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TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................ii

LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................iv

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................1


1.1 Background of The Study.......................................................................1

1.2 Research Questions.................................................................................4

1.3 Objectives of the Study...........................................................................4

1.4. Significance of Study.............................................................................4

1.5. Scope and Limitation.............................................................................4

CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................6

RIVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.........................................................6

2.1 Conversation Analysis............................................................................6

2.2 Adjacency Pairs......................................................................................7

2.2.1 Type of Adjacency Pairs..................................................................8

2.3 Preferences Structure..............................................................................9

2.4 Encanto Movie......................................................................................11

2.5 Previous Studies....................................................................................12

CHAPTER III.................................................................................................14

RESEARCH METHOD..................................................................................14

3.1 Research Design....................................................................................14

3.2 Source of Data and Data.......................................................................14

3.3 Research Instrument..............................................................................14

3.4 Method of Data Collection....................................................................15

3.5 Method of Data Analysis.....................................................................16

3.5.1 Data Reduction...............................................................................16

3.5.2 Data Display...................................................................................16

3.5.3 Conclusion Drawing and Verification...........................................17


Table 2.1 The General Patterns of Preferences Structure.................................9
Table 2.2 Patterns associated with a dispreferred second in English are
presented as a series of optional elements (Yule, 1996).................................10
Table 3.1 Types Adjacency Pairs....................................................................17
Table 3.2 Preferences Structure......................................................................17


This chapter presents the introduction of the study. It consists of

background of the study, research question, objective of the study, significance of
the study, scope of the study.
1.1 Background of The Study
Language is tools of communication for humans, humans use language to
communicate with other humans. Yogatama (2011) states that a language is a
form of a rule symbol system that used in communicating and adapting to the
environment that is carried out to exchange ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Brown
(2000) says that language can be obtained from imitation, it means language is an
important thing for people to communicate with other people around. Language is
communication tool that is used to talk anything.
According to Weaver and Shanon (1949), communication is a type of
human connection in which people affect one another, whether consciously or
unconsciously (Wiryanto, 2004, p. 7). It can take many different forms, including
facial expressions, painting, art, and technology. To convey a message,
communication also involves discussion. Communication relies heavily on
conversation. Interaction between the speaker and the interlocutor always happen
in a conversation. There must be at least two participants in a discussion speaker
and the interlocutor. Turn taking, adjacency pairs, opening and closing
conversations are just a few of the crucial factors that both speakers and
interlocutors in conversation need to keep in mind. Adjacency pairs are the terms
used by Schegloff & Sacks (1973) to describe the conversation's sequence or
swing of phrase (Purwoko, 2008, p. 8).
According to Schegloff & Sacks (1973) adjacency pairs are sequences of
two utterances that are (1) side by side; (2) produced by different speakers; (3)
arranged as one first part and one second part; (4) has a type, so that a certain first
part requires a certain second part (or 10 different types of the second part)
(Purwoko, 2008, p. 88).


According to Yule (1996), an adjacency pair is a conversational section in

which each speaker takes one turn. In addition to having diverse speaking styles,
many speakers have unique conversational strategies. Adjacency pairs are the
naturally occurring conversational patterns. They always have a first part and a
second half that are created by different speakers. When one component of a pair
speaks, it immediately raises expectations for the other part to do the same. The
second portion of the response must be produced in order for the first part to be
considered complete and will be treated as such. The forms that are utilized to
determine the slots in adjacency pairs very significantly. Yule (1996) also gave an
example as follow:
(1)Anna : Hello! (greeting 1)
(2)Bill : Hi! (response greeting 1)
(3)Anna : How are you? (question 2)
(4)Bill : Fine (answer 2 for question 2)
(5)Anna : See ya! (leave taking 3)
(6)Bill : Bye (response for leave taking 3)
Based on the example above, the adjacency pair is the result of situation in
communication depend on purposes, and participant of the conversation itself.
Moreover, in doing the conversation, the second speaker may give the response to
the first speaker that is called as the preference structure.
According to Yule (1996) say in any adjacency pairs, silence in the second
part is always an indication of a dispreferred response. Indeed, silence often leads
the first speaker to revise the first part in order to get a second part that is not
silence from the other speaker. An example preference structure :
(A) Jack : May I add some sugar?
Waiter : Sure
(B) Lia : Do you want to join the concert next week?
Cheril : I’m sorry, I can joined
From the example above that has (A) is preferred response with request-
accept and (B) dispreferred response with invitation-refuse.
A discussion includes behaviors, such as the offering and accepting
behaviors known as preference structures. Preference structures, as defined by

