainer, pressure gauges, thermometers)
2. Check pump shaft and coupling alignment.
3. Lubricate pump shaft bearings as requirement by manufacture.
4. Lubricate motor shaft bearings as requirement by manufacture.
5. Turn shaft by hand to make sure that the pump and motor turn freely.
6. “Bump” the motor on and check for proper rotation direction.
B. Cooling Tower
1. Clean tower surface; flush and clean the wet deck and basin.
2. Clean the basin strainer.
3. Lubricate fan shaft bearings as requirement by manufacture.
4. Lubricate motor shaft bearings as requirement by manufacture.
5. Test and adjust belt drive (If installed)
a. Adjust belt(s) tension
b. Check and adjust belt(s) alignment.
6. Test and adjust gear drive (if installed)
a. Fill oil reservoir
b. Check shaft alignment
c. Check coupling for bolt tightness, excess play, and so on.
7. Turn shaft by the hand to make sure that fan and drive turn freely.
8. “Bump” motor(s) on and check fan(s) for correct rotation.
9. Run fan(s) for a short period and check for unusual noise and/or vibration. Verify that
motor amps are in accordance with the manufacture’s data.
10. Confirm that the condenser water piping has been flushed and chemically cleaned.
11. Fill basin and piping to the manufacture’s recommended basin operation level.
12. Run condenser water pump motor for a short period:
a. Verify that the pump motor amps are within motor nameplate rating.

b. Test the wet deck distribution, fill, and basin for proper water flow.
c. Check the basin for vertexing.
13. Test the basin freeze protection thermostat and heater.
14. For multicell installation:
a. Ensure that automatic insolate valves function properly.
b. Balance the condenser water flow to and from each cell.
c. Balance equalizer line to maintain a proper basin operation level in each cell.
15. Place the tower fan and condenser water motor starters in “automatic” position.
C. Controls
1. Check all temperature sensors are properly installed.

2. Test operation of bypass control valve and adjust for 70 rotation.

3. Check controller set point.
4. Test fan control relays for proper functioning.
5. Test VFD (if installed) for proper operation.
6. Test the operation of vibration cutout switch.
7. Test the operation of basin level controls, including high- and low level alarms.
8. Place controls in operation.
D. Water Treatment
1. Check that all PH and/or conductivity probes are properly installed.
2. Test operation of blowdown solenoid vale.
3. Place water treatment equipment in operation (Herbert, 2011).

At the point, the condenser water system should operate and be controlled to maintain
and setpoint temperature under its automatic controls. However, during the first 24 h of
operation, all aspects of condenser water pump cooling tower, controls, and water treatment
should be checked and evaluated frequently. Unusual noises or vibration, erratic performance
or operation, or other problem may require that the system be shut down and repaired before
being placed into full-time service.

Figure 7.9. Caution of cooling tower at PPM

7.6. Cooling tower maintenance

Once the cooling tower system is placed into full-time service, routine inspection and
maintenance must be done to ensure proper tower operation and to obtain the expected service
life of the equipment. The required maintenance can be broken into areas: Water treatment and
mechanical maintenance.

Water treatment management

Water treatment requirements and programs to prevent corrosion, deposition, and

biological fouling in condenser. However; as a routine matter the tower owner must ensure that

this requirement is being met effectively by the water treatment contactor. To this end, the
following procedure is recommended.

