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1. Define Spectroscopy and classify it.
2. How emission spectra is differ from absorption spectra?
3. Give examples for various sample holders used for UV spectra.
4. Electromagnetic radiation has dual nature. Justify?
5. R e l a t e t h e t e r m s w a v e n u m b e r a n d v e l o c i t y
6. Illustrate the Sub regions of IR Spectra.
7. Summarize the components of typical spectroscopic Instruments
8. Classify continuum and line source of radiation?
9. What is wavelength? How is it expressed (unit)?
10. How emission spectra is differ from absorption spectra?
11. Write down the significance of wavelength selectors
12. Relate wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation
13. Mention the types of visible rays region
14. By which way radio frequency are produced?
15. In which material Cuvette is made used in Spectrophotometry?
16. Draw the construction for Hallow cathode lamp (HCL)
17. Compare absorption filters with interference filters
18. List out the sources of chemical noises
19. What is Monochromators? Write its types
20. Define the term Flicker noise
21. Give examples for filters used in spectrophotometry
22. Point out the properties of ideal tranducers
23. State S/N ratio.
24. List out the types of optical instruments.

1. Define Molecular Spectroscopy.
2. Sate Beer’s Law
3. Summarize the limitations of Beer-Lamberts Law.
4. Write down the order of electronic transition in UV Spectroscopy
5. R e l a t e t h e t e r m s C h r o m o p h o r e a n d A u x o c h r o m e .
6. Mention the properties of n-π* transitions.
7. Summarize the applications of UV Spectroscopy
8. Classify Beer’s and Lamberts Law.
9. What is Singlet state?
10. How triplet state is differ from singlet state?
11. What is Jablonski diagram?
12. Relate wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation
13. Mention the applications of Fluorimetry
14. By which way radio frequency are produced?
15. In which material Cuvette is made used in Spectrophotometry?
16. Draw the construction for Hallow cathode lamp (HCL)
17. Compare absorption filters with interference filters
18. List out the sources of chemical noises
19. What is Monochromators? Write its types
20. Define the term Flicker noise
21. Give examples for filters used in spectrophotometry
22. Point out the properties of ideal tranducers
23. State S/N ratio.
24. List out the types of optical instruments.

25. Theoretical plates are employed in the .
a) Determination of the thickness of the stationary phase
b) Estimation of the column efficiency
c) Measurement of analyte distribution between mobile and
stationary phases
26. d) All of the above
27. What kind of physical state does the mobile phase in liquid chromatography exist
a) Solid
b) Liquid
c) Gas
28. d) Plasma
29. Identify the kind of liquid chromatography that employs immobilised biochemicals
as a stationary phase.
a) Exclusion Chromatography
b) Affinity Chromatography
c) Gel Permeation Chromatography
30. d) Ion Exchange Chromatography
31. How can we improve the separation efficiency of liquid chromatography?
32. Which of the following analytical method is used to measure the analyte
concentration depending on the quantity of light received by the analyte? (a)
Spectroscopy (b) Decantation (c ) Potentiometery (d) None of the above
33. List the types of spectrophotometry.Enumurate UV-VIS Spectrophotometry in detail
with diagram
34. Classify filters and Monochromotors used in spectrophotometry. Explain Grating
Monochromotors with diagram and equation.
35. What is called Interference filters ? Add a note on Its application in
36. Assess the operation technique of VIS-Spectrophotometry with diagram
37. Differentiate calorimeter and spectrophotometry
38. Evaluate the effectiveness of calorimeter applications in analysis of unknown
39. Analyse the spectrophotometer various detectors similarities and differences

40. Define Beer-Lamberts law. Apply the law in VIS spectrophotometer single beam
device and Discuss the methods.
41. Illustrate in detail the different types of detectors used in Spectrophotometer with
42. Explain the steps involved in UV-VIS Spectrophotometer method of analysis of
unknown compounds with a neat diagram
43. Draw the Diagram of IR Spectrophotometer instrument mechanism and discuss its
44. Discuss Different types of Monochromotors used in spectrophotometry. Add a not
on Grating Monochromotors with diagram and equation
45. What are the types of spectrophotometry? Enumurate UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
in detail with diagram
46. Compare and Contrast various detectors of spectrophotometry
47. Describe the role Interference filter with equation.
48. Differentiate between prism and Grating.

