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Course teacher : Farjana Rahman

Student name : zinnia mahajabin
ID : ARC 054 05 617
What is Brick ???
A brick is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements
in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred to a unit composed
of clay, but it is now used to denote any rectangular units laid in mortar.
1.STRETCHER bond / common bond / American bond 21. Dutch bond
2. Running bond 22.Zig-zag bond
3. English bond 23.Silver lock's bond
4.English cross bond 24.Cross bond
5.Garden wall bound 25.Stack bond
6.Flamish garden wall bond 26.Soldier bond
7. English garden wall bond 27.header bond
8. Flemish bond 28.Bull header bond
9. Double Flemish bond 29.Chain bond
10.Flamish Diagonal bond 30.Monk bond
11.Rat-Trap bond
12. Single basket weave bond
13.Double basket weave bond
14.Herringbone bond
15.Della-Robbia bond
16.Pinwheel bond
17.Scottish bond
18.Heading bond
19.Facing bond
20.Raking bond
1.STRETCHER bond / common bond / American bond
1.course of headers five or six courses
2. header is always centered.
3. headers always align.
Strength: medium load bearing wall
Used in : residence, commercial
building wall , temporary work e.t.c
2.Running bond
1. 1/2 brick per course.
Strength: not load bearing wall
Used in : residence, commercial building
wall ,veneered wall e.t.c
3. English bond of stretchers and headers
Used in : residence, façade ,boundary wall e.t.c
Strength: over load bearing wall
4.English cross bond
Used in : residence, façade ,
boundary wall e.t.c
Strength: over load bearing
wall & electrical / sewerage
line transfer .
5.Garden wall bound
Three courses of stretchers to one of
Used in : residence, garden
boundary wall e.t.c
Strength: non load bearing wall
6.Flamish garden wall bond header to three or sometimes even five stretchers
Used in : residence, garden boundary wall e.t.c
Strength: non load bearing wall
7.Flemish bond
•Alternating headers and stretchers
in each course
Strength: over load
bearing wall
Used in : residence,
garden boundary
wall e.t.c
10.Flamish Diagonal bond
•Form of Flemish cross bond
• Courses are offset to form a diagonal pattern.
Strength: non load bearing wall
11.Rat-Trap bond
1.Also known as Chines bond.
2.Air cavity helps in keeping the building cool.

Strength: over load bearing wall

Used in : residence, office , school , floor e.t.c

Hide to the electrical line & pipe
Header bond
1.laid as headers on the faces.
Used in : residence, surface , safety partition
garden boundary wall e.t.c
Strength: over load bearing wall
Stack bond
vertical joints aligned

Used in : residence, school ,

building wall e.t.c

Strength: over load bearing wall

Dutch bond
1.Old English cross bond and consists of
alternate courses of headers and stretchers.
2.three-quarter brick bat provided at the quoin.

Used in : office, façade wall e.t.c

Strength: load bearing wall

Herringbone bond
laid at 45° in a zig-zag pattern.
Used in : residence, façade ,boundary
wall e.t.c

Strength: medium load bearing wall

Scottish bond
This bond has five courses of stretchers between
every course of headers.

Used in : office, façade wall e.t.c

Strength: load bearing wall

Zig-zag bond
Used in : residence, floor ,path way e.t.c

Strength: non load bearing wall

Pinwheel bond
Pinwheel bond is made of four bricks surrounding
a square half-brick, repeated in a square grid.

Strength: non load bearing wall

Used in : residence, garden boundary

wall e.t.c

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