1. Require and evaluate regular and frequent reports by the water treatment contractor,
first, to ensure that regular water treatment is being done and, second, to “track” the
various treatment parameters such as pH, TDS, chemical types and quantities used, and
so on.
2. At least twice each year, send a water sample to an independent laboratory for analysis
and compare the results with the most recent monthly report from the water service
3. During shutdown periods, the maintenance staff should inspect the tower and as much
piping, as possible for scaling or fouling that is being inadequately addressed by the
water treatment program.
❖ Mechanical Maintenance
➢ Start-up

When the tower is to be started after seasonal shutdown, it must be thoroughly inspected
and repaired as follows:

1. Check draft eliminators for proper position, cleanliness, and so on.

2. Check fans, bearings, motor and drives for proper lubrication.
3. Rotate fan shift(s) by hand to make sure they turn freely.
4. Check the fan motor and proper rotation and adjust belt tension for belt drives.
5. Fill the basin with the fresh water and check the operation of the level controller.
6. Start the condenser pump and check the wet deck for proper distribution.
7. Check fill for fouling and/or clogging and clean or replace if necessary.
8. Check access door gaskets and replace as necessary.
9. Thoroughly inspect all metal surfaces for corrosion, scale or fouling, or sludge. Clean
as required and any damaged metal should be cleaned down to bare metal and refinished
with a cold zinc coating.
10. Operate tower and look for and repair any water or air leaks from the basin, casing, or
➢ Scheduled
1. Weekly
a. Clean basin strainer.

b. Check blowdown valve and make-up water valves to make sure they are working
c. Test water and adjust chemical treatment as necessary.
d. Check/fill gear drive oil reservoir (on gear-driver tower)
2. Monthly
a. Clean and flush basin. (This may be required more often for towers located adjacent
to highways, industrial sites, etc. with high particulate emissions or in hot)
b. Check operating level in basin and adjust as necessary.
c. Check water distribution system and sprays.
d. Check drift eliminators for proper position.
e. Check belts or gearbox and adjust as necessary.
f. Check fans, inlet screens, and louvers for dirt and debris. Clean as necessary.
g. Check keys and set screws.
3. Routinely
a. Lubricate TEFC motor (TEAO motor are sealed and do not require lubrication) as
Rubricate on the basin of the following schedule:

Table 7.1. Lubricate TEFC of motor Schedule (Herbert, 2011)

Motor RPM Ambient Temperature (0F) Regressing Frequency

100 or less 6 months

150 3 months
200 1 months
250 2 weeks
100 or less 4 months
150 2 months
200 3 weeks
250 10 day

Motor bearings must be flushed if new grease is not compatible with the old grease or
if the old grease has become contaminated. When flushing, make sure that motor winding to
not become to contaminated.

b. Lubricate fan shift bearing. Lubrication of bearings must be done in strict
accordance with the manufacture recommendation for the type lubricant and
intervals between relubrication.
c. Check the gear in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Change the gear
drive every 2500 h of operation.
d. Every three months, blowdown (Y-types) or clean the (basket type) condenser water
pump strainer.
4. Yearly
a. Clean and touch-up paint or other protective finish as necessary (including support
b. Dismantle and clean the condenser water pump strainer.
c. Check the motor control box for dirt, debris, and/or loose terminal connections.
Clean ant tightens connections as need.
d. Check motor contractors for pitting or other signs of damage. Repair or replace as
needed (Herbert, 2011).
➢ Induction/Venturi Tower Maintenance

Due to its lack of fan, motor, and drive assembly, routine maintenance for the induction
draft or venturi cooling tower is somewhat simpler than for a mechanical draft cooling tower.
Basically, except for the fan elements, routine maintenance should include the same elements
and schedule.

There are several special maintenance aspects of this type of tower that should be
addressed on a monthly basis as follows:

- Strainers: There are two strainers that must be removed and cleaned by high pressure
water spray. The sump strainers are flat screens that require the basin to be drained
before removal. A final strainer is located in a vertical cylindrical enclosure on the inlet
side of the tower. This strainer is removed by removing the bolted cover plate.
- Spray nozzles: Inspect the spray nozzles while the tower is in operation. If cleaning is
necessary (indicted by poor or erratic spray), it can usually be accomplished while the
tower is in operation by scrubbing the nozzle with a nonmetallic brush and using a
nonmetallic pick. If this cleaning is unsatisfactory, shutdown the tower, remove the
nozzle, and clean thoroughly in the shop.