Yule (1996), are patterns where one kind of utterance will be heard more
frequently in reaction to another kind of utterance in a conversational sequence. It
divides into social behaviors that people prefer and never like. Essentially, the
term "preference" refers to socially driven structural patterns rather than a person's
inner or outer wishes. According to Schegloff (2007), preferred reactions include
things like acceptance, granting, and agreement, whereas non-preferred responses
include things like rejection, denial, and disagreement. Positive responds include
things like acceptance, granting, and agreement.
This sequence or speech turn can be applied in the conversation between
the two main characters in the Encanto movie script. Character is a self-
description in a work. The characters are divided into two: protagonist and
antagonist characters. Researcher focus on the conversations of two main
characters to become research results.
The movie Encanto tells about the Madrigal family. They have the gift of
magic that can help people around where they live. This magic is given to each of
the Madrigal descendants, except for one person, Mirabel. Mirabel is someone
who doesn't have magic. She feels like she is useless for her family, she is looking
for reasons why this could happen. However, there is an odd problem when
Mirabel wants to know about her uncle Bruno who has disappeared. When it was
discovered that Bruno had disappeared after the magic coronation of Mirabel.
Bruno disappeared because the magic used did not match Alma's expectations.
Bruno felt disappointed with himself and then he disappeared without a trace. It
was then that Mirabel wanted to know it properly.
The researcher is interested in analyzing this movie because it has a
unique story that can be analyzed into adjacency pairs. A family with
extraordinary abilities that can help people is what makes this movie special. In
this movie, magic which is typically associated with evil is employed in the
interest of aiding the people. Each family has their own unique form of magic.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to conduct a
research entitled “Adjacency Pairs Analysis in Encanto Movie”.

1.2 Research Questions

After identifying the problem, it is necessary to formulate the problem
1. What are types of adjacency pairs used by two main characters of Encanto
movie Script?
2. What are preference structures of adjacency pairs used by two main
characters of Encanto movie script?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem mentioned above, the objective
of the reseach as follows:
1. To identify and explain the types of adjacency pair are used by two main
characters of Encanto Movie Script.
2. To identify and describe the preference structure are used by two main
characters in Encanto movie script.

1.4. Significance of Study

Based on the objectives of the research to be achieved, this research is
expected to have the following benefits:
1. This research is expected to provide additional knowledge for college
students majoring in English literature about analyzing conversations,
especially Adjacency Pairs.
2. The research results can be a reference for other researchers who are
interested in similar topics.

With this research, it is hoped that researchers can provide benefits for
others to continue to develop in researching the same topic. However,
conversation plays an important role in social relations.
1.5. Scope and Limitation
The scope used in this study is Pragmatics. This study focuses on the types
of adjacency pairs and preference structure using Yule's (1996) theory.
The limitation of this study is the movie Encanto by Bayron Howard.
Here, the researcher focuses on analyzing the utterances of the two main
characters of the movie Encanto. Researcher will take the data from the script of

the Charise Castro Smith and Jared Bush version of the Encanto movie by Bayron
Howard. Researcher only take one version in order to avoid confusion for readers
if researching multiple versions.


