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Mart Gerald S.



We are all aware that we are facing the global warming which cause a huge impact on every
people Additionally, human activity is mostly to blame for the expansion of this problem. We are about
to face an environmental disaster if we do not act as a community. You have considerable reason to be
concerned based on the stories you see and read. It's still not too late, though. The ecosystem and other
living things can help us turn things around. We must get together and stop these human actions that
cause global warming.

Global warming is also significantly exacerbated by deforestation. Every year, people cut millions
of acres of forest for economic purposes. We are either unaware of or consciously choose to overlook
the significant carbon stored in these trees. It does not become absorbed into trees when we remove
them. This harms the ecology and results in an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. And also
consuming too much energy are one of the factors that can affect in global warming, Air pollution,
climate change, water pollution, thermal pollution, and solid waste disposal are some of the
environmental issues directly linked to the production and consumption of energy. anything as simple as
transportation and travel. It is not really so small, though, because it has a significant effect. Fossil fuels
provide the power for the vehicles you see on the road, in the air, and on the sea. When they burn
them, other pollutants, including carbon, are released.

We can only stop these things from happening since people are the ones who cause them. We
can greatly slow down and possibly stop global warming if everyone does their part. To reduce the
amount of air pollution released, use public transportation or carpool with others. Try covering more
ground quickly. Above all, stop using plastic. Try to purchase fresh foods with little packaging. Don't
squander power either. When not in use, disconnect the appliances, turn off the lights and fans, and so
forth. Always have reusable bags on hand to reduce your usage of plastic, protect the environment, and
stop global warming.

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