- Inlet louvers: The inlet louvers are much more closely spaced than on other types of
towers and must be kept clean. They are removable to facilitate cleaning (and to provide
access to the spray nozzles).

Figure 7.10. Notice and warning of cooling tower at PPM


8.1. Introduction of TX-S series cooling tower

TX-S Series is an induced draft cross-flow, film filled, FRP multi-cell rectangular
cooling tower designed for the equipment cooling, and industrial process cooing and air
conditioning applications.

The TX-S Series Cooling Tower is designed in accordance to CTI & JCI standards. It
designed save space, light weight blends easily with architectural designs and offers low
operation cost.

The thermal performance of TX-S Series is backed by full written guarantee. Field
performance test to CTI standards can be carried out and witnessed by the owners appointed
inspection engineer to ensure the supplied cooling tower meets the thermal performance.

TRUWATER TX-S Series Cooling Tower meets most design criteria in terms of
economy, extra low noise and space saving (TRUWATER, TX-S Serise Cooling Tower, 2017).

8.2. Advantages

- Space Saving & Light Weight

Incorporating the high-performance fill, the installation space and operating weight are
greatly reduced.

- Energy Saving

The low speed, high efficiency fan and low pressure drop fill design optimize the energy

- Low Noise level

The noise level is lowered by the specifically designed low noise fan.

- Proven Corrosion Protection

Tower components are made of anti- corrosive material suitable for cooling water

- Easy Hoisting or Crane Placement (TRUWATER, TX-S Serise Cooling Tower, 2017)

The tower can be preassembled in the factory for easy transport, lifting and site

Figure 8.1. Cooling tower TX-S Series at PPM

8.3. Features of cooling tower TX-S series cooling tower

The cooling tower has the features and components below:

Figure 8.2. Cooling tower TX-S Series features (TRUWATER, TX-S Serise Cooling Tower,

Table 8.1. Cooling tower TX-S Series components (TRUWATER, TX-S Serise Cooling
Tower, 2017)

No Description Material/ Specification

1 V- Belt and Pulley System FRP Pulley Cover
2 Fan Assembly Aluminum Alloy
3 Fan Stack FRP
4 Hot Water Distribution Box FRP
5 Hot Water Basin FRP
6 High Performance Film Fill Pack and Draft Eliminator PVC
7 Cold Water Basin Floor FRP
8 Suction Sump FRP
9 Motor Water Proof TEFC type
10 Ladder HAG Steel
11 Casing/Louver FRP
12 Inspection Door FRP
13 Cool Water Basin Frame HAG Steel
14 Internal Piping Optional

The model definition that use to note in the cooling tower TRUWATER catalog

Figure 8.3. Model definition example (TRUWATER, TX-S Serise Cooling Tower, 2017)

8.4. Cooling tower selection

At the PPM Project, we use the TX-S Series cooling tower with 700-2L model. Before
we are going to select cooling tower, we need calculate net heating capacity, Qcd and mass flow

rate of condenser water, m w .

❖ According to the (Eq. 6.11), we have Coefficient of Performance

 Winput =


• Qeva = 1407kW when load 100%. It is the cooling load of the building from
• Winput = 229.0 kW when load 100%

 COPR = = 6.144

❖ From the (Eq. 6.12) second law for thermodynamic

Wnet ,input = QH − QL = Qcd − Qeva

 Qcd = Wnet ,input + Qeva
Qeva 1407kW
 Qcd = + Qeva = + 1407kW = 1636kW
COPR 6.144
1kW = 0.2843 Tons
 Qcd = 1636kW  0.2843 = 465.1148 Tons

❖ Calculating the mass flow rate of condenser water,

we have the (Eq. 6.13)

Qcd = m w  c p  T
mw =
c p  T


• c p = 4.179kJ kg  K

• Th = 35.62 o C , from the catalog of the chiller

• Tc = 30.5 o C , from the catalog of the chiller

• T = Th − Tc = 35.62 o C − 30.5 o C = 5.12 o C


mw = = 76.4611kg s = 76.4611l s = 275.26 m3 h
4.179 kJ kg  K  5.12K

In Cambodia, the relative humidity of air on March is 70%. Its humidity is lower than
humidity of another month. Whereas dry-bulb temperature is 34 C on April ( Climate Phnom
Penh, 2016) so, based on the psychometric chat, the wet-bulb temperature is 29.22 C , see in
Annex A.