This chapter discusses about the basic concept of conversation analysis,

adjacency pairs, preferences structure.
2.1 Conversation Analysis
Conversation is an activity that everyone creates to develop their
relationship with each other. This activity is usually done by humans for various
purposes. Conversation Analysis (CA), according to Heritage (2006), focuses on
recorded conversations thorough, examines them for unique characteristics of
moment-by-moment production, and assesses the importance of utterances in light
of the action's surroundings. Conversation analysis focuses on evaluating the
meaning of the spoken words in relation to their context.
Conversation is the way that people socialize, form, and uphold their ties with
one another, claims Liddicoat (2007). And chatting is what takes place between
two people. Conversations have a beginning, middle, and end, just like any other
sort of literature, and this is true in more than just a simply sequential sense.
In this instance, conversation analysis is applied as a guide to comprehend
interaction. It has less to do with how people structure sentences or speeches than
it does with how they arrange discussions when speaking to others. The sequence
of interaction is the main emphasis of conversation analysis, which involves
analyzing what happens first and then what follows in a conversation (Nevile,
Rendle-Short, 2009). Aside from that, Schiffrin (1991) is In addition to
sociolinguistics, social psychology, ethnomethodology, ethnography of
communication, speech acts, pragmatics, communication theory, and variation
analysis, conversation analysis is one of many perspectives within a vast
discipline. Formal and informal communication are two common categories for
dialogue. Based on, Eggins and Slade (1997) categorize discourse is:
1. Pragmatic purpose: whether a conversation has a clear pragmatic or
2. Number of Interactants Involved: whether multilogue or dialogue.

3. Degree of Formality: whether a conversation employs colloquial

expression of politeness. The approach to the analysis of spoken
interaction known Conversation Analysis (CA).

In addition, Yule (1996) divides communication into three categories:

floor, turn, and turn-taking (attempts to gain control). Floor refers to the right to
talk. Turn-taking functions as a social action based on the regional management
framework. A local management system is essentially a set of rules for how to get,
use, and distribute turns. Cheny (2003) in conversational analysis, a wide range of
aspect of conversation has been investigated. These include opening and closing,
turn taking, adjacency pair, sequential organization, sequencing rules and
coherence. Therefore, analysis adjacency pairs has to contain the characters of
conversation analysis, for example analysing type of adjacency pairs and
preference structure.
2.2 Adjacency Pairs
An adjacency pair is an utterance made by two speakers who speak one
after the other in such a way that the second speaker can identify it as related to
the first speaker and the expected continuation of the first speaker's statement. The
second speaker is supposed to say the second section once the first speaker
finishes saying the first part (Richards, 1985). As a result, one aspect of listening
to the dialogue is the adjacency pair.
The fundamental elements of conversational structure and the primary
means by which meaning is conveyed and drew into dialogue are adjacency pairs.
Adjacency Pairs are a broad category of automatic sequences. They always have a
first part and a second half that are spoken by several speakers (Yule 1996). An
adjacency pair occurs when one speaker asks the next speaker to make a specific
kind of utterance, such as an inquiry and a response.
According to Yule (1996), the adjacency pairs consist five type, there are
greeting-goodye, question-answer, thanking-response, request-accept, and
insertion sequence. The explanation about each type of adjacency pairs are as

2.2.1 Type of Adjacency Pairs

According to the definition of adjacency pairs, utterances
are made by two different speakers, with the first speaker pausing to be
followed by the second. The second speaker will determine the response.
There are various types of adjacency pairs proposed by (Yule, 1996),
there are 5 type of adjacency pairs. They are:
1) Greeting-goodbye
Greeting-goodbye is the utterance of saying hello and salution.
Anna: Hello Bill: Hi.
Anna: How are you? Bill: Fine.
Anna: See ya! Bill: Bye.
(Yule, 1996)
2) Question-answer
Question can be formed into information seek or clarification
seek. It is about asking something to someone. It is responded
with information provide or clarification provide which is
referred as answer.
A: What time it it?
B: About eighty-thirty
(Yule, 1996)
3) Thanking-response
A: Thanks
B: You’re welcome
(Yule, 1996)
4) Request-accepted
Request-acceptance is the utterance produced by people when
the people request to someone and she/her acceptance.
A: Could you help me with this?

