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Good morning, teachers and friends. I hope you're all doing well today. Today, I will present
a story about "The 10 Virgins".

It tells of ten virgins who were waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom to a wedding feast.
Five of them were wise, having brought extra oil for their lamps, while the other five were
foolish, having only brought their lamps without extra oil. As they waited, all ten fell asleep.
When the bridegroom finally arrived in the middle of the night, the virgins woke up and
trimmed their lamps. However, the foolish virgins found that their lamps were going out due
to a lack of oil. They asked the wise virgins for some oil, but they refused, suggesting
instead that they go and buy some for themselves. While the foolish virgins were away
buying oil, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went into the wedding feast
with him. The door was then shut, and when the foolish virgins returned and pleaded to be
let in, the bridegroom replied, "Truly I tell you, I don't know you."

In this story, I learned the importance of being prepared and ready for important things. Just
like the wise virgins, we should be ready for whatever comes our way. The lesson that I
apply in my life is studying for a test. So, if I study and prepare ahead of time, I will feel
confident and ready for the test.

Closing Statement:
Thank you all for listening to the story of the ten virgins.

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