Table 8.2. Data selection by calculation

Total heat Total heat

EWT LWT WBT Flow rate
N0 Description rejection rejection
kW Tons o
C o
C o
C m3 h
Cooling Tower-
1 1636 465.11 35.62 30.5 29.22 275.26
Cooling Tower-
2 1636 465.11 35.62 30.5 29.22 275.26

Table 8.3 shows the data selection of series cooling tower TX-S. According to data
selection from calculation, we can choose the cooling tower model 525-3L, 525-3S, 525-3E,
600-2L and 600-2S which are the types of low noise, supper low noise, and energy saving
types, respectively. For the special reason of PPM project, the customer is requested for the
low noise types of model types 700-2L with the 700 HRT, flow rate 378 m3 h , the temperature
o o o
inlet 36.1 C , the temperature outlet 30.5 C , and the wet-bulb temperature is 27.2 C . For any
details of cooling tower sizing and other dimension, please see in Annex C.

Table 8.3. Data selection of TX-S series cooling tower

Table 8.4. Cooling tower selecting at PPM project

Total heat Total heat Flow

N0 Description Model rejection rejection rate
kW Tons o
C o
C o
C m3 h
1 700-2L 2461.8 700 36.1 30.5 27.2 378
2 700-2L 2461.8 700 36.1 30.5 27.2 378

8.5. Makeup water calculation

❖ Evaporation loss in the cooling tower is calculated by (Eq. 6.15)

1 1
E = 0.85    T  m w
100 5.56

 E = 0.00153  T  m w


• T =Tin − Tout = 35.62 o C − 30.5 o C = 5.12 o C

• m w = 275.26 m3 h


 E = 0.00153  5.12  275.26 m3 h = 2.1561m 3 h

❖ Blowdown can be calculated from the formula of (Eq. 6.16)

BD =
( Cycles − 1)


• Cycles =12 , established by water treatment program

2.1561 m3 h
 BD = = 0.1960 m3 h
(12 − 1)

❖ Windage or drift loss calculation

The cooling tower at PPM use the types of induced draft crossflow and with drift
eliminator. According to the guideline was designed of TRUWATER Company, the drift loss
is 0.02% to 0.005%.

The form of calculation, it may be assumed as:

D= m w
D=  275.26 m3 h = 0.0550 m3 h

❖ Makeup water can be computed from (Eq. 6.14)

M = E + BD + D
 M = 2.1561m3 h + 0.1960m3 h + 0.0550m3 h = 2.4071m3 h

❖ Calculation of makeup water percentage

M 100
%M =
2.4071m3 h 100
 %M = = 0.8744%
275.26 m3 h

8.6. Water treatment calculation at PPM

In the chiller system at PPM, cooling tower is the type of water cooled in open system.

Cleaning and flushing chemical

➢ Chemical & consumption

There are two chemicals that are used to cleaning and flushing system of cooling tower
before commissioning.

- Tandex 270 is used for cleaning & flushing before commissioning. The dosage for
using is about ( 6 − 10 ) g l with circulation cleaning.