50. Discuss the Photodiode detector

51. Compare monochromator and filter
52. Critically analyse the role of photo emissive tube with diagram
53. Draw and label photo multiplier tubes
54. Illustrate the thermal Detector
55. What is called Bolometer?
56. Investigate the impact of detectors role in spectrophotometer
57. Draw and label FT-IR Spectrophotometer
58. Outline advantages of FT-IR Spectrophotometer
59. Illustrate the steps involved in FT-IR Spectrophotometer method
60. Propose the strategies involved in flourscence and phosphoresence techniques
61. What is the principle involved in the UV Spectro photometer?

62. What are the differences between single beam and double beam instruments?
63. What is the principle involved in Fourier transform measurements?
64. Discuss the application of UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
65. What are the detectors used in UV-Spectrophotometry?
66. Explain Advantages , Disadvantages and applications of flourscence
67. Discuss the Principle involved in IR Spectrophotometry
68. Outline principles of FT-IR Spectroscopy
69. Discuss the method involved in working procedure of FT-IR Spectrophotometry
70. Summarize the method involved in flourscence and Phosphorescence for the analysis
of unknown compounds
71. Examine the IR-Spectroscopy mechanism with neat diagram
72. Illustrate IR Spectroscopy Detectors and its application
73. List the filters used in IR Spectroscopy
74. Discuss the importance of IR Spectroscopy
75. Evaluate the FT-IR mechanism
76. Analyse the applications of IR Spectroscopy and FT-IR Spectroscopy in comparative
77. List Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Principles of mechanism with diagram
78. Assess the effectiveness of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence instruments
applications in Analysis of unknown compounds
79. Explain the aspects to be considered in the design of FT-IR Spectrophotometer
80. Explain BEER -LAMBERT LAW and Justify its application in FT-IR
81. Explain the Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of FT-IR

82. Discuss fluorescence and Phosphorescence principles in instrumentation analysis of
83. List out the different types of detectors used in spectrophotometer
84. Analyse the importance of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer in detecting unknown
85. Apply the BEER LAMBERT law in VIS spectrophotometer DOUBLE beam device
and Discuss the methods
86. Illustrate FT-IR Spectroscopy Detectors and its application
87. Elloborate fluorescence and Phosphorescence instruments mechanism with diagram
88. Describe IR Spectroscopy instrument and its applications

89. What is the principle involved in NMR Spectroscopy?

90. What are the two types of NMR?

91. How do you explain the NMR spectrum?

92. Explain shielding and deshielding in NMR spectroscopy

93. Define spin-spin coupling, coupling constant and chemical shift in NMR

94. Draw and label the Diagram of NMR spectrometer.

95. What is called Chemical Shift in NMR?

96. Illustrate Spin-Spin Coupling in NMR

97. What is the function of NMR?

98. What do you mean by mass spectroscopy?

99. What are the two types of mass spectrometry?

100. What is the principle of MS spectroscopy?

101. List out the main criteria for which a mass spectrometer is used

102. Interpret uses of mass spectrometry

103. After ionisation and fragmentation, what does a mass spectrometer do to

provide a mass spectrum?

104. Why can the m/z values be taken as the molar mass of the cation?

105. Why do several signals appear in a typical spectrum in Mass Specrtroscopy?

106. Why do we use less than 1 mg of the parent compound in the vapour state for
analysis in MS Spectroscopy?

107. Give the molecular formula of hydrocarbon cation with an m/z value of 91.

108. Summarize the meaning of resonance in NMR Spectroscopy

109. How is NMR used in Medicine?

110. Why is radio frequency used in NMR Spectrosopy?

111.What are the various factors that affect NMR Spectra?

112. Illustrate the chemical Shift in NMR Spectroscopy

113. Interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation can be observed by

subjecting a substance to magnetic fields in which of the technique it works?