B: Sure
(Yule, 1996)
5) Insertion sequence
According to Yule (1996) the sequence will then take the form
of Q1-Q2-A1-A2, with the middle pair (Q2-A2) being called an
insertion sequence. An insertion sequence is one of adjacency
pair within another. This type are consists of making a request-
accepting the request. (Q1-A1), with an insertion sequence of a
question-answer pair (Q2-A2) which seems to function as a
condition on the acceptance (A1) being provided.
Agent: Do you want the early flight? (=Q1)
Client: What time does it arrive? (=Q2)
Agent: Nine forty-five. (=A1)
Client: Yeah-that’s great. (=A2)
(Yule, 1996)

2.3 Preferences Structure

Conversation is managed. Speaker and listener, or the first part and the second
portion, are at least two directions in a conversation. The passage carrying a
request or offer is typically given with the idea that the second will be acceptance,
acceptance being structurally more likely than rejection, Yule (1996). A
preference for a specific sort of second component distinguishes each of the
several forms of adjacency pairs. For instance, the second half of the response
includes favorable (positive) and unfavorable (negative) responses to invitations,
requests, and queries (Finegan, 1999). According to Yule (1996) the general
desired and preferred pattern was constructed in the shape of a table.
According to Yule (1996) the general pattern of preferred and dispreferred
Table 2.1 The General Patterns of Preferences Structure

Second Part
First Part
Preffered Dispreffered

Assessment Agree Disagree

Invitation Accept Refuse

Offer Accept Decline

Proposal Agree Disagree

Request Accept Refuse

Acceptance is the preferred result when requests or offers are viewed as the
initial components, while rejection is the incorrect result. The responses in each
second half of the instances all show preference. Therefore, acceptance and
agreement is the preferred second part response to an assessment [a], offer [b],
proposal [c], request [d].
First Part Second Part
a. Isn’t that really great? Yes, it is.
b. Want some coffee? Yes, please.
c. Maybe we cloud go for a walk That’d be great.
d. Can you help me? Sure.

According to Yule (1996), "the expression of a refusal (a dispreferred second)

can be accomplished without actually saying 'no'." People often choose to remain
silent before responding to an evaluation, invitation, offer, proposal, or request
instead of saying no. Yule (1996) further said that "in any adjacency pair, silence
in the second part is always an indication of a dispreferred response". In reference
to these issues, Yule (1996) created a table pattern in English that is connected to
a second that is not desired.
Table 2.2 Patterns associated with a dispreferred second in English are
presented as a series of optional elements (Yule, 1996)

How to do a dispreferred Examples

a. Delay/hesitate Pause; er; em; ah

b. Preface Well; oh

c. Express doubt I’m not sure; I don’t know


d. Token Yes That’s great; I’d love to

e. Apology I’m sorry; what a pity

f. Mention obligation I must do X; I;m expected in Y

g. Appeal for understanding You see; you know

h. Make it non-presonal Everybody else; out here

i. Give an account Too much work; no time left

j. Use mitigators Really; mostly; sort of; kinda

k. Hedge the negative I guess not; not possible

A pause in the dialogue might be used to imply a dissatisfied reaction from

the second portion. The response is expressed without stopping and has a
complete work, in contrast to the ideal response in the second half. The preferred
response to the second section similarly starts with an acknowledgement, an
apology, a declaration of acceptance or agreement, and is then followed by an
explanation (Finegan, 1999).
2.4 Encanto Movie
Walt Disney Animation will publish the Encanto movie, which has a
running time of 1 hour and 42 minutes, in 2021. Byron Howard and Jared Brush
shared the directing duties with Charise Castro Simth. In Encanto, the Madrigal
family is described. Colombia was chosen as both the backdrop and the source of
inspiration for the Madrigal family's tale through a wide range of customs, dances,
costumes, and music.
The film Encanto begins with a musical experience so beautiful. The film
features the latest line-up of songs by Emmy, GRAMMY and Tony Award winner
Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Encanto uses intricate, distinctive, and colorful outfits, which is a little
different from the previous movie. While narrating stories through song, every
detail is intended to match the beat and move with each character.