- The liquid NaOH 2% w v is used for neutralizing after cleaning (dilute from NaOH

32% w v )

❖ For the form of calculation by (Eq. 6.17)

Tandex 270 consumption = Total volume  Dosage


• Total volume = 20.5m3 h , from the guideline of Lotus Green Team

• Dosage = 8g l = 8kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of Cong
Thanh Company

Tandex 270 consumption = 20.5m3  8kg m3 = 164kg

❖ Find the quality of NaOH 32% , we have:

%NaOH neutralize  Total volume NaOH sg @32%
NaOH 32% consumption =
%NaOH dilute


• %NaOH neutralize = 2 % , from the guideline in requirement of Cong Thanh

• NaOH sg @32% = 1.35g cm3 = 1350 kg m3
• %NaOH dilute = 32% , from the guideline in requirement of Cong Thanh

2% 20.5m3 1350kg m3

NaOH 32% consumption = = 1729.68kg

Thus, the result of quality chemical for cleaning flushing system open cooling at PPM

Table 8.5. The quality chemical for cleaning flushing system open cooling at PPM

Calculating based on
Dosage Tandex 270 NaOH 32%
Description system volume

m3 kg m3 kg kg
PPM, Open Cooling
20.5 8 164 1729

Open cooling chemical dosage and consumption

As above data, we calculate the dosage and consumption as below table

Table 8.6. Parameters of chemical calculation data

Description Quality
Flow rate 275.26 m3 h
Total volume 20.5m3
Range ( T ) 5.12 o C
Rate of performance 100%
Working time 24h day and 30day month

Cycle of concentration 12
Evaporative 2.1561m3 h
Blowdown 0.1960 m3 h
Make up water 2.4071m3 h

Chemical calculation

There are three of chemicals that use to treatment water in open cooling system such as
GenGard GN8224, Sodium Hypochlorite 10%, and Spectrus NX1100.

➢ Calculation the chemical of GenGard GN8224

❖ GenGard GN8224 calculation based on total volume dosing at first time by manual of
(Eq. 6.18)

GenGard GN 8224 = Dosage  Total volume


• Dosage = 160ppm = 0.160 kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of Cong

Thanh Company (1ppm = 1g m3 = 1mg l)


GenGard GN 8224 = 0.160 kg m3  20.5m3 = 3.28kg

❖ GenGard GN8224 calculation based on blowdown dosing for maintenance by chemical

dosing pump continuously.

From the (Eq. 6.19),

GenGard GN 8224 = Dosage  BD


• Dosage = 160ppm = 0.160 kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of

Cong Thanh Company

GenGard GN 8224 = 0.160 kg m3  0.1960 m3 h
= 0.0313kg h = 22.536 kg month

➢ Calculation the chemical of Sodium Hypochlorite 10%

❖ Sodium Hypochlorite 10% calculate based on total volume dosing at first time.

According to the (Eq. 6.20),

Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = Dosage  Total volume


• Dosage = 1.00ppm = 0.001kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of Cong

Thanh Company


Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = 0.001kg m3  20.5m3 = 0.0205kg

❖ Sodium Hypochlorite 10% calculate based on flow rate dosing for maintenance by
chemical dosing pump continuously. It can be computed from (Eq. 6.21)

Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = Dosage  mw


• Dosage = 1.00ppm = 0.001kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of Cong

Thanh Company


Sodium Hypochlorite 10% = 0.001kg m3  275.26 m3 h

= 0.2752 kg h = 198.144 kg month

➢ Calculation the chemical of Spectrus NX1100 dosing by manual each 2 week/time

❖ Spectrus NX1100 is calculated by using (Eq. 6.22) based on total volume.

Spectrus NX 1100 = Dosage  Total volume


• Dosage = 50 ppm = 0.05 kg m3 , from the guideline in requirement of Cong
Thanh Company


Spectrus NX 1100 = 0.05 kg m3  20.5m3 = 1.025 kg time = 2.05 kg month

➢ Chemical calculation summary

Table 8.7 shows the result of chemical summary based on the data calculation above.