114. Describe Mechanism of NMR Spectroscopy and its Advantages

115. Write in detail the applications of NMR Spectroscopy in medicine

116. Summarize Chemical Shift in NMR Spectroscopy Technique

117. " Pockets of energy released is called Photons " Justify this energy in NMR

118. Enumurate the mechanism of Mass Spectroscopy with neat diagram

119. Intrepret uses of Mass spctrometry and its Limitations

120. Differentiate Mass Spectrometry and NMR Spectroscopy

121. Describe Time on Flight ( TOF ) in mass spectroscopy

122. Eloborate with diagram the working principle of NMR and it applications

123. Describe the working principle of Mass Spectrometry with flow diagram

124. Summarize the size of the spot in paper chromatography

125. List out the limitations of paper chromatography

126. On what Basis paper chromatography depend on?

127. water not used in paper chromatography.Justify the reason

128. Which of the following types of chromatography involves the process where the
mobile phase moves through the stationary phase by the influence of gravity or
capillary action?
a. Column Chromatography
b. High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography
c. Gas Chromatography
129. (d) Paper Chromatography

130. What is the size of the spot in paper chromatography?

a. 1 – 2 mm
b. 2 – 5 mm
c. 6 – 8 mm
131. (d) 7 – 8 mm

132. In which of the following type of paper chromatography does the mobile phase
move horizontally over a circular sheet of paper?
a. Ascending – descending chromatography
b. Ascending paper chromatography
c. Descending paper chromatography
133. (d) Radial paper chromatography

134. Outline the various factors that affect the Rf value of a compound

135. State the advantages of paper chromatography.

136. Outline the basic principle involved in chromatography technique

137. What type of solvents are generally employed in chromatography ?

138. Name some chromatographic techniques.

139. Summarize the moving and stationary phases in paper chromatography

140. What is meant by the term developing in chromatography ?

141. How does the liquid rise through the filter paper ?

142. What is meant by the term Rf value ?

143. On what factors does the Rf value of a compound depend ?

144. Give the biochemical uses of chromatography.

145. Name the scientist who introduced chromatographic technique.

146. What- is loading (or spotting) in chromatography ?

147. Briefly explain the operational techniques of column chromatography

148. Write the principle and advantages of column chromatography?

149. Explain the factors affecting column efficiency of column in column


150. Explain the packing method of adsorbent in column chromatography with their
merits and demerits

151. Explain the separation techniques involved in column chromatography

152. Describe the elution methods of column chromatography

153. Write the applications of column chromatography in Chemical Engineering

154. Mention the detection methods of column chromatography

155. Write the difference between isocratic and gradient elution

156. Define wet packing and dry packing in coloumn chromatography

157. What is partition column chromatography? Write its significance

158. Define eluent, eluate and elution

159. What criterion is used in liquid chromatography to select the mobile phase?

160. What are the drawbacks of using a reciprocating pump in liquid


161. Which of the following columns is not used in high performance liquid

162. Which of the following statements is correct for normal phase HPLC?
i. The stationary phase is nonpolar, and the mobile phase is polar.
ii. The mobile phase is nonpolar, while the stationary phase is polar.
iii. Adding a more polar solvent to the mobile phase increases eluent
163. d) Adding a less polar solvent to the mobile phase increases eluent strength.

164. What is the most common way to increase the retention of analytes in HPLC?

165. Give an example of a mobile phase that could be used for reverse phase HPLC

166. In which type of chromatography, the stationary phase held in a narrow tube and
the mobile phase is forced through it under pressure? Explain

167. Enumerate Column adsorption chromatography with neat diagram

168. Describe Thin layer chromatography, with diagram and Add note on it

169. Describe Gel filtration chromatography and it advantages

170. Interpret The ion exchange chromatography principles with diagram and add a
note on it applications

171. Elloborate HPLC Chromatography with flow diagram.Add a note on it

advantages & limitations

172. Write the advantages of TLC,HPLC & Gas Chromatography

173. Differeniate HPLC and Gas CHromatography

174. Illustrate Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with diagram

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175. Describe the working principle of Gas chromatography

176. Describe the various applications of chromatographic techniques

177. Enumerate Ion Exchange chromatography advantages in various industries

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