In the Colombian mountains, in Encanto, the Madrigals reside in a mansion

that has been used as a crime site. On Alma "Abuela" Madrigal, Encanto
performed a miracle. Alma has three identical twins: Bruno Madrigal, who can
predict the future, Julieta Madrigal, who can treat various illnesses by offering
food, and Pepa Madrigal, who can change the weather by changing her attitude.
Meanwhile, his grandchildren, Isabela, Luisa, Camilo, Antonio, and Dolores
also have their own strengths. Unfortunately, not with Mirabel who doesn't have
any power at all.
Mirabel has been attempting to live her life passionately for more than ten
years while accepting the fact that, unlike the rest of her family, she is not
talented. Isabela can manage flowers and has a sweet disposition, whereas Luisa
possesses a super power that can even move buildings. Even Mirabel expressed
dissatisfaction, saying Isabela appeared to have never experienced a bad hair day
in her life. Then there is Dolores, who has extremely sensitive hearing. Camilio,
who can transform into anyone, is another option. Then there is Antonio, who is
eagerly anticipating the day when his miracle will happen.
All ages may appreciate Encanto. Even better, it might serve as motivation
for kids who are having a hard time finding their identity. A picture that calms the
soul is one of Mirabel struggling amid the strife in each Madrigal family. Mirabel
not only overcame her limits but also embraced them as a part of what made her
family special.
2.5 Previous Studies
For the reason for writing this research, researcher is interested in learning
more. As a result, the topics chosen are relevant and provide some information.
Here are a few examples of previous studies:
The first previous study is "Adjacency Pairs In The Script Of Knight And
Day" by Muhammad Ihsan (2017). He analyzes adjacency pairs in a character
from the movie Knight and Day using an element from a movie script. The
pragmatic theory of adjacency pairs is the subject of the study. The result showed
13 types of adjacency pairs, they were greeting-greeting with amount 1.
Summons-Answer with amount 2, apology-minimization with amount 4,
question-answer with amout 19, request acceptance/refusal with amount 8, offer-

aacceptance/refusal with amount 2, blame-admission/denial with amount 4,

invitation-acceptance/refusal with amount 1, assessment-agreement/disagreement
with amount 6, command-compliance/incompliance with amount 9, suggestion-
acceptance/refusal with amount 1, assertion-agreement/disagreement with amount
6, announcement-acknowledge with amount 4.
The second previous study is “Conversational Style and Preference
Structure Used by Albus Potter In The “Harry Potter And The Cursed Child”
Novel” by Masita Winanda Rahman (2018). She uses the object of the novel to
examine conversational style and preference structure. This research found 150
utterances produced by Albus Potter; 103 utterances containing conversational
styles and 47 utterances containing preference structure (22 assessments, 1
invitation, 3 offers, 10 proposals, 11 requests).
The third previous study is "Preference Structure and Conversational Styles
Used by Ellen and Nate Seltzer In The Ellen Show" by Zeni Fitria Ningsih (2018).
She uses a talkshow object. Researchers focus on using theory pragmatics,
conversation analysis, preference structure and conversational style. The research
found 104 excerpts that show preferred response and 13 excerpts that show
dispreferred response.
The previous studies and this study have some similarities and differences.
The first similarity to the previous studies is the use of movie scripts as the
subjects used in the research. The differences of the first previous studies and this
research is theory used emphasizes pragmatics and adjacency pairs, whereas the
script for Encanto emphasizes discourse analysis and adjacency pairs. The
previous studies from the second and third researchers, who used novels and
talkshow, are comparable. The current researcher only uses the preference
structure component of the research as a reference for this study, despite the
second and third researcher’s focuses are on preference structure and
conversational style. The relevance study's contribution to this research is to
classify the components of the preference structure and evaluate the types of
adjacency pairs and their meanings.