Table 8.7. Chemical calculation summary at PPM


The size of a cooling tower depends on the flow rate of water inlet and outlet, wet bulb
temperature and cooling load rejection. The smaller the approach, the larger the size of tower.
Economical selections are based on selection using approach of 4 C . Selections using an
approach smaller than 2.8 ˚C are not economical, nor will be certified by CTI. Selection using
approach more than 4 ˚C, its result is in higher condensing temperature (reduced the chiller
efficacy and performance) (Hoeterickx).

According to data and calculation of cooling tower HVAC at PPM project, it challenges
with the theory and real practice selection. The condenser temperature of water flow rate
requirement at PPM Syrup is 30.5 ˚C, 35.62 ˚C, inlet and outlet temperature respectively. Its
total load (100%) of evaporator (net capacity) is 1407 kW and mass flow rate is 273.6kg s .
Based on the theory, the capacity load of condenser is 1636 kW (465.1148 Tons) that dissipate
additional 16.28% of net capacity. One more thing, the mass flow rate is 275.26 m3 h and the
real of climate temperature in Cambodia is 29.22 ˚C of wet bulb temperature. They are the data
from theatrical and real climate condition in Cambodia. The real selection based on company
production and customer requirement, low noise cooling tower types of model 700-2L with the
700 HRT (Heat Refrigerant Ton) is chosen. The flow rate is 378m3 h . The temperature inlet
and outlet of cooling tower is 36.1 ˚C, 30.5 ˚C, respectively. The wet-bulb temperature is 27.2
˚C, and tower approach is 3.3 ˚C.

Besides, cooling tower system need other requirements to control such as make up
water and chemical water treatment method. Calculation and any quality must be specific of
the requirement of cooling tower. For my result of calculation at PPM project need of makeup
water 2.4071m3 h . Moreover, chemicals water treatments are need. Tendex 270 is used for
cleaning & flushing before commissioning. The liquid NaOH 2% w/v is used for neutralizing
after cleaning. GenGard GN8224 is used to deposit control & corrosion inhibitors. Sodium
Hypochlorite (NaClO) 10% (Oxidizing biocide) is used to control residue chlorine and
Spectrus NX1100 (Non-oxidizing biocide) is used to kill the surface adhering organisms on
the surface. Those chemicals and dosages are recommended by LUTOS GEEN TEAM


Cooling tower in HVAC system is device to reject the heat of water in condenser chiller.
Cooling towers have many types and configurations depend on designer. Although, in theory
of cooling tower result calculation is the basic apply to the real practice. When we chose the
cooling tower, it has more problem that engineering need to challenge such as the result of
calculation, the requirement of owner, safety factor, production of the company, space of
installation, other that effective on environment and the people around.

According to the data and calculation of cooling tower at PPM project, the condenser
temperature of water flow rate requirement at PPM Syrup is 30.5 ˚C, 35.62 ˚C, inlet and outlet
temperature, respectively. The total load (100%) of evaporator (net capacity) is 1407 kW and
mass flow rate is 273.6kg s . Based on the calculation theory, the capacity load of condenser

is 1636 kW (465.1148 Tons). One more thing, the mass flow rate is 275.26 m3 h and the real
of climate temperature in Cambodia is 29.22 ˚C of wet bulb temperature. Furthermore, cooling
tower needs makeup water 2.4071m3 h and chemical water treatment use Tendex 270 (164
Kg, NaOH 2% w/v (1729 Kg). Other chemicals use every month such as GenGard GN8224
(22.54 kg/month), (NaClO) 10% (198 kg/month) and Spectrus NX1100 (198 kg/2 times for a

To sum up, the cooling tower is very important component in chiller system. However,
selection of a cooling tower depends on the quality of makeup water, the fouling potential of
the cooling water, heat load, site-specific limitations, cost, previous operating and reliability
experience. Those conditions should be thought by engineering.


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Annex A: Psychometric chart –US and SI Units

Annex B: Chemical Feed System Schematic

Annex C: TX-S Series Cooling Tower Selection Table and Sizing, Two Cell

Annex D: Cooling Tower Property at PPM, Model 700-2L


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