This chapter describes four sub-chapters, they are research design, source
of data and data, research instrument, method of data collection, method of data
3.1 Research Design
This study will use qualitative methods. According to Denzin and Lincoln
(2005) and Creswell (2009), qualitative research by claiming that it collects data
using a naturalistic approach focusing on the meaning actors ascribe to their
actions. According to Bogdan and Taylor (1975), the methodology employed for
research methods that result in descriptive data is also included in qualitative
research. Data written in detail using descriptive language is known as data. The
purpose of this study is to describe in detail the types of adjacency pairs and
preference structures used in the Encanto movie script.
3.2 Source of Data and Data
The Encanto movie script directed by Bayron Howard and Jared Brush
will become the source of data of this study. This 101-page script was adapted
from the work of Jared Brush and Charise Castro Smith.
The data are conversations between the two main characters in the
Encanto movie script which contain types of adjacency pairs and preferences
3.3 Research Instrument
This study uses qualitative research, making the researcher herself the
main research instrument. Creswell (2009) states that the key instrument of the
qualitative research is the writer herself, because the researcher plays an important
role to collect the data in qualitative research. Another supporting instrument uses
in this research laptops and Encanto movie scripts were the study's instruments.
The scripts and movie that are seen will be matched by the researcher. using a
laptop to watch Encanto. Moreover, laptops are used to find Encanto movie
scripts, journal articles, and prior study on adjacency pairs.

A smartphone is another instrument that is used. To better understand what

is meant in this study, rewatches of the studied movie are done on smartphones.
The two main characters from the Encanto movie can also be located with this
3.4 Method of Data Collection
Content analysis was used to gather the research's data. According to
Krippendorff (2004), content analysis is a research method for drawing verifiable
conclusions about contexts of use from texts (or other meaningful material). In the
other hand, the data finding of utterances and sentences contained adjacency pairs
and preference structure in this research. Here are the steps in collecting the data:
1. Preparing the data
The researcher has to create an Encanto movie script matching
with the research's title as the data before beginning to gather it. In this
instance, the researcher select the Encanto script because he was
intrigued by the story of the movie.
2. Determining the data

To determine the data, researchers will focus on finding interesting

and amazing stories to collect data from. The researcher finally chose
to use the movie Encanto because it is interesting to analyze and has a
unique plot. As well, watching this movie can teach us many valuable
lessons about family, love, and life.
3. Selecting the data

In selecting the data, the researcher will watch several films that
would be research material. Then, the researcher will choose the
Encanto movie script as the data. Encanto is a film that tells a story
about Colombian teenage girl has to face the frustration of being the
only member of her family without magical powers.
4. Watching the Encanto movie
It is important for researchers to solve this research problem.
Because by watching this movie carefully, the researcher also marked
the words or sentences that contain adjacency pairs.
5. Reading Encanto movie script

This section is also important for researchers in research problems.

Because without a script the researcher will not get maximum results.
The researcher reads the script so that it can match the conversations in
the Encanto movie.

3.5 Method of Data Analysis

The analysis method is used to find out how the data is processed after
data collection. Miles, Humberman & Saldana (1994) define the analysis as
consisting of three streams of concurrent activity: data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification.
3.5.1 Data Reduction
Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing,
simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data that appear in
written-up field notes or transcriptions (Miles, Humberman &
Saldana 1994). In this study, researchers will obtain and collect
data from a conversation in a Encanto movie script. Then data is
collected to get the results to explain the types of adjacency pair
are used by two main characters of Encanto movie script and to
identify and describe the preference structure are used by two main
characters in Encanto movie script. So that the data get the
conclusions obtained and recorded.

3.5.2 Data Display

Data display means the process to simplify the data in the
form of sentences, narrative, or table (Miles, Humberman &
Saldana 1994). In displaying data, the researchers describe data by
tabulating of the kind of adjacency pairs and preference structure
into table.

Furthermore, to present data more consisely, there are

several codes used by researcher as follows:
GG : Greeting-goodbye
QA : Question-answer
TA : Thanking-response

RA : Request-accept
IS : Insertion sequence

Table 3.1 Types Adjacency Pairs

Analysis Data
No Code Data Pattern type of Adjacency Pairs

Table 3.2 Preferences Structure

Analysis Data
No Code Data Pattern type of Adjacency Pairs
Preferred Dispreferred

3.5.3 Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The third stage of the analysis activity is drawing
conclusions and verification. Conclusions are also verified as the
analyst proceeds. In conclusion, the researcher draws conclusions
based on the data obtained by verifying the type of adjacency pairs
and preference structure in the researcher's analysis through the
Encanto movie script. The conclusion is in the form of a narrative
consisting of a brief summary.
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